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词汇 oil palm
释义 oil palm
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oil palms───[作物]油棕;油棕榈树

oil pan───油盘

oil pans───油盘

royal palm───[园艺]王棕

coco palm───椰子树

doom palm───n.埃及姜果棕

doum palm───豆瓣

oil meals───油粕粉,[肥料][畜牧]油饼粉

oil paint───油漆;油画颜料;[涂料]油性涂料


Activists say that oil palm plantations , along with logging, is threatening animals such as wild orangutans.───保育人士表示,油棕树农园扩张加上森林砍伐, 正威胁野生的红毛猩猩等动物.

However fertilizer oil palm in Thailand have tended to emphasize N and P more than K.───然而,泰国现在油棕榈的施肥状况,比起钾来,更偏向重视氮和磷.

So the corporation had better expand oil palm cultivation.───那么公司正好扩大油棕榈种植了.

Exports: cotton, crude oil, palm products, cacao.───出口: 棉花, 重油, 棕榈产品, 可可.

Indonesia planted roughly half a million hectares of oil palm a year, mostly on recently deforested land.───在2000年到2006年间,印尼每年大约种植了约五十万公顷的油棕榈,它们几乎都是被种植在新辟出的林地上。

Fruit from one of Malaysia's largest oil - palm plantations rolls to mill over a light railway.───马来西亚最大油棕榈种植园之一的棕榈果实通过一条轻便铁道被运送到加工厂.

In Indonesia, oil palm, a productive source of cooking oil and biodiesel, offers the biggest reason to clear.───在印尼,作为食用油和生物柴油的一个高产来源,大面积种植油棕榈树成为了当地人砍伐森林的一个主要原因。

China, which has agreed to build and renovate 6,000km of roads in Congo, reportedly wants to cultivate oil palm there on a massive scale.───中国,已和刚果达成协议,修建和翻新6,000千米的公路,报道称目的是为了在那里大规模种植油棕。

The results of investigation of the rubber and oil palm industries are reported.───报道了对马来西亚橡胶与油棕产业的考察结果.


In the former, the key cash crop was oil palm, and in the latter cotton.

Also visit to the small holding oil palm estate to see the harvesting.

If Borneo's forests are cleared for oil palm plantations then the endangered orangutan may become the first Great Ape to go extinct at the hands of humans.

Most of the world's oil palm is grown on giant plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia, where campaigners have documented continuing deforestation to meet growing world demand.

Activists say that oil palm plantations , along with logging, is threatening animals such as wild orangutans.

The results of investigation of the rubber and oil palm industries are reported.

So the corporation had better expand oil palm cultivation.

This paper explored the sources of various oil palm planting materials, and summarized the producing of main palm oil products.

It starts with oil palm plantations, which bring money so people can enjoy better lives.

  • oily stormwater drainage
  • oily food
  • oily forehead
  • oil paint
  • oil slick
  • oilcloth cosmetic bag
  • oil shower
  • oily rags
  • oil and gas
  • oily hair
  • oiliness mean
  • oil ex
  • oil patch
  • oil production
  • oils and fats
  • oil price
  • oiled oak
  • oils of life
  • oilingel cleanser
  • oil deposit
  • oil burner




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