

词汇 monthly wage
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monthly wage发音



monthly charge───按月收费;月费

monthly fee───[会计]月费;每月的零用钱

monthly basis───按月

monthly cycle───每月周期

money wages───货币工资;现金工资

monthly bill───每月帐单

monthly user───每月用户

monthly allowance───按月津贴;月津贴

monthly income───月收入


I get paid for piece work10, not on a monthly wage.───我挣的是计件工资,不是月薪。

You know I get paid by the head; I don't have a monthly wage.───你知道我的工作以人头计,没有月薪。

His monthly wage is not more than one thousand dollars.───他的月工资最多不过一千元。

Calculation of economic compensation to the standard monthly wage shall not be less than the local minimum wage.───经济补偿的月工资计算标准不得低于当地最低工资标准。

In Beijing, plot rental run up to Rmb100 monthly, a significant sum in a city where the average monthly wage is around Rmb 4, 000.───在北京,墓地租金已涨至每月100元人民币——在一个月平均工资约为4000元人民币的城市中,这个数目相当可观。

The compensation wage mentioned hereof refers to the average monthly wage over the 12 months prior to termination of the labor contract.───本条所称月工资是指劳动者在劳动合同解除或者终止前十二个月的平均工资。

Article nineteenth employees housing accumulation fund deposited by the unit where the monthly wage withholding from their pay.───第十九条职工个人缴存的住房公积金,由所在单位每月从其工资中代扣代缴。

And last Thursday, Beijing announced that it would raise the city's minimum monthly wage by 20 percent, to 960 renminbi, or about $140.───此外,上周四北京市宣布将北京市最低月工资水平提高20%,即960人民币每月,大致相当于每月140美元。


He worked as a builder in Chicago and remitted half his monthly wage to his family in the Philippines.

The average monthly wage of 20 Cubans dollars. Julio's pizza shop in a small price of $ 0.5 tomato pizza, a large pizza to sell $ 3.

It nearly doubled his monthly wage, from $ 3. 75 to $ 6. 50.

Non - commissioned officers to implement the wage system, more than 1300 yuan monthly wage.

Eliminate the upper limit that average monthly wage of high-salary workers as economic compensation is three times of average wage in society.

One night in these expensive hotels costs around the average worker's monthly wage.

In Shanghai, where the average monthly wage is about $350, a gallon of milk now costs about $5.50.

Figures under "all selected industries" refer to the overall average monthly wage rates of all the industries shown in this table.

Stars received 20 times the average monthly wage for one concert.

  • monthly fee
  • monthly exam
  • monthly report
  • monthly payment
  • monthly charge
  • monthly returns
  • monthly usage
  • monthly expenses




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