

词汇 only too
释义 only too
only too发音




only hope───只有希望

all too───实在太…

none too───一点也不

only if───只要……就;只是在……的时候;只有

only way───唯一方法

only thing───唯一的事情;仅有的事情

curly top───卷顶病

dolly tub───洗衣桶;精选桶

only just───刚刚才;恰好


I'd be only too glad to help.───我非常愿意帮忙。

With Brandt we understood his basic point only too well.───对勃兰特,我们对他的心思摸得太透了.

If you'd like me to help you, I'd be only too glad to.───若要我帮忙,我非常愿意效劳。

She remembered only too well the suffrings and humiliations of poverty.───从前的穷苦屈辱,她一辈子也忘不了.

I had no doubt that the craven fellow would be only too pleased to back out.───我毫不怀疑那个胆小的家伙巴不得撒手退出呢.

It is only too true that she cannot be relied upon.───她不可靠竟是真的.

I was only too glad to help him if he asked.───如果他提出来,我乐得帮助他.

Far from resenting such tutelage, I am only too glad to avail myself of it.───我决不憎恨这种教育,相反, 我十分高兴对它加以利用.

The letter spoke only too clearly of his anxiety for her.───那封信再明白不过地倾诉了他对她的渴望。

I'll be only too pleased to help them out with any queries.───我非常乐意为他们答疑解惑。

Tom was only too pleased to come.───汤姆非常愿意来.

They both knew only too well what was upsetting Kuei Chang - lin .───她们全知道 桂长林 为什么发牢骚.

I was only too pleased to help.───我非常乐意帮忙。

This is a kind of mistake which is only too common.───这种错误实在是太普遍了.

It's only too true.───这完全是事实.

" Ah , yes, " thought Braille. " I know what that is. I know only too well! "───“ 是呀, ” 布莱叶暗自想道, “ 我知道那是什么, 知道得太清楚了. ”

It's only too natural that he will be thwarted in his ambitions.───他的图谋将遭到挫败是很自然的事.

When the new baby comes along it is only too easy to shut out the others.───新生儿出世后,其他孩子极容易受到冷落。


Far from resenting such tutelage, I am only too glad to avail myself of it.

  • only for u
  • only to some
  • only in this way can you
  • only for your
  • only memory
  • only you just
  • only long
  • only lfur
  • only for man
  • only let go
  • only love you
  • only write
  • only wish
  • only beautiful
  • only of
  • only only we know
  • only the first
  • only success
  • only watch
  • only gay
  • only tree




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