

词汇 balanced diets
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balanced diet───均衡饮食

balanced tickets───决算单;余额凭单

balanced lines───[电]平衡线路

balanced rudders───平衡舵

balanced ticket───决算单;余额凭单

balance pipes───平衡管

balance points───平衡点

balance sheets───资产负债表

balanced funds───平衡基金


Modern people tend to have ill-balanced diets which may cause various diseases of cancers, hypertension and diabetes followed by problematic syndromes in the heart, liver, kidneys and psyche.───现代人的生活饮食,都有偏食的习惯,所以开始有癌症、高血压,糖尿病等疾病,继而心脏、肝脏、肾脏和精神官能等疑难杂症也随之急剧增加。

Here, traditional Chinese medicine excels. It pioneered interventions like healthy and balanced diets, exercise, herbal remedies, and ways to reduce everyday stress.───在此,中医药胜出。中医药开拓了一系列干预措施,如健康和平衡的饮食,运动,草药以及减少日常压力的种种方法等。

Balanced diet? I don't do very well with balanced diets. But you know a lot about nutrition! Maybe you could help me?───均衡的饮食?我好象在这方面做得不太好。但是你在营养方面了解很多。也许你能帮我。

Balanced diet? I don't do very well with balanced diets. But you know a lot about nutrition! Maybe you could help me?───有均衡的饮食?我好象在这方面做得不太好。但是你在营养方面了解很多。也许你能帮我。

Potatoes can be important staple foods, but balanced diets need to include other vegetables and whole grain foods.───马铃薯能够作为重要的主食,但是平衡的膳食需要包括其他蔬菜和全谷物食品。

are e encouraged to take We exercise and eat balanced diets, which does more good than harm to our health.───我们被鼓励锻炼,平衡膳食,并享受生活,这对健康有益无害。

The suggestion that the doctor gives is that we shall have regular work and rest, proper exercise, and pay attention to balanced diets.───医生的建议是,要有规律的作息,适当的进行锻炼,注意平衡膳食。

  • balanced sentence
  • balanced performance
  • balanced equations




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