

词汇 let him down
释义 let him down
let him down发音



let down───使失望;放下;辜负;减速下降

let in on───vt.让…参与,与…分享;让…知道(秘密),告知

lets down───使失望;放下;辜负;减速下降

letted down───失望

letting down───下滑;松弛回火

thin down───变细;弄细

let the side down───使朋友失望


After all, too much water has run under the bridge and despite your effort to let him down easily, his ego 2 will most likely be bruised 3 and if he loved you – he will be hurt.───毕竟,静水流深,尽管你努力还是让他很容易失落,他的自尊很可能会受伤,如果他爱你的话——他会很伤心。

Joseph said that on the day Johnathan died he had peanut butter stuck in his throat but his parents wouldn't let him wash it down.───约瑟夫说,当他死的那天,喉咙里还卡着花生酱,但父母们不允许他把花生酱弄掉。

Many believe it was his shyness and insecurity which let him down.───许多人认为是他的胆怯和缺乏安全感使他失败。

I wanted to let him down gently since I'd be seeing him around the apartment building, but I didn't want to spend another minute with him.───我想不让他十分失望,因为我会在公寓楼见到他,但是我不想再和他呆一分钟。

Jack made a deal with the devil that, if he would never tempt him again, he would promise to let him down the tree.───杰克制造一交易与魔鬼,如果他永远不会再诱惑他,他会诺言到让他??落那树。

Acts 9: 25 But his disciples took him by night and let him down through the wall, lowering him in a basket.───徒九25他的门徒就在夜间,用筐子把他从城墙上缒下去。

I don't see that you let him down in any way.───我看这没有什么对不起人的地方。

His tram let him down at Shelburne Road and he steered his great body along in the shadow of the wall of the barracks.───车开到谢尔本路,他下来了,沿着工棚墙投下的阴影,拖着粗壮的身躯,向前走去。

He expects so much. What's left for me to do but let him down?───他对我抱了这么大的期望我有什么方法不让他失望?


Hoggart felt, with some justification , that his colleagues had let him down.

He's in an agony of worry over the baby, and he feels she let him down.

His putting let him down today; he didn't sink a single putt over three feet.

Built like a Roman sculpture, Brown has never had his body let him down.

I'll work hard. I don't want to let him down.

They let him down on a rope.

Many believe it was his shyness and insecurity which let him down.

But part of him, something of his character that had been forbearing and unassailable, had let him down.

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