cakes and ale───n.欢乐
nail a lie───拆穿谎言
airs and graces───做作;装腔作势
black and blue───adj.遍体鳞伤的;青一块紫一块
cakes and ales───n.欢乐
casein glue───酪素胶(在酪素画中用作颜料结合剂)
hand and glove───密切合作;狼狈为奸
warts and all───不掩盖地;毫无保留
nickels and dime───吝啬地对待(俚语);斤斤计较(俚语);锱铢必较(俚语);琐碎而微不足道的(俚语)
The construction team embraced historic materials and techniques, and the Horten 2-29 replica, like the original, is made largely of wood and bonded with glue and nails.───这支重建团队沉浸于这些具有历史意义的素材与技术中、还有Ho 2 - 29的复制品。与原件一样的是主要用木材建造、用胶和钉连接。
The larch and pinewood walls were held by steel braces so they could be assembled without glue, bolts or nails.───落叶松和松林墙壁是由钢支架,使他们可以组装使用胶,螺栓或指甲。
I had ordered this glue and nails from Wicks at the same time.───这段时间我在从维克斯订购了胶水和钉子。
In other words, outside of the question, nails and glue a piece of small glass siding, water can not flow up.───也就是说,在指甲和外界之问粘上了一块小玻璃板壁,水分便无法流通了。
- nails driven into trees
- nails and glue