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词汇 leaving out
释义 leaving out
leaving out发音



cleaning out───清除,打扫干净

clearing out───走开;把…清出;办理海关出口手续

bearing out───证实;支持

beating out───搞清;敲平;使筋疲力尽

dealing out───分给;分配

eating out───外出就餐

having out───讨论或争论得出结论,邀请出去

hearing out───听完

laying out───定线;画样划线


I'm leaving out the outer RDF envelope to save space.───我省去了外层rdf封套以节省版面。

So, we'll go through design principles more informally, leaving out strict definitions.───因此,我们在此讨论的设计原则更偏向于传递简略通俗的信息而非严格的定义。

I have condensed the sample document by leaving out optional security tokens and.───我去掉了可选的安全标记和,以便压缩示例文档。

If I cut the front essay, the opposite one is bound to suffer damage, leaving out half of it or keeping the text without the subject.───只要你剪下了正面的文章,这背面的文章就要受到损伤,或是只剩下半块,或是缺了文章的题目。

But leaving out my arm, every inch of me is as sore as if I had been fighting with a legion of imps! ''───‘可是除了我的胳臂,我浑身上下都酸痛得好像我跟一大队小鬼打过仗似的。’

Because people go down the number of times, to take the bus to work or greatly reduced, thus leaving out a lot of travel expenses.───由于人们出门的时间减少,坐车上班的次数也大量减少,因此省去了许多的交通费用。

It's perfectly fair to criticize Apple for leaving out a USB port and a shared file system.───批评苹果公司没有留出USB介面和共用档案系统是完全公平的。

But I can't help feeling sorry for him, so a few months ago I began leaving out cat food.───但我仍然忍不住可怜他,所以几个月前我就开始施舍猫食了。

Do not leave out important information when telling a story to someone. Leaving out information can cause a lie, too.───告诉别人事情时不要遗漏重要的信息,遗漏重要的信息也可能导致说谎。


I am leaving out Lee had a beautiful voice and sang beautifully at age six in Covington, Louisiana.

It is to risk leaving out what religion is really about, rather like music without sound, or mathematics without numbers.

Hitchcock does not disappoint by leaving out his trademark dark humor.

Make non-alcoholic drinks by leaving out the alcohol in most mixed drinks or making the classic Shirley Temple drink with Sprite and grenadine.

Amy: No but my flight's leaving out of Orly . See?

Describe in detail your last bowel movement, leaving out nothing.

Leaving out poor and working people doesn't seem right.

Create healthy snacking habits by leaving out bowls of fruit, cut-up vegetables, nuts, or dried fruit.

The trees in the park are all leaving out now.

  • leaving for
  • leaving on a jet plane
  • leavings orkesteri




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