magic wands───魔杖(magicwand的名词复数)
magic wand───魔杖,魔术棒
magnetic woods───n.磁性木材
magnetic wires───磁线;录音钢丝
last words───遗言
We purposely chose to be more flexible than many of the ATDD and BDD frameworks out there, so there are no magic words or imposed sentence structure.───我们特意选择了比许多 ATDD和BDD框架更加灵活的方式,没有神奇的词汇或者强制的语句结构。
You cannot become a pilot, an Olympic champion or an engineer by listening to a CD, hypnotizing yourself or saying some magic words.───你不可能靠听CD,或用迷惑人的话进行自我催眠,而成为一名飞行员、一个奥运冠军或是一位工程师。
this site to look up all-vowel words, magic words, magic archetypes, how to identify unicorns and other odd material.───该站点提供全元音单词,魔法字,魔法原型,如何识别独角兽和其他古怪素材。
He says magic words, looks up into the sky, claps his hands, and the most fabulous jewels come down!───他念些咒语,抬头望天,拍几下手掌,无数令人难以置信的宝石就从天而降!
Well, first, you have to turn your hat around like this. Then you close your eyes and say the magic words. Fish, fish, send me a fish.───首先,你得把帽子这样转过来。然后你闭上眼睛念咒语,鱼,鱼,给我送条鱼来。
I can always count on him for some magic words of advice.───我可以指望他给我一些神奇的忠告?
They are the two magic words which for generations have been the cornerstone of good manners.───这两个字,是一直以来代表礼貌基石的两个有魔力的字。
Remember the magic words: "please" , "thank you" and "step off, bitch" .───记住这个神奇的词:“请”、“谢谢”和“一步,犬”。
The wicked old woman charmed the princess with magic words.
The magic words had been uttered.
Were you to do so, a million ghosts in olive drab, in brown khaki, in blue and gray, would rise from their white crosses thundering those magic words: Duty, Honor, Country.
Bacon could argue that Antichrist would invoke stellar influences and magic words having the power to produce physical effects.
The magic words 'a million pounds' will get everyone's attention.
The witch enchanted the princess with magic words.
Medea said the magic words that would bring her lover back to her.
There are about 15 people on the takedown team—heavily armed and armored and salted around the busy parking lot—just waiting for the magic words.
- magic all
- magical story
- magic melody
- magic tricks
- magic travel
- magic words
- magic forest
- magic cure
- magic wand
- magical effect
- magic leap one
- magic box
- magic piano
- magic studio
- magic player
- magic tree house
- magic panel
- magic queen
- magic cage
- magic shop
- magic hand