

词汇 married man
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married man发音

[法] 已婚男子,有妇之夫


married name───婚后女士的姓,夫姓

carried on───继续;参与

married off───把…嫁出去;让儿子结婚

married up───结婚;结合;配合;联合

married names───已婚的名字

carried away───带走;非常激动;使…失去自制力

carried back───v.向前结转

married into───通过结婚成为…的一员

married life───婚后生活


She's been fooling around with a married man.───她一直和一有妇之夫鬼混.

Mary do not want to get involve in any perplexed relationship with a married man.───玛俐不愿扯入与已婚男人纠缠不清的关系中.

Never believe anything a married man says about his wife.───永远别相信一个已婚男人说的关于自己妻子的话。

Mary didn't want to get involved in any perplexed relationship with a married man.───玛丽不愿扯入与已婚男人纠缠不清的关系中.

What do I know about sex? I'm a married man.───我是如何知道性的? 我是一名已婚者.

But when a ten year married man looks happy, we wonder why.───但结婚十年的男人看上去很幸福, 我们想知道是为什么.

When a newly married man looks happy, we know why.───当新婚男人看上去很幸福, 我们知道是为什么.

The former option favours the married man.───前一种选择对已婚男子有利.

"We went with Sarah and the married man that she's currently seeing." — "Oh no."───“我们是和萨拉还有她正在交往的那位已婚男士一起去的。”——“哦,怎么会呢。”

I'm a solid married man with kids.───我是个有家业,结了婚,生了孩子的人.

I'm a married man. ( Tom Clancy )?───我是 已婚 男子.

Such wrong , as when a married man doth woo.───这就像结了婚的男人还在求爱.

We went with Sarah and the married man that she's currently seeing."—"Oh no."───我们与萨拉和她最近约会的那个已婚男子一起去的。”—“不会吧。”

Roberts was then a newly married man.───罗伯茨当时刚结婚。

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Any married man should forget his mistakes.───三省吾身:结了婚的男人就该把自己犯的错全忘了.

Questioner: I'm a married man with several children.───发问者: 我是个有了几个孩子的已婚男人.

She became involved with a married man many years her senior.───她与一名比她年长很多的已婚男子坠入情网。

A married man may have his hands full if he has han - ky panky going on.───已婚男人如果有其他男女关系,一定也很忙碌.

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