my bad───我的错
my man───我的男人(电影名,又译欲望街情人)
to hat───戴帽子
at that───而且
bad hat───坏蛋;不道德的人
by half───相当;远远地
by hand───adv.用手
in that───因为;由于;既然
my lady───我的夫人;我的女人(电视剧名,MyLady);我的女人(歌曲名,MyLady)
My hat won't stay on!───我的帽子怎么都戴不住!
A gust of wind blew my hat off.───一阵风把我的帽子刮掉了。
My hat blew off.───我的帽子被风吹走了。
I raise my hat to you. I thought you were wrong from the very first, but I guess you know this grime better than I DO.───我真佩服你。起初我本以为你是错的,而现在却认为,对于这套玩意儿,你比我在行得多。
The children have been playing with my hat ; they have knocked it out of shape!───(孩子们一直玩我的帽子,把它弄的不成样子了)。
And for that, I tip my hat to the physicians. -Hey, Doctor, I've got to ask you about that specifically.───为此,我要向医生们脱帽致敬。-嘿,医生,我必须具体地问你。
With much reverence and ceremony, he slowly removed my hat with both hands and presented it to me as though it were the crown jewels.───他毕恭毕敬、彬彬有礼,用双手将我的帽子缓缓取下呈献给我,仿佛那是一顶至尊的王冠。
After only a year at our department, Mr. A made his mark; my hat goes off to him for busting his tail off.───先生在本单位工作仅仅一年,他就做出贡献。他的努力工作,我要向他致敬。
The boy stared at me in surprise and jumped right beside me, then grabbed my hat and launched it out of the window.───男孩瞪大眼睛,又惊又喜,高兴得扑到我身边,不由分说地就摘下我的帽子往窗外远远地扔去。
My hat won't stay on!
The wind has blown my hat off.
This ribbon does not match with my hat.
My hat blew into the river yesterday.
Fetch me my hat please.
My hat is upstairs, could you carry it down for me?
I sat on my hat and squashed it.
My hat blew off while I was crossing the bridge.
A gust of wind blew my hat off.
- my bearoom
- myristic acid
- my sweater
- myer blaq
- my vag
- my cute cousin
- my my day
- my fun park
- my nice doll
- my weekend plan
- my like bear
- mystical names
- my arms are
- my family and i
- mysterious island
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- myrtaceae pdf
- my trousers
- mygodprank bomb
- my sweet
- my shoes