

词汇 logic gates
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logic gates发音

逻辑闸; 逻辑门电路库



lich gates───巫妖门


lock gates───闸门;[水运]船闸闸门

logic levels───逻辑电平(logiclevel的复数)

logic models───逻辑模型

sluice gates───n.水闸;水门

basic rates───[通信][交]基本运费率;[金融]基本汇率




An FPGA is a chip that consists of many unconfigured logic gates.───FPGA是一种包含许多未配置逻辑门的芯片.

Digital Design: Binary System , Boolean Algebra, Logic Gates , Simplification of Boolean Functions , Combinational Logic.───数位设计: 二进位制 、 氏代数 、 辑闸 、 氏函数的化简、合逻辑电路.

The next stage of the research will see the team trying to develop more complex circuitry that comprises multiple logic gates.───研究的下一阶段,科技人员将尝试开发包含多个逻辑门的更为复杂的电路。

Rogers has designed entire circuits based on this principle, with working transistors, logic gates and oscillators.───按照这种方法,罗格斯已经设计出了一个完整的电路,这个电路包含晶体管,逻辑门器件和震荡器。

Previous research only proved biological logic gates could be made.───此前的研究只是证明了“生物逻辑门”是可以建造出来的。

SSI chips are usually basic logic gates and flip - flops.───小型集成电路通常是最基本的逻辑栅门.


A method based on Boolean difference was proposed to detect faults in combinational circuits of OR-Coincidence type three-variable universal logic gates.

Then the validity and superiority of the method of realization Boolean functions by threshold logic gates is displayed.

Similarly, the drawings representing the structures used to form the transistor logic gates and interconnects were done by hand.

This paper presents the principle and the features of a new spatial amplitude encoding pattern method implementing optical parallel array logic gates.

Based on logic gates of complementary single-electron transistor (SET), three units are proposed as follows: full adder, shift register and ROM.

A new spatial encoding method is presented to implement optical fuzzy logic gates by using shadow-casting.

It can take the same form as classical logic gates—the AND and OR gates that are the building blocks of conventional processors—but it must also act on the superposition states unique to qubits.

Digital Design: Binary System , Boolean Algebra, Logic Gates , Simplification of Boolean Functions , Combinational Logic.

Based on the basic circuit of maintaining block D flip-flop, the paper discusses how to solve this problem with JKflip-flop by adding another 3 logic gates in this paper.

  • logic pro
  • logician vs logistician
  • logic puzzles
  • logical relations
  • logic gates




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