

词汇 lucky me
释义 lucky me
lucky me发音




lucky omen───吉兆

lucky sb───幸运的某人

lucky bag───n.幸运袋(等于luckydip)

lucky dip───摸奖桶;碰运气的事

lucky break───摔出好运气(电影名)


lucky bags───n.幸运袋(等于luckydip)

lucky dips───摸奖桶;碰运气的事

lucky lady───幸运的女士


Lucky for me, my teacher that year was Dorothy Collins.───于我幸运的是,那一年,我的老师是多萝西·科琳丝。

One December when I lived there (I know, lucky me—and I felt that way too, when I wasn’t shivering and coughing), the sun came out exactly once.───一年12月份,我住在那里(我知道我是幸运的——而且我没有出现身体发抖或者咳嗽的症状,我也确实感觉我是幸运的),只有一天看到了太阳。

Hi! Lucky me, twice in one week.───嗨!我真幸运啊,一周遇见你两次。

Was wonder whether I could get used to it in this new place but lucky me!───也不知道我是否可以使用它在新地方,但幸运的我!

Kaitlyn: Oh lucky me then, since I am the only child! I get 20 dollars of allowance each week, my parents think I am adorable.───凯特琳:哇,那我很幸运咯,因为我是独生女。我每个星期都可以拿到20块钱零用钱,而且我是爸爸妈妈的掌上明珠。

Lucky me. I don't think I can move that piano by myself, though.───我真幸运。但我觉得光靠我一人是搬不动钢琴的。

He cooks, loves wine, lucky me.───他负责做饭,喜欢喝酒。我真幸运。

Lucky me, twice in one week.───我真幸运,一周遇见你两次。

Lucky, lucky me.───幸运,幸运的我啊。


As I said, lucky me, I don't have lots of in-law problems – I'm tackling this subject because so many people have asked me to do so.

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