reel of threes───三人一卷
university degrees───大学学历;本科学历
general degrees───普通学位
bachelor's degrees───学士学位
Bachelor of Arts degrees───文学学士学位
Engler degrees───天使学位
Masters degrees───硕士学位
advanced degrees───高级学位
arts degrees───艺术学位
Teachers with different levels of degrees vary not much in job satisfaction on the whole, but the teachers of college degrees are more satisfied than those with bachelor or even higher degrees.───拥有不同学历的教师其工作满意感总体上讲差别不大,但使得大专学历的教师感到满意的因素要略多于本科及本科以上学历的教师;
validity of an article we can classify it within a scale of levels of evidence and degrees of recommendation.───的有效性评价,我们才能给所获得的证据分级,并以此为推荐分级。
church had various levels or degrees of such discipline, ranging from the mild rebuke to the ultimate step of excommunication.───教会的这些纪律也包含许多级别,从轻微的批评到终极程度的逐出教会不等。
- levels of exhaustion 5e
- levels of degrees
- levels crossword clue