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词汇 land cruiser
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cabin cruiser───有舱房的汽艇;警察巡逻车

heavy cruiser───重型巡洋舰

light cruiser───轻型巡洋舰

land armies───陆上部队

land crabs───地蟹;陆地蟹

battle cruiser───巡洋战舰

cabin cruisers───有舱房的汽艇;警察巡逻车


Land Cruiser experience allows exploration with a unique scrolling panorama. Expeditions to Australia and the Yukon are presented with video, photography, and music.───陆地巡洋舰的经验使了一个独特的全景滚动勘探。澳大利亚和育空地区探险队是提交了录像,摄影和音乐。

I was taught to drive in an old Land Cruiser there.───我在那里坐在一辆陆地巡洋舰里学开车。

yep, getting in my land cruiser and driving back east. ───是的,坐上我的陆地巡洋舰,驶回东部。

In one clip, a truck is speeding through the water, trying to overtake a Land Cruiser.───其中一个画面,卡车在水中加速,试图超过一部。

A medium-sized dog has the same impact as a Toyota Land Cruiser driven 6, 000 miles a year, while a cat is equivalent to a Volkswagen Golf.───一只中等大小的狗对环境产生的影响和丰田陆地巡洋舰每年行驶6000英里产生的影响相同,而一只猫产生的影响相当于一辆大众-高尔夫牌汽车。

To aid the war effort, he and some friends had adapted a Toyota Land Cruiser pickup into a mobile emergency-treatment center.───为了支持这场战争,他和他的朋友把丰田陆地巡洋舰皮卡改装成了一间移动的急救中心。

In a Toyota Land Cruiser, Colonel Qaddafi traveled with his chief of security, a relative, the driver and Mr. Dhao.───车队里,一辆丰田陆地巡洋舰中坐着卡扎菲,卫队长,他的一个亲戚,司机,还有Dhao先生。

Almost everywhere we went, people were fascinated by Nicolas and his Land Cruiser, which he bought in Brooklyn for $6, 000.───无论我们走到哪儿,人们总是对尼可拉斯和他的陆地巡洋舰很感兴趣,这是他在纽约布鲁克林用6000美元买来的。

Today, at 44, he travels around Wuqi in a government-issued white Toyota Land Cruiser, frequently checking e-mail on his Coolpad smartphone.───如今42岁的冯先生在吴起开着一辆白色丰田陆地巡洋舰公车,时不时的用他酷派手机收发着邮件。


A heated argument ensued between the guard and my French travel companion, Nicolas Rapp, who had been driving a dark-green 1996 Toyota Land Cruiser around the globe for the last year.

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