banana peel───香蕉皮
bean tree───豆子树
sandarac tree───桑达拉克树
banana peels───香蕉皮
banana prawn───墨吉对虾,墨吉尔虾
banana shrub───含笑花
China tree───楝树(等于chinaberry)
The banana tree has broad leaves.───香蕉树的叶子又宽又大。
It's a banana tree.───那是一棵香蕉树。
People can tell that this is a banana tree, or a peach tree, or an orange tree, by the fruit the tree produces.───人们可以凭借树结的果实辨别这是一棵香蕉树,还是桃树,还是桔子树。
You can try to tell people that this banana tree is an orange tree all you want, but the fruit will tell the truth.───你可以试图告诉人们,这棵香蕉树是一棵桔子树或一切你想说的,但果实会分辨事实。
But the books young Prabhakaran read, out on the veranda under the banana tree, were biographies of Alexander the Great and Napoleon.───但在香蕉树下的走廊上,年轻的普拉巴卡兰所读之书却是亚历山大大帝与拿破仑的传记。
The Banana Tree Once upon a time, there was a single banana tree in the jungle.───香蕉树很久以前在这片森林里面有一棵唯一的香蕉树。
You're banana group. Here's a plate of bananas and a banana tree for you.───你们是香蕉组,给你们一盘香蕉和一棵香蕉树。
The banana tree, swaying gently in the breeze, had a good crop of fruit.───香蕉树结满了果实,在微风中轻轻摇摆。
- banana bus
- banana splits
- banana tree
- banana plant
- banana cancer
- bananas constipation
- banana cream
- banana oil
- bananas in pajamas
- banana cici
- banana plus