to dirty───弄脏
down and dirty───又脏又脏
Green Party───绿党(关于环境的政府部门)
eat dirt───含垢忍辱(等于eatboiledcrow)
hen party───妇女的聚会
Above-ground public facilities in the Russian capital are few and far between, often dirty and usually charge a fee.───俄罗斯首都的地面公共设施少而稀,而且通常很脏还要收费。
state of Malaysia's public toilets has become a hot-button issue, with tourists saying they were often dirty and lacked basic items such as soap and paper.───马来西亚公共洗手间卫生状况的问题已经成为人们街谈巷议的一个热门话题,外国游客对此更是怨声载道,他们声称那些地方总是显得很脏而且缺乏诸如香皂和卫生纸等必备物品。
BOILER rooms are often dirty and steamy, but this one is pristine and cool.───锅炉房给人的印象多是潮湿脏乱,然而眼前这个则干净清爽。
BOILER rooms are often dirty and steamy, but this one is pristine and cool.───锅炉房通常给人的印象是脏而潮湿的,但是眼前这间却干净而凉爽。
- often dirty
- often wet
- often class
- often r