hanging committee───绞刑委员会
planning committee───计划委员会;规划委员会
standing committee───常务委员会
hanging committees───常务委员会
planning committees───规划委员会
standing committees───常务委员会
steering committee───指导委员会
action committee───行动委员会
in committee───在委员会审议中
The Organizing Committee will also select an official time - keeper for both competitions.───组委会将为每场比赛安排一位官方计时员.
Gloves and protective gears will be provided by the Organizing Committee.───(三)比赛拳套和护具由组委会准备.
Claire and Alita were on the organizing committee.───克莱尔和阿利塔都曾是组委会成员。
The welcoming reception of the 29 th Olympic Games Organizing Committee now begins.───第29届奥运会组委会欢迎招待会现在开始.
was proud to be part of the organizing committee and to have Dr Margaret Chan the Director-General participate in 2007.───有幸加入了组委会,陈冯富珍总干事亲自参加了2007年会议。
The Organizing Committee office is on the third floor.───组委会办公室设在3层.
With the forum approaching, I'm writing this letter on behalf of the organizing committee to inform you that as the speaker of the forum, please make sure you can work at a given time and place.───随着论坛临近,我代表组委会写这封信通知您:作为论坛的主讲者,请确保您可以在指定的时间和地点工作。
Claire and Beryl were on the organizing committee.───克莱尔和贝丽尔是组委会成员。
DV Creation Contest shall be explained by Nationwide Organizing Committee.───DV创作大赛最终解释权归全国组委会所有.
The Organizing Committee will also accept registrations from individuals.───大会组委会亦接受个人报名.
A : Or, we may also ask the Organizing Committee'' s office.───或者, 我们也可以问问组委会办公室嘛.
Who is the president of the organizing committee?───谁是组委会主任?
The NABX Organizing Committee thanks you for your feedback!───组织委员会的NABX谢谢你你的反馈!
Any requests for booking hotel, please contact organizing committee in advance.───如需订宾馆房间请提前与组委会联系.
A : Secretariat of the Organizing Committee. May I help you?───这里是组委会秘书处, 请问有什么事?
And the Organizing Committee will provide food for all participants.───组委会为各位提供膳食.
The organizing committee is appealing for volunteers to step forward.───组织委员会号召志愿者自告奋勇.
He is a member of the organizing committee for the conference.───他是大会组织委员会的成员之一.