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词汇 working out
释义 working out See also: work out主要翻译 working out n (calculations)计算Answer all the questions carefully and show your working out.请仔细回答所有问题并且展示你的计算过程。 working out n (weight-training, exercising)锻炼;健身You can tell from the size of his muscles that working out is Patrick's main hobby.从帕特里克肌肉的大小就可以看出,健身是他的主要爱好。 复合形式: out of work, out-of-work adj (jobless, unemployed)失业的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounThe closing of the tin mines left many men out of work.I've been out of work for four months now; hopefully I'll find a new job soon.锡矿的关闭令许多人失去了工作。//现在我已经失业四个月了,我希望能尽快找到一份新工作。




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