

词汇 only the first
释义 only the first
only the first发音



from the first───从头,自始;从一开始

fly the nest───离开父母

hold the fort───代管;留守

on the flat───没有让步条件的

on the fritz───发生故障;出毛病

to play the field───在球场上比赛

buy the farm───阵亡;买下农场(死了);突如其来的不正常死亡


That's a lot of information, and that's only the first third of the book!───很多的内容吧!别忘了这只是本书的前三分之一。

This is only the first draft of my speech.───这只是我演讲的初稿。

two developments, in only the first day of meetings, shows mixed results for President Obama in his first G8 summit.───仅仅在第一天所取得的两个进展,就让奥巴马总统参加的第一届G8峰会亦喜亦忧。

But, revolutionary as it is, the agile movement is only the first step into a more complex and rewarding development practice.───然而,虽然灵活运动具有革命性,但它毕竟只是更复杂更有益的开发实践的第一步。

The List To Group projection can only be used for lists, and it turns the list into a group by retaining only the first item of the list.───ListToGroup映射仅可用于列表,它通过仅保留列表的第一个项目将列表转化成一个组。

"We must recognise the fact that adequate food is only the first requisite for life, " he said in his Nobel speech.───他在诺贝尔奖的演说中说到:“我们必须得认识到这样一个事实,充足的食物只是人类生存的首要必需品。”

Perhaps Pluto is only the first of many similar objects orbiting in the darkness far beyond the sun.───也许冥王星只是在离太阳很远的一片黑暗中沿轨道运行的许多类似天体中的第一个。

Nevertheless, only the first would be, according to the logicians, able to be submitted to what can be called criticism.───可是,依照逻辑专家,首先它要能够做到的是,承受所谓的「批评」。

So, if ultrasonic wave is used to determine SIF, only the first one passing through the front (or rear) surface of the specimen can be used.───要用超声波确定应力强度因子,只能采用透出试件前(或后)表面的第一个纵波信号。


The mayor is only the first of 15 council members, his one vote no stronger than that of the other 14.

In vitro fertilisation is only the first of a long line of reproductive technologies which may be developed in the future.

Powell predicted that Los Angeles would be only the first of a long series of riots and episodes of lawlessness.

Devising an evocative name is only the first hurdle.

The measure is not only the first full-scale law passed by the Supreme Soviet in its new incarnation as a professional legislature.

Only the first two zonal harmonics were included.

Only the first would Niki have the slightest chance of repaying.

This is only the first draft of my speech.

That was only the first occasion that Chairman Khrushchev reminded Chairman Mao that the paper tiger had nuclear teeth.

  • only for u
  • only to some
  • only in this way can you
  • only for your
  • only memory
  • only you just
  • only long
  • only lfur
  • only for man
  • only let go
  • only love you
  • only write
  • only wish
  • only beautiful
  • only of
  • only only we know
  • only the first
  • only success
  • only watch
  • only gay
  • only tree




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