life styles───生活方式,生活习惯;格调
life estate───终身财产;终身产业
big style───大风格
high style───(女人服装的)时髦式样;新款式
He belongs to the county set , ie people having this life - style .───他属于郡中 豪绅 阶层.
We are looking forward to a cleaner and better environment by changing our life style.───我们期待通过改变我们的生活方式来创造一个更干净、更好的环境。
Germany is always consistent and unchanged life style and style.───德就是始终一贯的,终生不变的风范和风格.
The intemperate life style is the patient population sharp increase primary factor.───无节制的生活方式是患者人数剧增的主要因素.
Practicing economy is a life - style or rather a spirit.───节约是一种生活方式,更是一种精神品质.
She had come to enjoy Roberto's luxurious life-style.───她渐渐地喜欢上了罗伯托奢侈的生活方式。
In spite of all these differences, evidence shows that recent life style changes may be affecting French eating habits.───尽管存在这些差异,但有证据表明,最近的生活方式变化可能会影响法国的饮食习惯。
Life was now drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas.───比起海外那种更富有刺激的生活方式来,现在的生活显得了无生气.
Getting married often means a sudden change in life - style.───结婚常意味着生活方式的一种突然变化.
Susan's idea of freedom was to have variety in her life style.───苏珊心目中的自由就是拥有丰富多彩的生活。
We advocate such a life - style whether residential or commercial & residential.───无论我们做住宅、 商住 两用房,都倡导这样的生活方式.
International diabetes: So the early intervention includes metformin besides life style change?───国际糖尿病》: 所以除了生活方式改变以外二甲双胍治疗也应该作为早期干预的手段?
Bianca : Me too. But we should try to lead a healthier life style.───我也是, 但我们应该尝试健康一点的生活方式.
Garden is not only an art form but also a life style.───园林作为一种艺术样式,它首先也是一种生活方式.
The life style happen chain reaction, follow the change affecting all factors.───原有的生活方式发生了链条反映, 牵动了所有的因素跟着变化.
She also began moving toward a different life-style.───她也开始转向一种不同的生活方式。
Susan's idea of freedom was to have variety in her life style.───苏珊对自由的理解就是拥有生活方式的多样化。
The hermit followed an ascetic life - style.───这个隐士过的是苦行生活.
- lifelong journey
- life is what you make it
- lifeguard stand
- life stuff
- lifeguard certification
- life member
- life moment
- life is money
- life science
- life like dream
- life in good
- life is cool
- life of reality
- life photo
- life on earth
- life house
- life is the party
- life is fun
- lifetime employment
- life isS o a
- life fitness