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词汇 office hours
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office holders───官员;公职人员

office boys───小弟;工友

office door───办公室门

office jobs───办公室工作

office work───n.办公室工作;事务;内业

office works───n.办公室工作;事务;内业

office workers───上班族


office blocks───办公大楼


Our telephone lines are open during normal office hours.───我们的电话在正常办公时间一直开通。

After you registered online, please pick up your information kit at the hosting school office hours.───如果您是通过网上申请注册, 您可以到当地合作学校获取一份指导手册.

You should be aware that spaces designated office must remain so even after office hours.───不仅如此,我的月经也是反复不定,有时候正常,有时候却推迟或者提前.

The service is supplemented by staff operators during office hours to handle more complicated enquiries.───在办公时间内,中心会有职员接听电话,处理较复杂的查询.

I will contact you if i am available. I surf the internet during office hours.───有时间我会与你联系的,我平常上班时间才能上网.

All tutors have office hours when they are available for personal consultation.───所有的老师都安排有相应的个人辅导时间.

He lost a whole year's bonuses for moonlighting during office hours.───他因利用上班时间干私活被罚没全年奖金.

My office hours are 8 : 30 to noon.───我的办公时间是 8点 半到中午12点.

Do not telephone during office hours.───办公时间请勿打电话.

Our gate access and office hours vary by location.───我们的大门和办公室使用时间因地点而异.

Graduate assistants might teach, give tests , grade work, assist professors with research and hold office hours.───研究生助教可能会上课 、 出考卷 、 打分 、 帮助教授做研究乃至坐班.

On an average, he gets three calls per hour during office hours.───多数情况下, 他在上班时间每小时要接到三个电话.

If you have any queries, please call Anne Fisher during office hours.───如有疑问,请在办公时间致电安妮·费希尔咨询。

By the way, our office hours are nine to five, Monday through Friday.───顺便说一下, 我们的工作时间是周一到周五,每天早九点到下午五点.

I'm always on . But my office hours are between 7 and 7 or 8 and 8.───我随时待命. 但正式办公时间是早7点到晚7点,或是早8点到晚8点.

Emergency repairs can be reported out of normal office hours by contacting this phone number.───应急修理可以通过联系以下电话号码在非上班时间上报.

Office hours are from 9 am. to 5 pm.───办公时间从上午九点到下午五点.

Should there be any enquiries, please feel free to contact the secretariat during office hours.───如有任何疑问, 欢迎于办公时间内联络比赛秘书处.

are your office hours ?───你的办公时间是几点到几点?

Staff are not allowed to make personal call during office hours.───在上班时间,工作人员不准打私人电话.

Let's not talk shop outside office hours.───工作时间以外我们别谈公事.

Graduate assistants might teach, give tests , great grade work, assist professors with research hold office hours.───研究生助教可能会上课 、 出考卷 、 评分 、 协助教授搞研究.

If you have any questions, please call Anne Fisher at 555-6203 during office hours.───如有疑问,请在办公时间致电555-6203找安妮·费希尔。

The office hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.───办公时间从上午8点到下午5点.

You'll have to do it outside office hours.───你得在上班以外的时间做这件事.

Please call me during my office hours.───请在我办公时间打电话给我.

This application is available for inspection office hours at Environmental Protection Department, [ Address ].───申请书可于办公时间内在环境保护署 〔 地址 〕 供公众查阅.

Phone us on this number during office hours.───上班时间打这个电话给我们。

You cannot dream away the office hours.───你不能在想入非非中混掉办公时间.

Michael: Don't forget to throw in a little about the meaning of office hours.───迈克尔: 也别忘了讲一讲公司办公时间的事呀.


Office hours are from 9 am. to 5 pm.

  • office parties
  • office diary
  • office supplies
  • office boy
  • office rent
  • officer down
  • office time
  • office block
  • office mate
  • office wife
  • office buildings
  • office building
  • office play
  • office blocks
  • office machines




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