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patch tests───n.斑片试验;皮肤过敏试验


scratch test───过敏性测验;划痕试验

bench test───[车辆]台架试验;小型试验(比实验室大,比中型试验小)

pap test───帕帕尼科拉乌(Papanicolaou)试验,巴氏早期癌变探查试验

patch reef───补丁礁



Some patients with acne vulgaris, papular urticaria and lip hyperpigmentation also had positive patch test.───痤疮 、 丘疹性荨麻疹、唇部色素沉着亦有阳性结果.

We advise you to do a patch test before application.───因此在使用任何一种新的化妆品前,建议你在局部试用.

Then a suitable statement of patch test for axisymmetric solid nonconforming element is presented.───导出了轴对称非协调元分片检验中检验函数的形式,其位移函数是一种不完全的线性函数.

There is also a patch test in which an ethanol - soaked pad is applied to the skin.───还有一种皮肤过敏试验,是通过一张乙醇浸泡过的垫子与皮肤直接接触来测试的.

Methods Patch test ( PT ) were performed in 747 allergic patients with 7 various occupations.───方法7种不同职业747例过敏性患者行斑贴试验.

To pass the patch test , the constant strain matrix is modified.───通过修正常应变矩阵,确保单元通过分片检验.

By this meshless method, we solved patch test, torsion of elastic cylinder and cantilever beam, and compared the numerical results with those of FEM and other meshless methods.───用这种无单元法求解小片算例、弹性柱体的扭转以及悬臂梁算例,并与FEM、其它无网格方法求得的这些算例的数值解作对比。

Objective To investigate the role of patch test in eyelid eczematous dermatitis.───探讨斑贴试验在眼睑皮炎湿疹中的作用.

Each cases was conducted the patch test of Isoniazid, Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol streptomycin.───每例进行异烟肼、利福平、吡嗪酰胺、乙胺丁醇、链霉素的斑贴试验。

Meanwhile, the positive rate of Ethanol Patch Test were also of statistical differences among them.───同时,不同浓度的乙醇贴膏试验在三组人群间表现出的阳性率也不相同。


Each cases was conducted the patch test of Isoniazid, Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol streptomycin.

We advise you to do a patch test before application.

Is the atopy patch test with house dust mites specific for atopic dermatitis?

Skin Test: Same as Patch Test.

Methods Patch test ( PT ) were performed in 747 allergic patients with 7 various occupations.

Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and create good sentences.

There is also a patch test in which an ethanol - soaked pad is applied to the skin.

There is also a patch test in which an ethanol - pad is applied to the skin.

Objective To investigate the role of patch test in eyelid eczematous dermatitis.

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