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miscarriage of justice───误判;审判不公

miscarriage of justices───误判;审判不公

court of justice───法院

obstruction of justice───妨碍司法公正;阻碍司法

administration of justice───[法]司法;司法行政;执法

College of Justice───n.司法院

bring to justice───绳之以法;把…交付审判;使归案受审

carriage house───车房,存放马车或汽车的地方

chief justice───首席法官,法院院长;审判长


Recent legal research indicates that incorrect identification is a major factor in many miscarriages of justice.───近来法律方面的研究表明,指认错误是造成误判的一个主要因素。

She wanted a medical centre built, to help the victims of miscarriages of justice recover from the trauma of it.───她想建一个医疗中心,帮助司法误判的受害者从创伤中恢复。

Yet the recent scandals suggest that miscarriages of justice are all too common.───然而,最近的丑闻表明,公正的流产太普遍了。

Criminals go unpunished, people are wrongly convicted and there are miscarriages of justice.───罪犯会逍遥法外,法律会伤及无辜,审判不公时有发生。

However, locals fear pinning the crime on the individuals responsible will be difficult, and may lead to miscarriages of justice.───但是民众担心真正实施起来很难定罪,而且可能导致判决不公的现象。

Authorities have failed to tackle dramatic miscarriages of justice similar to Mr Mikheev's, in spite of numerous legal appeals.───尽管上诉不断,但当局未能解决像米赫耶夫案件那样的明显司法不公现象。


Yet our system could not work without judges to correct the miscarriages of justice that occasionally occur in a jury trial.

That is bad law, which will lead to miscarriages of justice, and we shall seek to amend it.

Many people oppose the death penalty because of the possibility of miscarriages of justice.

In addition, a special award was made to Ludovic Kennedy for his outstanding contribution over many years in exposing miscarriages of justice.

Alongside demands for political reform were specific complaints about individual miscarriages of justice.

These miscarriages of justice have undermined confidence in our legal system.

Sir John Farr Is my right hon. Friend aware that many miscarriages of justice have occurred recently due entirely to uncorroborated confessions?





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