

词汇 link to
释义 link to
link to发音

与…连接, 联系



drink to───为…干杯;为…祝贺

link up───会合;连接;联系

look to───v.注意;指望;照看

drinks to───为…干杯;为…祝贺

link road───连接路

link motion───n.连杆运动

drank to───为…干杯;为…祝贺


This action will sever the object's link to its master.───该操作将切断此对象与其主控文档的链接.

The Alumnae Association is my link to the school's present administration.───女校友协会是我和现在学校行政部门之间的纽带

Displays the link to the comments popup window for the current post ID.───显示对当前发表评论,弹出式窗口的链接标识.

Those available for download have a direct link to the text listed next to the entry.───所有可供下载的阅读资料,皆可直接由下列参考书目后的划底线部分点选下载.

This gives the developer a link to information stored in corporate databases.───这为开发人员提供了得到存储在公司数据库中信息的一条通路.

They used that link to their advantage.───他们用和所谓“母校”的联系来作为自己的优势.

The tunnel would link to a food street with herb tea shops and grocery.───时光隧道连接怀旧小食街,并设凉茶店和杂货铺.

Which cell do I link to meaningful friendship?───我要把哪一格与意味深长的友谊联系起来 呢 ?

Direct linking to the repository URLs is prohibited, please only link to this post.───直接链接到库的网址是禁止, 请连结到这个职位.

And MCEV has no direct link to capital adequacy.───还有MCEV和资本充足没有直接关联.

If they like your stuff, they will link to you.───如果他们喜欢你的东西,他们会联系你。

Broadly, it makes connections between ideas about healing and how they link to plants.───笼统说来,它将治疗理念和如何与医疗设备相结合联系了起来。

Here's a link to the slew of amicus briefs in the Michigan cases.───连接到密西根州案例中其他利益方陈述的回顾.

The element allows an item to link to comments about that item.───元素的作用是:允许将一个项连接到它所对应的注释文件中.

Denotes a link to a file on the local system on your Web site map.───在网站图上表示与本地系统上某文件的链接.

And in the billing cycle, and every link, to the record companies can Chinakayao.───并且在结算周期上, 以及每一个环节上, 都可以向唱片公司吃拿卡要.

Therefore, the static link to the rules MFC DLL module does not require state switch.───因此, 在静态链接到MFC的规则DLL中不需要进行模块状态的切换.

Link to full text of decision.───连接到判决的完整文本.

Within a subroutine , to effect a link to the computer program that called the subroutine.───在子程序中, 返回到调用子程序的计算机程序.

To do this, click Link to Chart and copy and save the link that's provided.───为此, 请单击链接到图表复制并保存该链接的规定.

CreateLink – Creates a symbolic link to the device.───创建一个到当前设备的符号连接,使应用程序能够访问它.

Build a site map with a link to each of your pages.───创建一个站点地图,包含站内所有的页面连接.

Answer people's questions on Yahoo! answers with a link to your website in the sources area.───通过雅 虎 问答等知识型平台以回答问题的形式推广站点.

I clicked on the link to the next page of the website.───我单击链接好翻到网站的下一页。

Return the html email link to the author of the current comment.───返回到目前的评论作者的HTML电子邮件中的链接.

Link to background materials on the case ( briefs, lower court rulings, etc. ).───连接到这个案例的背景材料 ( 陈述书, 低层法院规则等等 ).

This module could alert administrator and cut off the network link to the abnormal host automatically.───该模块可以对管理员实施报警,并且可以自动断开异常主机的网络连接.

To insert the object as a link, select the Link to file checkbox.───若要将对象插入为链接, 选择链接到文档复选框.否则,对象将被嵌入.

Link to an essay critical of the approach to IX taken by the Women's Sports Foundation.───连接到妇女运动基金会所利用第九条作为文章评论的方法.

Copy down the link to the file.───抄下联系的档案.


Data is transmitted via a modem link to the central office.

The Alumnae Association is my link to the school's present administration.

He is our link to the outside world.

You click on the link to go there.

Click on this link to visit our online bookstore.

The driver has a radio link to base.

I clicked on the link to the next page of the web site.

A free link to the Maker is supplied as standard issue to every Earthling, fully installed by him from the womb.

The speech was broadcast via a video link to thousands standing outside.

  • link up with
  • linked learning
  • link to
  • linkers of contrast
  • link with
  • links awakening 2019
  • links golf club




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