

词汇 only tree
释义 only tree
only tree发音



holly tree───冬青树

money tree───摇钱树;金钱树

money trees───摇钱树;金钱树

bully tree───霸王树

bay tree───月桂树

hall tree───门厅树

may tree───山楂


Any read-only tree operation is thread-safe as long as there isn't any thread modifying it.───所有只读的树操作都是线程安全的,只要没有线程修改它。

It grows up out of cellar gratings. It is the only tree that grows out of cement.───它从地下室的格栅里伸出,它也是唯一能在水泥地里长出来的树。

The only tree bark I know that humans consume is cinnamon. So, I'll say cinnamon.───我唯一了解的人类用得着树皮的食物是肉桂。所以我说是肉桂。

And this is not the only tree, " said Edmund with his mouth full of apple. " Look there-and there.───还不止一棵呢。“爱德蒙嘴里塞满了苹果,吐字含糊不清。”看那儿,还有那儿。

Leaves to know that she is no longer the only tree, but she is still a strong adherence.───叶子知道,她不再是树的唯一,但她还在强烈的坚持。

XMLWriter allows you to do a preview-only tree view, but does not allow you to edit in that view or use it to jump to a navigable pane.───XMLWriter可以让您查看仅预览树视图,但不允许在该视图中编辑,也不允许用它跳转到可浏览窗格。

When I wept childish tears as they cut down the only tree in our tenement yard, I knew I would plant a tree everywhere I lived.───小时候,看到我们宅院里仅有的一棵树被砍倒时我落泪了,我知道以后每到一处居住,我都会种下一棵树。

Inspection of the photo scene revealed a small living stem in the region of the tiger tail, which is the only tree in that area.───在拍照现场调查中,发现一个小的活树枝位于老虎尾巴区域,那是那一区域的唯一的树。

  • only for u
  • only to some
  • only in this way can you
  • only for your
  • only memory
  • only you just
  • only long
  • only lfur
  • only for man
  • only let go
  • only love you
  • only write
  • only wish
  • only beautiful
  • only of
  • only only we know
  • only the first
  • only success
  • only watch
  • only gay
  • only tree




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