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词汇 about
释义 aboutUK:*/əˈbaʊt/US:/əˈbaʊt/ ,(ə bout′)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: See also: around主要翻译 about prep (quantity: approximately) (数量)大约There were about fifteen people in our tour group.我们的旅行团大约有15个人。 about prep (time: close to, more or less) (时间)在…左右,在…前后I heard a crash at about ten o'clock last night.我昨晚10点左右听到一声巨响。 about prep (on the subject of)涉及;讲的是;关于,有关I went to the library to look for a book about insects.我去图书馆找一本关于昆虫的书。usage: ‘about’You use about when you mention what someone is saying, writing, or thinking. Manuel told me about his new job.I'll have to think about that.You can say that a book is about a particular subject or that it is on that subject.She is writing a book about politics.I'm reading Anthony Daniels' book on Guatemala.You can also use about to say what a novel or play deals with. Don't use ‘on’.This is a novel about ethics.They read a story about growing up. be about [sth/sb] v expr (be on the subject of)关于;有关My presentation is about the effects of alcohol.This book is about a king who loses his crown.我的报告内容是关于酒精影响的。//这本书讲述的是一名国王丢掉皇位的故事。 about prep (of, concerning)关于;有关What do you think about the president's speech?你对总统的演说有什么看法? about adv mainly UK (all around)在周围,在四周She was sitting at her desk, books lying all about.她坐在书桌边,周围都摆满了书。 about adv mainly UK (from one spot to another)四处,四下He was dancing about, waving his lottery ticket in the air.他挥舞着彩票,轻快地跳来跳去。usage: being present or available: ‘around’ and ‘about’ as adverbsWhen you are talking about something being generally present or available, you can use around or about, but not ‘round’, as adverbs. There is a lot of talent around at the moment.There are not that many jobs about. be about to do [sth] v expr (on the point of doing)正要做…的时候,正准备做…时I was just about to step into the bath when the doorbell rang.我正要进入浴室时,门铃响了。 其他翻译 about (UK), around (US) adv (in the opposing direction)掉头,掉转方向,往反方向He whirled about and saw that his girlfriend was behind him.他转过身,发现他女朋友已在他身后。 about (UK), around (US) adv (in circumference)按周长算The lake is approximately three miles about. about adv (prevalent)流行地;传播地There are lots of cases of the measles about. about prep (of the nature of [sth])在…的特性中There's something about his voice that makes me nervous.他的声音有种让我紧张的特性。 about prep (surrounding)围绕…;环绕…There were shots all about us.我们周围全是镜头。 about prep mainly UK (near to)在…附近There are lots of trees about the house and garden. be about vi phrasal informal (be present, in the vicinity)在这里Not many people are about today.今天在这里的人不多。 动词短语about | around arse about, arse around vi phrasal UK, vulgar, slang (behave in a frivolous way)鬼混 bandy [sth] about, bandy about [sth], bandy [sth] around, bandy around [sth] vtr phrasal sep (spread ideas about [sth/sb])四处散播 bang around, also UK: bang about vi phrasal (move about clumsily)乒乒乓乓地搬动东西;笨手笨脚地发出声响The baby woke up in the middle of the night, crying, because Joe was banging around in the kitchen. bang on about [sth] vi phrasal + prep UK, informal (talk insistently about [sth])啰嗦…;唠叨…;喋喋不休地说…Tanya is always banging on about how awful her boss is. bat [sth] around, also UK: bat [sth] about vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (discuss casually)随便谈论;非正式地讨论 be on about [sth] vi phrasal + prep UK, slang (talk incessantly)不停地说What on earth are you on about? beat about vi phrasal (search thoroughly, scour)搜索 beat about vi phrasal (nautical: tack into the wind)迎斜风行驶;迎风斜驶 blunder about, blunder around vi phrasal (move clumsily)踉踉跄跄地走;跌跌撞撞地走 bring [sth] about, bring about [sth] vtr phrasal sep (cause)引起;造成;导致He promised that he would bring about change.他承诺说,自己会有所作为,带来改变。 bring [sth] about, bring about [sth] vtr phrasal sep (change direction of ship)改变航向 button up about [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative, slang (keep silent)不做声;对某事保持沉默You'd better button up about the missing cookies.你最好对饼干失踪这件事默不作声。 cast about vi phrasal (search)搜索;寻觅As time wore on and Audrey still hadn't found her glasses, she began to cast about desperately.时间已过去不少,奥德丽却依旧没有找到自己的眼镜,她开始绝望地搜索起来。 cast about for [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (seek)寻找I'm casting about for some really good example sentences. clown around, also UK: clown about vi phrasal informal (play the fool, behave in a silly way)扮小丑One can never take him seriously; he's always clowning around. come about vi phrasal (happen)发生,产生Dave's idea to start his own business came about after he lost his job.戴夫想要创业的念头是在他丢了工作后产生的。 come about vi phrasal (nautical: tack) (船)掉抢;抢风航行备注: 指船只遇逆风,调整船帆,利用风力前进The yacht came about.游艇抢风航行。 cut up about [sth] vi phrasal + prep US, figurative, slang (make jokes about)拿…开玩笑The girls were cutting up about their embarrassing parents. drone on about [sth] vi phrasal + prep (talk boringly about [sth])喋喋不休地说;唠叨Clive was droning on about his problems at work. fart around, also UK: fart about vi phrasal vulgar, slang (spend time foolishly)游手好闲;闲荡 fiddle around, also UK: fiddle about vi phrasal informal (waste time doing [sth] trivial)闲荡;虚度时光He began to fiddle around doing crossword puzzles, but soon noticed his English was improving. fiddle around with [sth], also UK: fiddle about with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (play absent-mindedly with)心不在焉地拨弄She fiddled around with the things on her desk while I was talking. fiddle around with [sth], also UK: fiddle about with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (alter or adjust unhelpfully)摆弄..., 捣鼓...He loved to fiddle about with old cars, but never actually fixed them up. flail around, also UK: flail about vi phrasal (thrash about) (四肢)剧烈扭动,猛烈摆动,拼命乱挥 float around, float about vi phrasal (idea: widely discussed) (消息)广为流传 float around, float about vi phrasal (be somewhere unknown)四处飘散,自由漂浮 fool around, fool about vi phrasal informal (act in silly way)吊儿郎当;傻了吧唧,胡闹The teacher told Bobby to stop fooling around in class.老师叫博比不要在课堂上吊儿郎当。 fool around, fool about vi phrasal informal (not be productive)游手好闲;闲荡The boss doesn't like people fooling around when they should be working.当应该工作的时候,老板不喜欢员工游手好闲。 f*** around, also UK: f*** about vi phrasal vulgar, offensive, slang (waste time) (俚语)混日子,瞎混Stop f***ing about and get on with your work! fumble around, UK: fumble about vi phrasal (do things clumsily)瞎摸;乱动;胡乱摸索He's fumbling around in the kitchen; can't you hear the noise? gad around [sth], gad about [sth] vtr phrasal insep (wander or travel around a place)游荡;闲逛We decided to gad around town for a while.我们决定在城里闲逛一阵。 get around, also UK: get round, get about vi phrasal informal (circulate)散布,传播When word got around that she was baking cookies, all the children appeared at her door.她在烘焙饼干的消息传开后,所有孩子都出现在她门口。 go around, also UK: go round, go about vi phrasal (illness: be transmitted) (疾病)传染,传播;流行,肆虐There's a nasty strain of flu going around.有一种恶性流感正在肆虐。 go around, also UK: go round, go about vi phrasal (be in a state habitually)经常处于(某个状态)He goes around looking filthy.She goes about as if she owns the place.他一直都邋里邋遢的。// 她举止大摇大摆,神气活现,好像这里是她家似得。 go around, also UK: go round, go about vi phrasal figurative, informal (circulate, spread)传播,流传,四起;散布There's a rumour going round that you're cheating on Tim.有谣言说你背着提姆在外面寻花问柳。 hang around, also UK: hang about vi phrasal informal (loiter)闲逛It's annoying when youths hang around at the bus stop intimidating customers.年轻人在公车站晃悠恐吓顾客,令人厌烦。 hang around, also UK: hang about vi phrasal informal (wait, be kept waiting)徘徊,等待I hung around for 30 minutes but Steve didn't show up.我在那里等了30分钟,但史蒂夫却没有出现。;faff about vi phrasal UK, informal (waste time doing [sth] trivial)耽误时间做某事;瞎忙活做某事 fart around, also UK: fart about vi phrasal vulgar, slang (spend time foolishly)游手好闲;闲荡fiddle about vi phrasal UK, informal (waste time doing [sth] trivial)虚度光阴,虚度时光Don't fiddle about; get to work.fiddle around, also UK: fiddle about vi phrasal informal (waste time doing [sth] trivial)闲荡;虚度时光He began to fiddle around doing crossword puzzles, but soon noticed his English was improving.fiddle around with [sth], also UK: fiddle about with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (play absent-mindedly with)心不在焉地拨弄She fiddled around with the things on her desk while I was talking.fiddle around with [sth], also UK: fiddle about with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (alter or adjust unhelpfully)摆弄..., 捣鼓...He loved to fiddle about with old cars, but never actually fixed them up.find out about [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (learn about)了解关于…的情况I read his biography to find out about his life.为了解他的生平,我读了他的传记。find out about [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (learn news or truth of)了解,知道;搞清...的情况I have just found out about your mother; I'm so sorry for your loss.我刚知道你妈的情况,请节哀顺变。flail around, also UK: flail about vi phrasal (thrash about) (四肢)剧烈扭动,猛烈摆动,拼命乱挥float around, float about vi phrasal (idea: widely discussed) (消息)广为流传float around, float about vi phrasal (be somewhere unknown)四处飘散,自由漂浮flutter about vi phrasal (flap)拍翅膀;扑动翅膀The butterfly fluttered about the flower garden.flutter about vi phrasal (make small quick movements)飘舞,纷飞The leaves on the trees would flutter about in the breeze.flutter about vi phrasal figurative (move around nervously)坐立不安;焦急地走来走去fool around, fool about vi phrasal informal (act in silly way)吊儿郎当;傻了吧唧,胡闹The teacher told Bobby to stop fooling around in class.老师叫博比不要在课堂上吊儿郎当。fool around, fool about vi phrasal informal (not be productive)游手好闲;闲荡The boss doesn't like people fooling around when they should be working.当应该工作的时候,老板不喜欢员工游手好闲。freak out about [sth] vi phrasal + prep slang (get angry about)为了…生气;为了…抓狂Dad freaked out about the mess which the kids had made in the kitchen.孩子们把厨房弄得一团糟,爸爸气坏了。f*** around, also UK: f*** about vi phrasal vulgar, offensive, slang (waste time) (俚语)混日子,瞎混Stop f***ing about and get on with your work!fumble around, UK: fumble about vi phrasal (do things clumsily)瞎摸;乱动;胡乱摸索He's fumbling around in the kitchen; can't you hear the noise?gad about vi phrasal (wander or travel around)游荡;闲逛I'm not going anywhere in particular; just gadding about in the countryside.gad around [sth], gad about [sth] vtr phrasal insep (wander or travel around a place)游荡;闲逛We decided to gad around town for a while.我们决定在城里闲逛一阵。get about vi phrasal informal (travel frequently or widely) (非正式用语)到处旅游,四处周游Paris yesterday, Sydney next week; you really get about, don't you!昨天去了巴黎,下周要去悉尼。你还真是到处旅游,难道不是吗?get about vi phrasal informal (walk, move around) (非正式用语)四处走走,四下溜达Though 98 years old, my grandfather still gets about like he was half that age.尽管98岁高龄了,我的爷爷仿佛像自己一半年龄的人一样,仍然四下溜达。get around, also UK: get round, get about vi phrasal informal (circulate)散布,传播When word got around that she was baking cookies, all the children appeared at her door.她在烘焙饼干的消息传开后,所有孩子都出现在她门口。give out, give out about [sth] vi phrasal + prep Irish, informal (complain about)抱怨;发牢骚Mary is always giving out about the noisy neighbours.玛丽总是抱怨那些吵闹的邻居。go about vi phrasal (move from place to place)到处走走;四处走动He goes about from place to place, taking casual jobs wherever he can get them.他四处游走,哪里能找到工作,他就会做些临时工。go about [sth] vtr phrasal insep (approach, tackle: a task)着手做;从事Isn't it time you went about fixing the broken table?How am I to go about painting the ceiling when I have no ladder?你该去修理那张破桌子了吧?没有梯子,我怎么粉刷天花板?go about vi phrasal (sailing: change tack) (航行)改变路径,改变路线,改变方向The skipper gave the command to go about.go around, also UK: go round, go about vi phrasal (illness: be transmitted) (疾病)传染,传播;流行,肆虐There's a nasty strain of flu going around.有一种恶性流感正在肆虐。go around, also UK: go round, go about vi phrasal (be in a state habitually)经常处于(某个状态)He goes around looking filthy.She goes about as if she owns the place.他一直都邋里邋遢的。// 她举止大摇大摆,神气活现,好像这里是她家似得。go around, also UK: go round, go about vi phrasal figurative, informal (circulate, spread)传播,流传,四起;散布There's a rumour going round that you're cheating on Tim.有谣言说你背着提姆在外面寻花问柳。go on about [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, informal (talk unintelligibly about)嘟囔,含糊不清地说When my sister goes on about programming, I can't understand a word she is saying.我姐妹嘟囔着编程,但她说的我一个字也听不懂。go on about [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, informal (talk incessantly about) (俚语)喋喋不休地说,无休止地说The teacher went on about the topic he had chosen regardless of the fact that many students were asleep.hang around, also UK: hang about vi phrasal informal (loiter)闲逛It's annoying when youths hang around at the bus stop intimidating customers.年轻人在公车站晃悠恐吓顾客,令人厌烦。hang around, also UK: hang about vi phrasal informal (wait, be kept waiting)徘徊,等待I hung around for 30 minutes but Steve didn't show up.我在那里等了30分钟,但史蒂夫却没有出现。hang around with [sb], also UK: hang about with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (socialize with [sb])跟…在一起;跟…交往Since Harvey started hanging around with a group of older boys, he is always getting in trouble.自从哈维开始和一群大龄男孩混在一起,他总是惹麻烦。harp on about [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (talk incessantly about [sth])喋喋不休;唠唠叨叨hear about [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (learn latest news)听说;知道关于…的消息Did you hear about the earthquake in Japan?horse around, also UK: horse about vi phrasal informal (behave in a silly or frivolous way) (孩子)胡闹;疯玩While the parents made dinner, the kids horsed around at their feet.父母做饭时,孩子在他们周围打闹。hover around, also UK: hover about vi phrasal figurative (wait nearby)在周围逗留;在附近徘徊kick about, UK: kick around vi phrasal (be unused, be neglected)被弃置,被忽视kick about, UK: kick around vi phrasal (wander, roam)闲逛,漫步,游荡kick [sth] around, kick around [sth], kick [sth] about, kick about [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (consider, debate: an idea) (想法)谈论,讨论kick [sb] around, kick around [sb], kick about [sb], kick around [sb] vtr phrasal sep (mistreat, abuse)虐待knock [sb] around, also UK: knock [sb] about vtr phrasal sep informal (punch or treat roughly)粗暴对待;拳打脚踢knock [sth] around, also UK: knock [sth] about vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (consider, debate: an idea)探讨;探究knock around, also UK: knock about vi phrasal informal (idle, hang around)闲逛;溜达knock around with [sb], knock about with [sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, informal (spend time with)与...共度时光loaf around (US), loaf about (UK) vi phrasal informal (sit idly)闲坐着;闲待着I can't loaf about, watching television; I have to go to work.The lazy student loafed about instead of doing his homework.loll about, loll around vi phrasal (lie, lounge idly)懒洋洋地躺着;懒洋洋地坐着;懒洋洋地站着look around for [sb/sth], also UK: look round for [sb/sth], look about for [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (seek in surrounding area)四处寻找I misplaced my keys, so I'll have to look around for them.mess around, also UK: mess about vi phrasal informal (be frivolous)磨磨蹭蹭做些琐碎的事,东拉西扯一些有的没的Stop messing around and let's discuss this seriously.不要再东拉西扯了,让我们严肃认真地讨论这件事。mess around, also UK: mess about vi phrasal informal (be unproductive)磨洋工;混时间;倒腾My husband is messing around in the garage - I've no idea what he's doing in there.我丈夫正在车库里倒腾,不知道他到底在干嘛。mess around with [sth], also UK: mess about with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (tamper, play with)摆弄;玩弄He enjoyed messing around with boats.他喜欢摆弄船只。mess around with [sth], also UK: mess about with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (spoil by fussing)瞎摆弄;瞎玩弄Your painting is fine now; don't mess around with it any more or you will ruin it.你的画已经完工了,别瞎摆弄了,否则你会毁了它的。mess around with [sb], also UK: mess about with [sb] vi phrasal + prep slang (tease)戏弄;与…开玩笑Why are you so upset? We were just messing around with you.别这么难过。我们刚刚跟你开玩笑呢。mess around with [sb], also UK: mess about with [sb] vi phrasal + prep slang (have an affair)与…鬼混;与…胡搞Helen caught her husband messing around with another woman.海伦抓到丈夫与别的女人鬼混。mess [sb] around, also UK: mess [sb] about vtr phrasal insep slang (treat disrespectfully)为...带来不便;怠慢I'm sorry to mess you around, but I need to change the date of our meeting.很抱歉为您带来不便,不过我必须变更我们会议的日期。mill around, mill about vi phrasal (walk about) (群体)无目的地乱转mope about, mope around vi phrasal (move around sadly)闷闷不乐地闲逛,自怨自艾地四处走muck about, muck around vi phrasal UK, slang (behave in a frivolous way)鬼混;闲荡Stop mucking about and get to work.muck about with [sb/sth], muck around with [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep UK, slang (waste time on)瞎摆弄;与...瞎混;在...上浪费时间I've spent an hour mucking about with passwords and haven't even managed to log into the website yet!muck [sb] about, muck [sb] around vtr phrasal sep UK, slang (be inconsiderate)不替...着想, 不体谅...I wish you wouldn't muck me about like this. Why do you always cancel at the last minute?order [sb] around, UK: order [sb] about vtr phrasal sep informal (be bossy towards)不断对…发号施令;将…差来遣去Don't try to order me around; you aren't my boss.potter about, potter around vi phrasal UK (do [sth] leisurely or unproductive)悠闲地做某事;做琐碎的事roll around, also UK: roll about vi phrasal打滚;翻滚The two youngest kids were rolling about and playing on the large bed.roll around, also UK: roll about vi phrasal (sway this way and that)摇摇晃晃The passengers were rolling around as the bus sped along the winding road.rush around, also UK: rush about vi phrasal (go about things hurriedly)风风火火地四处奔忙;忙完这边忙那边James was rushing around, trying to get everything organized for the party.scamper around, scamper about vi phrasal (run about playfully)奔跑嬉戏;jig about vi phrasal (jump or dance around)又蹦又跳;轻快地跳动;轻快地舞动jump about vi phrasal (leap around)四处跳, 跳来蹦去The children are jumping about outside.jump about vi phrasal figurative (lack narrative coherence)忽然转换话题The film jumps about and makes no sense.jump about vi phrasal figurative (do things in an unordered way) (比喻做事缺乏条理)跳来跳去Carol doesn't work in a methodical way; she jumps about from task to task.kick about, UK: kick around vi phrasal (be unused, be neglected)被弃置,被忽视kick about, UK: kick around vi phrasal (wander, roam)闲逛,漫步,游荡kick [sth] around, kick around [sth], kick [sth] about, kick about [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (consider, debate: an idea) (想法)谈论,讨论kick [sb] around, kick around [sb], kick about [sb], kick around [sb] vtr phrasal sep (mistreat, abuse)虐待knock [sb] around, also UK: knock [sb] about vtr phrasal sep informal (punch or treat roughly)粗暴对待;拳打脚踢knock [sth] around, also UK: knock [sth] about vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (consider, debate: an idea)探讨;探究knock around, also UK: knock about vi phrasal informal (idle, hang around)闲逛;溜达knock around with [sb], knock about with [sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, informal (spend time with)与...共度时光lark about vi phrasal UK, informal (play, have fun)玩,胡闹Stop larking about, we've got serious work to do!lay about [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep UK (attack, beat)打…laze about vi phrasal UK (be idle, lounge around)混日子;懒散度日I don't feel like working today; I'm just going to laze about.lie about vi phrasal UK, informal ([sth]: remain unused)闲置的,未使用的lie about vi phrasal UK ([sb]: lounge idly)懒洋洋地打发时间loaf around (US), loaf about (UK) vi phrasal informal (sit idly)闲坐着;闲待着I can't loaf about, watching television; I have to go to work.The lazy student loafed about instead of doing his homework.loll about, loll around vi phrasal (lie, lounge idly)懒洋洋地躺着;懒洋洋地坐着;懒洋洋地站着look around for [sb/sth], also UK: look round for [sb/sth], look about for [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (seek in surrounding area)四处寻找I misplaced my keys, so I'll have to look around for them.lounge about vi phrasal UK (sit idly)懒洋洋地坐着;闲散过日mess around, also UK: mess about vi phrasal informal (be frivolous)磨磨蹭蹭做些琐碎的事,东拉西扯一些有的没的Stop messing around and let's discuss this seriously.不要再东拉西扯了,让我们严肃认真地讨论这件事。mess around, also UK: mess about vi phrasal informal (be unproductive)磨洋工;混时间;倒腾My husband is messing around in the garage - I've no idea what he's doing in there.我丈夫正在车库里倒腾,不知道他到底在干嘛。mess around with [sth], also UK: mess about with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (tamper, play with)摆弄;玩弄He enjoyed messing around with boats.他喜欢摆弄船只。mess around with [sth], also UK: mess about with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (spoil by fussing)瞎摆弄;瞎玩弄Your painting is fine now; don't mess around with it any more or you will ruin it.你的画已经完工了,别瞎摆弄了,否则你会毁了它的。mess around with [sb], also UK: mess about with [sb] vi phrasal + prep slang (tease)戏弄;与…开玩笑Why are you so upset? We were just messing around with you.别这么难过。我们刚刚跟你开玩笑呢。mess around with [sb], also UK: mess about with [sb] vi phrasal + prep slang (have an affair)与…鬼混;与…胡搞Helen caught her husband messing around with another woman.海伦抓到丈夫与别的女人鬼混。mess [sb] around, also UK: mess [sb] about vtr phrasal insep slang (treat disrespectfully)为...带来不便;怠慢I'm sorry to mess you around, but I need to change the date of our meeting.很抱歉为您带来不便,不过我必须变更我们会议的日期。mill around, mill about vi phrasal (walk about) (群体)无目的地乱转moon about vi phrasal informal (mope) (非正式用语,比喻)游手好闲;闲逛Why don't you go out and do something useful instead of mooning about in here all day?mope about, mope around vi phrasal (move around sadly)闷闷不乐地闲逛,自怨自艾地四处走mouth off about [sth] vi phrasal + prep slang (give opinion loudly)高声谈论...move about vi phrasal UK (fidget, be restless)坐立不安The child was moving about in his chair because he was bored.那个孩子觉得无聊,在座位上坐立不安。move about vi phrasal UK (relocate frequently)不停搬家Irena often has to move about because of her job; she's lived in three different countries in the last five years.由于工作原因,艾瑞娜经常要搬家;在过去五年中,她曾在三个不同的国家生活过。move about vi phrasal UK (be mobile or active)到处活动You should move about more, not sit in front of the computer all day!你应该多走动,不要整天坐在电脑前!muck about, muck around vi phrasal UK, slang (behave in a frivolous way)鬼混;闲荡Stop mucking about and get to work.muck about with [sb/sth], muck around with [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep UK, slang (waste time on)瞎摆弄;与...瞎混;在...上浪费时间I've spent an hour mucking about with passwords and haven't even managed to log into the website yet!muck [sb] about, muck [sb] around vtr phrasal sep UK, slang (be inconsiderate)不替...着想, 不体谅...I wish you wouldn't muck me about like this. Why do you always cancel at the last minute?order [sb] about vtr phrasal sep (be bossy toward [sb])对...颐指气使order [sb] around, UK: order [sb] about vtr phrasal sep informal (be bossy towards)不断对…发号施令;将…差来遣去Don't try to order me around; you aren't my boss.piss about vi phrasal UK, slang (waste time, dawdle)浪费时间,虚度光阴play about vi phrasal UK, informal (behave in a frivolous way)嬉戏;疯闹Since we have a lot of work to do, there isn't any time to play about.potter about, potter around vi phrasal UK (do [sth] leisurely or unproductive)悠闲地做某事;做琐碎的事put [sth] about vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (spread: a rumour) (谣言等)传播, 散布, 谣传It was put about that she was of loose moral character.put about vi phrasal (nautical: turn around) (航海)转向, 掉转航向, 改变航向He quickly put about to avoid the boat hitting the submerged rock.rabbit on about [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, slang (talk incessantly)没完没了地讲Barbara is always rabbiting on about her lazy husband.stand around, UK: stand about vi phrasal (do nothing, remain idle)闲站着;懒散地消磨时间Jeremy stands around talking instead of doing his work.wait around, also UK: wait about vi phrasal (wait for [sb/sth])呆呆地等待;什么也不做地等候roll about vi phrasal UK (sway this way and that)滚来滚去The two youngest kids were rolling about and playing on the large bed.roll around, also UK: roll about vi phrasal打滚;翻滚The two youngest kids were rolling about and playing on the large bed.roll around, also UK: roll about vi phrasal (sway this way and that)摇摇晃晃The passengers were rolling around as the bus sped along the winding about vi phrasal UK (move around quickly)到处乱跑;四下奔跑The children were running about about vi phrasal UK, informal (go about things hurriedly)四处奔忙;到处奔波We spent an hour running about, tidying the house before our guests arrived.rush around, also UK: rush about vi phrasal (go about things hurriedly)风风火火地四处奔忙;忙完这边忙那边James was rushing around, trying to get everything organized for the party.scamper around, scamper about vi phrasal (run about playfully)奔跑嬉戏see about [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (attend to, deal with)办理;处理;安排Our guests will be here soon, so I'd better see about getting some food prepared.see about [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (consider)考虑You want to go out tonight? Well, we'll see about that when you've finished all your homework.set about doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep (start: doing)开始做Julius set about arranging his collection of butterflies.朱利叶斯开始整理自己的蝴蝶收藏。set about [sb] vtr phrasal insep (attack: [sb])攻击,袭击;抨击The burglars set about their victim when they were disturbed.窃贼被干扰的时候,袭击了受害人。speak about [sth] vtr phrasal insep (talk on the subject of)谈及;论及She was asked to speak about the topic for 30 minutes.speak about [sth] vtr phrasal insep (discuss or consult: with [sb])讨论;商讨speak out about [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (state one's opinion on)谈论;提起I don't hear you speaking out about the unfairness of that service fee, so don't complain to me!stand around, UK: stand about vi phrasal (do nothing, remain idle)闲站着;懒散地消磨时间Jeremy stands around talking instead of doing his work.thrash about vi phrasal (flail, throw oneself around)不停折腾,不停动来动去I couldn't get to sleep and thrashed about all night.wait around, also UK: wait about vi phrasal (wait for [sb/sth])呆呆地等待;什么也不做地等候walk about vi phrasal (stroll around, go around on foot)徘徊;到处走wonder about [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (ponder)想知道;对…感到奇怪Sometimes I wonder about the origins of the universe and where we came from. 复合形式:about | around about to become [sth] v expr (on the point of being)即将成为;即将变成She is about to become the youngest scientist to win the Nobel Prize. about to happen adj (imminent)即将发生You want me to give you money? That's not about to happen. about-face, also UK: about-turn n figurative (policy, opinion: reversal) (观点、政策的)彻底转变Following a strong public outcry, the politician did an about-face regarding his position on global warming. about-face, also UK: about-turn n (military: turn)向后转 about-face, also UK: about-turn vi (military: perform a turn)向后转 about-face, also UK: about-turn vi (turn in opposite direction)大转变;大转弯 agonize over [sth], agonize about [sth], also UK: agonise over [sth], agonise about [sth] vi + prep (struggle with decision)为…而纠结痛苦I was very unsure about whether or not to give up my job and I agonised over the decision for weeks. agree with [sb] about [sth], agree with [sb] on [sth] v expr (have same opinion about)在某事方面同意某人的观点;赞同某人所做的某事We all agreed with Jack about the colour of the new chairs.我们一致赞同杰克为新椅子选的颜色。 all about adj (on the topic of)关于…的I want to hear all about your trip.我想听关于你旅行的一切故事。 all about adv UK (all around a certain area)到处The pickpocket looked all about to make sure nobody was watching.扒手四处张望确保没人在看。 all about adj informal (person: very interested in)热衷于;钟爱 angry about [sth], angry at [sth] adj + prep (cross about [sth])因为…生气,因为…感到愤怒He was angry about his son's failure.他因为儿子的失败而生气。 be anxious about [sth] v expr (be nervous about [sth])对…焦虑Claire is anxious about her appointment with the dentist tomorrow.克莱尔对明天跟牙医的预约感到焦虑。 apathetic towards [sth], apathetic about [sth] adj + prep (indifferent about)对...冷漠的The receptionist seemed apathetic about her job and barely smiled at us. be apprehensive about [sth] adj + prep (be nervous about [sth])对…忧虑;对…担心I'm apprehensive about moving to Japan; I have never lived abroad before.我对移居日本感到担心; 我以前从未在国外生活过。 argue about [sth], argue about [sth] with [sb] vi + prep (disagree)因某事与某人争吵My friend always argues about money with her husband.我朋友总是因钱的事和她丈夫争吵。 ask [sb] about [sth] vtr (request information from [sb])询问某人某事;向某人咨询某事,向某人打听某事He asked his father about jobs in the factory.他向父亲打听那家工厂的就业机会。 ask about [sth] vi + prep (request information)询问…的信息;问…的消息The journalist was asking about the director's latest film.记者正在打听这位导演最新作品的消息。 at about adv (time: at approximately) (指时间)在大约…左右,大概(几点了)Class starts at one, shall we meet at about quarter to? authoritative on [sth], authoritative about [sth] adj + prep (knowledgeable about)对...有权威的My history teacher is particularly authoritative on the Tudor period. a bad feeling about [sth/sb] n (misgivings)对…有不好的预感;对…有不详之感I have a bad feeling about this place; I think we should leave. bashed about adj UK (treated or handled roughly)暴力对待的;粗暴处理的 beat around the bush, also UK: beat about the bush v expr figurative (avoid getting to the point)旁敲侧击Stop beating around the bush and give me the real reason! beating around the bush, beating about the bush n (not getting to the point)旁敲侧击,拐弯抹角,绕圈子All this beating around the bush is starting to annoy me; just say yes or no! beef about [sth] vi + prep mainly US, slang (complain) (俚语)抱怨,因为…发牢骚He's always beefing about work.他总是抱怨自己的工作。 bellyache about [sth] vi + prep slang (complain about [sth])抱怨;满腹牢骚Fred is always bellyaching about the long hours he has to work. bicker about [sth], bicker over [sth] vi + prep (quarrel about)为...争吵My brother and I often bicker over which TV channel we want to watch. bitch about [sth] vi + prep vulgar, slang (complain about [sth])抱怨The employees stood at the coffee machine and bitched about their pay.员工站在咖啡机旁抱怨着他们的薪酬。 bitch about [sb] vi + prep vulgar, slang (make nasty remarks about [sb])说…的坏话Petra's classmates bitched about her behind her back.佩特拉的同学在背地里说她的坏话。 blab about [sth] vi + prep slang (divulge carelessly)泄密;透露秘密The secretary blabbed to the newspapers about her affair with her boss. blabber about [sth] vi + prep informal (talk incessantly about)就...喋喋不休Mrs. Wilson is always blabbering about what her neighbours are up to.威尔逊女士总是喋喋不休讲述她邻居在做的事情。 blather about [sth/sb] vi + prep (talk pointlessly about)喋喋不休的说My dad likes to blather about football to anyone who will listen. bleat about [sth] vi + prep figurative, pejorative (complain about)抱怨There is no point in bleating about the weather; we can't change it. blether, blether about [sth/sb] vi + prep UK, regional (talk pointlessly about)絮叨,讲关于...的废话 blog about [sth] vi + prep (write online diary about)写关于...博客;围绕...撰写博文Nadia blogs about her life as a new mother.那迪娅在博客中记录了自己新为人母的经历。 boast about [sth/sb] vi + prep (speak proudly)炫耀;夸耀I'm so bored of Tom boasting about his new car.Jillian is boasting about her children again.我对汤姆老是吹嘘他的新车感到厌烦。// 基莉安又开始炫耀她的孩子了。 boast about doing [sth] v expr (speak proudly about achieving [sth])炫耀做过(某事);夸耀取得过(某种成就)Marcus often boasts about running the Boston Marathon last year.马库斯去年参加了波士顿马拉松赛,时常炫耀。 brag about [sth/sb] vi + prep (talk boastfully)吹嘘;自夸He is always bragging about his wealth.他总是吹嘘自己多有钱。 brief [sb] on [sth], brief [sb] about [sth] vtr + prep (apprise of)向某人通告某事的基本情况,给某人做某事的情况简要介绍The chief briefed his agents on the recent developments of the case.这名警长向他的代理人就案件近来的进展做了简要介绍。 brood over [sth], brood about [sth] vi + prep (think too much about)翻来覆去地想;郁闷地反复思索There is no point in brooding over things that have happened in the past. Jamie has been brooding about the outcome of last night's football game all morning.事情已经发生了,再翻来覆去地想也没有意义。杰米一早上都在想昨晚的球赛结果。 buttonhole [sb] about [sth] vtr + prep US, figurative, informal (accost, force to converse about)强迫…谈论The reporter buttonholed the congressman about budget cuts. buzz, buzz about [sth], buzz for [sth] n figurative, informal (interest)对…感兴趣,热衷于There has been a lot of buzz this season for plaid skirts.在这个季节大家都很热衷于格子裙。 be cagey about [sth] v expr (evade: an issue)对…回避Why are you being cagey about your plans for tonight? care about [sth] vi + prep (think is important)注意;关心I care about the issue of global warming.我关心全球变暖的问题。usage: ‘care’If you care about something, you feel that it is very important or interesting, and you are concerned about it. All he cares about is birds.I'm too old to care what I look like.If you don't care about something, it doesn't matter to you.She didn't care what they thought.Who cares where she is? care about [sb] vi + prep (feel affection)喜欢;喜爱Of course I want to spend more time with you. I care about you.我当然想和你一起呆得更久些,因为我喜欢你。 careful to do [sth], careful about doing [sth] adj (making sure to do [sth])小心做…的;对…很谨慎He is careful about locking the doors before he goes out.出门前,他小心地锁好了门。 caution [sb] about [sth] vtr + prep (warn)警告某人某事The boss cautioned his employees about time-wasting.老板警告他的员工不要浪费时间。 clueless about [sth] adj + prep informal (uninformed)一无所知的Don't ask me! I'm clueless about babies! combine to bring about [sth] v expr (cause jointly)共同导致Opposition to the government and anger at the police combined to bring about the riots.对政府的不满,以及对警察的愤怒,导致了暴乱的发生。 come clean about [sth] vi + adj informal (confess to [sth])坦白;坦诚说出You might feel better if you go to your boss and just come clean about what you did. comment, comment about [sth] vi + prep (make remarks)评论;发表意见Audrey commented about the newspaper article.奥德丽就报纸上的文章发表了意见。 complain about [sth/sb] vi + prep (find fault, express unhappiness)抱怨;埋怨She never stops complaining about her lazy, useless husband.He complained about the leak to his landlord.她总是抱怨自己那个好吃懒做的丈夫。// 他向房东抱怨漏水一事。 concerned about [sth] adj + prep (worried about [sth])担心;为…而忧虑Tina is concerned about her weight and has decided to join a gym.蒂娜很担心自己的体重,于是决定去健身房锻炼。usage: used after a linking verbThe adjective concerned is usually used after a linking verb such as be.If you are concerned about something, you are worried about it.He was concerned about the level of unemployment.I've been concerned about you lately.If a book, speech, or piece of information is concerned with a subject, it deals with it.This chapter is concerned with recent changes.Be carefulDon't say that a book, speech, or piece of information ‘is concerned about’ a subject. Don't say, for example, ‘This chapter is concerned about recent changes’. couldn't care less about [sth], could not care less about [sth] v expr informal (feel completely apathetic towards)对…丝毫不感兴趣;毫不在意;不喜欢I couldn't care less about the tabloid headlines. coy about [sth] adj + prep (evasive)不肯表态的;含糊其辞的;遮遮掩掩Jennine stopped dyeing her hair and being coy about her age.The senator remained coy about his plans to run for governor.珍妮不再染发,也不再对自己的年龄遮遮掩掩。那位参议员对自己参选州长的事含糊其辞。 crab about [sth] vi + prep informal (complain about)抱怨;埋怨You don't make the weather any better by crabbing about it. crazy for [sb], crazy about [sb] adj + prep slang (infatuated)对(某人)着迷的;迷恋(某人)的She thinks about him all the time because she is crazy for him.她无时无刻不在想着他,因为她对他很着迷。 crazy about [sth], crazy for [sth] adj + prep slang (enthusiastic)对(某物)迷恋的;对(某物)非常喜爱的My youngest boy's just crazy about basketball.我的小儿子十分热衷于篮球。 crow about [sth], crow over [sth] vi + prep figurative, informal (brag about)吹嘘;自夸Steve is crowing about his perfect test score.史蒂夫正在吹嘘自己完美的考试成绩。 cry about [sth/sb] vi + prep (shed tears for)因为…而流泪The little boy was crying about being punished. What on earth are you crying about?小男孩因为受罚而流泪。你到底为什么哭? cry about [sth/sb], cry over [sth/sb] vi + prep figurative (mourn, lament)为…难过;为…感到惋惜There is no point in crying about a situation you cannot change.没必要为你无法改变的现状难过。 curious about [sth] adj + prep (interested in [sth])对...感兴趣的;对...有兴趣的Small children are curious about everything.小孩子对所有的事情都感兴趣。 cut up about [sth] expr figurative, slang (upset)因为…而伤心;因为…而难过Iris is really cut up about not being invited to her son's wedding.没有获邀参加他儿子的婚礼,伊瑞丝非常伤心。 daft about [sth/sb] adj + prep mainly UK, informal (person: infatuated) (人)对…迷恋,狂热迷恋Becca is totally daft about the new guy at work.贝卡狂热迷恋公司里那个新来的人。 daydream about [sth/sb] vi + prep (fantasize about)幻想;空想I frequently daydream about living in a warmer climate. disagree with [sb] about [sth] v expr (not agree)不同意(某人)对(某事)的看法Alison disagreed with Mike about the best way to discipline their daughter.在如何最好地教育女儿这个问题上,艾莉森不同意麦克的看法。 discourse about [sth] vi + prep (discuss)讨论 displeased with [sth], displeased about [sth], displeased at [sth] adj + prep (dissatisfied with, disapproving of)生气的;不满的The king was displeased with his advisor's decision to dismiss several members of the court. doubtful, doubtful about [sth], doubtful that adj (unconvinced, not sure)不确定的;不能肯定的John is doubtful about whether he made the right choice.约翰不确定自己是不是做了正确的选择。 dream of [sth], dream about [sth] vi + prep (daydream)做…的白日梦,幻想All day long, she dreamed of their honeymoon.她一整天都在幻想着自己的蜜月。 dream of [sth], dream about [sth] vi + prep (fantasize)幻想,空想,梦想She dreams about becoming an astronaut.她幻想成为一名宇航员。 educate [sb] about [sth] vtr (inform, enlighten)告诉某人某事;向某人说明某事The doctor educated us about the dangers of antibiotics.医生告诉了我们抗生素的危害性。 emphatic about [sth] adj + prep (adamant, determined)明确表示的Jeff was emphatic about making the change. enlighten [sb] about [sth] vtr + prep figurative (explain or clarify to)使...明白...;使...知道...Would somebody please enlighten me about whatever is going on here! enlighten [sb] about [sth] vtr + prep figurative (inform)教导;指导Ray is an expert on French existentialism, so he can enlighten you about that branch of philosophy. Enough about ... interj informal (Let's not talk about … anymore)别谈…了Enough about you, let's talk about me. enthuse over [sth], enthuse about [sth] vi + prep (show enthusiasm)对...充满热情;对...热心Arthur came home from the science museum enthusing about the new mineral exhibit. enthusiastic about [sth] adj + prep (keen, hopeful)对…充满热情的;对…热切期盼的;对…非常感兴趣的I'm not enthusiastic about the new tax system.我对新的税务系统不是非常感兴趣。 enthusiastic about doing [sth] expr (excited to do [sth])热切于...的;对...感到激动的Tony's very enthusiastic about starting college.托尼对即将开始的大学生活感到激动。 eulogize about [sth], also UK: eulogise about [sth] vi + prep (speak in praise of) (对事物)称赞,赞美;颂扬,讴歌,歌颂Brent eulogized at length about the benefits of a vegan diet. evangelize about [sth] vi + prep figurative (enthuse about [sth])对...极热心be excited about [sth] v expr (be animated, enthusiastic about)兴奋的, 激动的The children are excited about our holiday next week.孩子们对于下周要去度假的事情十分激动。be excited about doing [sth] v expr (be keen to do [sth])热衷于;钟爱Jenna is excited about starting her new job on Monday.珍娜星期一就要开始新工作了,她非常兴奋。fable about [sth] vi + prep archaic (lie, invent stories about)虚构The old man frequently fabled about his past.fantasize about [sth], also UK: fantasise about [sth] vi + prep (imagine, daydream about [sth])幻想;空想;做…的白日梦As a child, I fantasized about living in a boarding school.feel bad about [sth] vi + adj (feel guilty)为...感到内疚;因...感到惭愧feel good about [sth] v expr (be optimistic)对...乐观;看好feel good about [sth] v expr (find [sth] morally acceptable)对...感觉良好;乐见feel guilty about [sth] v expr (feel regretful about [sth])对...有罪恶感;对...有负疚感;对...有负罪感I feel guilty about my bad behaviour.我对自己的不良行为有负罪感。feel guilty for doing [sth], feel guilty about doing [sth] v expr (feel responsible, regretful)对…感到后悔;觉得愧疚I felt guilty for cheating on the test.我对考试作弊感到愧疚。feel strongly about [sth] v expr (have passionate views on)对...抱强烈态度fired up about [sth], fired up for [sth] adj + prep figurative, informal (enthusiastic about [sth])因...而兴奋;为了...而激动After an hour's practice on the tennis court, Isabel felt fired up for the tournament.Forget about it! interj slang (don't mention it, you're welcome)别放在心上,别提啦,不客气,不用谢Forget about it – it was nothing really. Forget about it! - you don't owe me a thing.别提啦,真没什么大不了的。别放在心上,你不欠我什么!Forget about it! interj slang (don't worry, it's not important)别担心,没关系,不要在意Look, it's not such a big deal that I lied to you, so forget about it already!听着,我骗了你这件事没什么大不了的,所以不要在意了!Forget about it! interj (stop thinking about it)别再想了!;忘了吧!;算了吧!Anyone could have made the same mistake; forget about it!任何人都可能犯同样的错误,不再想了!Forget about it! interj US, slang (emphatic agreement)不要再想了!Forget about it! interj US, slang (emphatic disagreement)别再想了!generalize about [sth], also UK: generalise about [sth] vi + prep (be unspecific)笼统地表达;概括性表述Sam would only generalize about the situation; he gave no specific details.get excited about [sth] v expr colloquial (look forward)因…激动;热切盼望The children are getting excited about tomorrow's trip to the zoo.get excited about [sth] v expr informal (be enthused)因…激动;兴奋The research team got excited about their latest discovery.get exercized about [sth] v expr (become upset about)因为...而生气;因为...而恼怒;为了...而感到沮丧get in a sweat about v expr figurative, informal (worry)担心..., 焦虑...Mia got in a sweat about her assignment because she thought she wouldn't finish it on time.get on your soapbox about [sth] v expr figurative (rant, give opinion)喋喋不休发表关于...的看法;关于...发表高谈阔论give [sb] a hard time about [sth], give [sb] a hard time over [sth] v expr informal (berate)责备;责骂My dad gave me a hard time about not finishing my homework.go into raptures about [sth], go into raptures over [sth] v expr (be ecstatic)因为...而兴奋至极;因为...而陷入狂喜go on and on about [sth/sb] vtr slang (talk incessantly about) (俚语)喋喋不休地说,不休止地说She went on and on about the various celebrities she'd met.a good feeling (about [sth]) n (premonition of [sth] good)好的预感I have a good feeling about this interview.a good feeling (about [sb]) n (positive evaluation of [sb])对某人感觉良好I've got a good feeling about you. I think you'll go far in this company.gossip about [sb] vi + prep (talk maliciously about people)说长道短;散布小道消息;八卦They were gossiping about the family downstairs.他们在说楼下那家人的闲话。gripe about [sth] vi + prep informal (complain about)抱怨The students are always griping about the amount of homework they receive.grouse about [sth] vi + prep informal (complain about)对…牢骚不已;抱怨;埋怨Jackson is always grousing about his wife nagging him.hang about interj UK, slang (stop, wait a moment) (俚语)等一下!Hang about, do you mean to say you knew about that the whole time and just didn't tell me?!happy about [sth] adj + prep (pleased about)因…高兴,为…高兴;值得高兴I have so many things in my life to be happy about.我生命中有许多值得高兴的事。happy about [sth] adj + prep (content with)对…满意备注: Often used in negative sentences.Emily was far from happy about the changes at work.艾米丽对工作上的变故一点都不满意。have a lot to say about v expr (openly share one's opinions on)关于…有许多话要说As a working mother, she has a lot to say about childcare facilities and unpaid, unscheduled overtime.have doubts about [sth] vtr + npl (not be convinced)对...心存疑惑Ferguson had doubts about Paul Scholes making it as a footballer.have doubts about [sb] vtr + npl (not trust)不信任...I have met Carla's new boyfriend and I have doubts about him.have doubts about [sth] vtr + npl (not be certain)对...没有把握Dave had doubts about his ability to complete the work on time.have information about [sth] vtr (know [sth] important about)有…的消息;了解…的情况Anybody who has information about the accident should report it to the police.任何了解事故的人都应向警方报告。have no qualms about [sth] v expr (not be nervous or afraid)毫不紧张;一点都不害怕Running my own business is going to be tough, but I have no qualms about my decision.have no qualms about doing [sth], have no qualms in doing [sth] v expr (not suffer a guilty conscience)毫无顾忌;毫不内疚I had no qualms about reporting him to the police - he was a violent criminal, without a shred of compassion for his victims.have second thoughts about [sth] v expr (reconsider [sth])重新考虑...Denise was having second thoughts about getting married to Mick.have thoughts about [sth] vtr (consider: doing [sth])考虑做某事hesitant about doing [sth] expr (person: reluctant) (人)不情愿的,勉强的;迟疑的,犹疑的Sarah is hesitant about going on the trip.highly knowledgeable about [sth/sb] expr (informed about a subject)对...很了解的how about informal (introducing a suggestion)你认为…怎么样?你觉得…如何How about going to the cinema tonight?你觉得今晚去电影院如何?How about that! interj (delight, surprise) (表示惊喜的感叹词)还真不错吧?挺让人惊喜的吧?My sister is expecting twins. How about that!How about that! interj (impressed)太好了! 太棒了!;难以置信!How about that? interj (asking opinion)怎么样? 好吗?How about that? interj (wanting to impress)觉得怎么样?Yes, I did win the gold medal. How about that?hung up about [sth] expr informal, figurative (neurotic about [sth])对...过于敏感的Don't get hung up about your appearance - you look fine!不要太在意你的外表,你看起来很好!idealize about [sth], also UK: idealise about [sth] vi + prep (conceive [sth] in ideal form)把…理想化Ruth idealizes about living in rural Italy, but I suspect the reality will be very dispute with [sb] about [sth] expr (in disagreement)争论中;有争议的;有争端的I'm in dispute with my neighbour about whose job it is to mend the fence between us.informed about [sth] adj + prep (know all about [sth])精通的;全面掌握的Lisa is well informed about American history; she recieved an A+ on her essay.丽莎精通美国历史;她写的议论文得了A+。informed about [sth] adj + prep (knowledgeable about [sth])被告知...的;被知会...的;获知...的Thanks to presentations by her staff, the president is informed about the crisis situation in the distant state.多亏手下员工做的演示报告,总裁才知道发生在那个遥远国度的危急情况。inquire about [sth], enquire about [sth] vi + prep (ask for information on)询问,咨询;打听I'm phoning to enquire about the second-hand bicycle you advertised.我来电是想咨询关于你们广告上的二手自行车的信息。intellectualize about [sth], also UK: intellectualise about [sth] vi + prep (analyze [sth] using intellect)对…进行理性分析interrogate [sb] about [sth] vtr + prep (question on [sth])质问My wife interrogated me about my whereabouts after I didn't come home last night.It's about time interj informal (impatience)是时候…It's about time you returned my book!It's about time! interj informal (impatience)是时候了!"I'm going to apply for a job." "It's about time!"loaf around (US), loaf about (UK) vi + prep informal (sit idly in)闲坐He spends all day loafing around the house.look around, also UK: look round, look about vi + adv (seek [sth] in surrounding area)四处寻找I've been looking around everywhere, but I can't find my reading glasses.我到处都找过了,但还是找不到我的阅读眼镜。parade [sth/sb] around, also UK: parade [sth/sb] about vtr + adv (display ostentatiously)招摇地展示;炫耀poke around, poke about vi + adv (search, rummage)四处寻找;到处翻找poke around, poke about vi + adv figurative (intrude, be nosy)四处打探;到处打听She's always poking around in her neighbours' private affairs.prance about, prance around vi + adv (move around in showy way)大摇大摆地走,趾高气扬地走来走去joke about [sth] vi + prep (talk about humorously)说笑话;开玩笑She joked about his moustache.她拿他的八字胡开玩笑。just about adv (more or less)几乎;差不多;大概Well, I think that just about covers it, so let's end this discussion here.keen on, keen about expr UK (fond of, having a liking for)迷恋,喜欢He's very keen on eating Chinese food!他很喜欢吃中国菜!keep silent about [sth] v expr (not tell [sth])对...保持沉默Pippa kept silent about Amber's involvement in the prank.keep your wits about you, have your wits about you v expr (be alert)保持警惕;多加小心No one has ever explored this part of the forest and we don't know what we'll find, so keep your wits about you.know about [sth] vi + prep (be aware)意识到;知道Do you know about the recent policy changes?know about [sth] vi + prep (be well informed)了解到;熟悉That professor really knows about European history.knowledgeable about [sth] adj + prep (knows a lot about [sth])在...方面有丰富知识的;在...方面知识渊博的The researcher is very knowledgeable about the life cycle of E.Coli bacteria.那位研究人员在大肠杆菌生命循环方面有丰富知识。kvetch about [sth] vi + prep informal (complain about [sth])抱怨...;对...发牢骚Colin is always kvetching about his job.learn about [sth] vi + prep (become informed about)获悉,知道;学习How did you learn about our company? The kids have been learning about the Middle Ages in their history class.你是怎么知道我们公司的?历史课上,孩子们一直在学习关于中世纪的知识。learn all about [sth] v expr (become fully informed)充分获悉;充分了解Before I invest in a company, I am always sure to learn all about their history and business practices.lecture [sb] about doing [sth] v expr figurative (reprimand, moralize)因为…批评;因为…斥责Deanna lectured her son about staying out late.狄安娜因为儿子晚归而批评他。let up about [sth] v expr (subject: stop talking about)停止谈论Matt was late home on Friday night and his wife still hasn't let up about it.马特周五晚上很晚才回家,他妻子到现在还没完没了说起。loaf around (US), loaf about (UK) vi + prep informal (sit idly in)闲坐He spends all day loafing around the house.look around, also UK: look round, look about vi + adv (seek [sth] in surrounding area)四处寻找I've been looking around everywhere, but I can't find my reading glasses.我到处都找过了,但还是找不到我的阅读眼镜。mad about adj + prep informal (passionate about)非常迷恋;特别喜欢I'm mad about that singer; I own all his CDs and I'm president of his fan club.mad about adj + prep informal (angry about)对…非常生气His jaws are clenched. He must be mad about something.made up about [sth], made up with [sth] expr UK, regional, informal (pleased)为…高兴;因为…开心I'm made up about my new car!我因为有了新车开心。make a noise about [sth] v expr figurative, informal (call attention to [sth])指出,提出;为...发声make a noise about [sth] v expr figurative, informal (complain about [sth])抱怨;申诉make a song and dance about [sth] v expr informal, figurative (make a fuss)对…大惊小怪,对…小题大做Stop making such a song and dance about it! It's not that big a deal.make no bones about [sth] v expr figurative, informal (be forthright, direct)毫不掩饰,对…直言不讳The journalist made no bones about her dislike of politicians.make no bones about doing [sth] v expr figurative, informal (be forthright, direct in doing)毫不掩饰,直截了当Veronica made no bones about telling her boss exactly what she thought of about town, man-about-town n (socially active man)善于处事的人;善于交际的人much ado about nothing n (fuss for little reason)无事生非;小题大做备注: From the title of a play by William Shakespeare.muse on [sth], muse over [sth], muse about [sth] vi + prep (ponder, consider)沉思;冥想He took weeks to muse on the question before putting pen to paper.nag [sb] about [sth] vtr + prep (remind constantly)就…不停唠叨I wish my parents would stop nagging me about the dangers of smoking.我真希望我父母不要再就吸烟的危害不停唠叨我了。not bear thinking about v expr (be unpleasant thought)不忍去想;不愿去想nothing to say about [sth] prep (no information or opinion about)无话可说When the reporter asked about his alleged affair, he answered "I have nothing to say about that."nothing to write home about expr figurative, informal (unremarkable)平淡无奇;一般般;不足挂齿I enjoyed his last film, but this new one is nothing to write home nuts about [sb] v expr slang (person: be infatuated with) (俚语)疯狂地爱恋;迷恋I don't know what she sees in him, but she's nuts about nuts about [sth] v expr slang (activity, thing: like intensely) (俚语)热爱;痴迷于I do like peanut butter, but I'm nuts about chocolate!obsess over [sth], obsess about [sth] vi + prep (be overly preoccupied with sthg)不断想着…而深受困扰;太过沉迷于She's constantly obsessing about her weight.the one about n (joke)笑话;玩笑When I told the one about the horse and the bar, nobody laughed.当我讲了那个关于马和酒吧的笑话时,并没人发笑。out and about adv (busy, active outside the home)外出走动He's always out and about these days - I hardly ever see him at home.这些日子他总是在外出走动,我几乎在家里都见不着他。parade [sth/sb] around, also UK: parade [sth/sb] about vtr + adv (display ostentatiously)招摇地展示;炫耀passionate about [sth] adj + prep (cares, believes strongly in)热衷于,对…充满热情Dan is passionate about his human rights work.丹热衷于自己的人权工作。poke around, poke about vi + adv (search, rummage)四处寻找;到处翻找poke around, poke about vi + adv figurative (intrude, be nosy)四处打探;到处打听She's always poking around in her neighbours' private affairs.pontificate on [sth], pontificate about [sth] vi + prep (talk pompously about)傲慢地谈到;自以为权威地就…进行训话The lecturer pontificated on the meaning of life.prance about, prance around vi + adv (move around in showy way)大摇大摆地走,趾高气扬地走来走去preach about [sth] vi + prep (moralize on the subject of)就…进行说教My uncle gave up smoking years ago and now he's always preaching about the dangers of tobacco.protest, protest about [sth], protest against [sth] vi + prep (complain about)抗议;异议,反对The staff protested about having to work on a public holiday.工作人员抗议在公共节假日加班。usage: used as a verbProtest /prə^test/ is used as a verb to say that someone shows publicly that they do not approve of something. You can say that someone protests about something or protests against something.Women's groups protested about the way women were portrayed in commercials.Students marched in the streets to protest against the arrests. In American English, you can use protest as a transitive verb. You say that someone protests something.Environmental campaigners protested the decision.Protest can also be a reporting verb. If you protest that something is true, you insist that it is true, when someone has said or suggested the opposite.They protested that they had nothing to do with the incident.‘You’re wrong,' I protested.psyched about [sth] adj + prep (excited, keyed up about)对…感到激动;对…感到兴奋put it about v expr UK, slang (have sex with many people) (俚语)(在性行为方面)乱交,乱搞男女关系I hear Tracy's been putting it about with the entire football team!put it about v expr UK, informal (disseminate information)到处放风, 散布消息Someone had been putting it about that the gang boss was getting soft.put out at [sth], put out about [sth] expr informal (aggrieved)对…感到不高兴;对…感到不满They were extremely put out at not being allowed to sit together.他们因不能坐在一起而感到极度不满。quiz [sb] about [sth] vtr + prep (question about a topic)为(某事)盘问(某人);就(某事)盘查(某人)The police quizzed the witness about exactly what she had seen.警方就确切目击情况盘问了证人。quiz [sb] on [sth], quiz [sb] about [sth] vtr + prep US (students: test on a subject)对…进行…方面的测试The teacher quizzed her students on the Civil War.老师对学生们进行了内战知识方面的测试。rabbit about [sth] vi + prep UK, slang (talk incessantly)唠叨;闲扯He's a real bore at parties - always rabbiting about the economy or immigration.rag [sb] about [sth] vtr + prep informal (tease about [sth])因某事嘲笑某人Adam's colleagues ragged him about his taste in clothes.同事们因为亚当的衣着品味而嘲笑他。rag on [sb] about [sth] v expr US, informal (tease about [sth])在…上戏弄,在…方面揶揄rant about [sth/sb] vi + prep (discuss angrily at length)大声斥责;不停数落Edmund ranted about his colleagues; they'd really been getting on his nerves lately.艾德蒙德大声斥责着自己的同事,这些人最近实在让他心烦。slosh around, also UK: slosh about vi + adv (splash through: mud, water) (在水或泥中)趟着走;踩水走The children were sloshing around in puddles.slosh around, also UK: slosh about vi + adv (water: splash about) (水)拍打I can feel water sloshing around inside my boots.somewhere around, also UK: somewhere about prep (in an unspecified nearby place)在附近I know I left my keys somewhere around here!somewhere around, also UK: somewhere about adv (approximately)大约;大概The world population is somewhere around five billion.I can meet you somewhere around noon on Friday for lunch.strut around, also UK: strut about vi + adv (go about self-importantly)大摇大摆地四处走,趾高气扬地走The bully was strutting around the playground as if he owned the place.The boxer strutted about as if he had just won the title.swan around, swan about vi + adv (wander aimlessly)漫游;漫无目的地乱逛At 3 in the morning, there were still groups of people swanning around outside the nightclub.wander around, UK: wander about vi + adv (stroll aimlessly)徘徊;游荡I had some free time, so I decided to wander around the city.rave about [sth/sb] vi + prep (speak angrily)怒喊;对…叫嚷Poor Fred's always raving about how the government is out to get him.可怜的弗莱德总是怒喊说政府要整他。rave about [sth/sb] vi + prep (praise enthusiastically)极力赞美The critics are raving about that new film.评论家们对新电影大加赞美。razz [sb] for [sth], razz [sb] about [sth] v expr US, slang (tease about [sth])因...调侃...razz [sb] about doing [sth], razz [sb] for doing [sth] v expr US, slang (tease for doing [sth])因...做了...而调侃read about [sth/sb] vtr + prep (read on the topic of)读到I read about your accident in the newspaper.我在报上读到了你发生的事故。Read all about it! interj (newspaper seller's cry) (卖报宣传语)赶快读!一切尽在报内!The kiosk sign read "Extra! Extra! Read all about it! RMSTitanic sinks, huge loss of life.".remind [sb] of [sth], remind [sb] about [sth] vtr + prep (cause [sb] to remember)提醒;使想起;使记起The alarm reminded Tim of his appointment.I reminded my son about his mother's birthday.提姆听到闹钟,想起了还有约会。//我让儿子想起了他母亲的生日。reminisce about [sth] vi + prep (recount memories)回忆过往;检视记忆It's fun to hear my aunt reminisce about her military service.remonstrate about [sth], remonstrate against [sth] vi + prep (protest about)责备;告诫rib [sb] about [sth] vtr + prep (tease [sb] about [sth])因…取笑某人;因…嘲笑某人Billy's classmates rib him about his red hair.right about adv (more or less, approximately)差不多地There was a farm right about here a long time ago.right about adv US (the opposite way round)相反方向地; (比喻)彻底转变,180度大转弯right about here adv (in this vicinity)就在这儿;就在附近We should find the treasure right about here.right about now adv US, informal (at almost exactly this moment)差不多就在现在She phones every day at the same time; in fact, she should be phoning right about now.romanticize about [sth], also UK: romanticise about [sth] vi + prep (have unrealistic ideas about [sth])对…充满浪漫化的想法A lot of people romanticize about living a simple, self-sufficient life in the countryside, without realizing how much hard work it is.slosh around, also UK: slosh about vi + adv (splash through: mud, water) (在水或泥中)趟着走;踩水走The children were sloshing around in puddles.slosh around, also UK: slosh about vi + adv (water: splash about) (水)拍打I can feel water sloshing around inside my boots.smug about [sth] adj + prep (excessively self-satisfied about)对…自鸣得意;自我陶醉于…的;对…沾沾自喜Adam has just run his first marathon and he's very smug about it.亚当刚跑完自己的第一个马拉松,很是沾沾自喜。be sniffy about [sth] v expr informal, figurative (be disdainful, snobbish about)对...态度轻蔑的;看不起...的;对...不屑一顾的The sales assistant was really sniffy about ordering the item I wanted; I won't be shopping there again!snivel about [sth] vi + prep (whine, complain)哭诉;哭着抱怨;哭哭啼啼地说Jack hasn't done any work today; he's just been sniveling about the project.something to write home about expr figurative, informal (remarkable)值得夸耀的;值得炫耀的;值得自豪的Wow, what an amazing fireworks display! That was certainly something to write home about.somewhere around, also UK: somewhere about prep (in an unspecified nearby place)在附近I know I left my keys somewhere around here!somewhere around, also UK: somewhere about adv (approximately)大约;大概The world population is somewhere around five billion.I can meet you somewhere around noon on Friday for lunch.sound [sb] out about [sth] v expr figurative, informal (elicit [sb]'s opinion about [sth])探寻某人对某事的看法;打探某人对某事的观点He said he wanted to sound me out about his latest business idea.speculate about [sth] vi + prep (make guesses about)推测;猜测At this point in the investigation we can only speculate about the suspect's motives.splash about vi + adv (play in water)戏水,玩水squabble over [sth], squabble about [sth] vi + prep informal (quarrel, argue about)就…争论;因…争吵My family constantly squabbles over the most insignificant squeamish about [sth], be squeamish of [sth] v expr (easily nauseated by [sth])易引起呕吐;容易让人吐I could never be an entomologist as I'm squeamish about squeamish about [sth] v expr (excessively scrupulous about [sth])过于谨慎的;过于小心的The CEO was not squeamish about using her power to obtain favors outside of work.stroll about vi + adv UK (walk around at leisurely pace)四处闲逛;到处溜达We were early, so we strolled about while we waited.strut around, also UK: strut about vi + adv (go about self-importantly)大摇大摆地四处走,趾高气扬地走The bully was strutting around the playground as if he owned the place.The boxer strutted about as if he had just won the title.swan around, swan about vi + adv (wander aimlessly)漫游;漫无目的地乱逛At 3 in the morning, there were still groups of people swanning around outside the nightclub.swarm about vi + adv UK (move around en masse)蜂拥而至There were groups of people swarming about, waiting for the famous author to about [sth/sb] vi + prep (discuss)讨论;谈论We talked about the film we had just seen.我们就刚看过的电影进行了讨论。Talk about ...! interj informal (expressing disgust or emphasis) (表示强调、恶心等)说来真是…!Talk about a stupid thing to do! I can't believe you did that!说来真是件蠢事啊!我不敢相信你真的做了!talked-about, talked about adj (getting public attention)被谈论的;被讨论的teach [sb] about [sth] vtr + prep (give knowledge of)教会某人...的知识;让某人了解某事The clinic teaches people about health issues.Sonoko taught me about Japanese food and culture.诊所教会大家关于健康问题的知识。tell about [sth] vi + prep (give information about)说明;说到the best thing about [sth/sb] n (greatest feature)最好的一点think about [sth] vi + prep (consider)思考;思索;反省I don't know at the moment; I need to think about it again.现在我还不知道;我需要再想想。think about [sth/sb], think of [sth/sb] vi + prep (be preoccupied)想着He was saddened, and thought about her situation all the time.他心绪黯然,一直想着她的处境。think about doing [sth], think of v expr (consider possibility)想着;考虑;打算Don't even think about asking me to do you any more favours!想都别想让我再帮你任何忙!think long and hard, think long and hard about [sth] v expr (deliberate at length)深思熟虑think twice about [sth] v expr (reconsider [sth])三思;仔细考虑Think twice about the personal information you share online.think twice about doing [sth], think twice before doing [sth], think twice before you do [sth] v expr (reconsider prior to doing [sth])三思而后行You should think twice about giving up a steady job to start a PhD.I'd advise you to think twice before you accept this man's proposal; you've only just met him!tip [sb] off to [sth], tip [sb] off about [sth] v expr often passive, informal (inform, warn)暗中向某人透露某事The informant tipped off the police about the planned drugs drop.线人向警方透露了计划的毒品交易。unapologetic about [sth] adj + prep (not sorry about)对于...不认错的;对于...没有歉意的The actor is unapologetic about the controversial remarks he made in a radio interview.对于自己在电台采访中极具争议的言辞,那位演员毫无歉意。be unclear about [sth] v expr (person: not understand fully)对…不清楚;不明白I'm unclear about what the results of my blood test mean.unhappy about prep (dissatisfied or discontented with)对…感到不满;对…感到不高兴;对…感到不悦Freddy was unhappy about having his toy taken away.unsure (of/about [sth]) adj (person: uncertain about [sth]) (人)无把握的,不确定的He's unsure whether he'll be able to come with us.up and about adj informal (recovered from illness) (病人)起床走动的He's been up and about for almost a week now.up and about adj informal (not in bed)起床的;起床活动的Shawn is an early-riser and is usually up and about by 6:30.wander around, UK: wander about vi + adv (stroll aimlessly)徘徊;游荡I had some free time, so I decided to wander around the city.wave [sth] about vtr + adv (cause to flutter)使...波动,挥舞what about ...? expr (with noun: concern) (表示关心)...怎么样?I could cancel our visit, but what about Grandma? Won't she be upset?What about ...? expr (with noun: suggestion) (表示建议)...怎么样?What about pizza for dinner tonight? That car is too expensive; what about this one?What about ...? expr (with gerund: suggestion) (表示建议)去...怎么样?What about seeing a movie tonight?whine about [sth/sb] vi + prep (complain about)因…嘀咕;就…发牢骚The children were whining about how hungry they were.孩子们嘀咕着自己有多饿。be wild about [sb] adj + prep (love [sb] passionately)热爱;疯狂恋慕Lucas is wild about Carla and even proposed to her.卢卡斯疯狂恋慕着卡菈,甚至还向她求婚了。be wild about [sth] adj + prep (like [sth] intensely)热衷于Simon is wild about bananas; he eats one every day.西蒙很热衷于香蕉,他每天都会吃一根。be worried about [sth/sb] v expr (be anxious about)对...感到焦虑;担心;为...而烦恼I was worried about my exam results, but I did well.我本来还担心自己的考试成绩,但我考得不错。worried sick about [sth] adj informal (extremely anxious about [sb] or [sth])非常担心Where have you been? You're two hours late - I've been worried sick!worry about [sth/sb] vi + prep (be concerned or anxious about)担心;操心We're worried about your performance.I am worrying about increased unemployment in the country.我们很担心你的表现。 // 我国走高的失业率,让我担心不已。write about [sth] vtr (write on the subject of)以…为题材写作Many authors write about war.




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