leading man───饰男主角的演员
leading rein───n.马缰绳
leading on───v.哄骗;引诱
leading reins───n.马缰绳
leading tone───主调音下的半音;音阶的第七音(也称subsemitone或leadingnote);导音
leading wind───主导风
Peking men───北京人(中国猿人)
betting men───赌徒
ladies men───女士男士
Heart disease is a leading men's health threat.───心脏病是男人健康最大的威胁。
In Hollywood's golden age, the celebrated films of the day were often giant star vehicles, dramas and tearjerkers that let the leading men and women emote until the rafters fell down.───在好莱坞的黄金时代,当时闻名的电影常常是巨星施展才华的平台,剧情片和催泪片使男女主演使尽浑身解数表现丰富情感。
New discoveries of gold and silver now were leading men to Colorado, Arizona and Nevada.───新近发现的金矿和银矿正促使人们涌向科罗拉多、亚利桑那和内华达地区。
It has resulted in endless enmity and conflict, leading men to commit the greatest of crimes in the name of a higher power.───这种看法导致了无休止的敌对和冲突,导致人们以神明之名犯下莫大的罪行。
And an opportune day came, when Herod on his birthday made a banquet for his courtiers and the commanders and the leading men of Galilee.───有一天,机会来了。希律在他的生日,为他的大臣和千夫长,并加利利的首领,摆设筵席。
Reluctantly , Paramount agreed to allow a stillunknown actress to be billed on the same line as one of Hollywood's leading men .───这样,派拉蒙勉强同意把无名小卒奥黛丽的名字和派克这样一线演员的名字共置一处。
A new agreement was presented to Sioux chiefs and their leading men under a campaign known as "sell or starve. "───一项新协议摆在了苏人各部酋长以及他们副手的面前,这次运动被称为“不卖地就饿死”。
Some of my best leading men have been dogs and horses.───我的最佳男主角中有一些是狗和马。
In short, it doesn't look like pornography is leading men to treat women as mere 'objects' (like a table).───简而言之,看起来色情品并不会让男性将女性视为单纯的“物品”(比如一张桌子)。
There are at least 2 other lesbian relationships described in the book, as well as affairs with a host of dashing leading men, including Marlon Brando and Rex Harrison.
A lot of leading ladies end up falling in love with their leading men simply because they are working together so intensely.
In Hollywood's golden age, the celebrated films of the day were often giant star vehicles, dramas and tearjerkers that let the leading men and women emote until the rafters fell down.
Four years ago seven leading men threatened to boycott the event because they considered the prize money too low.
From the studio's roster of leading men, Robert Walker was an obvious choice to play the part.
50But the Jews incited the God-fearing women of high standing and the leading men of the city. They stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them from their region.
Davis became a genius by turning bit actors into leading men.
I have, previous to this meeting, consulted with a number of our leading men.
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