

词汇 perfect form
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perfect storm───完美风暴(电影名)

perfect foil───完美的陪衬

perfect storms───完美风暴(电影名)

perfect body───完美的身体

perfect platform───完美的平台

perfect ream───完美境界



perfect reams───完美的梦


there a perfect form of humanness behind all humans?───人类中有完美的人性吗?

We create the perfect form for each function.───我们创造了完美的形式,为每个功能。

there a perfect form of chairness behind all chairs?───的椅子中有完美的椅子的外形吗?

Nature of every small detail, a leaf, a drop of rain, a piece of crystal, a moment, and the nature connected to her perfect form.───自然界中每一位小细节、一片树叶、一滴雨水、一块水晶、一个瞬间,莫不是和整个大自然相连,共同组成她的完美。

You could have the perfect form according to accepted tennis instructional books and be the idol of your club.───你可能会根据接受网球教科的书的指导后培养出完美的动作,并且因此成为你所在的俱乐部的偶像。

Keep your body in a straight line and go as far as you can with perfect form.───保持身体呈一条直线并尽可能的向前走,同时保持标准姿态。

"Six Sigma" is a data-based, almost perfect form of quality management methods.───“六个西格玛”是一项以数据为基础,追求几乎完美无暇的质量管理方法。

Fu kept absorbing nutrient from poem style, and making narration fused with poetry and emotion to reach its perfect form.───赋不断从诗体中吸取养分,使体物铺叙和诗意抒情相融合,推动自身向更为完善的形态发展。

Is there a perfect form of humanness behind all humans?───在人类中有完美的人性吗?


Is it possible that it's our belief in a perfect form that we anthropomorphize into our gods?

Dale has a profound doubt about rationality; therefore he has never or daren't construct a perfect form system to build a perfect democracy.

  • perfect words
  • perfect oil
  • perfecting last foundation
  • perfect symphony
  • perfect sense
  • perfect man
  • perfection game
  • perfectionist pro
  • perfectly wrong
  • perfect competition
  • perfect nice
  • perfect kiss
  • perfect food
  • perfect round
  • perfect continuous
  • perfect red
  • perfect tenses
  • perfect companion




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