

词汇 kill over
释义 kill over
kill over发音



spill over───溢出;被迫使出来

all over───到处,遍及;浑身;全部结束

fall over───跌倒,摔倒;绊了一跤

fell over───落在

keel over───倾覆;翻倒;翻身

kick over───把……踢翻

mull over───仔细考虑


Smoking a lot of cigarettes can harm and even kill over a long period of time.───长期大量吸烟会危害身体健康,甚至导致死亡。

They say that tobacco will kill over 4 million people worldwide this year.───他们说烟草今年将在全球范围内夺去超过400万人的生命。

This year, malaria will kill over one million people, over 80% of which will be children.───今年,疟疾将要夺走100多万人的性命,而其中的80%以上将会是儿童。

Diseases like malaria that kill over a million people a year get far less attention than drugs to help with baldness.───全世界每年有超过100万人死于疟疾,然而这类疾病得到的关注还比不上治疗脱发的药物。

It is estimated that bears kill over two million salmon a year. Attacks by salmon on bears are much more rare.───据统计,熊一年要吃掉两百万条大马哈鱼,而大马哈鱼却不能吃熊。

Japan's whaling fleet is sailing towards Antarctica on a mission to hunt and kill over 900 whales, including up to 50 humpbacks .───日本捕鲸船队正朝南极洲航行;这个捕鲸队计划猎杀900多头鲸鱼,其中包括多达50头座头鲸。

BP senior vice president Kent Wells said engineers are proceeding cautiously with the static kill over the coming days.───BP高级副总裁肯特·维尔斯说,工程师们将在今后几天中小心谨慎地继续进行静态封杀操作程序。

Maximum yield recorded (for one bite) is 110mg. That would probably be enough to kill over 100 people or 250, 000 mice.───单次噬咬注射的毒液量为110mg,可杀死100人左右或25万只老鼠。


Cigarettes kill over a hundred thousand Britons every year.

  • kill team
  • kill me down
  • kill myself
  • kill with
  • kill her
  • kill the love
  • kill you
  • kill plants
  • kills off
  • killer whales
  • kill time or kiss time
  • kill this love
  • killing stalking manga
  • kill my time
  • kill over
  • kill the boy
  • kill a word
  • kill me cure me
  • kill swag
  • kill time posted
  • killed in action




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