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词汇 bad lot
释义 bad lot
bad lot发音



a bad lot───一个坏蛋;狐群狗党

back lot───露天片厂

bad trot───霉运期


bad hat───坏蛋;不道德的人



lad lit───男性文学;蠢驴电影

odd lot───散股;零星交易


That is the good news.The bad news is there isn't a text that fits this syllabus, so we choose readings from various sources.And the text that I have chosen is the best of a bad lot.───那是个好消息,坏消息是,没有与课程大纲对应的课本,我们从很多的资源中选取阅读材料,我选的课本不过是糟粕中的精华。

He was not such a bad lot as to round on his comrades - in - arms .───他不是坏得会出卖自己的 战友 的那种人.

Always a bad lot.───他人头儿很次.

He seems the best out of a bad lot!───他看起来是众多“坏家伙”中最好的了!

He is thought to have been picked ahead of his two older brothers solely because he is the least bad of a bad lot.───他在其两个哥哥之前被选为候选人单纯因为他是在一帮没出息的家伙里面稍微有才的一个。

He is a bad lot in business.───他是个无商业道德的人.

They're a bad lot.───他们是一君坏蛋.

He's got a bad lot , to be struck by such calamities.───他的命真苦, 遭遇了这样的天灾人祸.

The prospect for equities may not be great, in other words—but they may still be the best of a bad lot.───股票的前景也许不那么好,但换句话说,它仍好比是一群矬子里最高的一个。


He's not a bad lot - just a bit wild.

always a bad lot.

He's got a bad lot , to be struck by such calamities.

They're a bad lot.

He was not such a bad lot as to round on his comrades - in - arms .

He was a bad lot and it was just one of those things.

He seems the best out of a bad lot!

He is a bad lot in business.

Always a bad lot.

  • bad request
  • badgerow park north
  • badly needed
  • badgered 2005
  • bad on
  • bad liar
  • bad list
  • bad faith
  • bad hat harry productions
  • bad luck
  • bad for us
  • badian spice
  • bad blood ft
  • bad on me
  • bad way
  • bad day daniel powter
  • bad management
  • bad year san e
  • badly organized
  • bad maslow foods
  • bad land




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