

词汇 out of fashion
释义 out of fashion
out of fashion发音


不流行; 不兴


in/out of fashion───流行/过时

out of action───损坏;不运转;失去作用

of fashion───时尚的

out of favor───不受喜欢;失宠;得不到某人的尊重、赞同等

out of season───过时;不合时宜;失去时机

retro fashion───复古时装

to fashion───时尚

out of commission───损坏的;退役的;不能使用的

heat of fusion───[热]熔解热;[热]熔化热


When did this style of dress go out of fashion?───这种式样的衣服什么时候变得不流行了?

His etchings and drawings never went out of fashion.───他的蚀刻画和素描从不过时.

Better be out of the world than out of fashion.───与其不合潮流,不如超脱红尘.

When did that style of dress go out of fashion?───那种式样的服装是什么时候不时兴的?

Arable sheep farming went out of fashion.───靠农业养羊不再风行了.

Sometimes what is out of fashion can come back into fashion.───有时过时的东西会重新流行起来。

This clothes style is out of fashion.───这种衣服式样已经不兴了.

Marriage seems to be going out of fashion.───婚姻似乎快要过时了。

Don't you think classical music is a little out of fashion?───你不觉得古典音乐有一点不合时宜 吗 ?

Slang often goes in and out of fashion quickly.───俚语往往很快风行起来又很快不再风行了.

Blue is out of fashion, Yellow is coming into fashion.───蓝色已过时, 现在开始流行黄色了.

That colour has gone out of fashion.───那种颜色已不时兴了。

Short skirts are out of fashion.───短裙不流行了.

Some styles never go out of fashion.───有些款式永远不会过时。

People shelve the out - of - fashion moral icon and espouse the philosophy of egoism.───搁置了人民的时尚图标和拥护道德哲学的利己主义.

All the clothing at the store are out of fashion.───这店里的衣服都不流行了.

Their style of clothing tends to go out of fashion quickly.───他们穿衣服的风格,是倾向于很容易被潮流淘汰的那一类型.

Slangs often go in and out of fashion quickly.───俚语常常流行得快,过时得也快.


Bell-bottomed pants are out of fashion now.

Marriage seems to be going out of fashion.

Better be out of the world than out of fashion

Their music will never go out of fashion .

Fur coats have gone out of fashion.

Bravery never goes out of fashion.

Some styles never go out of fashion.

That colour has gone out of fashion.

The classic look never goes out of fashion.

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