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词汇 minority report
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少数派报告; [电影]未来报告


minority reports───少数派报告(电影名,又称未来报告)

interim report───[统计]期中报告

minority group───少数群体,少数群

minority president───少数派总统

minority carriers───[电子]少数载流子

minority presidents───少数民族总统

minority carrier───[电子]少数载流子

conduct report───执行报告

credit report───n.[金融]信用报告


In Minority Report, cars drive themselves.───在《关键报告》中,车子可以自己上路。

Minority Report: Horrible Ads of the Future (Today!)───少数派报告》:未来的广告很恐怖(今天也很恐怖)!

We wanted Minority Report.───我们想要少数派报告。

Memphis police director Larry Godwin assures the public that this isn't a real-life version of Minority Report.───孟菲斯警督拉里古德温向公众保证,这不是现实版本的少数派报告。

If you've seen Minority Report, you know what I mean.───如果你看过《少数派报告》,你就懂我说的意思。

Those are the innovations which are currently happening, not the special effects in the movie Minority Report.───这不再是《少数派报告》中的电影特效,而已经是实实在在发生着的革新。

Beyond that, it's impossible to deny the influence Minority Report has had on consumer electronics and industrial design in general.───除此之外,《少数派报告》整体上对消费者的电子产品和工业设计所产生的影响是不容置疑的。

We could give control completely over to robotic cars, ala Minority Report.───我们可以给机器人的控制完全交给车,翼少数派报告。

People still reference those sequences in "Minority Report" when they talk about new UI design.───在谈到新的用户界面设计的时候,人们还会提到在“少数派报告”里面那些序列。


The conference adopted the minority report and family allowances were not discussed formally at an annual conference again until 1941.

The minority report recommended that the social services should be developed first and accorded less priority to family allowances.

That approach was endorsed in a minority report but defeated by the General Assembly, 323 to 226.

There was both a majority and a minority report, and the latter provided a well argued critique of the system.

An influential minority report by Derek Senior advocated a map involving solely two-tier regional authorities, 35 in number.

A minority report signed by several distinguished social scientists argued that there was.

  • minority nationality
  • minority report
  • minority interest




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