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词汇 party play
释义 party play
party play发音



party plan───聚会计划,茶会方式

part way───半途;部分地

party boat───钓鱼船;派对船

party hat───派对帽;晚会帽;(警车、急救车等的)车顶灯

party man───政党党员

party poop───在社交聚会上无精打彩令人扫兴的人

satyr play───羊人剧

party boats───钓鱼船;派对船

party piece───某人经常在社交场合表演的文娱节目


Question: What role does China play in the Six-Party Talks?───记者问:中国在六方会谈中发挥什么样的作用?

Emulative election is a political party play is due functional requirement.───竞争性选举是政党发挥应有功能的必要条件。

Next time, despite all the tricks Mr Mugabe and his party are sure to play, they could well lose again.───下一次,尽管穆加贝和他的政党肯定会耍花招,但是他们很可能会再次输掉。

Solo play is not always fun, there will be some parts of the game which needs party play to enjoy.───SOLO并不总是有趣的,游戏中会有一些部分必须团队才能享受到乐趣。

There is a club in the east of the village, in where people can take party, play chess, internet chat. . .───村子东边有一个俱乐部,人们可以在那儿聚会、下棋、上网聊天…

Promote the leadership is a complicated systems engineering should invoke the party play a key role in the government;───政府领导力提升是一项复杂的系统工程,应当诉求于发挥党在政府中的核心作用;


Emulative election is a political party play is due functional requirement.

He had no time to prepare for the party, play by ear.

  • party dance
  • party tour
  • party now
  • party here
  • party food
  • party plan
  • party planner
  • party me
  • party time
  • party shaker
  • party is on
  • party club
  • party and play
  • party queen
  • party go
  • party hats
  • party day
  • party play
  • party house
  • party on
  • party planning




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