levelled out───平稳(levelled是level的过去式);平息(levelled是level的过去式);夷为平地(levelled是level的过去式)
evened out───v.使平坦;使均等;变正常
level out───把……弄平;达到平衡;持平
leveled off───趋平;呈平稳状态;把...弄平
levels out───把……弄平;达到平衡;持平
leveling out───把……弄平;达到平衡;持平
levelled off───平缓
weaseled out───退出;逃避责任
bleeped out───用哔声干扰(bleeped是bleep的过去式和过去分词);屏蔽(bleeped是bleep的过去式和过去分词);删去了(bleeped是bleep的过去式和过去分词)
the gorge leveled out.───这东西就恶心。
This ground needs to be leveled out.───这片操场需要平整一下。
gorge leveled out.───峡谷东面地势变平坦了。
When he got in sight of the homestead, the land leveled out but the ground grew soggier.───当宅基地进入他的视线,地面变得平坦。但是地面湿透了。
After seven generations, however, the numbers of attractive and average flies had leveled out.───但是,在种群延续七代后,发现普通苍蝇和性感者数量基本相当。
Among Hispanic girls, the rate of obesity leveled out after 2005.───西班牙和葡萄牙裔的女孩肥胖率自2005年以后趋于平稳。
Sales have leveled out after a period of rapid growth.───在一段快速增长时期之后,销售已经开始保持平稳。
The steamroller leveled out the gravel roadbed and then the concrete was poured.
The aircraft leveled out, and tipped up again for its climb to 20,000 feet.
East of the gorge leveled out.
The steamroller leveled out the gravel roadbed and than the concrete was poured.
- leveled off
- leveled by
- leveled reading
- leveled reader
- leveled questions
- leveled puzzles
- leveled up
- leveled out