

词汇 magic realism
释义 magic realism
magic realism发音



magic realisms───魔幻现实主义

magic realist───魔幻写实主义者

magical realism───魔幻现实主义

magical realisms───魔幻现实主义

magical realist───魔幻现实主义者

naive realism───素朴实在论

naive realisms───素朴实在论

social realism───社会现实主义;社会写实主义



This chapter discusses in three aspects: Mo Yan's childhood life experience, traditional color thoughts and the influence of color folk, the influence of Latin American magic realism.───本章将从三个方面进行论述:莫言童年的生活体验,传统色彩观念和色彩民俗的影响,以及拉美魔幻现实主义的影响。

Marquez of Colombia known as the master of magic realism, his masterpiece, "Hundred Years of Solitude" come out, so that creative magic realism to a peak.───哥伦比亚的加西亚·马尔克斯被誉为魔幻现实主义大师,其力作《百年孤独》的问世,使魔幻现实主义创作达到一个顶峰。

Marquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is the magic realism of the most distinguished representative.───马尔克斯的《百年孤独》是魔幻现实主义最杰出的代表作。

Magic realism, as one of the literature schools, is formed and developed in modern Latin America.───魔幻现实主义是在现代拉丁美洲形成和发展起来的一种文学流派。

Mo Yan is the representative of "Folk literature" or "Roots literature" . The magic realism of his work is also worthy of recognition.───莫言是“民间文学”或者“寻根文学”的代表人物,其作品的魔幻现实主义色彩也是值得肯定的。

The style was in principle realistic, the subject matter magical, and Magic Realism has characterized his work ever since.───风格原则上是现实的,主题物质魔术的,而且魔术写实主义由~至今有表示他的工作特色。

are imaginatively reconstructed by the acknowledged mater of magic realism.───被公认的魔幻现实主义大师以丰富的想象力重建于这部作品中。

creative thinking from the origin of Frida point of view, one with Magic Realism in the background.───从弗里达的创作思想起源来看,一具有魔幻现实主义的背景。

  • magic all
  • magical story
  • magic melody
  • magic tricks
  • magic travel
  • magic words
  • magic forest
  • magic cure
  • magic wand
  • magical effect
  • magic leap one
  • magic box
  • magic piano
  • magic studio
  • magic player
  • magic tree house
  • magic panel
  • magic queen
  • magic cage
  • magic shop
  • magic hand




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