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词汇 old saying
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cold starting───冷起动

role playing───扮演角色






There is an old saying that "we are what we eat". Obviously this is an oversimplification.───有这样一句古老的谚语,“吃啥像啥”。这一认识显然过于简单化了。

Chris would have been well advised to heed the old saying "Never bite the hand that feeds you."───克里斯本应听从那句老话——“千万不要恩将仇报”。

As the old saying goes : " Flowers are pleasant to look at but hard to grow ", it is much difficult to grow camellias.───正如俗话所说 “ 看花容易栽花难 ”, 栽培茶花是很不容易的.

We also realize the truth of that old saying: Charity begins at home.───我们也明白那句老话很有道理:仁爱始于家庭。

So goes an old saying, God's mill grinds slow but sure.───有句古老的谚语说: “ 天网恢恢,疏而不漏. ”

Chinese old saying indicates, " Even brothers do accounts correctly. "───中国有句古话 “ 亲兄弟,明算帐. ”

And like the old saying goes, you only get one chance.───就如一句老话, 你只能得到一次机会.

Might come true the old saying: spicy ginger or older.───亦或应验了一句老话: 姜还是老的辣.

Opportunity meets the prepared mind , as the old saying goes.───正如俗话所说,机遇只归属那些有生理准备的人.

calm wisdom in this old saying that impressed me when I heard it first from a monk of a Buddhist monastery in China.───这句中国的古语里有种平静的智慧,它给我的印象很深,最初是由中国佛教寺院中的一位和尚告诉我的。

Tony sprang to the defence of the 21-year-old, saying he was not to blame.───托尼马上站出来为那个21岁的男孩辩护,说那不是他的错。

There is an old saying that in hard times public opinion turns to the left.───有一句老话说:在艰苦的时候,公众意见就左倾.

It is an old saying that all is not gold that glitters.───古话说,“闪光的不全是金子. ”

We also realize the truth of that old saying: Charity begins at home.───我们也明白了那句老话的道理:仁爱始于家庭。

What do you think of the old saying:'spare the rod , spoil the child. "?───你对 " 孩子不打不成器 " 这句老话怎么看?

You know the old saying: Monkey see , monkey do!───你知道这句俗谚: “有样学样”吧.

As the old saying goes , where there's a will , there's a way.───古话说, 有志者事竟成.


We also realize the truth of that old saying: Charity begins at home.

There is an old saying that there are three kinds of intelligence: human, animal and military.

It is an old saying that you can not tell a book by its cover.

There is an old saying that "we are what we eat". Obviously this is an oversimplification.

The team is living proof of the old saying that it's not whom you play that counts, but when you play them.

"Practice makes perfect," as the old saying goes.

The old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words is a gross underestimate in the computer world.

There's an old saying in Tennessee - I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again. George W. Bush 

There is an old saying: Be careful what you pray for, lest your prayers be answered.

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