

词汇 No I didn
释义 No I didn
No I didn发音



no kidding───说真的,不要开玩笑

no dice───不行

no kidding!───说真的,不要开玩笑


told him that I thought they were rather bland and unimaginative. Functional, like a penis. No, I didn't say that.───我告诉他,我觉得它们没什么意思,很无趣。跟支笔没什么两样。不,我没有那么说。

Fisherman: Well, no. I didn't catch any. But I met a talking fish, a magic fish. He said I could have anything I wished for.───渔夫:哦,不,一条也没有捉到。但是我遇到了一条会说话的鱼,一条魔法鱼。他说它可以实现我的任何愿望。

LH: No, I didn't. I just had the read-through with her. And, I was just happy she was there.───没有,我只是和她读剧本对台词而已,不过我很开心她有在那里。

"No, I didn't mean that, " said the old man. "I meant that you would soon get used to being poor and to having no friends. "───老人回答到:“不,我不是那个意思,我是说你很快会习惯没有朋友的穷苦生活的。”

The little horse lowered his head and said: "No, I didn't think about it. "───小马低下了头,说:“没……没想过。”

"Have no, I didn't how do. " Su's space pulls to shut up not to say a while.───“没有,我没怎么做。”苏格拉一下子就闭口不说了。

  • No trouble
  • No miss me
  • Not so stupid
  • Not well
  • Not Detected
  • No feeding
  • No it don t
  • No I didn
  • No show
  • No I am not
  • No right turn
  • No lcan
  • No more us
  • No less
  • No time
  • No it isn
  • No overtaking
  • Not healthy




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