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词汇 mother nature
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Mother Nature───自然的力量;大自然

mother figure───慈母般的人;母亲的化身

mother figures───慈母般的人;母亲的化身


complex nature───复杂的性质

motion capture───动作捕捉

ease nature───大便;小便

gentle nature───性情温和

good nature───n.脾气好;温厚


But in the grand scheme of things, geologists say this is just Mother Nature as usual.───但是,地质学家们说,从事物的宏观角度来看,这只是大自然的正常现象。

Is it Mother Nature's machine?───是大自然这台织布机在运转 吧 ?

Find me in my field of grass, Mother Nature's son.───在我的草原上寻找自己, 大自然母亲的儿子.

Mother nature: imaginary figure for all things natural.───自然之母: 比喻性地指有关自然的东西.

Leave the cure to Mother Nature. She knows best.───要想痊愈就听其自然吧. 老天爷最有办法.

Mother Nature teaches Kathy and Evan a lesson concerning the weather.───大自然给了凯西和艾凡一次有关天气的教训.

The people felt helpless as they watched Mother Nature show her power.───看着老天爷发威,人们束手无策.

Reconnect to the beauty and magic of Mother Nature.───(你的产能)还与大自然的美丽与神奇休戚相关.

M -- Man, Machine, Material, Method, Mother Nature.───人, 设备, 材料, 方法, 自然环境,测量.

I love the four girls, but I also love their mother - Mother Nature!───我爱这四位姑娘, 但我更爱她们的妈妈 —— 大自然!

If you plan an outdoor wedding, Mother Nature handles it for you.───要是你想在户外举行婚礼, 那就好好地利用自然美景吧.

Other claimed that Mother Nature was behind these designs.───另外有些人宣称大自然是这些图案的幕后推手.

Mother Nature is allowed to have much more of an influence.───自然的力量拥有更大的影响力.

Because they still want their mother nature back.───因为他们想要大自然母亲回来.

Don't befool Mother Nature.───不要愚弄自然母亲.

They are one of Mother Nature's masterpieces.───它们是在大自然母亲的杰作之一。

But yes, I hope we do get enough cases, that Mother Nature allows us to see enough genesis cases so that we can say this was a successful mission.───但是,我的确希望能有足够多的飓风实例——那种在大自然中自发生成的实例,只有这样我们才能算是比较成功的完成了任务。

We should not try to change Mother Nature.───我们不应该尝试改变大自然.


Mother Nature had served up some terrible weather for their cruise.

We have much to learn from Mother Nature, who runs the most sustainable large-scale system on the planet!

Those of Earth Mother nature tend to attract others who are lacking the earthiness themselves; these others then tend to ground into or through them, feeling safe thereafter.

Leave the cure to Mother Nature. She knows best.

How could Mother Nature have dealt such a savage blow?

Mother Nature is walloping the country again.

We're just giving Mother Nature a head start Some people here think TVI is the first of a flood of miners to come.

It may not be the way Mother Nature intended it, but a house cat in the Netherlands has adopted a baby red panda.

We are all environmentalists who treasure Mother Nature and desire to live in harmony with natural forces.

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