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词汇 lightning bolts
释义 lightning bolts
lightning bolts发音



lightning bugs───萤火虫(等于firefly)

lightning rods───避雷针

lightning beetle───闪电甲虫

lighting out───匆匆离去

lightning bug───萤火虫(等于firefly)

lightning chess───闪电棋

lightning rod───避雷针


A saguaro cactus stands tall amid a frenzy of lightning bolts in Arizona.───亚利桑那州,一株巨人柱仙人掌矗立在一团狂暴的闪电中。

These fast-moving bursts of light have been linked to strong lightning bolts.───这种快速移动的光脉冲往往强大的闪电有关。

Two large lightning bolts strike the ground near Las Cruces, New Mexico.───两道大闪电击中新墨西哥拉斯克鲁塞斯附近的地面。

Her saucer eyes and short outfit make her a real charmer -- but the lightning bolts she shoots out simply aren't electrifying enough.───虽然她明目皓齿,一身短套装使她充满了魅力—但是她眼中放出的闪电威力还不够。

Pegasus is said to carry Zeus' lightning bolts across the sky, and as he rushes across, his hooves create rumbles of thunder.───据说他背著宙斯的闪电横跨天际,当他匆匆飞过天空时,他的啼就会踢出隆隆雷声。

Off in the distance, we hear the rumbles of an approaching storm, and several lightning bolts streak across the sky.───从远处,我们听到了暴风雨来临的隆隆声,以及数声闪电的巨响划过天空。

With all this, bear in mind that the songs you can create are not melodious, and mainly sound like variations on lightning bolts.───有了这些,还要记住,你创造的声音不是和谐的旋律,更像是两指间闪电的变化。

And what she aimed at me was as fast and deadly as lightning bolts[4].───她针对我的回应像闪电一样迅速而且致命。

On "Thunderbolt, " your dreams of shooting lightning bolts out of your finger can come true.───在《Thunderbolt》里,你用手指让雷电划过天空的梦想会实现。


Two large lightning bolts strike the ground near Las Cruces, New Mexico. Though human eyes perceive the opposite, lightning moves from the ground up to the cloud.

Two large lightning bolts strike the ground near Las Cruces, New Mexico.

They exploded against her like lightning bolts.

Stay on the left and let it come up close, jumping over its lightning bolts in the process.

Burchard shaped the new material into rough-textured lightning bolts of foam that locked together to stay put under the weight of heavy, priceless objects.

A saguaro cactus stands tall amid a frenzy of lightning bolts in Arizona.

Lightning bolts appear above and around Chile's Chaiten volcano as seen from Chana, to the north, as it began its first eruption in thousands of years on May 2, 2008.

Lightning bolts about a hundred miles away are sending out cracks into the sky of awesome proportion.

The skies darkened and lightning bolts split the sky.

  • lightning storm
  • lightning rods
  • lightning bolts
  • lightning strike




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