

词汇 leave off
释义 leave off
leave off发音

停止(做)某事, 戒掉; 戒除


leaved off───离开

leaves off───停止

ease off───减轻;缓和;放松

gave off───发出(光等);长出(枝、杈等)

lead off───开始;领先

leads off───开始;领先

leave out───遗漏,省去;不考虑

live off───以…为食料;靠…生活;住在…之外

stave off───避开;延缓


I wish you'd leave off whistling like that.───请你不要那样吹口哨了.

Where did we leave off?───我们上次讲到哪里了?

Let's leave off here for lunch.───吃饭了,就到此为止吧.

It's time to leave off work.───是下班的时候了.

They leave off quarreling to sleep.───他们停止了争吵,然后就去睡觉了.

Everybody was dressed for a Fancy Ball that was never to leave off.───人人都打扮穿着,参加一场永不休止的化装舞会.

The weather is getting warmer and you can leave off your heavy coat.───天气越来越暖和了,你无需再穿厚衣服了。

The snow may leave off, or something may turn up.───雪可能会停,或者会出现别的情况。

Do not leave off your overcoat; it is cold.───不要把你的大衣脱下, 天气很冷.

I think we should leave off now and have some coffee.───我想现在我们该休息一下,喝点咖啡了.

Hamlet had gone too far to leave off here.───哈姆莱特说得太露骨,收不住了.

Tom told the boys to leave off teasing his little brother.───汤姆告诉那些孩子们不要再逗他的小弟弟了.

The Badger told him rather sharply to leave off.───獾子班杰相当严厉地叫他住手。

I shall leave off while I am well.───现在我要功成身退了.

I think I'll leave off my coat.───我想脱去我的外衣.

And their children may carry on where they leave off.───他们的后代也许会像他们一样当半文盲.

It's hot today I think I'll leave off my coat.───今天天气热,我想不穿上衣了.

The lad is strong - willed ; once he starts doing something, he won't leave off until he's finished it.───这小伙子有股牛劲, 干一件事就非干到底不可.


It's hard for a chain-smoker to leave off smoking.

It's time to leave off work.

Hey, leave off! I hate people touching my hair.

Let's leave off here for lunch.

They leave off quarreling to sleep.

The weather is getting warmer and you can leave off your heavy coat.

I wish you'd leave off whistling like that.

'Will you leave off nagging?' he snarled.

Do not leave off your overcoat; it is cold.

  • leave the field blank
  • leave again
  • leave it behind
  • leave ouintwomistudents
  • leave aside
  • leavened with
  • leave by
  • leavened cake
  • leave home
  • leaves eyes
  • leaved means
  • leave your mark on life
  • leave without
  • leave about
  • leave out of
  • leaves off
  • leave game
  • leaves sadly
  • leaven bread
  • leave in
  • leave of




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