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词汇 performing arts
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performance arts───表演艺术

performance art───表演艺术

performance artist───表演艺术(performanceart的变形)

perforating guns───射孔枪

performance cars───性能车

performance artists───表演艺术(performanceart的变形)

performance targets───性能指标

perform feats───表演壮举



The Universuty of Iowa , Division of Performing Arts.───美国爱荷华大学表演艺术部门实习.

Nanjing, in particular to explore the outstanding local performing arts and production personnel.───尤其是发掘南京本土的优秀演艺和制作人才.

Art business, art performances and organizations, performing arts groups the organization and reception, foreign cultural exchanges.───艺术经营 、 文艺演出组织 、 演出艺术团组组织与接待 、 对外文化交流.

Later, the performing arts with innovative, progressive increase in the band accompaniment, while dance and sing.───后来随着表演艺术的不断创新, 逐步增加乐队伴奏, 边舞边唱.

AAPPAC Rules of Association, performing arts centres may apply to be Members or AAPPAC Business Circle.───据亚太表演艺术中心协会章程所定, 表演艺术中心或机构可申请成为正式成员或商业圈会员.

The performing arts centers and the street performances.───表演艺术中心及街头表演.

The performing arts is alive, and artists, I feel jealous.───真是活活的演艺家 、 文艺家, 使我心生嫉妒.

IETM is a membership organisation and network of performing arts professionals across European and worldwide.───IETM是 遍布欧洲和世界各地的,专为表演艺术专业人士设立的会员组织和网络.

There exists quite a large gap, however, between the performing arts and " creation of wealth. "───但是, 表演艺术与 [ 创造财富 ] 仍有一大段距离.

The performing arts include music ,dance, dramas and movies.───表演艺术包括音乐、舞蹈、戏剧和电影。

The performing arts include music , dance, dramas and movies.───而且既然你对表演艺术这部分很满意。

Wang is and performing arts classes Chaoqun, high prestige, is the first authoritative film industry.───掌班王华更是影艺超群, 威望甚高, 乃影界第一权威.

Wanchai boasts the Academy of Performing Arts, where everything from Chinese Opera to Shakespeare is performed.───湾仔拥有香港演艺学院,从京剧到莎士比亚的各种剧目都在这里上演。

Art Center exhibition hall from the arts, performing arts theater, art clubs, the Office of entertainment.───艺术中心由艺术展厅 、 演艺剧场 、 艺术会所 、 休闲娱乐厅组成.

The Performing Arts Center would feature a spectacular viewofthe Persian Gulf and of Abu Dhabis skyline.───表演艺术中心能看到迪拜附近美丽的海天一色的波斯湾大海.

Performing arts performing arts centers.───表演艺术表演艺术中心.

Sales for performing arts, spectator sports and related industries gained 21 percent.───表演艺术 、 观赏性体育运动以及相关行业的销售额增长了21.5%.

She should withdraw from the performing arts, had a happy life!───她应该退出演艺, 过快乐的生活!

The middle part of the bar to the performing arts, music for the first element.───中间部分的酒吧以演艺 、 音乐为至上元素.

The final right of interpretation is held by National Centre for the performing Arts. Thanks!───最终解释权归国家大剧院所有, 谢谢您的合作!

It is adjacent to Victoria Theatre, a popular venue for the performing arts.───紧靠在它旁边的是一个很受欢迎的表演艺术场所‘维多利亚剧院’.

Originally the mountain is an our country the essay performing arts house of the it.───赵本山是我国著名的小品表演艺术家.

By a of fashionable, creative and full of outstanding performing arts groups and economic elite component.───由一群时尚, 并满腹创意的优秀演艺群体和经济精英组成.

The performing arts include music, dance, dramas and movies.───表演艺术包括音乐 、 蹈 、 剧和电影.

Enjoy Ft . Lauderdale's restaurants, tours, performing arts and vibrant arts scene.───享受福特劳德戴尔的餐饮 、 旅游 、 艺术演出和充满活力的艺术氛围.

This song starts with students praying they get epted to the performing arts school.───这首歌起头于全体学生祈祷能够被表演艺术学校登科.

I've attended a course in the performing arts while I was in Beijing.───我在北京时就上过表演了.


It has a full-fledged performing arts school, from Grades 4-12, with an enrollment of 550 boys and girls.

She is doing a course in the performing arts.

In the performing arts department, a newly instituted internship program helped reduce labor costs.

Manifestations Gifts Creative talents in arts, literature, the performing arts.

The Performing Arts Department's total budget for the year was $6.3 million.

Wanchai boasts the Academy of Performing Arts, where everything from Chinese Opera to Shakespeare is performed.

Developments in the creative and performing arts coincided with only a slightly later phase.

Her responsibilities extended to cover the creative and performing arts, communication and cultural studies, and recreation and sports studies.

Our aim is to make the performing arts, museums and our heritage accessible to all.

  • performing task
  • performing normally
  • performing automatic ide conf
  • performing vessel




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