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词汇 with
释义 withUK:*/ˈwɪð/, /ˈwɪθ/US:/wɪθ, wɪð/ ,(with, wiᵺ)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 with prep (accompanying)随着;与…一起;与…一起She went with him to see a film.她与他一起去看了场电影。
usage: basic usesIf one person or thing is with another, they are together in one place.I stayed with her until she fell asleep.The dictionaries go on that shelf with the other reference books.If you do something with a tool or object, you do it using that tool or object.Clean the floor with a mop.He pushed back his hair with his hand. with prep (having)有;具有;带有Mine is the car with the red stripe.我的车是有红色条纹的那辆。
 with prep (wearing, carrying)穿着He's the one with the dark blue shirt.他就是穿深蓝色衬衫的那个人。 with prep (by means of)用;使用He ate with a fork. With this software you can track all your business contacts in one place.他用叉子吃饭。有了这款软件,你可以在同一个地方追踪所有的业务联系人。 with prep (use of material)借助Fill those buckets with dirt.把那些桶装满土。 with prep (employed by)受雇于;在…工作John is with IBM, where he is a marketing director.约翰在IBM公司工作。他是营销主管。
 with prep (according to)根据;随着The temperature varies with wind speed and direction.温度随着风速和风向而改变。
 其他翻译 with prep (in the care of)由…照顾;和…生活在一起The child is with his uncle while his parents are on holiday.父母度假的时候,他们的孩子由叔叔照顾。 with prep (manner, attitude)具有;带有He acts firmly, with apparent authority. with prep (in spite of)不管;不顾;尽管With all her troubles, she remains optimistic.尽管她有着这样那样的麻烦,她还是保持乐观。 with prep (responsibility)交给;派给We left all those matters with the hotel staff. with prep (affected by)因为;由于She's off sick with a bad cold. with prep (showing cause)具有The children are giddy with excitement with prep (using professionally)合作We've been with Citibank for years. with prep (in the same way)同时;和...一起Cut the boards with the grain. with prep (in association)为…(工作)She worked with communities to improve local services.她为社区工作,为的是改善当地的服务质量。 动词短语 agree with [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative, informal (be good for digestion)有利消化备注: Usually used in the negativeSpicy food does not agree with me. associate with [sb] vtr phrasal insep (keep the company of)与…打交道;和…来往;联系I don't want you to associate with him; he's not good for you. bear with [sb] vtr phrasal insep (be patient)对…耐心点;对…有耐心I asked them to bear with me while I checked the details of their booking.当我检查他们预订的详细信息时,我请他们耐心等待。;blend in with [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (fit, match)与…协调,与…匹配;与…融为一体Her new sofa blends in perfectly with the rest of her stylish apartment decor.她的新沙发与她时尚的公寓装潢完美融为一体。 break up with [sb] vtr phrasal insep (separate)与…分开;与…崩了I think you need to break up with your boyfriend.我认为你应该跟你男朋友分手。break with [sb] vtr phrasal insep ([sb]: end association) (人)与…绝交break with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (stop complying with) (物)和…分离break with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (group: withdraw from) (组织)与…脱离关系bristle with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (react with: irritation, offence)被…激怒;因…而怒发冲冠Victoria bristled with indignation at the suggestion that she had lied.维多利亚因为有人说她撒谎而怒发冲冠,一发不可收拾。bristle with [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (be full of)布满;充满The town square is bristling with tourists.市镇广场上人山人海,充满了游客。buddy up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep US, informal (become friendly with)与...成为朋友buddy up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep mainly US, informal (work together with)与...共事;与...一起工作carry on with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (continue [sth])继续The teacher told us to carry on with the exercise she had assigned while she prepared a test.老师让我们继续做她布置的练习,并且准备了测验。catch up with [sb/sth], also US: catch up to [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (go as fast as)追上;赶上I walk faster than he does, so I wait at each corner for him to catch up with me.我走得比他快,所以我在每个转角都会等他赶上来。catch up with [sb], also US: catch up to [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (join, reach)追上, 赶上You go on ahead; I'll catch up with you as soon as I've finished my work here.你先走,我一完成这里的工作就去找你。catch up with [sb], also US: catch up to [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative, informal (repay: with [sth] bad) (过去造成的问题带来麻烦)找上Finally, his unhealthy habits caught up with him and he became very sick.最后,他那些不健康的坏习惯来找他麻烦了:他病得非常严重。catch up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (apprehend: criminal)逮捕The cops finally caught up with the shoplifter outside the stock exchange.警察最终在证券交易所外抓住了那个商店扒手。catch up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative, informal (exchange news)了解某人的最新情况It was a pleasure to catch up with everyone at the family reunion.在家庭聚会上与大家交流近况令人感到愉快。check in with [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative, informal (make contact, compare notes)跟…商量,跟…交换意见While Steve was working off site, his boss checked in with him once a day by email.斯蒂芬不在单位工作时,他老板每天都会发邮件与他联系。chime with [sth] vtr phrasal insep UK, figurative (be consistent)与...一致Her speech chimed perfectly with my own opinions.;come along with [sb] vi phrasal + prep (accompany)与…一起去Nancy came along with us to the park.南希跟我们一起去了公园。come back with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (retort)反驳;反击James wanted to come back with a witty retort, but couldn't think of one.詹姆斯本打算机智地反驳一下,但却想不出任何点子。come down with [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative, informal (fall ill) (比喻,非正式用语)染上…病,患…病I've just come down with a cold.我刚患上感冒。come out with [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (say, utter) (非正式用语)说出,讲出I couldn't believe she came out with that remark.come out with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (introduce: new product) (产品)引入;把…投入市场销售The company has come out with a new miracle drug.come up with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (devise, invent) (非正式用语)设计出,发明出;想出I'll have to come up with a plan.我得想出一个计划。come up with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (deliver, produce)送抵,交付Will you be able to come up with the cash by the end of the month?你能在月底交付那笔现金吗?consort with [sb] vtr phrasal insep (associate with: [sb])厮混,来往;与…相配,与…协调People accused her of consorting with the army.cop off with [sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, slang (have sex with) (俚语)跟...睡觉;与...发生关系cope with [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (person: handle, deal with)对付;处理It is astonishing the way she manages to raise a family, hold a full-time job and cope with a bed-ridden mother, all at the same time.她要拉扯儿女,同时拥有全职工作,还要照顾患病在床的母亲,真不知道她是如何做到的。cope with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (machine, etc.: handle a volume, load) (机器: 负载, 负荷)处理My washing machine can only cope with small loads.我的洗衣机只能洗少量衣物。;couple [sth] with [sth] vtr phrasal sep often passive (add, combine)加上;伴随When icy temperatures are coupled with thick fog, driving conditions become hazardous.凛冽的严寒加上浓雾,让驾驶条件变得非常危险。cozy up with [sb] (US), cosy up with [sb] (UK) vtr phrasal insep informal (snuggle)与…依偎在一起credit [sb] with [sth] vtr phrasal sep (attribute: [sth] to [sb])把…归功于credit [sb] with doing [sth] vtr phrasal sep (acknowledge: [sb])认为…做…He credits his parents with awakening his love of [sb] with [sth] vtr phrasal sep (acknowledge: [sb])认为…具有,认为…是cuddle up with [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (snuggle next to)抱着;拥着Nancy cuddled up with her favorite doll and fell with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (address, resolve) (事)设法解决The problem was brought to my attention and I dealt with it.这个问题引起了我的注意,我来设法解决它。deal with [sb] vtr phrasal insep (handle: people) (人)应付,搞定You answer the phones and I'll deal with the customers.你来接电话,我来负责搞定那些顾客。deal with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (be concerned with)关于This book deals with history.这是一本关于历史的书。deal with [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (reprimand, punish) (比喻)和…算账I'll deal with you later! For now, go to your room and think about what you did.我之后再和你算账。不过现在,先回你房间去想想你的所作所为。deal with [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (cope)应付;承受I can't deal with all this stress right now.我现在无法承受这些压力。diddle around with [sth] vi phrasal + prep US, informal (waste time on [sth])在…上浪费时间The teenager spent the afternoon diddling around with his phone.这位少年花费了一个下午的时间在摆弄手机。dispense with [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (do without)省去;不用We're all friends here - I think we can dispense with formalities.dispense with [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (get rid of)免除,省去;放弃;摆脱During the recession the company had to dispense with many away with [sth] vtr phrasal insep slang (eliminate, get rid of) (俚语)摆脱;消除,排除,废除To improve the overall quality of our milk, we wanted to do away with the use of antibiotics on our cows.为了提升牛奶的总体质量,我们想废除在奶牛身上使用抗生素的做法。do away with [sb] vtr phrasal insep slang (kill, murder) (俚语)杀掉,干掉,除掉He was a liability to our gang, and we knew sooner or later we would have to do away with him.他是我们帮派的隐患,我们知道,迟早都要除掉他的。end up with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (have eventually)最终落得…下场;最后居然I would never have gone skydiving if I'd known I was going to end up with a broken leg.要是我知道最后会摔断一条腿,我就不会去跳伞了。engage with [sb] vtr phrasal insep (talk, negotiate)接触,接洽; (口语)跟…打交道experiment with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (try, experience: drugs, etc.)尝试;试用;试验fall in with [sb] vi phrasal + prep (start to associate with)偶然碰到,偶遇;赞同…His grades dropped when he fell in with the wrong crowd.fall in with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (accept: plan, idea)同意;赞成She is convinced that everyone will fall in with her plan once they understand it.fall out with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (quarrel with: a friend) (非正式用语)与…争吵,与…起纠纷;闹翻If you do not stop gossiping, all your friends are going to fall out with you.如果你还要再继续说闲话,你所有朋友都会和你闹翻的。fiddle around with [sth], also UK: fiddle about with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (play absent-mindedly with)心不在焉地拨弄She fiddled around with the things on her desk while I was talking.fiddle around with [sth], also UK: fiddle about with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (alter or adjust unhelpfully)摆弄..., 捣鼓...He loved to fiddle about with old cars, but never actually fixed them in with [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (be easily assimilated)适合…His lifestyle doesn't fit in with the group.他的生活习惯并不适合这个群体的人。flirt with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (experiment with, try: [sth] risky)不严肃看待;不认真考虑Fred liked to flirt with death and enjoyed things like skydiving and cliff jumping.弗雷德不严肃看待死亡,并喜欢高空跳伞和悬崖跳水运动。follow through with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (continue [sth] to completion)完成Sam is always making plans but she never follows through with any of them.萨姆总是在制定计划,但她从未将任何一个坚持做完。fool around with [sb] vtr phrasal insep slang (have casual sex)与…胡搞;与…乱搞男女关系He had fooled around with every girl in town before he met Helen.fool around with [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (amuse yourself)拿…玩乐,拿…自娱Ben spent the afternoon fooling around with his new camera.fool with [sth] vtr phrasal insep slang (tamper or interfere with)乱摆弄When his car refused to start, he knew his son had been fooling with the engine.当他的汽车发动不了时,他就知道他儿子一直在乱摆弄发动机。fool with [sth] vtr phrasal insep slang (play with)玩弄, 捣鼓The kids were fooling with matches and accidentally set the house on fire.孩子们在玩火柴,一不小心把房子点着了。forge ahead with [sth], forge on with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (do with determination)锐意进取;努力开拓Forge ahead with your life; don't let negativity get the better of you.f*** with [sb] vtr phrasal insep vulgar, offensive, slang (annoy, provoke)惹;招惹Don't f*** with me, or I'll break your arm.别他妈的惹我,否则我拧断你的胳膊。;get along with [sb] vtr phrasal insep (be friends)与…相处愉快;合得来I get along very well with my mother-in-law.我和婆婆很合得来。get away with [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (not be punished)逃脱…的惩罚;不受…处罚;逃避…责罚;逍遥法外The murderer got away with his hideous crime.犯下滔天罪行的谋杀犯却逍遥法外。get in with [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (start to associate with)与…开始交往;与...开始熟悉He got in with a bad crowd and started skipping school.get off with [sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, slang (kiss) (异性)与...亲热I saw Tracy getting off with Kevin last night.get off with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (lenient punishment)得到宽大处理He got off with just a warning.get off with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (steal)偷走The boys were able to get off with an apple in each hand before the farmer chased them away.get on with [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (be friends)与…处得好;与…相处愉快,与…愉快相处If you can't get on with your boss, it might be better to quit.如果你不能与老板愉快相处,那最好就离职吧。get on with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (do without delay)赶快做Don't watch TV. Just get on with your homework!不要看电视了。赶快去做你的家庭作业!get together with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (socialize with [sb])跟…聚一聚;跟…聚会Every Friday after work, Joe gets together with his colleagues for a drink.每周五下班后,乔都会和他的同事一起喝一杯。get with [sth] vtr phrasal insep slang (grasp, appreciate)理解;明白;了解go along with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (permit, consent to)许可,允许;同意,赞成I usually just go along with what she says to avoid any arguments.通常她说什么我就赞成什么,以避免发生争执。go along with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (support, agree with)支持;同意;赞同Rachel is happy to go along with Harry's suggestion.瑞秋很乐意支持哈利的建议。go down with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (be defeated with [sb/sth])与…一起被打败,与…一起被打倒If our company goes down, our subsidiaries will go down with us.如果我们的公司垮掉了,那我们旗下的子公司也会同我们一道破产。go down with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (become ill)因…而病倒;感染上;染上Roger went down with flu.罗杰染上了流感。go in with [sb] vtr phrasal insep US, informal (share cost)与…分摊费用Do you want to go in with us on the boss's gift?go in with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (have at start)开始时有We went in with three points on which we agreed.go off with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (steal [sth] and leave with it)拿走了…go off with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (leave a spouse, etc., for [sb] else)跟…私奔了;跟…走了go on with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (continue to do, say)继续…I apologised for the interruption and he went on with his story.go out with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (date)与...约会,与...谈恋爱She is going out with my cousin.她正在与我的表弟约会。go through with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (do as planned)完成;实行The city council is going through with its plans to widen the road.hang around with [sb], also UK: hang about with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (socialize with [sb])跟…在一起;跟…交往Since Harvey started hanging around with a group of older boys, he is always getting in trouble.自从哈维开始和一群大龄男孩混在一起,他总是惹麻烦。hang out with [sb] vi phrasal + prep slang (be with: friends)与…厮混Since he got a girlfriend he's stopped hanging out with his friends.自从有了女朋友,他就不再与朋友们厮混了。;hook up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative, slang (become friends)跟…结交hook up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative, slang (make contact)联系上;与...取得联系hook up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative, slang (engage in sexual activity with)与...过夜;与...发生性关系hook [sb] up with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (put [sb] in touch with a person or group)让...与...建立联系;让...与...交流join in with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (participate in)加入…,参加…join with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (accompany)和…一起;和…共同keep up with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (go as fast)跟上…的步伐The old woman struggled to keep up with her agile young granddaughter.那位老妇人努力跟上她敏捷的小孙女。keep up with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (stay informed) (潮流、形势等)跟上Are you keeping up with all the news from Copenhagen?你能始终了解哥本哈根的所有新闻吗?keep up with [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (perform as well) (某人)跟上Stella is failing to keep up with her classmates in maths.斯特拉无法跟上同班同学的学习数学的进度。keep up with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (not fall behind)跟上;不在…方面落后It's hard to keep up with my studies when I have to work at the restaurant every evening.If you don't keep up with your loan repayments, your home may be repossessed.每天晚上我都必须去餐馆打工,这样我很难保持学习不落后。//如果你无法保持按时偿还贷款,你的家可能会被收回。keep up with [sb] vtr phrasal insep (stay in contact with [sb])跟…保持联系Even though we rarely see one another these days, I try to keep up with my cousins via postcards and emails.即使我们现在很少见面,我还是尽可能通过明信片和电子邮件与表兄妹保持联系。knock around with [sb], knock about with [sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, informal (spend time with)与...共度时光lead with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (begin with a subject)把...作为重要报道;将...作为头条lead with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (boxing: start attack with)以...开场;一上场就打出level with [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (speak honestly to)跟…说实话He decided to level with her about the dent in the car and told her about the accident.lie with [sb/sth] vi phrasal archaic (have sex with)与...有性关系;与...做爱The man was discovered lying with a woman who was married to another.line up with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (be aligned with [sth])与…对齐;与…成一条直线The two holes did not line up with each other, so I could not insert the bolt.这两个孔没有对齐,所以我无法插入插销。;make off with [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (take away)顺手偷走;顺手牵羊The thief made off with over a thousand dollars.make out with [sb] vi phrasal + prep US, slang (kiss, touch sexually)和…亲热Last night at the party I made out with a girl.昨晚聚会上我和一个女孩打得火热。make up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (be reconciled)与…和好;与…重归于好I haven't made up with Alex yet after yesterday's fight.昨天吵架之后,我还没有和艾利克斯和好。make with [sth] vtr phrasal insep US, dated, slang (provide, produce)提出;产生Make with the beers, would you? We're in a hurry!match up with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (be similar to)与...相似The computer will check to see if anyone's interests match up with yours.电脑会查询是否有人与你的兴趣相似。meet up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (see socially) (通过安排)与某人会面I'll meet up with you again tonight.今晚我会再与你会面。meet with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (response) (回应)收到,得到The president's speech to Congress met with mixed reactions; one party cheered, the other booed.总统在国会的发言反应不一,一方欢呼,另一方喝倒彩。meet with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (experience)和…会面;遭受;遭遇He met with an accident on his way to the court.他在去法庭的路上出了事故。meet with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (conform to: standards, etc.)符合;达到We were forced to sack Pete because his work did not meet with our standards.我们不得不解雇皮特,因为他的工作不符合我们的标准。mess around with [sth], also UK: mess about with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (tamper, play with)摆弄;玩弄He enjoyed messing around with boats.他喜欢摆弄船只。mess around with [sth], also UK: mess about with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (spoil by fussing)瞎摆弄;瞎玩弄Your painting is fine now; don't mess around with it any more or you will ruin it.你的画已经完工了,别瞎摆弄了,否则你会毁了它的。mess around with [sb], also UK: mess about with [sb] vi phrasal + prep slang (tease)戏弄;与…开玩笑Why are you so upset? We were just messing around with you.别这么难过。我们刚刚跟你开玩笑呢。mess around with [sb], also UK: mess about with [sb] vi phrasal + prep slang (have an affair)与…鬼混;与…胡搞Helen caught her husband messing around with another woman.海伦抓到丈夫与别的女人鬼混。mess with [sb] vtr phrasal insep slang (anger) (俚语)招惹Don't mess with Stan because he'll smash your face in.不要招惹斯坦,他会生气的。mess with [sb] vtr phrasal insep slang (tease)戏弄;与…开玩笑It's just so much fun to mess with him!戏弄他太好玩了!mess with [sth] vtr phrasal insep slang (meddle with)干涉;干预I'm sick of you messing with things that don't concern you!我讨厌你把那些与你无关的事情弄得一团糟!mix with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (be sociable, mingle)与...交往;与...交际The politician mixed with the crowd, saying hello to everybody.mix with [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (socialize)与…交往;与…交际I like to mix with people of all ages as this helps broaden my outlook on life.mix [sth] up with [sth] vtr phrasal sep (mistake, confuse) (事)将…与…搞混A lot of people mix up the meaning of 'imply' with the meaning of 'infer'.许多人将“暗示”与“推断”的意思搞混。monkey around with [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (play or tamper with [sth])摆弄;把玩He monkeyed around with the carburettor for a while, then found the problem in the spark plug.monkey with [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (tamper with [sth])瞎弄;乱搞muck about with [sb/sth], muck around with [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep UK, slang (waste time on)瞎摆弄;与...瞎混;在...上浪费时间I've spent an hour mucking about with passwords and haven't even managed to log into the website yet!part with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (give up, give away)放弃;送走;与...分别I just couldn't part with my childhood teddy along with [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative, informal (feign co-operation with)假装与…合作;假装与...配合I don't always do what my mother suggests, but I play along with her plans to make her happy.我并不总是听从母亲的建议,但我还是接受了她的计划,让她开心。play around with [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (tamper)摆弄某物Someone has been playing around with the projector and now it doesn't around with [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (amuse yourself)用…玩耍The dog was playing around with a stick he'd found on the with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (tamper or fiddle with)与(某人)一起玩耍;用(某物)玩耍;戏弄,嘲笑;玩弄Beth was playing with one of her earrings nervously.push ahead with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (persevere with)推动...;推进...;推行...;促进...向前push forward with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (proceed with despite obstacles) (不顾困难)推进,推行Although she did not receive enough financial aid, she pushed forward with her plan to attend the university.quarrel with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (disagree)不同意;不赞同;反对备注: Often used in negative sentences.I'm not quarrelling with Bill's advice; I just think he could have offered it more politely.我不是不赞同比尔的忠告,我只是觉得他提出来时可以更礼貌一些。reckon with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (take account of [sth/sb])考虑到;想到We thought we'd beat the other team easily, but we hadn't reckoned with their new striker.;reckon with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (deal with [sb/sth])对付;解决Emily was surprised how many small difficulties she had to reckon with as a new mother.register with [sth] vtr phrasal insep (sign up or enrol with)向…登记;向…注册If you wish to vote you must first register with the electoral commission.round [sth] off, round [sth] off with [sth], round [sth] off by doing [sth] vtr phrasal sep (end, conclude)使圆满结束He rounded off his speech with a joke, leaving the audience in a good mood.他以一个笑话结束了他的演讲,为听众带来了愉悦的心情。run away with [sth] vi phrasal (steal [sth])偷走了The masked man ran away with the silver.蒙面之人偷走了银器。run off with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (steal)偷走The housekeeper ran off with the silver.管家偷走了银器。run off with [sb] vi phrasal + prep (kidnap)绑架;绑走The man ran off with his son after losing custody.那个男人失去抚养权后拐跑了儿子。run off with [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative, informal (leave partner for [sb] else)和...私奔Mrs. Johnson apparently ran off with her gardener!很显然,约翰逊夫人和她的园丁私奔了!run with [sb] vtr phrasal insep US, figurative (be friends with)与…结交;与…交往;与…为友He has been known to run with a bad crowd.screw with [sb] vtr phrasal insep US, figurative, slang, vulgar (try to deceive)欺骗screw with [sb] vtr phrasal insep US, figurative, slang, vulgar (waste the time of)耍,愚弄shack up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep slang (start cohabiting with)与某人未婚同居Nina shacked up with Henry twenty years ago and, although they've never married, they're still together.side with [sb] vtr phrasal insep (support in a disagreement)站...那边;支持...;和...一边The party hopes the minister will side with them.sign off with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (end a letter) (信件)以…结束My father always signed off with "love and kisses, Dad".我的父亲总是用“爱你亲亲,爸爸”来结尾。sign off with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (end a broadcast)以…结束一天的广播Ed Murrow always signed off with the words: "Good night, and good luck".埃德·穆罗总是这样来结束广播节目:“晚安,祝你好运”。sing along with [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (accompany [sth/sb] vocally)与...一起唱;跟着...唱sit down with [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative (enter negotiations with)和…谈判In 1993 the Israelis sat down with the PLO in Oslo; the treaty was signed in Washington.skip out with [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep US, informal, figurative (leave: taking [sb], [sth])带着…离开;spill over with [sth] vi phrasal figurative (be full of: emotion) (感情)满溢着He is spilling over with happiness since she asked him to marry her.自从她向他求婚以来,他洋溢着幸福的感觉。square with [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (be consistent)与…相一致The evidence doesn't square with the defendant's story.stand with [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (show solidarity with)支持;与...一致;和...站在一起start off with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (begin with)以…开始;首先进行I think I will start off with an appetizer and then have a main dish.stick with [sth], stick at [sth], stick to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (not vary or deviate from) (非正式用语)坚持做某事,继续做某事;遵守If I stick with this diet, I should be able to wear my favorite pants again by Christmas.只要能继续坚持这样的膳食计划,我应该就能在圣诞节前再次穿上我最喜欢的裤子了。stick with [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (remain loyal to)忠于;陪伴She had been a good friend who had stuck with me through thick and thin.她是一位好朋友,无论我的人生处于高潮还是低谷,都一直忠于我。take up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (become friendly with)和某人交往;和某人密切来往He's taken up with a very undesirable crowd, and I fear they will lead him astray.他结交了一群不良分子,我担心他们会把他带坏。tangle with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep informal, figurative (get involved with)与…争吵(争论)You don't want to tangle with the Mafia: it could get you killed.tangle with [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal, figurative (argue or fight with)与…争吵(争论)He was so drunk he tangled with the policeman who was arresting up with [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (join forces with)与…联手, 与…合力The US teamed up with Britain to defeat Germany in World War II.美国与英国联手在二战中击败了德国。tie in with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (be consistent with)与...一致This pottery fragment is 500 years old, which ties in with what archaeologists believe about the age of the settlement.;tie in with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (occur at coordinated time with) (指时间)与...合拍,与...协调You want to meet for lunch? We'll be in town at midday anyway, so yes, that ties in with our plans.wade in with [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative, informal (weigh in with: offer opinion, support)对...发表自己的看法;对...表示支持walk away with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (escape)轻松获得,轻易取胜;顺手牵羊,顺手拿走The car was totalled, but the driver walked away with minor injuries.walk away with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (take, steal)轻松获得,轻易取胜;顺手牵羊,顺手拿走The ruling party walked away with the election after the opposition decided to boycott it.walk off with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (take, steal)轻松获得,轻易取胜;顺手牵羊,顺手拿走After he broke into the house, the thief walked off with all my jewelry.walk off with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (win)轻松赢得...weigh in with [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (offer: opinion, support) (观点等)提出,提供,发表The senator weighed in with his opinion on the bill. 复合形式: abound with [sth] vi + prep (be filled with [sth])充满;满是The hotel cellars were abounding with vermin.这家酒店的地窖里满是寄生虫。 accessorize [sth] with [sth], also UK: accessorise [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (furnish [sth] with accessories)给…装配(附件等)Adam has accessorized his home with antique lamps, mirrors and rugs. accord with [sth] vi + prep (correspond)与...相符;与...一致Make sure your behavior accords with the company's code of conduct.确保你的行为符合公司的行为准则。 accouter [sb] with [sth] (US), accoutre [sb] with [sth] (UK) vtr + prep (equip or furnish)为...装备... acquaint [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (introduce, make familiar)使…熟悉Once Mark had acquainted his assistant with the computer program, she was able to work on her own. acquaint yourself with [sth] v expr (become familiar with)逐渐熟悉;变得熟悉Read the book, and acquaint yourself with Shakespeare's work. acquaintance with [sth] n (knowledge of a subject)对...的了解;对...的熟识An acquaintance with modern history would be useful for those wishing to take this course of study.对于那些想要学习这门课程的人来说,对近代史的了解十分有用。 be acquainted with [sb] v expr (know [sb]) (人)与...熟识;跟...熟悉;认识Harry, I believe you are acquainted with Miss Forbes?哈利,我想你是认识福布斯小姐的,对吧? be acquainted with [sth] v expr formal (be familiar with [sth])知晓;明白;了解;熟知Audiences in Ancient Greece were acquainted with the idea of a hero having a tragic flaw.伟大的英雄会有悲剧性的缺陷——这是古希腊人非常熟知的理念。 adorn [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep often passive (decorate with)用…装饰My mother likes to adorn the house with flowers. affiliate with [sth] vi + prep (associate yourself with [sth])使发生联系;使自己隶属于The lawyer wanted to affiliate with a foreign firm. affiliate [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (associate, connect)使隶属于;使附属于The owner has been trying not to affiliate the company with any political parties. affiliated with [sth/sb] adj + prep (associated with)与…相关的The attack was carried out by an individual claiming to be affiliated with a known terrorist group. afire with [sth] adj + prep figurative (passionate, excited)对...非常热情;对...非常激动Susannah was afire with enthusiasm for her new job. agree with [sb] vi + prep (have same opinion)与(某人)持相同意见;同意(某人)I asked Jane for her opinion, and she agreed with me.我询问简的看法,她表示和我持一样观点。 agree with [sb] about [sth], agree with [sb] on [sth] v expr (have same opinion about)在某事方面同意某人的观点;赞同某人所做的某事We all agreed with Jack about the colour of the new chairs.我们一致赞同杰克为新椅子选的颜色。 agree with [sth] vi + prep (grammar: have concordance) (语法)与…一致,与…相呼应In French, the adjective must agree with the noun.在法语里,形容词必须与名词一致。 align [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (make level with)把...与...对齐;使...与...在一条直线上Craig aligned the banister with the adjacent kitchen counter.克雷格把扶手与相邻的厨房柜台对齐了。 align [sb] with [sb/sth] vtr figurative (ally)使…与...联盟;与...联合The sudden betrayal aligned Samantha with her former enemy.由于突然遭到背叛,萨曼莎与她以前的敌人联合了起来。 align yourself with [sb/sth] v expr figurative (agree with)公开支持;公开赞同By agreeing with the decision to move forward with the plans, I unknowingly aligned myself with Anthony.我同意了推进计划的决定,这使我在无意中公开支持了安东尼。 align with [sth] vi + prep (be level with)与...在一条直线上;跟...对齐The bookshelf aligns perfectly with the mantel.书架和壁炉架完全在一条直线上。 align with [sth] vi + prep figurative (conform)与...一致;与...相符Crosby's behavior aligns with the culture of the group.克劳斯比的行为与社群的文化相一致。 alive with adj (teeming with)充满…的The plaza was alive with all sorts of performers and the people who came to watch. all over with, over with, over and done with adj informal (finished, over)结束Thank goodness that ordeal is all over with.谢天谢地,艰难的考验终于结束了。 all over with adj (ended a relationship with [sb])与…结束关系It's all over with Robert and Hannah. alloy [sth] with [sth] vtr (mix metal with [sth])将...与...合铸The scientist alloyed tin with copper to make bronze.这个科学家将锡与铜合铸制成青铜。 ally with [sb/sth] vi + prep (join)结盟Brenda reluctantly allied with her former enemy to solve the problem.布兰达不得不和之前的敌人结盟来解决这个问题。 ally [sth/sb] with [sth/sb] vtr + prep (join together)把...和...联合在一起;把...和...联结在一起The army's approach to combat allied military strength and cunning.这只军队进攻的方式就是把军事力量和狡诈联合在一起。 along with prep (in addition to)再加上;另外还有Students need to budget for accommodation, along with the cost of tuition.学生们需要为住宿再加上学费做预算。 along with prep (together with)与…一起Vicky went to the night club, along with her friend Cheryl.维姬与她的朋友谢丽尔一起去了那家夜店。 alternate with [sb/sth] vi + prep (take turns with [sb])与...轮班;与...交替做Shannon alternated with Joan as pitcher in the big game. alternate [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (cause to change by turns)用...交替..;使…与…更迭I stay interested in exercising by alternating running with swimming. amalgamate [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (blend [sth] with [sth])将…与…混合到一起The scientists amalgamated the metal with mercury. analogous to [sth], analogous with [sth] adj + prep (comparable to [sth])可比拟的 and all that goes with it adv (and everything it entails) (非正式用语)连同其所包含的一切She gave her sister a birthday party, with cake, ice cream, and all that goes with it. angry with [sb], angry at [sb] adj + prep (cross with [sb])生...的气;对...感到愤怒的Doris is angry with her lazy husband.朵瑞丝对自己懒惰的丈夫感到很生气。 angry with [sb] for doing [sth], angry at [sb] for doing [sth] expr (cross with [sb])为某事生某人气I am angry with my sister for taking my book.妹妹拿了我的书,我很生气。 be annoyed at [sb/sth], be annoyed with [sb/sth] adj + prep (irritated, angry)对...感到恼怒,对...感到气恼I'm annoyed at my brother for leaving the room in such a mess.弟弟把房间搞得一团糟,让我大为光火。 argue about [sth], argue about [sth] with [sb] vi + prep (disagree)因某事与某人争吵My friend always argues about money with her husband.我朋友总是因钱的事和她丈夫争吵。 arm [sb] with [sth] vtr (equip with weapons)用…武装…The suspect was armed with several firearms.嫌犯持有几支枪。 be armed to the teeth with [sth] v expr figurative (be equipped with [sth])用...全副武装 arms akimbo, with arms akimbo adv (with hands on hips) (双手放在腰臀部,两肘向外)双手叉腰 as agreed with [sb] expr (in the way decided with [sb])按照和…达成的合意 as compared with [sb/sth] expr (in comparison to)与…相比As compared with American English, British English seems more formal. as with prep (as in the case of)正如…;与…一样As with any grammar rule, there are a lot of exceptions. assist with [sth] vi + prep (help with)帮助做某事Rupert teaches French at the college; he sometimes assists with Spanish lessons too.鲁伯特在大学教授法语,他偶尔也会帮助教授西班牙语课程。 assist [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (help to do)帮助...做...We persuaded a neighbour with a large van to assist us with our move.我们说服了一名有大货车的邻居帮助我们搬家。 associate [sth/sb] with [sth/sb] vtr (connect mentally)联想;联系For some reason, I associate Max with peanut butter.不知道什么原因,我一看到花生酱就会联想到马克思。 be associated with [sth/sb] v expr (be related to)与...有关;关乎For many people, Christmas is associated with gifts and shopping.对许多人来说,圣诞节关乎礼物和购物。 associated with [sb/sth] adj + prep (related, connected to)与…有关系的;与…有联系的Although they work in similar fields, Charlie is not associated with Bob. She is not associated with the college, so you cannot have her as your advisor.虽然查理和鲍勃在相似的领域工作,但他们与彼此没有联系。她与大学没有关系,所以不能做你的顾问。 at ease with [sb/sth] adj (comfortable)自在;不拘束Chris was very friendly, and I instantly felt at ease with him.克里斯为人友好,所以在他面前时,我马上就觉得很自在。 at grade with expr US, idiom (on the same level)与...在同一水平 at odds with [sth] adj (not corresponding)与…意见不一致;起争执Your opinion is at odds with the facts. at odds with [sb] adj (person: disagreeing)与...意见相左的;与...意见不一的 at one with adj (in agreement with, at peace with)与…意见一致After I meditate, I feel at one with the world. be at variance with [sb] adj (disagreeing)与…有分歧 be at variance with [sth] adj (not corresponding)与…不一致,与…有出入Your opinion is definitely at variance with the facts. at war with [sb] expr (in armed conflict with)与…交战;与…处于交战状态Britain had been at war with France since 1803. at war with [sb] expr figurative (in a dispute with)与…发生争执;与…发生口角Mr. Ellis has been at war with his neighbour Mr Barker about the state of his garden. at war with [sb] expr figurative (fighting, in conflict with)与…打起来Some militant vegans are at war with meat eaters.The Church has often been openly at war with Marxism. at war with [sth] expr figurative (ideas, desires: in conflict with) (思想、观念)与…冲突 au courant with [sth] adj + prep Gallicism (person: aware, cognizant of)熟悉…;了解… au fait with [sth] adj + prep Gallicism (experienced, knowledgeable)熟悉…;精通… awash with adj figurative (crowded with people) (人)充满的,拥挤的The streets were awash with people trying to get a glimpse of the Queen.街道上挤满了人,都想要目睹女王风采。 awash with [sth] adj figurative (filled with [sth]) (物)充斥的,泛滥的This director's films are awash with violence.这位导演的电影充斥着暴力。 away with [sb] interj (dismiss or remove [sb])赶走 away with [sth] interj (end or remove [sth])废除;去掉 away with you interj slang, regional (Leave, get going, be on your way) (俚语,方言)滚开,去你的吧,走开Away with you! proclaimed the king. balance [sth] with [sth], balance [sth] against [sth] vtr + prep (offset)用…平衡…,用…来补偿…;用…来抵消…Mindy balanced her long hours at work with a visit to the spa.明迪用做水疗来平衡长时间工作。 band [sth], band [sth] with [sth] vtr (tie)捆扎;绑,系He banded the package with a thick string. band [sth], band [sth] with [sth] vtr (mark with a band)给...系上标记Band the stalks of the flowers you want to buy. bank [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (fire: cover)用...将...扑灭; (指火焰等)用...将...覆盖Bank the fire with sand before you go into your tent.进帐篷之前,你应当用沙子将火扑灭。 bank at [sth], bank with [sth] vi + prep (have an account with: a bank) (银行)在…开户He banks at Citibank.他在花旗银行开了户。 barrage [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative (subject to: questions, etc.)向…问一大堆问题The police barraged the child with questions about what he witnessed.警方就目击情况向那个孩子问了一系列问题。 be caught with your hand in the cookie jar v expr US, informal (be caught taking bribes)当场抓获;抓了个现行 be down with the kids v expr informal (know about youth trends)跟上年轻一代的步伐;赶时髦Dad thinks he's down with the kids; it's so embarrassing! be fired with enthusiasm, be fired up with enthusiasm expr (feel very enthusiastic)充满热情;热力四射 be in contact with [sb/sth] v expr (communicate with)与...联系The man suspected of the bombing attack had been in contact with a foreign terrorist organization. be in contact with [sth] v expr (touch)与...接触I develop a rash if my skin is in contact with nickel for too long. be in touch with [sb] v expr informal (make contact)与…联系;与…联络Have you been in touch with her recently? be in touch with [sb] v expr informal (habitually be in contact)与…一直保持联系;与…一直保持联络Are you still in touch with your friends from high school? be in with [sb] v expr informal (be friendly with)对...友好;与...是朋友 be with [sb] vi + prep (be in company of)和 ... 一起The dying woman wanted to be with her family in her last days. be with [sb] vi + prep informal (date)与...约会;与...谈恋爱She's been with her current boyfriend for nearly a year. be with [sb] vi + prep informal, figurative (showing solidarity)与...同在;与...并肩The crowd responded to her speech with shouts of "We're with you, Amelia!" beaded with [sth] adj + prep figurative (covered with droplets)带小滴液体的Jack was panting and his face was beaded with sweat.杰克气喘吁吁,连上挂满了汗珠。 beaming with [sth] adj + prep figurative (person: smiling with pride, etc.)面带笑容;面带...表情I was beaming with pride as I watched my son's graduation. beaming with [sth] adj + prep figurative (face: bearing a smile of pride, etc.)因...感到自豪而笑 Bear with me interj (Please be patient)耐心点!对我耐心点!Please bear with me - this will only take five minutes. become acquainted with [sb] v expr (get to know [sb])与…熟识;熟悉I first became acquainted with Arthur about five years ago. become acquainted with [sth] v expr figurative (familiarize yourself with [sth])熟悉It takes some time to become acquainted with the rules of the game. become friends with [sb] v expr (develop an amicable relationship with [sb])和…成为朋友;和…成了朋友 be beset with [sth] v expr (studded with jewels, etc.)嵌满...的;镶满...的The crown was beset with rubies and diamonds.王冠上镶满了红宝石和钻石。 beside yourself with [sth] prep figurative (out of your senses)情绪失控的;精神失常的My mother was beside herself with worry when I didn't call. besotted by [sb], besotted with [sb] adj + prep (infatuated)对…爱得发狂Gary is besotted by Evie and would do anything for her. bespattered with [sth] adj + prep literary (covered with [sth])溅上…的 with the best will, with the best will in the world expr (no matter how hard you try)无论付出多大的努力With the best will in the world, that alley cat is never going to win any prizes at a cat show.;big with child adj archaic, informal (heavily pregnant) (指怀孕快生了)挺着个大肚子的Katherine was big with child, and everyone expected the birth to be any day. blend with [sth] vi + prep (color, etc.: merge imperceptibly) (颜色)与...融为一体;与...融合The point where orange blends with yellow in this painting is very gradual.这幅画中,橙色与黄色的融合点非常柔和自然。blend [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (mix)使…与…混合You can blend flour with a little water to make glue.你可以通过使少量的水与面粉混合来制作胶水。blend [sth] in with [sth] v expr (mix, combine [sth] with [sth])将…与…混合Use a wooden spoon to slowly blend the chocolate in with the butter.用木勺慢慢地把巧克力和黄油混合在一起。bless [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep often passive (endow, gift: with [sth])赋予;赐予Nature has blessed her with good looks and intelligence.大自然赐予了她美貌和智慧。be blessed with [sb/sth] v expr (be lucky to have)庆幸有;幸而有Jane and Simon are blessed with three wonderful children. I am blessed with a good memory.简和西蒙很庆幸,自己有三个很棒的孩子。 我庆幸有很好的记性。board, board with [sb] vi (lodge) (在别人家里)在…寄宿,在…寄膳Jason boarded with a family while at university.杰森上大学时在一家人家里寄宿。bombard [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (attack with)用…攻击The kids bombarded the teacher with water balloons.bombard [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative (assail, overwhelm)攻击,猛击,猛烈抨击The journalists bombarded the police spokesman with questions.记者们向警方发言人不断地抛出问题。bond with [sb] vi figurative (get emotionally closer)与…亲近It didn't take long for Janet to bond with her foster parents.没过多久,珍妮特就和养父母亲近了起来。bored with [sth], bored of [sth] expr (finding [sth] dull)厌倦;对...感到厌烦I'm feeling bored with my life.born with a silver spoon in your mouth adj figurative (have a wealthy upbringing)生在富贵之家;出身高贵She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.bracket [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (group together)把...和...归为一类break with the past v expr (abandon tradition)和过去决裂My cousin broke with the past and didn't cook a turkey for Thanksgiving.break with the past n (abandoning tradition)和过去决裂In a break with the past, young women's fathers no longer give them away during the wedding ceremony.break with tradition v expr (diverge from norm)打破传统;打破惯例breed [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (animal: make reproduce)杂交;配种If you breed a horse with a donkey, you get a mule.如果你让马和驴杂交,它们就会产下骡子。brim with [sth] vi + prep (be full of)注满;充溢;充满The children were brimming with excitement. The old lady's eyes brimmed with tears as she spoke of her late husband.孩子们充满了激动的情绪。说到自己已故的丈夫,那位老妇人的眼中充溢着泪水。brimful of [sth], brimful with [sth] adj + prep (almost overflowing with)装满…的;快要溢出的The host handed me a goblet, brimful of wine.这家主人递给我一个装满葡萄酒的酒杯。brimful with [sth] adj + prep figurative (full of)充满...的, 有很多的The lecture hall was brimful of brilliant mathematicians.brimming with [sth] adj + prep (full of, containing [sth])装满了…的The glass was brimming with champagne.brimming with [sth] adj + prep figurative (full of [sth])充满着…的This young teacher is brimming with new ideas.bring [sth/sb] into line with [sth], bring [sth/sb] in line with [sth] v expr (make [sth] correspond, conform)让...一致;让...协调brush with [sth/sb] n (brief encounter)掠过;遭遇;擦肩而过Lily drove much more cautiously after her brush with death.buckle up, buckle up with laughter v expr informal (bend over: with laughter) (笑得)弯下腰We all buckled up with laughter when Jack told the joke about the penguin.杰克讲了企鹅的笑话后,我们都笑到直不起腰。bulge with [sth] vi + prep (be full)塞满;装满;放满The boy's pockets were bulging with the conkers he had collected.男孩的口袋里装满了他收集的七叶树果子。bulging with adj (overfull with, stuffed full of)鼓囊囊的,鼓鼓的My mailbox is usually bulging with junk mail and bills.burden [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative (impose [sth] troublesome)把某事加诸在某人肩上;用某事劳烦某人Don't burden your mother with your problems.别用你自己的问题去劳烦母亲。burden [sth] with [sth] vtr (load)给…装(货)They burdened the truck with even more weight.他们给卡车装了更多货。burden [sb] with debt v expr often passive (cause to owe money)使负债burden yourself with [sth] v expr (responsibility)为…所累;使自己承受太多负担Don't burden yourself with the practical side of moving house: leave it to the removal men.不要让自己承担太多实际搬家的工作:把它留给搬运人员。burden yourself with [sth] v expr (concerns)使自己受困扰;为…所烦扰Don't burden yourself with my insignificant problems.不用为了无关紧要的问题而烦恼。be bursting with [sth] v expr figurative (be full of [sth])充满burst with [sth] v expr figurative (feel intense: pride, emotion)突然增加;感受强烈备注: Often used in continuous tenses.bursting with [sth] adj informal, figurative (full of: emotion) (情感)满是;充满When she won the scholarship, her parents were bursting with pride.bursting with [sth] adj informal (container, bag: full)塞满...的, 装满...的bustle with [sth/sb] vi + prep (be busy with: people, activity)充满忙忙碌碌的;到处都是繁忙的On Saturdays, the town square bustles with activity.周六的镇中心广场总是人头攒动,非常热闹。busy with [sth] adj + prep (occupied doing [sth])忙于Tia's parents are busy with preparations for her fifth birthday party.蒂亚的父母正忙于筹办她的5岁庆生派对。by comparison with expr (compared with, relative to)与…比较caked with [sth] adj (covered)沾满…的,满是…的The boys' shoes were caked with mud.carry through with [sth] v expr UK (complete)完成She has good intentions but never carries through with them.change places with [sb] v expr (swap positions with)与…换位置Kathy changed places with Jim so that she could sit by the window.change places with [sb] v expr (exchange roles with)与…交换角色;与…换位If parents and children could change places with each other, it would be a real eye opener.change with the times v expr (modernize)与时俱进;随时代变化I've told my parents that it is time to change with the times and start tweeting and skyping!我告诉我父母现在要随着时代改变,开始发推文和上skype!charge [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (load)装载;装满The lorry was fully charged with electrical goods and could hold no more.charge [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (entrust)赋予…任务The sergeant charged the corporal with command of the squad.charge [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (accuse)指控;控告The police charged the man with a crime.警方指控该男子有罪。usage: ‘charge’When the police charge someone with committing a crime, they formally accuse them of it.He was arrested and charged with committing a variety of offences.charge [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (order)使…负责;使…承担The prison guard charged him with the cleaning of the latrines.狱卒让他负责清扫厕所。be charged with [sth], be charged with doing [sth] v expr (with crime)被指控犯有…的Tom is charged with robbery.汤姆被指控犯有抢劫罪。be checkered with [sth] (US), be chequered with [sth] (UK) v expr figurative (have a feature intermittently)散布着;遍布The beach was checkered with umbrellas.cheek by jowl with [sb] expr figurative (close together with [sb])与…离得近,与…关系亲密chill with [sb] vi + prep slang (hang out, socialize)与…一起消磨时间I'm chilling with the guys at Frankie's Bar today.我今天在弗兰基的酒吧里与朋友们一起消磨时间。chocka with [sth] adj + prep UK, slang (completely full of: things, people)满是…的,全是…的chockablock with [sth] (US), chock-a-block with [sth] (UK) adj + prep informal (completely full of: things, people)塞满...的chocker with [sth] adj UK, informal (full of)充满了…的be chuffed with [sth] v expr UK, informal (be pleased with)对…高兴I'm chuffed with your decision to come!clash with [sb/sth] vi + prep (fight)与…发生武装冲突;与…发生武力冲突Three soldiers were killed on Tuesday when security forces clashed with separatists.周二,保安部队与分离主义分子发生了武装冲突,造成三名士兵死亡。clash with [sb] vi + prep (disagree with)与…不协调;与…发生冲突No matter how hard I try, I always seem to clash with my boss.不管我怎么努力,似乎​​总是与老板发生冲突。clash with [sth] vi + prep (color: contrast with) (颜色)与…不搭配,与…不协调The sweater and skirt are beautiful, but I think the pink clashes with the orange.毛衣和裙子很漂亮,不过粉红色与橙色不太搭。clash with [sth] vi + prep figurative (ideas, aims: conflict) (理念、目标等)与...有分歧,与…冲突I cannot support this cause; it clashes with my religious beliefs.这个目标与我的宗教信仰有冲突,我不敢苟同。clash with [sth] vi + prep figurative (dates: coincide) (时间安排)与...发生冲突I can't come to your party as the date clashes with my piano exam.你的派对跟我钢琴考级时间有冲突,我没法参加你的派对。clash with [sth] vi + prep figurative (conflict with [sth])与…发生冲突;与…互相抵触click with [sb] vi + prep figurative, informal (get along with [sb])与...相处甚欢;与...关系融洽Shawn immediately clicked with his new brother-in-law.肖恩很快与新妹夫相处甚欢。clobber [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep informal (beat, hit)猛击Brian's little brother clobbered him with a hockey [sb] with [sth] vtr (hit with heavy object)用…击打某人The two men clubbed their victim with a baseball [sth] with [sth] vtr (hit with heavy object)用…击打某物The soldier clubbed the villager's head with his rifle butt.clump [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (gather, cluster)将...和...拢在一起;把...和...聚在一起The toddler clumped the red beads with the yellow ones.幼童将红色和黄色的珠子拢在一起。clump [sth/sb] in with [sth/sb] v expr informal, figurative (include with)合在一起Don't clump me in with the troublemakers--I've never done anything wrong!不要把我跟闹事者混为一谈。我从不犯错!co-host [sth] with [sb] vtr + prep (present jointly)和…共同主持co-star with [sb], costar with [sb] vi + prep (actor: share top billing with)与...联袂主演coat [sth] with [sth] vtr (cover with layer of [sth])用…覆盖;给…涂上Coat the top of the pie with beaten egg before baking.烘焙前,在派的表面覆盖上一层打好的鸡蛋。coauthor [sth] with [sb], also UK: co-author [sth] with [sb] vtr (write jointly)与…一起合著Caroline coauthored the book with her husband.coexist with [sb/sth], also UK: co-exist with [sb/sth] vi + prep (exist at the same time as)与...共存Ants coexisted with dinosaurs.coexist with [sth/sb], also UK: co-exist with [sth/sb] vi + prep (live side by side with)共生;共处Surprisingly, the dogs coexist with the cats here without issues.coexist with [sth], also UK: co-exist with [sth] vi + prep (be present simultaneously with)与...共存,与...并存coincide with [sth] vi + prep (happen at same time)与…同时发生This year Easter coincides with my birthday.coincident with [sth] adj + prep (corresponding to [sth])相符的, 一致的Coincident with the terms of the contract, royalties will be fixed.coincidental with [sth] adj + prep (simultaneous)与...同时发生的;与...同时进行的;与...同时存在的The loud thunder clap was coincidental with the bright lightning flash.collide with [sth/sb] vi + prep (crash)与…相碰撞;撞上The Titanic collided with the iceberg.泰坦尼克号与冰山相撞了。collide with [sth] vi + prep figurative (conflict)与…发生冲突;与…互相抵触His radical ideas collided with theirs.他的思想很激进,与他们的理念相冲突。collocate with [sth] vi + prep (words: often appear together) (词语)和…搭配,和…组合collocate [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (words: put, bring together)把…和…搭配一起;把…和…组合在一起collude with [sth/sb] vi + prep (conspire or plot jointly with)与…勾结;与…串通;与…共谋Richardson was accused of colluding with the enemy.;combine [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (mix with)混合...和...;搭配...和...Julia combined the eggs with some milk.茱莉亚将那些鸡蛋与一些牛奶混合在一起。combine [sth] with [sth], combine [sth] and [sth] vtr + prep (add together)联合...与...Combine the sum from this column with the sum from that column to get the total.将这一列的数字加那一列的数字,即可得到总数。combine [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (add together)将…与…结合在一起Combining style with class, Audrey Hepburn's fashion is timeless.风格与品位相结合,奥黛丽赫本的时尚是永恒的。combine with [sth] vi + prep (unite with)与…联合;与…结合Nitrogen combines with hydrogen to produce ammonia.氮气与氢气结合产生氨气。come face to face with v expr literal, figurative (be confronted by, meet [sb], [sth])与…当面对质,与…面对面I knew that at some point, I would have to come face to face with my ex.come in contact with [sth], come into contact with [sth] v expr (be exposed to: [sth] harmful)接触;暴露于I phoned the doctor as soon as I found out I had come in contact with someone who had Swine Flu.come in contact with [sb], come into contact with [sb] v expr (meet: [sb])遇见;和...接触come to an agreement with [sb] v expr (resolve a dispute)与…达成协议It was a long hard battle but we finally came to an agreement with each other.come to an agreement with [sb] v expr (agree to terms)与…达成一致I came to an agreement with my ex-wife that I would watch the kids on the weekends.come to grips with [sth], get to grips with [sth] v expr informal, figurative (understand)了解;明白;懂得One must read a work of philosophy several times in order to come to grips with it.come to grips with [sth], get to grips with [sth] v expr informal, figurative (master)掌握;学会When I had finally come to grips with algebra, I began to learn calculus.come to grips with [sth], get to grips with [sth] v expr informal, figurative (deal with, accept)处理;应付;接受It was difficult to come to grips with my parents' tragic deaths.come to grips with [sb] v expr dated (be in close combat with)与...搏斗;与...打斗come to terms with [sth] v expr figurative (accept)接受…It took Rich years to come to terms with the death of his father.come with [sb] vi + prep (accompany)跟(某人)在一起I'm leaving now. Are you going to come with me or not?我要走了,你要跟我一起吗?come with [sth] vi + prep informal (entail, necessitate) (非正式用语)必然引起;达成Success comes with hard work.勤奋努力才能成功。come with [sth] vi + prep informal (be accompanied by) (非正式用语)与…一起;配有,与…搭配Does the hamburger come with fries?这种汉堡配有薯条吗?comfortable with adj (familiar with, knowing well enough)(因为熟悉而能)应付自如的;轻松处理的It took years of study to become comfortable with the subjunctive tenses.comfortable with adj (at ease with)对 ... 感到舒服的I was not comfortable with the strange man sitting so close to my daughter.commensurate with [sth] adj + prep (of equal measure)用相同标准衡量...的The benefits here aren't commensurate with my old job.commensurate with [sth] adj + prep (proportionate)与...相称的;与...相当的Their pay is commensurate with the amount of work they do.commiserate with [sb] vi + prep (sympathize with)同情;怜悯commune with [sb] vi + prep (communicate intimately)与…谈心;与…说知心话The holiest of men are said to commune with God.commune with [sth] vi + prep figurative (contemplate: nature) (比喻)与...神交I go camping to commune with nature.communicate with [sb] vi + prep (be in contact with)与…沟通;与…打交道;与...交往;与…有联系If he's abusive to you, then you shouldn't even communicate with him.如果他虐待你的话,那你甚至都不应该和他有联系。communicate with [sb] vi + prep (speak to)与…交谈;与…谈话As the manager of this company, I plan to communicate with Mary about her tardiness.Emails are a good way to communicate with all the staff at once.作为本公司的经理,我打算与玛丽谈谈她拖拉的工作表现。 // 要同时与所有的员工沟通,电子邮件是一种很好的方法。communicate with [sth] vi + prep (be connected, lead to)与…相通,与…相连接;与...联通A system of golf cart paths allows every house to communicate with the town center.This classroom communicates with the one next door.一个高尔夫球车车道网让每家每户都能与市中心联通。 // 这个教室与隔壁教室相通。communicate with [sth] vi + prep (computers: be connected) (计算机)通讯;连接The printer communicates with all of the computers in the building via wifi.打印机通过无线网,与大楼的所有计算机进行通讯。comparable to [sth], comparable with [sth] adj + prep (similar to [sth])可与...相比的;可与...比较的In no way is your life comparable to [sth/sb] with [sth/sb] vtr + prep (make a comparison, contrast with)把…与…相比;拿…和…比较When you compare ice cream with cake, it's clear that ice cream is the better dessert.冰淇淋和蛋糕相比,肯定冰淇淋是更好的甜点。compare with [sth/sb], compare to [sth/sb] vi + prep (be as good as)比得上;与…相匹敌This food does not compare with dinner at a good restaurant.这顿饭菜比不上好餐厅的晚餐。compare and contrast [sth] and/with/to [sth] v expr (note similarities, differences)比较和对比The article compares and contrasts the works of Plato and like with like v expr (compare two similar things)同类比较;类比compared with adj + prep (in comparison to)与…比较;与…相比She said I was pretty handsome, compared with a chimpanzee.compete with [sth/sb] vi + prep (have as a business rival)与…竞争;与…对抗Small independent businesses have to compete with the large supermarkets.小型独立企业不得不与大型超市竞争。compliant with [sth] adj + prep (respecting rules)符合The manager must ensure his restaurant is compliant with health and safety regulations.经理必须确保他的餐馆符合卫生健康与安全规章制度。with the compliments of the chef expr (restaurant food: free of charge)免费;无偿Your dessert today comes with the compliments of the chef.comply with [sth] vi + prep (go along with, obey)遵守;服从Lawyers have to strictly comply with the rules of professional conduct.律师必须严格遵守职业操守。comply with [sb]'s orders v expr (obey [sb])遵守命令;遵循指令The journalist failed to comply with the judge's orders to reveal his sources.comport with vi + prep US, formal (agree with)同意;赞成concern yourself with [sth] v expr (worry about)对…感到忧虑;担心I'll buy it for you, so don't concern yourself with the cost.concern yourself with [sth] v expr (be preoccupied with)关心;关切It's best not to concern yourself with things you cannot change.concerned with [sth] adj + prep (about a subject)关于…的,与…有关的,涉及…的Medical science is concerned with how the body works.医学是关于身体如何工作的科学。condole with [sb] vi + prep obsolete (offer sympathy)向…表示同情;慰问conduct business with [sb] v expr (have commercial dealings with [sb])与...做生意;与...有生意来往confabulate with [sb] vi formal (chat)与...交谈confer with [sb] vi + prep (consult, discuss with)与…商量;与…协商;与…协商One should confer with one's spouse before making large purchases.conflict with [sth] vi + prep (contradict)与…起冲突;与…相抵触If local laws conflict with national laws, a judge must decide which prevails.conform with [sth], conform to [sth] vi + prep (correspond with, be consistent with)遵守;服从;符合;一致The prince wants all new architecture to conform with traditional architecture.Does this part conform to the specifications?王子希望所有新建筑的风格都与传统建筑的风格一致。这款零件符合规格要求吗?confront [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (make [sb] face up to [sth])用...与...对峙,用...质问...;用...与...当面对证Ursula confronted her friend with proof of her betrayal.乌尔苏拉用她背叛的证据质问她的朋友。be confronted with [sth] adj (have to face [sth])面临;面对She broke into tears when she was confronted with her husband's infidelity.confuse [sth/sb] with [sth/sb] vtr (mistake)把...误认为...;把...错当成...I confused Sharon with her mum on the phone last night: she wasn't pleased.我昨天晚上在电话上把莎蓉错当成她妈妈的,弄得她不太高兴。conglomerate [sth] with [sth] vtr (merge companies)合并The chairman signed an agreement to conglomerate his company with the larger oil company.congruent with [sth] adj (consistent)符合的;一致的The Minister was criticised for making statements that were not congruent with the Government's position on the issue.那位部长的言论与政府在该问题上的态度不一致,因此遭到了批评。congruent with [sth] adj (same shape, size)全等的,形状大小相同的;相同的Two triangles having identical angles and sides are said to be congruent with one another.connect with [sth] vi + prep (come into contact with)击中;打中There was a loud thwack as the bat connected with the ball.connect with [sb] vi + prep (associate)与...建立联系;认识I really hate the job, but it will allow me to connect with some very influential people.connect with [sb] vi + prep figurative (form a rapport)与...相连;与...合作Samantha connected with Ryan as soon as they met; they have so much in connected with [sb] adj + prep (have an association with [sb])与…联系He said that he was not connected with Eva anymore, but I saw a text message from her on his connected with [sth] adj + prep (have to do with [sth])和…有关The police say this missing-person case seems to be connected with a house fire thirty miles away.connive with [sb] vi + prep (conspire, plot with [sb])共谋;密谋consistent with [sth] adj + prep (in agreement with)和…一致的;符合…的The judge's ruling is consistent with the outcomes of similar court cases in the past.法官对这项案件的判决与过去类似案件不一致。consistent with [sth] adj + prep (fitting a diagnosis or explanation) (症状、结论)与…一致The victim's injuries are consistent with a sharp blow to the head.受害者的伤口与头部的一记重击留下的伤痕一致。consonant with [sth] adj + prep (in harmony with)一致的The business operates in a manner consonant with its economic priorities.consult with [sb] vi + prep (confer)与…商议;与…商量;与…商量We have to consult with the partners before we make a major decision.consumed with [sth], consumed by [sth] adj + prep figurative (overwhelmed by emotion)被(嫉妒等)强烈影响;妒火中烧Paul was consumed with jealousy when he saw Sarah with another man.contaminate [sth] with [sth] vtr (pollute)污染The water is contaminated with waste from the water treatment facility.contend with [sth] vi + prep (struggle against)与...作斗争;与...搏斗Scott found it impossible to contend with the blizzard.斯科特发现与暴风雪作斗争是不可能的。content to do [sth], content with doing [sth] adj (satisfied)满足于…的,对做…感到心满意足的She was content to hear about his promotion.听说他升了职,她很满足。content yourself with [sth] v expr (be satisfied with [sth])满足于I'm too old to party on a Friday night; these days I content myself with a cup of tea and a few episodes of my favourite TV show.content yourself with doing [sth] v expr (be satisfied with doing [sth])满足于Jane had to content herself with redecorating her kitchen as she couldn't afford to have a new one fitted.简只能选择重新布置厨房,因为她无法负担新装厨房的费用。contiguous with [sth], contiguous to [sth] adj + prep (bordering, touching)相邻的;相连的Oregon is contiguous with California.contrast with [sth] vi + prep (colour: be complementary) (颜色)与…形成鲜明对比,与…互补I love how the blue eyeliner contrasts with your brown hair and eyes.我很喜欢那蓝色眼线与你褐发以及褐色眼瞳形成的鲜明对比。contrast [sth] and/with [sth] vtr (show differences)对比...和...;将...与...相比Let me contrast the correct and incorrect posture for this dance.让我来对比一下这个舞蹈正确和错误的姿态。be conversant with [sth] v expr (be knowledgeable about [sth])通晓…知识的;精通…知识的To do this job, it helps to be conversant with Python.精通Python语言有助于做好这个工作。converse with [sb] vi (talk, have a discussion with [sb])交谈Mary wants to improve her Spanish so that she can converse with anyone she meets.convulse with [sth] vtr + prep ([sb], [sth]: shake violently due to [sth])因...而浑身颤抖;因...而抽搐David convulsed with laughter on hearing the joke.cooperate with [sb/sth], co-operate with [sb/sth] vi + prep (act with)与...合作,与...协作The witness would not cooperate with the investigation.coordinate [sth] with [sth], co-ordinate vtr + prep (match: colours, etc.) (颜色)协调;使...和...搭配Mrs. Jones wants to coordinate the curtains with the furniture.琼斯夫人希望使窗帘和家具搭配起来。coordinate with [sth], co-ordinate vi + prep (match, go together)与...协调;与...匹配The color palette chosen for this room coordinates well with the architecture.这个房间所选用的色彩组合与建筑很协调。coordinate with [sb], co-ordinate with [sb] vi + prep (work together with)与...配合;与...合作I coordinated with Mr. Smith's secretary to arrange a business lunch.我与史密斯先生的秘书配合,安排一次商务餐。cope with [sth] vi + prep (struggle against: conditions)应对;对抗Renoir coped with severe rheumatoid arthritis for the last 25 years of his life.在生命的最后25年里,雷诺阿一直于严重的类风湿关节炎作斗争。coquet with [sth] vi + prep rare, figurative (dally: with an idea)轻率地对待correlate with [sth] vi + prep (be related to)与...有关联;与...相关Does being read to as toddler correlate with success in school?correlate [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (relate [sth] to [sth])使互相关联;使互相联系Researchers have correlated monkeys' cries with specific actions.correspond with [sth] vi + prep (conform)与…一致;与…相符Her clothes don't correspond with the regulations.correspond with [sb] vi + prep (write to)与某人通信She chose to correspond with him via email.could do with [sth] v expr informal (would benefit from)倒不如...The film could do with being an hour shorter.could do with [sth] v expr informal ([sb]: would like)想要I could do with a cup of tea. Would you mind making one?;counter, counter that, counter with vi (respond to argument)反对;反驳He countered that the plan was impractical.他反驳说这个计划不切实际。counter [sth] with [sth] vtr (move in opposition to)以…还击He countered his opponent's move with a swift blow.他以一记快击来还击对手的动作。counterweight [sth] with [sth] vtr (balance out)用...平衡Try to counterweight the apples with some oranges.couple with [sb] vi + prep (have sex)与…同床;与…发生性关系He remarked that the people there had no sense of decency, and would couple with one another in public, whenever they felt the urge.他评论说,那里的人不讲一丝体面,只要欲望上来了,就可以当街与人发生性关系。coupled with [sth] prep (in combination)与…并提;与…联系在一起The bad weather, coupled with increased fuel prices, was devastating to farmers.cover [sth/sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (conceal, protect [sth], [sb])用…覆盖;用…遮盖When we painted the ceiling we covered the furniture with old sheets.当粉刷天花板时,我们用旧床单盖住家具。cover [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative (lavish with praise, etc.)给予…大量(赞扬等)Critics covered the writer with praise after the publication of his first novel.这位作家的首部小说出版之后,评论家们对他大加赞赏。covered with [sth] adj + prep (with [sth] overlaid)以…遮盖;用…盖住Fields covered with snow stretched into the distance.我在粉刷天花板之前,确保以罩布盖住了钢琴。cram-full of [sth/sb], cram-full with [sth/sb] adj + prep (packed with [sth/sb])挤满...的, 塞满...的The 8 a.m. train was cram-full of commuters.crawling with [sth/sb] adj + prep figurative (very crowded with)挤满了…的;遍布…的In summer, the city centre is crawling with tourists.crippled with debts adj figurative (in extreme financial debt) (比喻)债台高筑的Crippled with debts, he was forced to take the first job he could find.cross with [sb] adj + prep mainly UK (angry, annoyed with)生...的气;因为...而愤怒;对...发火She wasn't expecting her ex-boyfriend to be so cross with her.她没想到前男友会这么生她的气。cross [sth], cross [sth] and [sth], cross [sth] with [sth] vtr (hybridize)杂交The biologist was trying to cross a rose and a lily.cross swords with [sb] expr (come into conflict with [sb])与…发生冲突; (比喻义)与…交锋crosscut [sth] with [sth] (US), cross-cut [sth] with [sth] (UK) vtr (film: interweave two scenes)把...和...交叉剪辑crowded with [sth/sb] adj + prep (full of [sth/sb])充满着;挤满着On New Year's Eve, the town square was crowded with people.新年夜,市镇广场上挤满了人。curry favor with [sb] (US), curry favour with [sb] (UK) v expr (ingratiate yourself)巴结;讨好See if you can curry favor with one of the directors.cut no ice with [sb] v expr figurative, informal (have no effect on [sb])对...没用;对...没意义dab [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (cover using small strokes)覆盖Stop dabbing the wall with paint like that - use longer strokes.dab at [sth] with [sth] v expr (cover using small strokes)覆盖The artist timidly dabbed at the canvas with small brush strokes.dally with [sth/sb] vi + prep (trifle with)摆弄;玩弄dally with [sb] vi + prep (flirt with [sb] without serious intentions)与...调情;挑逗The rich gentleman spent his days dallying with beautiful young ladies.damn [sb/sth] with faint praise v expr (criticize by praising unenthusiastically)名褒实贬;用冷言冷语来表扬daub [sth] with [sth] vtr (cover using rough strokes)将...涂抹在...上;在...上乱涂Daub the meat with the marinade and let it chill for three hours.Deal with it! interj slang (accept reality)接受现实You don't like your job? Deal with it! - you need the money.你不喜欢你的工作?接受现实吧!你需要钱啊。deal with the consequences, take the consequences v expr (accept) (非正式用语)接受(自己的行为带来的)后果Let's just do it now and deal with the consequences with the consequences, take the consequences v expr (suffer)承受后果The president did it but it was his successor who had to deal with the consequences.那件事是总统所为,但承受后果的是他的继任者。dealings with [sb/sth] npl (business transactions)和某人的买卖;与某人的交易His dealings with the company were conducted in secret.他与公司的交易是秘密进行的。dealings with [sb] npl informal (interaction)和某人的交往In all my dealings with her, Maria has always been kind and helpful.在整个交往过程中,玛利亚一直非常善良热心。dealing with [sth] prep (about, concerning)关于dealt with adj (addressed, resolved)已解决的;已得到处理的deck [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (decorate)将…装饰上…;用…来布置…"Deck the halls with boughs of holly!"“用冬青树枝来布置大厅!”decorate [sth] with [sth] vtr (adorn)装饰The stage was decorated with flags and flowers.decorate [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (military: honor with a medal)授勋The soldier was decorated with the purple heart.deluge [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr figurative (inundate, overwhelm)淹没The office has been deluged with new business orders.diagnose [sb] with [sth] vtr (identify condition in)诊断They diagnosed her with attention deficit disorder.dialogue with [sb], also US: dialog with [sb] vi + prep (discuss, negotiate)讨论;谈判The president sent the ambassador to dialog with local officials about the disputed territory.diddle with [sth] vi + prep informal (tamper or fiddle with [sth])不停摆弄;胡乱操作My tablet won't connect to the wifi since you diddled with the settings!我的平板电脑无法连上wifi,因为你乱改设置!dilute [sth] with [sth] vtr (make more watery)稀释Dilute the chicken broth with some water to make it less salty.disaffiliate with [sth/sb] vi + prep (end a connection with [sth/sb])与...脱离关系;退出...disagree with [sb] vi + prep (not agree)不同意...的看法;不赞成...的意见Fred thought they should go to a club, but George disagreed with him.弗莱德认为他们应该去俱乐部,但乔治不赞成弗莱德的意见。disagree with [sb] about [sth] v expr (not agree)不同意(某人)对(某事)的看法Alison disagreed with Mike about the best way to discipline their daughter.在如何最好地教育女儿这个问题上,艾莉森不同意麦克的看法。disagree with [sth] vi + prep (consider wrong)不认同;不赞同I disagree with corporal punishment.我不赞同体罚。disagree with [sth] vi + prep figurative (not correspond)与…不一致;与…不相符Your conclusion disagrees with the facts.你的结论与事实不相符。disagree with [sb] vi + prep (argue)与…争论;与…争执I disagreed with my last girlfriend frequently and quite vocally until we finally broke up.disagree with [sb] vi + prep figurative, informal (food: make ill) (食物)引起…身体不适,不适合I think those oysters disagreed with me - I've been vomiting all night disappointed with [sth] adj (dissatisfied with [sth])对某事失望的I was disappointed with his performance.我对他的表现很失望。discourse with [sb] vi + prep (converse)与…谈话discuss [sth] with [sb] vtr + prep (talk about with)和…讨论;与…探讨Peter agreed to discuss the matter with his father.彼得同意和父亲讨论这件事。disillusioned by [sth], disillusioned with [sth] adj + prep (disappointed by [sth])对...非常失望的;对于...幻想破灭的Many school leavers are disillusioned by the lack of opportunities open to them.displeased with [sth], displeased about [sth], displeased at [sth] adj + prep (dissatisfied with, disapproving of)生气的;不满的The king was displeased with his advisor's decision to dismiss several members of the battle with [sth] v expr (struggle or fight against)与…斗争He did battle with lung cancer for years before business with [sb] v expr (trade or deal with)与…做买卖The US does business with China because each country uses the other's with what you've got, make do with what you've got v expr (cope, manage)利用你现有的资源做某事be done with [sth] v expr informal (finished with [sth])完成;做完As soon as I'm done with my current project, I'll begin the next one.我一完成手头的项目就会开始下一个。be done with doing [sth] v expr informal (have finished [sth] undesirable)受够了;干够了I'm a college graduate now; I'm done with waiting on tables!我现在是一名大学毕业生了,我已经干够了服务员的工作了!be done with [sth/sb], have done with [sth/sb] v expr slang (had enough, stop)受够了…be done with doing [sth] v expr slang (had enough, stop)受够了…I'm done with trying to explain it to you - do what you like, I don't care!be done with [sb], have done with [sb] v expr slang (relationship: finish, end)和某人完了;和某人已经没有关系了;已经和某人绝交dose [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (give drugs)给...用某种药;给...服某种药The doctor dosed the patient with sedatives to keep him [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep usually passive (spot or scatter: with [sth])在...星罗棋布;星散于;点缀在Dandelions and buttercups dotted the field with yellow.dotted with [sth] adj (objects: scattered) (物品)散落着...的;四处分布着...的The landscape was dotted with cactus and shrubs.double up with laughter v expr (bend forward in laughter)笑得直不起腰double up with laughter v expr figurative (laugh very hard)笑弯了腰,狂笑,大笑double up with pain v expr (bend forward in sudden pain)痛苦地弯下腰Each time the cramp returned he would scream and double up with pain.douse [sth] with [sth] vtr (drench)浇The coastal towns are being doused with rain from the big storm system.dovetail with [sth] vi + prep (interweave with)与…吻合The carpenter was pleased when the sides of the drawer dovetailed perfectly with the face.dovetail [sth] with [sth] vtr (interweave)用鸠尾榫接合The carpenter dovetailed the front of the drawer with the side.The logs making up the cabin walls were dovetailed with each other.dovetail with [sth] vi + prep figurative (fit together with)与…切合Donna found a flexible job that allows her career to dovetail with her personal life.down with [sth] adj + prep US, informal (sick with, suffering from)生...病的;患...病的She's down with the flu and can't come to the party.她患上了流感,无法来参加派对了。down with [sth], down with doing [sth], down to do [sth], down for [sth], down for doing [sth] expr slang (keen to do [sth])支持Sure, I'm down for going hiking this weekend.当然,我支持这个周末去远足。down with expr (+ noun: used to show disapproval)打倒Down with the king!be down with [sth] v expr slang (agree with)同意…drape [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (ornament, decorate)用...装饰...;用...点缀...At Christmas, Robert always drapes the pictures with tinsel.圣诞节的时候,罗伯特总是用金属箔装饰那些画。dredge [sth] with [sth] vtr (sprinkle [sth]: with flour)洒Dredge the pieces of chicken with all-purpose flour and season them with salt and pepper.drench [sth] with [sth] vtr figurative (cover completely) (比喻)以...完全覆盖The patio was drenched with summer sunlight.drip with [sth] vi + prep figurative, often passive (display considerable amounts of [sth])充满The wealthy woman was dripping with diamonds.The man's voice dripped with sarcasm.drunk with [sth] adj figurative (overcome with emotion) (指情绪、心境等)陶醉在...中的She was drunk with excitement after winning the game.她陶醉在赢得比赛的兴奋中。play ducks and drakes with [sth], make ducks and drakes of [sth] v expr figurative (squander, handle recklessly) (金钱)打水漂dust [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (sprinkle with)将…撒在…上;将…撒于Dust the top of the cake with icing sugar.将糖霜撒在蛋糕上面。easy to get along with adj informal (affable)好相处的;随和的Jim is a friendly guy who is easy to get along economical with the truth v expr UK, euphemism (lie, not tell whole truth)隐瞒部分事实;没有完全说实话elated with [sth], elated at [sth] adj + prep (joyful about)对于…兴高采烈;对…欢欣鼓舞We were elated with the news about the wedding.我们对婚礼之事欢欣鼓舞。embed [sb] with [sth], imbed [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep slang, usually passive (attach to the military) (随军)将某人分派给,让某人与...随行The reporter was embedded with an army unit.Some of the soldiers objected to reporters being embedded in their units.embellish [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (adorn with)用…装饰;用…布置The seamstress embellished the gown with intricate beadwork.empathize with [sb], also UK: empathise with [sb] vi + prep (understand [sb]'s feelings)与…产生共鸣;设身处地地理解(某人)She is a great teacher who knows how to empathize with her students.empathize with [sth], also UK: empathise with [sth] vi + prep (understand feelings)感同身受地理解(某种情感)I can empathize with your sadness at losing your Dad.enamored of [sb] (US), enamored with [sb] (US), enamoured of [sb] (UK), enamoured with [sb] (UK) adj + prep (in love with [sb])喜爱;倾心于I have never been so enamored of somebody in my life! I have been enamored with Lucy for years, but I'm still too shy to ask her out.我这辈子从没那么喜欢过一个人!我喜欢露西很多年了,但是我依然很害羞,不敢约她出去。encrust [sth] with [sth] vtr (cover with [sth] crusty)给...包上...encrust [sth] with [sth] vtr (cover with gemstones)给...镶嵌...encrusted with [sth], incrusted with [sth] adj + prep (coated with a dried substance)形成...硬外层的;结成...硬壳的The top of the pastry was encrusted with brown sugar.encrusted with [sth], incrusted with [sth] adj + prep (covered: with jewels)镶饰...的The king's crown was encrusted with precious jewels.endow [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (give abilities, qualities)赋予某人某物;将某物赐予某人Shirley decided that as God had seen fit to endow her with a great singing voice, she would become a singer.雪莉决定,既然上帝赋予了自己一把唱歌的好嗓子,她就要去做一位歌手。endow [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (give money for [sth])给...捐助;捐赠...给The alumnus endowed his university with £100, endowed with [sth] v expr (be gifted, equipped with [sth])有...的天资;有...的天赋He is endowed with a huge sense of humor.他具有很高的幽默天赋。endue [sth] with [sth], indue [sth] with [sth] vtr (endow)赋予;给予;授予engage with [sth] vi + prep (be committed, involved with)忙于;从事;投入于It can be hard persuading people to engage with politics.劝说人们从政可能会很难。engrave [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (decorate by carving or etching)雕刻Danielle engraved the bracelet with tiny flowers.enrich [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep often passive (food: add vitamins) (食物)给...增加Rice is typically enriched with B vitamins.在大米中增加维生素B是一种典型的做法。entice [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (lure using)用...引诱...;用...诱骗...Daisy tried to entice the stray dog with food, but it was too nervous to come near her.黛西想用吃的引诱那只流浪狗,但流浪狗太过紧张,不敢靠近她。entrust [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (put trust in)将某事托付给某人;将某事委托给某人The boss has entrusted me with this task, so I need to make sure I get it right.老板既然将这项工作委托给了我,我就得保证做好。be equatable with [sth] adj (equivalent, comparable)可相提并论的;相当的;可比的equate [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (consider equal)将...等同于Traditional fairy tales tend to equate beauty with goodness.equip [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (supply)配备The school is aiming to equip every student with a laptop.equip [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (provide [sb] with attributes)赋予Decades of work experience has equipped her with skill and confidence.equipped with [sth] adj + prep (having tools, supplies)装备的The police were equipped with guns and shields.equipped with [sth] adj + prep figurative (having personal capabilities)有能力做某事的The attorney is equipped with the skills to win the case.etch [sth], etch [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (engrave: glass with [sth])蚀刻,雕刻;在...上蚀刻出Lydia etched the glass with a geometric [sth], exchange [sth] with [sb] vtr (give, receive the same)交换,互换;与某人交换某物They exchanged phone numbers.他们交换了电话号码。exchange courtesies (with [sb]) vtr + npl (greet [sb] politely)礼貌地问候experiment with [sth] vi + prep (test things)用...做实验;用...做试验The doctor is experimenting with different drug combinations to find the right treatment for the patient.face to face with [sb/sth], face-to-face with [sb/sth] expr (confronted with, meeting)与...对峙;与...相见;与...面对面Walking in the woods, the man was shocked to find himself face-to-face with a bear.走在林中,这人惊讶地发现自己遇到了一只熊。faced with [sth], faced with doing [sth] adj + prep (having to confront)面对;直面I don't want to be faced with that to comply with [sth] v expr (not obey [sth])不遵守;不遵从If you fail to comply with local building codes, you could be fined.faint with [sth], faint from [sth] adj + prep (feeling lightheaded, weak)因...感到头晕;因...感到虚弱The street child was faint with hunger.那个流浪的小孩因为饥饿感到头晕。fall head over heels in love with [sb] v expr figurative (fall in love)与...疯狂相爱;与...深陷爱河fall in line with [sth/sb], fall into line with [sth/sb], get in line with [sth/sb] v expr figurative (person: conform to)与...保持一致;遵守;遵循fall in line with [sth] v expr figurative (idea, etc.: fit, comply) (想法)与...一致This philosopher's theories fell in line with the moralistic views of his time.fall in love with [sb] v expr (become infatuated with [sb])爱上某人I think I fell in love with him the very first time we met.我想我们第一次见面时我就爱上他了。fall into disfavor with [sb] (US), fall into disfavour with [sb] (UK) v expr (earn [sb]'s disapproval)在某人处失宠;失去某人的欢心The duke fell into disfavor with the queen and was promptly beheaded.familiar with [sth] adj + prep (knowledgeable about)对…熟知的;对…了解的I couldn't answer his question because I wasn't familiar with the topic.我无法回答他的问题,因为我不了解这个话题。familiarize [sb] with [sth], also UK: familiarise [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (acquaint, cause to know)使熟悉;使通晓The instructor familiarized the students with the new computer software.familiarize yourself with [sth], also UK: familiarise yourself with [sth] v expr (get to know)使自己熟悉;使自己通晓fed up with [sth], fed up of [sth] expr informal (weary, exasperated)厌烦;对…感到厌倦;受够了Audrey was fed up with the bad weather.Fed up of being sent from one office to another, Joan lost her temper.奥黛丽厌倦了恶劣的天气。//受够了被安排从一个办公室换到另一个办公室,琼发火了。feel dizzy, feel dizzy with [sth] vi + adj figurative (be exhilarated, excited)乐得要晕过去festoon [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep often passive (adorn with [sth])用花彩装饰We festooned the rails of the boat with ribbons and streamers.fiddle with [sth] vi + prep (play absent-mindedly with)随意摆弄;漫不经心地抚弄Please stop fiddling with your hair!请别再摆弄你的头发了!fiddle with [sth] vi + prep informal (tinker with, alter)胡乱修理;胡乱摆弄John loved to fiddle with old cars, but never actually fixed them up.约翰喜欢修理旧车,但从来没有真正修好过。fight with [sb] vi + prep figurative, informal (argue, quarrel)与…争论;与…争吵She's always fighting with her neighbour about noise.她总是因为噪音问题与邻居争论。fight fire with fire v expr figurative (use same tactics as opponent)以其人之道还治其人之身fight with [sb] vi + prep (physically: with [sb])与…搏斗;与…打架;与…打斗The boxers fought with each other to win a prize.fight with [sb] vi + prep informal, figurative (argue)与…争吵My sister is always fighting with her boyfriend over the phone.fight with [sth/sb] vi + prep figurative (struggle against)与…抗争Irene has fought with her addiction to alcohol for many years.figure [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep often passive (decorate)用…装饰The wedding invitation was figured with an intricate design.婚礼请帖装饰着繁复华丽的设计图案。fill [sth] up with [sth], fill up [sth] with [sth] v expr (make full of)用…倒满;把…倒满Brendan filled up my glass with wine.布兰登给我满上了酒。fill up with gas (US), fill up with petrol (UK) v expr informal (petrol tank: fill)加满油Make sure you fill up with petrol before we get to the motorway.fill [sb] with wonder vtr (amaze)令…吃惊;令…感到惊讶Gazing at the night sky never ceases to fill me with filled with [sth] v expr (be full of [sth])被…填满;充满The cave was filled with stalactites and stalagmites.The pastries are filled with cream cheese.find fault with [sb/sth] v expr (criticize [sb/sth])找...的茬;埋怨finish with [sb] vi + prep (end relationship)跟…分手;跟…断绝关系,跟…一刀两断When he discovered his girlfriend had been unfaithful he finished with her.finish with [sth] vi + prep (have no further need of) (不再需要)用完…备注: most often used in the perfect tensesHave you finished with this newspaper?fit with [sth] vi + prep (be proper)与…相配;适合Her elegant behaviour fit perfectly with the diplomatic corps.她举止优雅,与外交使团完美契合。fit to burst with [sth], fit to bust with [sth] expr UK (full of [sth]: emotion, excitement) (情绪、感情)充满fix [sb] up with [sb], fix up [sb] and [sb] v expr informal (pair romantically)安排…和…约会,给…和…做媒;把…和…撮合在一起Joan is trying to fix me up with one of her single friends.琼正试着撮合我和她的一个单身朋友。fleck [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep usually passive (speckle)点缀The potter painted the vase with delicate designs and flecked it with gold.flecked with [sth] adj + prep (speckled)有…斑点的flirt with [sb] vi + prep (try to seduce [sb])与...调情;挑逗Paul flirted with his coworker.保罗和他的同事调情。flirt with disaster v expr figurative (do [sth] risky)冒险;以身犯险Having an affair with your wife's best friend is flirting with disaster.flirtation with [sth] n figurative (brush with [sth], close shave)与…接触, 与…靠近Don enjoys flirtations with danger and does dangerous things like base jumping.flirtation with [sth] n figurative (experimentation)尝试, 浅尝则止After a brief flirtation with watercolours, he has gone back to oil painting.在短暂地尝试了水彩画后,他又重新开始画油画。flush with [sth] adj + prep (flat or aligned with [sth])与…齐高;与…平齐The hooks should be flush with the wall, otherwise the pictures will not hang properly.挂钩应该和墙面平齐,否则画就挂不正。be flush with [sth] v expr (have great success, hope, etc.)丰足的;充裕的;大量的With her newly earned law degree, Julia is flush with optimism about her future career.fob [sb] off with [sth] v expr informal (give [sb] [sth] inferior, unsatisfactory)用某事敷衍某人;用某事敷衍某人Frank is always trying to fob me off with excuses.follow [sth] up with [sth], follow up [sth] with [sth] v expr (make further communication)用...补充;用...进一步强化The lawyer followed her argument up with evidence.律师用证据进一步强化她的证词。fool with [sb] vi + prep (play tricks)欺骗Don't you try to fool with me! I'll know it immediately.你可别试图来骗我!我立刻就能看穿。a force to be reckoned with, a power to be reckoned with n ([sth/sb] powerful)不可小觑的力量When Angela gets angry, she is a force to be reckoned with.fortified with [sth] adj + prep (with added nutrients)强化的;加强的This breakfast cereal is fortified with vitamin D.fraternize with [sb], also UK: fraternise with [sb] vi + prep (associate with [sb])与…友好交往;与…友好来往fraught with [sth] adj (full of)充满…的The project has been fraught with delays and cost overruns.这个项目充满了延误和成本超支。fraught with danger adj (full of hazards)充满危险的;危机四伏的Their trip to the center of the earth was fraught with friends with [sb] v expr (on good or intimate terms with)与某人要好;与某人交好I'm still friends with my college roommate: we keep in touch regularly.我仍然和大学室友关系要好,我们还常有联系。friendly with [sb] adj + prep (on close terms)和…关系亲近Are you friendly with your next-door neighbours?你和隔壁邻居的关系亲近么?friendly with adj (on good or intimate terms with)与…友好(要好)的I'm friendly with people at work; we get along fine.frozen adj (not moving) (指因恐惧等)因...而呆住的,因...而僵住的The child was frozen with terror in the dark.那个小孩因为一片漆黑而吓得呆住了。f*** [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep vulgar, offensive, slang (insert [sth] into an orifice)用(手、工具等)来操某人Julie likes her boyfriend to f*** her with a vibrator.朱莉喜欢男朋友用振动器操她。fumble with [sth] vi + prep (handle clumsily)摸索着行进;笨拙地处理Neil fumbled with his keys and almost dropped them.尼尔笨拙地摸他的钥匙,险些弄掉它们。fun to be with adj informal (enjoyable company)有趣的He's fun to be with and a really good friend, but I don't want to marry him.;furnish [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (provide with)给...提供;为...装备NATO furnished the rebels with supplies and weapons.北约组织给那些造反者提供了物资和武器。fuse [sth], fuse [sth] and [sth], fuse [sth] with [sth] vtr (join)融和;结合This film fuses horror and humour to provide both frights and laughs.这部电影结合了恐怖和幽默,这样既有恐惧又有欢笑。gamble with [sth] vi + prep figurative (take risks) (金融)拿…来投机,用…来冒险Hughes accused the government of allowing bankers to gamble with people's futures.休斯指责政府允许银行家拿人民的未来来投机。garnish [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative (food, dish: decorate)装饰, 修饰Brian garnished the cod fillet with a sprig of parsley.布莱恩用一小枝欧芹来点缀鳕鱼片。gear [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep often passive (fit, equip)给…装配,给…装备The new car was geared with a turbocharged engine.新车装配有涡轮增压发动机。get acquainted with [sb] v expr (get to know a person)结识...My kids got acquainted with the neighbors' children on the day they moved in.get acquainted with [sth] v expr figurative (familiarize yourself with [sth])熟悉...You'd better get acquainted with new computers if you want to keep your job.Get along with you! interj UK, informal (expressing disbelief)真不敢相信Brett really said that? Get along with you!布雷特真的这么说了?真不敢相信!get away with it v expr informal (escape punishment)逍遥法外get away with murder v expr figurative, informal (never be punished)可以不受惩罚地为所欲为Somehow Joe always seems to get away with murder.get behind with [sth], get behind on [sth] v expr informal (not do [sth] in time)落后;迟延Dan's car was repossessed when he got behind on the payments.We've got behind on these orders, so we'll have to work overtime to catch up on them.丹拖欠贷款后,他的车被收回。//这些订单已经迟延了,因此我们不得不加班来赶进度。get bored with [sth] vi + adj informal (lose interest)厌倦;腻烦get carried away with [sth], get carried away by [sth] v expr figurative (be overcome with excitement)兴奋不已;太过兴奋Mark got carried away with all the excitement and nearly fainted.Sophia got carried away by the emotion of the occasion and burst into tears.get carried away with [sth], be carried away with [sth] v expr figurative (be engrossed in [sth])痴迷于,沉迷于;过度沉浸于Steve got carried away with his computer game and forgot to call his girlfriend.get [sth/sb] confused with [sth/sb] v expr informal (mix up, fail to distinguish [sth/sb])把…与…搞混;对…与…分辨不清I always get Greta confused with Verna - they look so much alike.get confused with [sb/sth] v expr informal (be mistaken for [sb])被搞混;被混淆;被错当成I always get confused with my sister: she's also a brunette, and the same height as me.get cozy with [sb] (US), get cosy with [sb] (UK) v expr figurative, informal (ingratiate yourself with [sb])与...交好;迎合get cracking with [sth] v expr informal (start [sth] now)开始着手做某事Ollie got cracking with putting up the wallpaper.get even with [sb] vi + adj (revenge)向...报仇;跟...算账I'm going to get even with him when I see him.get even with [sb] for [sth] vi + adj (revenge)为某事向某人报仇;跟某人算某事的账Pilar made plans to get even with her sister for breaking her promise.get friendly (with [sb]) vi + adj informal (make friends)与某人成为朋友get friendly (with [sb]) vi + adj informal (behave in overfamiliar way)与某人过于亲热get friendly (with [sb]) vi + adj informal, figurative (make sexual advances)追求某人;向某人求爱;撩拨某人get going on [sth], get going with [sth] v expr informal (start [sth])开始The chef got going with peeling the vegetables.厨师开始去蔬菜皮。get in contact with [sb] v expr (get in touch with)开始与…接触;与…建立联系You can get in contact with us at the address above.get in touch with [sb] v expr informal (make contact)和…联系;和…取得联系I would like to get in touch with my old friends from college.我想和我大学的老朋友们取得联系。get involved with [sb] v expr (start romance)跟…交往When she got involved with Kevin, Hattie stopped seeing her friends.海蒂和凯文交往后就不再和朋友来往了。get involved with [sb] v expr (have dealings)跟…来往;跟…打交道The businessman made the mistake of getting involved with known criminals.该商人犯了错,竟然与已知罪犯有来往。get it over with v expr informal (do the unpleasant task now)赶快了事;先做完了事It's best to get it over with now, rather than leave it to the last minute.get landed with [sth/sb] vtr informal (be burdened with) (非正式用语)背上…的重负I always get landed with the worst jobs.get lucky with [sb] v expr (have sexual encounter with)与...成功滚床单get on well with [sb] v expr informal (be friends)与…处得来;与…相处良好I get on well with my sister.get on with the job v expr informal (do [sth] without delay)马上开始干…get [sth] over with v expr informal (unpleasant task: do now) (不愉快的事)尽快完成…,尽早了结…get rough with [sb] v expr (behave violently)行为粗暴Jack was getting too rough with his brother and ended up hurting him.get smart with [sb] v expr informal (be insolent towards [sb])跟...耍聪明;跟...班门弄斧get [sb] started with [sth], get [sb] started on [sth] vtr + adj (help to begin)帮助…开始(事业等)Working in her father's restaurant got Carla started on her career as a chef.在父亲的餐馆工作,帮助卡拉开始自己的厨师事业。get stuck with [sth/sb] v expr informal (burden)陷入困境;无法脱身My sister went shopping with her friend and I got stuck with babysitting her two small children.我姐姐和朋友出去购物了,我因为照看她的两个小孩而无法脱身。Get with it! interj slang (don't be so old-fashioned)别那么守旧了!;时髦点儿吧!Get with it, Mom - nobody says "jeepers" any more!妈妈,你太老土了。现在没人说“jeepers”了!get with it vi slang (hurry up)快点,快点走get with the program (US), get with the programme (UK) v expr informal (conform, fall into line)按计划行事;顺应潮流This is the way we do things here, so you need to either get with the programme or find a different job.giddy with [sth] adj + prep (lightheaded with emotion)狂喜的;高兴的The children were giddy with excitement on Christmas morning.圣诞节早晨,孩子们都很兴奋和高兴。glitter with [sth] vi + prep (eyes: with emotion)眼里闪现出;眼里露出...的目光Jane's eyes glittered with delight when Henry handed her the gift.亨利递给她礼物的时候,简的眼里闪现出喜悦的光芒。glow with [sth] vi + prep figurative (radiate: pride, health) (骄傲、健康等)由于…容光焕发; (骄傲、幸福等)脸上洋溢着…Alisha glowed with pride as the gold medal was presented to her daughter.在金牌呈给女儿的那一刻,阿丽莎的脸上洋溢着骄傲。go halves with [sb] v expr informal (share [sth] equally with [sb])和…平摊When my brother said he'd go halves with me, we decided to buy the boat.go halves with [sb] on [sth] v expr informal (share [sth] equally with [sb])和某人平摊…go out of your mind with [sth] v expr figurative, informal (become extremely anxious, worried) (指过度焦虑等)因...而发疯;因...而发狂When Becky didn't come home that night, her mother went out of her mind with worry.go public with [sth] v expr informal (reveal [sth])将...公之于众;公开go steady, go steady with [sb] vi US, informal (date one another exclusively)成为关系确定的情侣, 确定关系Sheila and Mike have been going steady for six months.希拉和迈克已经确定恋爱关系六个月了。go through with it v expr informal (do [sth] daunting)采取必要措施以完成…;做成…Bethan had doubts about applying for the job, but eventually went through with it.go wild with [sth] v expr informal (do [sth] extravagantly)铺张浪费地做...;奢侈地做...You really went wild with the décor in this room, didn't you?go with [sb] vi + prep (accompany)陪伴;与…一起Will you go with me to the hospital?你愿意陪我去医院吗?go with [sb] vi + prep US, slang (date)与…约会, 与…谈恋爱I've been going with Paul for two months now.我和保罗约会两个月了。go with [sth] vi + prep (clothes, colors: match) (衣服、颜色等)很搭配These shoes go with that handbag.这鞋与手提包很搭。go with [sth] vi + prep (belong with)伴随着;是…的一部分As a doctor, I find it hard to give people bad news, but it goes with the job.作为医生,我发现很难告诉人们坏消息,但这却是工作的一部分。go with a bang v expr figurative, informal (party: be a success) (派对等)完满举办;成功举办Go with God interj (parting expression) (告别用语)与上帝同行The Bishop dismissed him, saying "Go with God, my son".go with the crowd v expr figurative (do what everyone else does)随波逐流;随大流You can make up your own mind, or you can go with the crowd.go with the flow v expr informal, figurative (take a relaxed approach)顺其自然;随遇而安be good with [sth] v expr (be skilled with)擅长My sister is good with numbers but I'm better at languages.我姐姐擅长数字方面的事,而我更擅长语言。be good with [sb/sth] v expr (people, animal: handle well)善于应付;善于与…打交道He is good with children and animals.他善于与小孩和动物打交道。grace [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (person: be present)参与...莅临;给...赏光参加The mayor graced the villagers with his presence at the ceremony.市长给村民赏光,莅临仪式活动。grapple with [sb/sth] vi + prep (wrestle, fight with)与…搏斗;与…扭打;与…对打Horace grappled with his opponent in the wrestling ring. The police officers grappled with the protesters to keep them behind the barrier.贺拉斯在摔跤场与对手搏斗。警察与抗议者搏斗,好让他们待在隔离障后面。grapple with [sth] vi + prep figurative (struggle with [sth] difficult)努力应对;努力克服,努力攻克He's still grappling with French irregular verbs.他还在努力攻克法语的不规则动词这一难点。grappling with [sth] n figurative (act of wrestling with a problem)绞尽脑汁;费力思考After hours of grappling with the problem, they are still no closer to a solution.grate on [sb], grate with [sb] vi + prep figurative (annoy [sb])让…心烦,让…恼火;使…烦恼After a while, Laura's whining voice started to grate on Hanna. Incorrect use of grammar really grates with me.过了一会儿,劳拉呜咽的声音开始让汉娜心烦。 错误使用语法真的让我很恼火。green with envy adj figurative (envious)嫉妒的She was green with envy about his new car.她很嫉妒他有了新车。green with envy adj figurative (envious)妒忌;眼红hand in glove with [sb/sth], also US: hand and glove with [sb/sth] adj + prep figurative (in partnership)与...密切合作的Organized crime bosses worked hand in glove with the construction industry.Handle With Care expr written (label on fragile package) (易碎包裹上的标签)小心轻放Even though 'Handle with Care' was written on the package, it arrived damaged.handle [sth] with care v expr (treat carefully)小心轻放...That's a very old vase; handle it with care.handle [sth/sb] with kid gloves, treat [sth/sb] with kid gloves v expr figurative (grant special treatment to)小心处理;温和对待He's having a rough day so you'd better handle him with kid gloves.handy with [sth] adj (person: skilled at [sth])善于使用;对...得心应手Jeff is handy with a paintbrush, and sells his paintings online.杰夫善于绘画,并在网上贩卖自己的作品。hang [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (adorn, decorate)把...挂在...上;用...装饰Hang the Christmas tree with glass baubles.用那些玻璃挂饰装饰圣诞树。happy with [sth] adj + prep (satisfied)对…满意I'm happy with your work so far.我对你截止目前为止的工作很满意。harmonize with [sth], also UK: harmonise with [sth] vi + prep (sound: accord with [sth]) (声音)与…搭配和谐His voice harmonizes with hers very nicely.harmonize with [sth], also UK: harmonise with [sth] vi + prep figurative (color: go well with [sth]) (颜色)与…协调,与…相匹配The blue and purple flowers in the display harmonize with the silvery foliage.;have a bone to pick with [sb] v expr figurative, informal (want to reprimand)对...有意见;对...不满I have a bone to pick with you! Did you forget to feed the cat?have a fight with [sb] v expr (physically: with [sb])与…搏斗;与…打架Jack had a fight with another boy, and now he has a black eye.have a fight with [sb] v expr figurative, informal (argue)与…争吵He's in a bad mood because he had a fight with his wife.have a history with [sb] v expr (have had a past relationship with)和…有过一段感情,和…在一起过have a lot to do with [sth] v expr (be due to)与…大有干系His success has a lot to do with his father's business connections.have a run-in with [sb/sth] v expr informal (quarrel with)与…争吵;与…争执I had a run-in with my brother yesterday over whose turn it was to borrow the car.have a talk with [sb] v expr (discuss)与…(认真地)谈话If you want to renovate your kitchen, you should have a talk with my brother: he did it last year.have a way with v expr (have a natural affinity for)善于和…打交道,在…方面很擅长She should be a writer - she's really got a way with words.have a word with [sb] v expr informal (discuss)与…进行严肃讨论The boss had a word with Bill about his chronic tardiness.have an account with [sth/sb] v expr (bank with)有银行账户;在…银行设有户头I have an account with Lloyds Bank.have an account with [sth/sb] v expr (for purchases) (商户)在…上开有账户,办了…的会员I have an account with the university bookshop on the High Street.have dealings with [sb/sth] v expr (do business with)与…做买卖;与…做生意He has dealings with representatives of foreign companies.have dealings with [sb] v expr informal (associate with)与…交往;有来往Parker had dealings with known gangsters.have difficulty with [sth] v expr (find [sth] hard)觉得...很难The students have difficulty with English grammar.have had it up to here with [sth/sb], be up to here with [sth/sb] v expr figurative, informal (be exasperated)对...受够了;对...很反感I've had it up to here with all your excuses!have no association with [sb/sth] v expr (not be connected, involved)与…没有联系Type 1 diabetes has no association with obesity or other lifestyle factors, and is not preventable.have no truck with [sth/sb] v expr (want nothing to do with)跟...没关系That man is bad news and I'll have no truck with him!have sex with [sb] v expr (have intercourse)与…发生性行为His wife threw him out because he had sex with the neighbor.have sexual relations with [sb] v expr (have sex)与...发生性关系Police say they have arrested a teacher for having sexual relations with students.have to do with [sth] v expr (involve)与…有关The Commission can investigate matters that have to do with members of police force.have to do with [sth] v expr (be related) (指事)与...有关,与...相关Researchers have discovered that much of the risk of having ADHD has to do with genes.have to do with [sb] v expr (concern) (指人)跟...有关,涉及到The last set of questions has to do with you and your household.have words with [sb] v expr (reprimand)找…谈话Your father will have words with you when I tell him what you've done.have words with [sb] v expr (argue)与…争执;与…争吵When he drinks too much, he always has words with his wife.have your way with [sb], have your wicked way with [sb] v expr informal (seduce, have sex with)诱惑;与...发生性关系As soon as she saw Paul, Amanda was determined to have her way with him.heaving with [sth/sb] adj + prep UK, slang (crowded)拥挤的The reception hall was heaving with people waiting to hear the [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (assist with)帮助某人某事Can you help me with my homework?你能帮我做家庭作业吗?help with [sth] vi + prep (give assistance with)提供某事的帮助;帮忙做某事We are looking for volunteers to help with sports coaching.我们正在寻找志愿者来帮忙做体育指导。hobnob with [sb] vi + prep informal (socialize)亲密交往, 社交往来Evelyn spends her weekends hobnobbing with socialites in the city.伊芙琳周末在城里与社会名流交往。hold with (doing) [sth] vi + prep (agree)同意;赞同备注: used in negatives and where there is doubtI'm sorry, but I just don't hold with that attitude.honor [sb/sth] with [sth] (US), honour [sb/sth] with [sth] (UK) vtr + prep (do [sth] to show respect)很荣幸…She was honored with a special dinner at the school.她很荣幸在学校吃了一顿特别的晚餐。honor [sb/sth] with [sth] (US), honour [sb/sth] with [sth] (UK) vtr + prep (treat with honour)使荣耀;以…给予…荣耀The princess honored us with her presence.公主的现身使我们倍感荣耀。identify with [sb] vi + prep (relate to [sb])与某人一样感同身受I really identify with the characters in the movie.电影中的角色让我产生了极大的共鸣。identify with [sth] vi + prep (understand feelings, etc.)对某事感同身受Anybody who has been through the same experience will be able to identify with Amy's disappointment.有同样经历的人都能感受到艾米的失望之情。identify [sb/sth] with [sb/sth] vtr + prep (consider related to)将...视作;将...与...认同Voters identify the party leader with a new kind of politics.identify yourself with [sb/sth] v expr (associate with [sb], [sth])参与(团体等);和…打成一片The largest group of people that don't identify themselves with a religion is young people.imbue [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (pervade)使充满;使浸透;使弥漫The magician imbued his act with a sense of wonder.魔术师让他的表演充满了奇妙感。imbue [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (dye)使…染色;把…弄污Margret imbued the fabric with a bright red dye.玛格丽特用亮红色染料为织物染色。implant [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (insert, fit)植入The patient was implanted with a pacemaker.impressed by [sth/sb], impressed with [sth/sb] adj + prep (admired [sth])对…印象深刻的I was impressed by her professionalism. I was very impressed with George, because he was so smart.我对她的专业精神印象深刻。乔治非常聪明,我对他印象深刻。impressed with [sth] adj + prep (stamped, imprinted with)印有…的;刻有…的The medallion was impressed with the name of its creator.奖章上刻有其制造者的名字。in accord with [sth] expr (in agreement with)与...一致in accord with [sth] expr (corresponding to)与...相符in accordance with [sth] expr (conforming to, as stipulated by)按照;根据Always use medicines in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.To be in accordance with the law, you must pay your taxes.请总是按照说明书服药。// 根据法律,你必须纳税。in agreement with prep (of the same opinion as)与…(意见)一致I am in agreement with John on most agreement with prep (according or conforming to)符合…;服从…This policy is in agreement with the mandate of the agreement with prep (in favour of)同意…;赞成…;支持…I'm not in agreement with the law that forbids smoking in association with expr (jointly with)与…联系;与…联合The football match was organized by the club in association with the local council.这场足球赛是由该俱乐部与地方市政委员会联合举办的。in bed with [sb/sth] expr figurative (in collusion with)与…勾结The mayor's in bed with the property developers to get the plans approved cahoots with [sb] expr slang (conspiring with)与…结伙, 与...勾结Many residents believe the local cops are in cahoots with collaboration with prep (in conjunction with, jointly with)与…合作;与…协作The local authority is working in collaboration with the police to reduce car comparison with [sth/sb], in comparison to [sth/sb] prep (when compared to)与…相比较In comparison with John, Ollie's a giant.In comparison to you, she's just an amateur.与约翰相比较,奥利就如巨人一样高大。// 与你相比较,她简直就是个业余选手。in competition with prep (rival to)与…相竞争;与…相较高下Coca Cola and Pepsi have always been in competition with each compliance with [sth] expr (conforming, agreeing)根据;按照be in compliance with [sth] v expr (conform, agree)与...相符;与...一致in concert with [sb] expr (jointly)与…协力;与…共同Health visitors are working in concert with family doctors to ensure that all infants receive their vaccinations.家访护士正在与家庭医生共同协作,确保所有婴儿都能接种疫苗。in conflict with [sth] prep (against)与…冲突;和…相抵触She demonstrated behavior which was in conflict with her conformity with prep (agreeing with, conforming to)与…一致;符合…;遵照…This financial statement has been prepared in conformity with international reporting conjunction with prep (together with, in association with)与…一起;与…协力;连同…I am working on a new business plan in conjunction with my connection with [sth/sb] expr (related to)与…有关;和…有关in consultation with prep (with the advice of)与…商议;与…协商;与…磋商in contrast with [sth] prep (as compared with)与…相对照;与…形成对比Her hair's jet black, in contrast with her daughter's blonde cooperation with prep (together with, in association with)与…合作;与…协力We're working in cooperation with the rest of the neighborhood to turn the empty lot into a community disagreement with prep (not agreeing with)与…意见不一致;与…不符合;对…有异议I'm in disagreement with the rest of the jury on the dispute with [sb] about [sth] expr (in disagreement)争论中;有争议的;有争端的I'm in dispute with my neighbour about whose job it is to mend the fence between favor with [sb] (US), in favour with [sb] (UK) adj + prep (liked by, popular among)受某人欢迎;得某人欢心in harmony with [sth] prep (music: sounds pleasing) (音乐)与…声音和谐, 与…协调The viola section is in harmony with the cellos in this section of the harmony with [sth] prep figurative (agreeing)与…和谐一致;与...观点一致His views are completely in harmony with those of the harmony with [sth] prep (colour: co-ordinating) (颜色)与…调和, 与…协调Do you think this pale green's in harmony with the rest of the living-room?in hindsight, with hindsight, with the benefit of hindsight expr (in retrospect)事后聪明;事后诸葛亮In hindsight Laura realized that she should have studied harder in keeping with expr (conforming to [sth])遵照;按照In keeping with tradition, the family members wore black in keeping with [sth] v expr (conform to [sth])与…相符, 与...一致Levels of attainment at this school are in keeping with national in league with [sb] v expr (plot, conspire with)与…勾结;与…联合;与…串通I think my wife's in league with my mother to make me learn how to cook.我觉得我夫人是和我妈串通,要让我学做饭。in line with [sth] expr figurative (corresponding to)与…一致;与…相符合Our operating procedures are in line with state requirements.Make sure the system is set up in line with safety in love with [sb] v expr (be infatuated)爱上某人He's so thoughtful! I am in love with in love with [sth] v expr figurative (be very keen)爱上某物He is in love with the sound of his own solidarity with prep (as a show of support for)声援…;表示支持…I'm in solidarity with the workers in their struggle for better step with expr figurative (in harmony with)与…一致Rachel had been very careful to stay in step with her step with expr (moving in rhythm with)与…合拍The dancers did an amazing job of staying perfectly in step with the sync with [sth/sb], in synch, in synch with [sth/sb] adj + prep informal, abbreviation, figurative (in synchronization, in harmony)与…同步的;与…协调一致的An employee who is in sync with the company culture is more likely to perform tandem with [sth] expr (together, in conjunction with)与…一起,与…共同in time, with time adv (eventually)最终;最后You'll forget all about it in time.你最终会忘记一切。be in tune with [sth] v expr (sound: harmonious) (声音)与…合拍be in tune with [sth] v expr figurative (in harmony with [sth])与…合拍, 与…协调一致in unison with prep (together with)与…一起地I chanted "No more!" in unison with the rest of the crowd.incise [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (cut, engrave)用...切开...;用...雕刻...incompatible with [sth] adj + prep (not going well with) (逻辑命题)不能同时成立的Your ideas are incompatible with any kind of good sense.你的想法与任何正确的决策都搭不上边。inconsistent with [sth] adj + prep (at variance with)不协调的;不符合的;不一致的This statement was inconsistent with the one he gave last week.这份声明与他上周发表的不一致。inculcate [sb] with [sth] vtr (instil)持续灌输;反复教诲The government launched a propaganda program to inculcate the population with pro-state ideals.政府发起宣传,向民众灌输支持国家的想法。infatuated with adj + prep (obsessively in love with)迷恋于…的He's so infatuated with her that he'd do anything to get her attention.infect [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (contaminate with [sth])传染The traveler became infected with malaria.infect [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative (tainted by [sth])影响The news of the gold strike infected the townspeople with greed.inflamed with [sth] adj + prep figurative ([sb]: impassioned)激动的;过热的He was inflamed with passion for her.infuse [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr figurative, often passive (fill: with idea, emotion) (观点、情绪)灌输, 注入The island is infused with history and tradition. The teacher tried to infuse his students with enthusiasm for the subject.这座岛屿拥有丰富历史和传统。老师尝试激发学生对该学科的热情。ingratiate yourself with [sb] v expr (gain favor with)迎合某人,讨好某人,取悦某人,巴结某人You should try to ingratiate yourself with the boss.inject [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (give an injection)注射Doctors inject patients with vaccines.inlay [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (decorate surface with [sth])镶嵌The woodworker inlaid the lid of the box with strips of rosewood.inscribe [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (mark with [sth])题字The author inscribed the book with his pen.instinct with [sth] adj + prep literary (imbued with)充满...的;满是...的interact with [sb] vi + prep (person, animal: make contact)与...交往;与...打交道Ken didn't like interacting with people, so he bought a house in the forest.肯不喜欢与人交往,所以在森林里买了一栋房子。interact with [sth] vi + prep (use, operate [sth]) (事物)互相作用,互动The graphic designer built a new user interface that was easier to interact with.图像设计师创建了一个新的用户界面,让互动更加容易。interbreed [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (animals: cross-breed with)使...和...杂交interbreed with [sth] vi + prep (inbreed with)与...繁殖interchange [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (transpose)调换;易位Do you think it would be possible to interchange this part with that newer one over there?你觉得是否有可能把这部分和那个新部分的调换一下?interchange [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (exchange, swop)互换;交换I'd like to interchange the pears with the apples.我想把梨换成苹果。interconnect with [sth] vi + prep (connect, relate to [sth] else)互相联系interconnect [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (connect up, link)连接;联系The plumber had to interconnect the tubing with the faucet.管道工需要把管子和水龙头连接起来。interconnect with [sth] vi + prep figurative (link, relate to [sth] else)与...相联系The themes in this book interconnect with the film we studied last week.interconnect [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative (link up)使...与... 相联系interface with [sb/sth] vi + prep (communicate with)与…交流;与…通讯Dan called his manager and asked to interface with him for a moment.interface [sth] to [sth], interface [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (connect to)把…连接到;使…与…连接interfere with [sth] vi + prep (impede [sth])妨碍;干扰The microwave interfered with the signal.信号受到微波炉的干扰。interfere with [sth] vi + prep (tamper with [sth])乱动;胡乱摆弄Please do not interfere with the settings on my computer, as I have them just as I want them.我计算机上的设置都是按我想要的方式设的,请不要乱动。interfere with [sb] vi + prep (abuse by touching sexually)对...进行性骚扰;性骚扰...Larry was arrested for interfering with Tom's daughter.拉里因性骚扰汤姆的女儿而受到逮捕。interlace [sth] with [sth] vtr (entwine, weave together)使交织;使交错Daniella interlaced her fingers with his.丹妮娜与他手指交叉紧握在一起。interlace [sth] with [sth] vtr figurative (combine, intersperse)在...中穿插;把...与...结合Dr. Johnson interlaced her lecture on Schubert with some of his music.interlard [sth] with [sth] vtr (intersperse)使…混杂在一起;把…掺入interleave [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep often passive (insert [sth] between pages of a book)将…插入书页间The bookbinder interleaved the sketchbook with glassine.装订工在速写本页间夹上了蜡光纸。interleave [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep often passive (insert [sth] between pages)在...和...之间插入空白页The pages of the medieval text had been interleaved with archival paper to protect the images.interleave [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (computing: alternate programs) (计算机信号)...与...交叉, ...与...交替interleave [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (computing: processing power) (计算机)交错处理...与..., 交错执行...和...interlink with [sth] vi + prep (connect to [sth] else)连结interlink [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (connect up) 没有提供翻译 When we get married, let's interlink your bank account with mine.interlink with [sth] vi + prep figurative (be connected to [sth] else)与...联系;与...互联interlink [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative (interconnect)将...与...互联intermingle [sth] and [sth], intermingle [sth] with [sth] vtr (mix together)使…与…混合The artist is famous for intermingling life and death in her pieces.这位艺术家因将生与死融入作品而闻名。intermix [sth] with [sth] vtr (combine, blend)使...和...混合;将...和...混在一起interrelate [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (create a mutual link between)使相互关联intersperse [sth] with [sth] vtr (scatter or place: [sth] in between)点缀The politician interspersed his speech with anecdotes.intertwine with [sth] vi + prep (be twisted together with [sth])缠绕The cotton fibers intertwine with the wool ones.intertwine [sth] with [sth] vi + prep (join by twisting together)缠结The spinner intertwined one kind of fiber with another.intertwine with [sth] vi + prep figurative (be interconnected)与…相互关联In the movie the flashbacks intertwine with the present-day story.intertwine [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative (interconnect)将...与...结合;将...与...融合The director has intertwined fact with fiction to create a very powerful message.interweave with [sth] vi + prep (be threaded together with [sth])使交织The blue fabric is interwoven with gold thread.interweave [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (join by threading together)交错编织The craftsman makes his baskets by interweaving horizontal willow stems with upright ones.interweave with [sth] vi + prep figurative (be interconnected)混杂Lies were interwoven with truths in the witness's testimony.interweave [sth] with [sth] vi + prep figurative (interconnect)紧密结合The writer interwove real history with science fiction.intimate with [sb] adj (sexually involved: with [sb])与…有亲密关系It's never a good idea to become intimate with someone you work with.intimate with [sb] adj (close friends: with [sb]) (朋友)与…关系亲密inundate [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative, often passive (overwhelm with [sth])使不胜负荷;充满The professor was inundated with papers to inundated with [sth], be inundated by [sth] v expr figurative (be overwhelmed)对...应接不暇invest [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep formal (give [sb] powers, rights)赋予某人某物;授予某人某物The king invested the diplomat with the right to make decisions on behalf of the state.国王赋予外交大臣代表国家制定决策的权利。invest [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep formal (adorn)用...装饰;用...装扮The snow invested the trees with a covering of snow.issue [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (give, send [sb] [sth])把…发给,把…发给…The library issued me with a new card.图书馆发给我一张新借书卡。jab [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (prod sharply with [sth])戳Ouch! You just jabbed me with your pencil!join [sth], join [sth] and/with [sth] vtr (connect)连接;接合He joined the two puzzle pieces together.他把两张拼图卡片连了起来。join with [sb], join with [sb] to do [sth] vi + prep (cooperate)使结合,使联合;使联姻Business leaders have joined with the government to fight poverty.企业领袖与政府联合起来与贫困作斗争。join hands, join hands with [sb] v expr (clasp each another's hands)拉起手来;携起手来The entire congregation joined hands in prayer. Please would you all join hands with the person next to you.全体会众手拉手祈祷。请大家和旁边的人手拉手。join hands, join hands with [sb] v expr figurative (unite)携手;联手;协作Let's join hands and fight for what we believe in! We will join hands with our friends and stand up for our common beliefs.join together [sth] and/with [sth] vi + adv (connect)将…和…连接起来,将…和…拼接在一起jumble [sth] up with [sth], jumble up [sth] with [sth] v expr informal (mix up) (非正式用语)将…与…混淆jump in with both feet v expr figurative (enter into [sth] enthusiastically)全身心投入;完全投入jump in [sth] with both feet, jump into [sth] with both feet v expr figurative (enter into [sth] enthusiastically)全身心投入;完全投入jump into bed with [sb/sth] v expr figurative, informal, disapproving (form an alliance with) (含贬义)与...穿一条裤子;与...同流合污juxtapose [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (place side by side)并置The x-ray juxtaposed the left view of the lung with the right.keep in contact with [sb], stay in contact with [sb] v expr (stay in touch with [sb])保持联系;保持联络New technologies make it easy to keep in contact with your customers.I'm sorry you have to leave but please keep in contact.keep [sth] in line with [sth] v expr (make conform)使...遵守;让...与...相符keep in touch with [sb] v expr informal (stay in contact with [sb])与…保持联系Promise you'll keep in touch with us while you're away.保证你离开以后也会与我们保持联系。keep pace with [sb/sth] v expr (go as fast)跟上步伐,跟上,保持步调一致John wasn't able to keep pace with the other runners.keep pace with [sth] v expr figurative (stay up to date) (形势、潮流等)跟上,紧跟I can never keep pace with his favorite television shows.kill two birds with one stone v expr informal, figurative (do 2 things at once)一石二鸟;一箭双雕I can stop by your house on the way to the grocery store, so I'll kill two birds with one stone.kit [sb] out with [sth] v expr (provide with clothes)给…提供…The kids are all kitted out with hats, gloves and scarves for the winter.kit [sb] out with [sth] v expr (equip with [sth])给…装备…They kitted us out with water bottles, a two-man tent and a first-aid bag,lace [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (drink: add alcohol, poison) (酒、麻醉剂、毒药等)加少量…于…,在…里加少许…Gary laced his drink with some sleeping medication before bed.睡觉前加里在自己的饮料里加了一点安眠药。lace [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (sprinkle with: poison, etc.)在...里掺入...We laced his food with laxative powder.我们在他的食物里掺入了一点通便药粉。be laced with [sth] v expr (drink: have alcohol or poison added) (指在饮品中加酒或加毒)加了;添了;掺了The lemonade had been laced with vodka.laden with [sth] adj figurative (with a burden)充满(不良情绪等)的Adam was laden with guilt and went to confess his crime.lavish [sb] with vtr + prep (give [sb] a lot of [sth])慷慨把…给予某人Critics lavished the pianist with praise for his performance of the concerto.对该钢琴演奏者弹奏的协奏曲,批评家们不吝赞美之词。leave [sth] with [sb] vtr + prep (entrust)将..交托给;将...委托;将...托付给Can I leave my keys with you in case something happens?我能把钥匙交给你吗?以防万一。leave [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (have remaining)给…剩下If you take that twenty-pound note, you'll leave me with less than five pounds.如果你拿走了那张20镑的钞票,我就只剩下不到五磅了。let [sb] off with [sth] v expr informal (not punish severely)轻易放过;从轻发落The police caught Alfie tagging a wall, but let him off with a stern warning.警察逮到阿尔菲在墙上涂鸦,但在警告他之后就放他走了。liaise with [sb] vi + prep (work in cooperation)与...合作,与…展开合作;与...联手British police are liaising with their counterparts in France to try to solve the crime.为了破案,英国警察与法国警察展开了合作。lie with [sb/sth] vi + prep (be attributable to)在于,归于The responsibility for the decision lies with the manager.那个决策的责任归于经理一人。line [sth] up with [sth], line up [sth] with [sth] v expr (align)将…与…对齐;使…与…成一条直线When using the cutter, line your paper up with the guideline.使用裁刀时,将纸与参考线对齐。lined with [sth] adj + prep (having [sth] all along)充满着;布满着The street was lined with poplars.lined with [sth/sb] adj + prep (having a line of)满是;挤满The marathon route was lined with well-wishers.马拉松赛道两旁挤满了祝福喝彩的人。lined with [sth] adj + prep (having a lining)有…衬里,衬有…The coat was lined with the softest [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (connect physically)把…和…连接起来Gaby used a USB cable to link the printer with the computer.盖比用一条USB线把打印机和电脑连接起来。link [sth/sb] with [sth/sb] vtr + prep figurative (associate)将…与…联系在一起The rock star has often been linked with bad behaviour such as taking drugs.人们经常把那位摇滚明星与不良行为联系起来,如吸毒等。link [sth/sb] with [sth/sb] vtr + prep (correlate, associate)涉及;关系到Several studies have linked smoking with birth defects.几项研究都表明,吸烟与婴儿先天缺陷有关。link [sth] up with [sth], link [sth] up to [sth] v expr (connect: two things)将…与…连接起来;将…连接到…上We were able to link the computer up to a huge TV screen.linked with [sth/sb] adj + prep figurative (associated)与…相关live with [sb] vi + prep (share a home)与…同住I once lived with someone who would never wash the dishes.;live with [sth] vi + prep (accept or endure: [sth]) (多指不佳的境遇等)接受,忍受His disease is incurable - he'll just have to live with it.load [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (fill with [sth])用…把…装满;把…填满We loaded the wheelbarrow with bricks.我们用砖头把手推车装满了。load [sb] with [sth] vtr figurative (burden)使负担;使承担The managers loaded his employees with projects.load [sth] with [sth] vtr (supply in abundance)使长满;使结满The spring rains loaded the trees with fruit.load [sb/sth] down with [sth], load down [sb/sth] with [sth] v expr often passive (make carry [sth] heavy) (通常指重物)使承担;使负担Lucy loaded her husband down with suitcases.load [sb] down with [sth] v expr figurative, often passive (burden with problems, work, etc.)加以...的重负,加以...的重压;使...的负担过重The manager loaded the staff down with work.load [sth] up with [sth] v expr (fill with [sth] to be transported)向...上装载...;往...装...I loaded up the shopping cart with loaded with [sth] prep (laden with, full of)载满;装满The truck was loaded with trash.lock horns, lock horns with [sb] expr (fight with [sb])与…争斗in lockstep with [sb/sth] expr (at the same rate as)与...一致, 与...同步lodge with [sb] vi + prep (live with temporarily)与...暂住My brother is lodging with me until his home renovations are finished.装修期间,我哥哥暂时住在我家。looked upon with [sth] expr (regarded in a particular way)以…的眼光看待,以…的方式看待Your work is likely to be looked upon with favor by the doctoral dissertation committee.lose touch with [sb] v expr informal (not keep in contact with [sb]) (非正式用语)与...失去联系I lost touch with so many of my classmates, there was no point in going to the class reunion.lose touch with [sth] v expr figurative, informal (not keep up to date with [sth]) (非正式用语)脱离;不了解Critics have accused the leader of losing touch with the mood of the public.lousy at [sth], lousy with [sth] adj + prep figurative, informal (incompetent)不熟练的,蹩脚的,差劲的,烂的Brad was lousy at driving and tried to avoid doing it.布拉德车技很烂,所以尽量避免开车。lousy with [sth] adj + prep figurative, informal (having in abundance)满是…的;有太多…的In July, our little village is lousy with tourists.七月,我们的小村子里到处都是游客。lumber [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep UK (burden with something unpleasant)使陷入;使困扰As usual, they lumbered me with the task of organizing everything.lump [sth/sb] with [sth/sb], lump [sth/sb] in with [sth/sb] v expr (group together)将…与…归并到一起Don't lump all young people in with the ones who cause trouble.别将所有年轻人与那些惹麻烦的家伙归并到一起。lump [sth/sb] together with [sth/sb] v expr (group together with)把...和...归并在一起mad at [sb], mad with [sb] adj + prep mainly US, informal (angry with)生…的气; (口语)和…怄气My dad's going to be mad at me when he finds out I dinged his car.我爸要是知道我把他的车撞了,一定会生气的。mad with grief adj (intensely distressed by [sb]'s death) (指因某人去世)肝肠寸断;悼心失图made up about [sth], made up with [sth] expr UK, regional, informal (pleased)为…高兴;因为…开心I'm made up about my new car!我因为有了新车开心。madly in love, madly in love with [sb] expr (infatuated)对…痴迷,迷恋;热恋I am madly in love with you.make an appointment with [sb] v expr (patient, client) (客户、病人)与某人预约;挂某人的号Jane had toothache, so she made an appointment with the dentist.make away with [sth] v expr colloquial (steal) (偷盗物、抢夺物)携…潜逃make common cause with [sb] v expr (join forces)与…合作The union made common cause with the government in an effort to keep the factory from leaving town.make contact with [sb] v expr (contact, communicate with)联系;联络Perhaps one day aliens will make contact with the Earth.make do with [sth/sb] v expr informal (content oneself with)用…凑合The shop had sold out of chocolate ice-cream, so Sally had to make do with vanilla instead.make do with [sth] v expr (do [sth] using limited resources)拿…凑合着对付过去You'll have to make do with what you can carry with you.make friends with [sb] v expr (befriend [sb])和…交朋友I find it easy to make friends with new people.我发现和新人交朋友很容易。make [sb] green with envy v expr (cause to feel envious)使…眼红;使…嫉妒When I wore my new Prada shoes, I knew I could make Sally green with envy.make heavy weather of [sth], make heavy weather with [sth] v expr informal (make [sth] needlessly laborious)对...小题大做;对...大惊小怪make nice with [sb] v expr US, informal (be friendly to)对...友好;对...表达善意make peace with [sth], make your peace with [sth] v expr (accept [sth])接受..., 接纳...make points with [sb] v expr informal (curry favor with)讨好;逢迎make with the [sth] v expr US, dated, slang (use, operate)使用;操作manage with [sth] vi + prep (use what is available)用…应付过去; (口语)用…凑合There isn't much food in the fridge, but we'll have to manage with what we've got.冰箱里没有多少食物了,不过我们得用有的东西凑合凑合。manage with [sth] vi + prep (cope)应付…Can you manage with all those boxes?你能应付得了那么多盒子吗?mark [sth] (with [sth]) vtr (draw, write on)标记;给...做记号She marked her ballot paper with a cross.marriage of [sth] with [sth], marriage of [sth] and [sth] n figurative (union)…与…的结合,…与…的联合Our products are the perfect marriage of style and functionality.我们的产品是款式与实用性的完美结合。married with [sth], married to [sth] adj figurative (joined closely)紧密联合的In his view, technology should be married with pleasing design.在他看来,技术应该与优美的设计紧密联合。match [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (join, pair)将…与…搭配起来;使…与…相称;使…与…相配In this game, you need to match each card with another card with the same design.在这个游戏里,你需要把每张牌与另一张同花色的牌配在一起。match [sth] up with [sth], match up [sth] with [sth] v expr (pair with: [sth])使...与...配对;匹配...和The students were asked to match up the French words with their meanings.学生需要将法语单词与意思进行配对。match [sb] up with [sb], match up [sb] with [sb] v expr (pair romantically: with [sb])撮合…和…;让...与...相亲My mother keeps trying to match me up with her friend's nephew.我母亲一直想撮合我和她朋友的侄子。be matey with [sb] v expr UK, informal (behave in a friendly, familiar way)友好对待;像朋友一样对待The boss is matey with his employees, but not all of them appreciate it.the matter with [sb] n informal (difficulty faced by [sb])事情;问题What's the matter with Julie? She's been crying all morning.朱莉怎么了?她一早上都哭个没完。the matter with [sth] n informal (problem, fault with [sth])困难;麻烦;问题What's the matter with your suitcase? Is the handle broken?你的箱子有什么问题吗?是不是提手坏了?meddle with [sth] vi + prep (tamper or fiddle with [sth])胡乱摆弄;乱动;乱翻Someone's been meddling with the padlock.Someone has been meddling with my things; they're all out of with [sb] vi + prep (person)和…会面;见Our team of advisors will meet with you to discuss your career goals.我们的顾问团队将与你会面,讨论你的职业目标。meet with approval v expr (be endorsed, supported)受到支持;获得支持Penelope's suggestion met with with [sb]'s approval, meet with the approval of [sb] v expr (be endorsed, supported by [sb])受到...的支持;获得...的支持The plans met with the approval of the local business with success v expr (succeed)成功He met with success early at his new job.meld [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (blend with [sth] else)与...融合;合并The jeweler melded gold with silver to create a less expensive band.merge with [sth] vi + prep (join with [sth] else)与…结合;与…合为一体Asia merges with Africa in the Middle East.亚洲与非洲在中东的位置结合。merge [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (combine with [sth] else)把…和…混合起来The color green merges blue with yellow.绿色是通过把蓝色和黄色混合起来得到的。merge with [sth] vi + prep (company: combine with another) (企业)与…合并,与…联合Ben's company merged with a competitor and he lost his job.本的公司遭到竞争对手的合并,他也因此丢了工作。merge with [sth] vi + prep (traffic: be absorbed) (交通)汇入,并入At junction 4, the traffic merges with the A road.在四号岔路口,交通并入了A号大道。mess with [sth] vi + prep (tamper)摆弄;瞎弄Don't mess with those papers – I've just put them in order.别弄乱那些文件,我刚刚把它们整理好了。mess with [sth] vi + prep informal (become involved with)接触;染上When he started messing with drugs, everything went downhill.当他开始沾染毒品,一切都变得糟糕。mingle with [sb/sth] vi + prep (socialize or mix with)与…交往;与…社交I can't stay talking to you all evening, I must mingle with the guests.我不能一晚上都只陪你说话,我得去与客人们交往。mingle [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (combine, mix)将...与...混合;结合...与...The garden mingles formal planting with more natural, wild areas.花园将正规种植与更为天然的野生区域结合起来。mix [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (combine)将...和...搅拌在一起;将...和...拌在一起Mix the butter with the sugar, then add the eggs.把黄油和食糖搅拌在一起,然后加入鸡蛋。mix it up with [sb] v expr US, slang (argue, fight)与…大打出手,与…扭打在一起;与…争执不休John really mixed it up with Joe; now both of them are in the hospital.mix [sth] together with [sth] v expr (combine, blend)把...和...混合mix up [sb] and [sb], mix up [sb] with [sb] v expr (identities: confuse) (人)将…错认为,将…与…搞混I always mix up Scarlett Johansson and Amber Heard; to me they look really alike!我总是将斯嘉丽·约翰逊与艾梅柏·希尔德搞混,就我而言她们长得实在太像了!get mixed up with [sb/sth] v expr informal (become involved with)掺合进,牵涉进;与...有牵连Brad got mixed up with the wrong crowd in his teenage years and ended up dropping out of school with no mixed up with [sb/sth] v expr informal (be involved with)与...混在一起;与...有牵连Don is mixed up with some very dubious people; I think they might be involved in organized crime.get [sth/sb] mixed up with [sth/sb] v expr (confuse two people or things)搞混;弄混My husband is hopeless at recognizing celebrities—he always manages to get Ed Sheeran mixed up with Prince Harry.muddle [sth] with [sth] vtr figurative (ideas: confuse, mix up)将...与...混淆You've muddled your evidence: no-one can follow you any more.你把论据搞混了,没有人能听懂。nose to nose with, nose-to-nose with prep figurative (in direct competition with)与…针锋相对The boxer went nose to nose with his opponent.nose to nose with, nose-to-nose with prep (very close to)与…很亲昵;和…靠得很近Sam was nose to nose with his girlfriend, Mary.not agree with [sth] v expr (object to, not share)不同意;不赞成I do not agree with your answer.not agree with [sb] v expr (disagree)与...持不同意见, 与...存在分歧My dad and I really don't agree on immigration.not agree with [sb] v expr figurative, informal (food: affect digestion) (食品)让...不消化Dairy products don't agree with me.not comparable to [sth], not comparable with [sth] adj (totally different)不能相提并论的;与…完全不同的Art is not comparable to Literature.not connect with [sb] v expr (not be understood)没与…产生共鸣The film failed to connect with audiences in some countries.not have anything to do with v expr (be unrelated to)与…无关Baking a cake does not have anything to do with repairing a car.Being smart doesn't have anything to do with being strong.not have anything to do with v expr (avoid contact with)避免与…接触;避免与…扯上任何关系Since she stole my earings, I do not have anything to do with her anymore.I'll not have anything to do with my ex-wife's new husband.not proceed with [sth] v expr (terminate, cancel)不再继续;结束;停止;取消When we found out how expensive the goods were, we did not proceed with the order.not square with [sth] v expr informal (be inconsistent)与…不一致;和…不相符Your tale does not square with the facts as we know them.not to be mistaken for [sth/sb], not to be confused with [sth/sb] expr (as distinct from [sth] else)不要与...弄错;不可与…搞混be nothing to do with [sb], have nothing to do with [sth] v expr (not concern [sb])与...无关Stop listening in to our conversation; this is nothing to do with nothing to do with [sth/sb], have nothing to do with [sth/sb] v expr (be unrelated)与…没有关系;与…不相干You would think that volcanoes have nothing to do with the weather, but they do.My bad mood today has nothing to do with the weather.have nothing to do with [sth] v expr (not get involved)不干涉...;不插足...;不插手...I'll have nothing to do with your plan to steal gold from Fort Knox.have nothing to do with [sb] v expr (not associate with)不与…来往I've had nothing to do with my ex-husband since our obsessed with [sth/sb] v expr (be fixated on [sth/sb])着迷于;痴迷于James is obsessed with trains, and knows a huge amount about them.詹姆斯痴迷于火车,知道很多关于火车的知识。off with you interj informal (leave, go now)滚开;滚蛋Off with you, children! It's time for you all to go home!OK with [sb], O.K. with [sb], okay with [sb] adj + prep informal (acceptable to)可以的, 行的, 好的Is it OK with you if I open the window? Tuesday is OK with me; see you then!on a collision course with [sb] expr figurative (disagreeing, clashing)总是与…冲突;总是与…意见相左His refusal to even listen to other points of view set him on a collision course with nearly everyone he met.on a par with [sth] expr (equivalent)与…同等,和…一样on board with [sth] adj + prep figurative, informal (in agreement, support)赞同;同意;支持Make sure your whole team is on board with this before you go ahead.在你开始之前,请确保你的整个团队都同意这一点。on with prep informal (let us continue with)继续On with the show! We can't allow a little rain to stop with [sth] vi + prep (begin)以...开始The meeting opened with a speech by the [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (commence by doing, saying [sth])使开始I would like to open the meeting with an apology for the lack of refreshments.会议开始前,我想就缺少茶点一事向各位致歉。open with [sth] vi + prep (cards: make a bid) (纸牌)首局下注He opened with a three of clubs.他以一张梅花三进行首局下注。open with [sth] vi + adj (start by saying)以…做开场白The plaintiff's lawyer opened with a statement for the jury.开庭时,原告律师向陪审团做了陈述,以此作为开场白。ornament [sth] with [sth] vtr (decorate, adorn)用...装饰;用...点缀My mother ornamented our home with cat figurines.out of proportion with [sth] adj + prep (excessively large)与…不成比例的In children's drawings of people, the head is usually out of all proportion with the rest of the out of touch with [sth] v expr figurative, informal (not be up to date with)跟不上…的发展;跟不上...的步伐These systems are completely out of touch with modern business practices.这些系统完全不能与现代商业实践同步。be out of touch with [sth] v expr figurative, informal (not be familiar with)不熟悉;不了解These problems have arisen because the government is made up of wealthy politicians who are completely out of touch with how ordinary people live.出现这些问题是因为政府由完全不了解普通民众生活的有钱政客组成的。be out of touch with [sb] v expr (no longer be in contact with)与…失去联系Unfortunately I'm out of touch with Rita, so I can't give her the news.不幸的是,我和丽塔失去了联系,我无法告诉她这个消息。out of touch with the real world adj figurative, informal (unrealistic)脱离现实的Politicians who think they can cut public services and retain popularity are obviously out of touch with the real out of your mind with [sth] v expr figurative, informal (be extremely anxious, worried) (指伤心焦虑等)过度...;因为...而发疯;...得发疯overflow with [sth] vi + prep figurative (be full of [sth])充满,满是;洋溢Jemima's heart was overflowing with joy.overlaid with [sth] adj + prep (covered by [sth])被…覆盖的;镀...的Part of the sculpture was overlaid with gold and silver.overload [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative (too much information) (比喻,如信息、知识等)给某人塞满太多某物Bill is a good teacher, but he tends to overload his students with information.比尔是位好老师,但他总喜欢塞给学生太多信息。oversupply [sb] with [sth] vtr (provide with too much)给...过多提供;过多给予某人某物overwrite [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (write on top of)写在…上面;覆盖The book's first page had been overwritten with a comment.pack [sth] with [sb/sth] vtr + prep usu passive (fill with partisans)塞满,挤满The candidate's staff packed the hall with friendly supporters.pack [sth] with [sb/sth] vtr + prep informal (fill with people) (人)塞满,挤满They packed the concert hall with so many people that you couldn't even see the band.packed with [sth] adj + prep (full of [sth])堆满…的;装满…的;满是…的The shelves are packed with books.书架上堆满了书。packed with [sb] adj + prep (full of people)挤满…的The room is packed with meeting delegates.房间里挤满了前来会见的代表。pad [sth], pad [sth] with [sth] vtr (add stuffing to)加衬;加垫;用软材料填充Marilyn is padding the chair cushions.玛丽莲正在往椅垫里加衬垫。paper [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (cover with advertising)用...盖住;用...覆盖The bus shelter was papered with car adverts.paper [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (decorate with wallpaper)用(墙纸)装饰We papered the child's room with blue wallpaper.我们用蓝色的墙纸装饰孩子的房间。parallel [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (equate, liken)使...与...相似;把...与...等同partner with [sb] vi + prep US (associate as partners)与…合作,与…合伙The sportswear company has partnered with a tech firm to develop a range of wearable devices.patch things up, patch it up (with [sb]) v expr informal, figurative (be reconciled)讲和;修好My friend and I had a fight, but we've patched things up now.peace be with you expr (greeting)愿您平安;平安与你同在"Peace be with you", said the old man.pelt [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr (bombard with [sth])用某物对…攻击The angry crowd began to pelt the police officers with rocks.pepper [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative (shoot)用...扫射;用...射击He peppered the target with a round from his machine gun.他用机关枪向敌人扫射了一梭子弹。pepper [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative (speech, text: punctuate with [sth]) (文章,演讲: 修辞、引用、妙语等)使…充满…,在…中大量加入…The teacher peppers his speech with Latin terms.这位老师在演说中加入了许多拉丁术语。persist (with [sb]) vi (person: be insistent) (人)坚持要求;持续要求I usually get my way if I persist with him long enough.pick [sth] with [sb] vtr + prep (fight, quarrel: provoke with [sb])挑起与...的争端;故意与...争吵Please stop picking quarrels with your sister.You don't want to pick a fight with that guy—he's twice your size!拜托,不要再跟你妹妹故意吵架了。那人的体型比你大一倍,你可不要故意去惹他!plaster [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative, informal (cover: [sth] with [sth])在...上贴满了...;用…将…贴满Irene plastered all the notice boards in town with posters advertising her café.艾琳在小镇布告板上贴满了海报,宣传自己的咖啡厅。play ball with [sb] v expr (throw, catch a ball with [sb])和...打球My son often plays ball with the boy from next ball with [sb] v expr figurative (co-operate with [sb])与...合作The company needs smart people who can play ball with our software development fast and loose with [sth] v expr slang (do [sth] recklessly) (俚语)草率做某事;贸然做某事play fast and loose with [sth] v expr slang (do [sth] deceitfully) (俚语)用欺骗的方法做某事play havoc with [sth] v expr (bring chaos to)对…造成严重破坏;使…陷入极大混乱状态;扰乱The train strike is playing havoc with my travel hob with [sth] v expr US, informal (do mischief to)捣乱;任意歪曲play Russian roulette with [sth] v expr figurative (take a foolish risk) (比喻)玩俄罗斯轮盘赌;愚蠢地冒险备注: 俄罗斯轮盘赌是一种生死赌博,在左轮手枪的六个弹巢中放入一颗子弹,任意转动转轮后,向自己开枪。Driving while intoxicated is playing Russian roulette with other people's lives.醉驾就是用其他人的性命玩轮盘赌。play with [sth] vi + prep (child: amuse self with) (指儿童)玩...,玩耍...Lucy was playing with her favourite with fire v expr figurative (risk danger) (比喻)玩火Computer users are playing with fire if they don't keep their anti-virus software up to date.Driving at such high speeds is playing with fire.plead with [sb] vi + prep (beg, beseech)恳求某人;向某人恳求The hostage pleaded with her captor for pleased with [sth/sb] adj + prep (happy with)对...满意的;对...高兴的;对...满足的The boss was pleased with Natalie's work.老板对娜塔莉的工作很满意。pleased with yourself adj (satisfied, content)对自己满意She was very pleased with herself when she passed her driving test at the first attempt.ply [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (offer a lot of alcohol, etc.)不断地供给某人酒食They plied me with wine before they broke the news to me.ply [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (barrage with questions)不断质问某人某事Stop plying me with questions!poke [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (jab with [sth] pointed) (用尖头的物品)捅, 戳, 刺She poked him with her umbrella to wake him.她用雨伞戳醒了他。populate [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (programming: fill with data) (数据)输入powder [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (cover with powder)在…上撒粉She powdered the baby's skin with talc.她在婴儿皮肤上撒上爽身粉。precede, precede [sth] with [sth] vtr (preface)为…加上引言;为…作序He preceded his speech with a word of thanks to the organisers.preface [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (introduce with a preface)为…作序;作…的开场白The professor prefaced his speech with a disclaimer.preface [sth] with [sth] vtr (book: provide with introductory text)以...作为...的开始prefix [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (attach to start of a word)给…加前缀;加前缀于If you prefix this word with "un", it takes on a negative sense.prefix [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (put title before name)给...加...称谓The medical student already prefixed his name with "Dr."pregnant with [sb] adj + prep (be expecting a baby)怀着…的;怀有…的My best friend is pregnant with her first child.我最好的朋友正怀着她第一个孩子。pregnant with [sth] adj + prep figurative (filled, full of [sth])充满…的The battlefield was pregnant with danger.战场上充满了危险。present [sb] with [sth] vtr (give)赠与;赠送For his years of service, they presented him with a gold watch.由于他长年累月的效力,他们赠予他一块金表。present [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (provide, furnish with)向某人提供某物;向某人展示某物present with [sth] vi + prep (have as symptoms)呈现症状;出现病症The patient presented with a sore throat and runny nose.proceed with [sth] vi + prep (go ahead with)继续;继续进行I would like to proceed with my reading, if you don't mind.如果你不介意的话,我想继续看书。process [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep often passive (serve a summons) (法院传票)把…送达He was processed with a summons to appear in court by the police.警方把法院传票送达给他。provide [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (supply with, make available)为某人提供某物Contact the school secretary, who will provide you with the necessary forms.请联系教学秘书,他会为您提供必要的表格。usage: ‘provide with’To provide something that someone needs or wants means to give it to them or make it available to them. You say that you provide someone with something. They provided him with money to buy new clothes.We can provide you with information that may help you to find a job.Be carefulYou must use with in sentences like these. Don't say, for example, ‘They provided him money to buy new clothes’.provision [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (supply with)把…提供给;把…供应给Aid workers put themselves at risk to provision the starving people with food and drink.援救人员冒着危险向饱受饥荒之苦的人们提供食物和饮用水。punctuate [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (interrupt with)用…打断The speaker punctuated her talk with several digressions.put [sb] with [sb] vtr (place in the custody of)让...监护;使处于某人的照顾之下The social workers put the child with a foster family.put [sb] in touch with [sb] v expr informal (connect with [sb] else)安排...与...联系;给...提供...的联系方式You've reached the wrong department, but I can put you in touch with someone who can help you.put [sth] right with [sb] v expr (make amends)对…进行弥补He attempted to put things right with her by bringing her roses.put up with [sb/sth] v expr informal (tolerate)忍耐;忍受I will not put up with your whining any more. Go to bed this minute!我再也忍受不了你的满腹牢骚了。现在就给我去睡觉!qualify [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (statement: moderate by saying)修正;改正Agnes qualified her claim with an admission that she did not know the exact statistics.艾格尼斯修正了她的声明,承认自己不知道确切的数据。quarrel with [sb] vi + prep (argue with)与…争吵;与…争论Luke is always quarrelling with his brother.卢克老是和哥哥争吵不休。quarrel with [sth] n (disagreement with [sth])反对的理由;不赞成的理由My quarrel with your assertion that women are bad drivers is that it is sexist.radiant with [sth] adj + prep figurative (glowing with: joy, health)容光焕发的;喜气洋洋的The old lady was radiant with health; nobody would have believed she was 92.rankle with [sb] vi + prep (make irritated, resentful)激起怨恨;愤恨不已Molly's recklessness rankles with her boss.rapt with [sth] adj + prep (person: enraptured)陶醉于…的;沉醉于…的I was rapt with joy at the birth of my child.reacquaint [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (make familiar again)重新认识;重新了解reason with [sb] vi + prep (try to persuade [sb])劝…He wants to quit, but she is going to try to reason with him.他想要不干了,不过她打算去劝劝他。;recombine [sth] with [sth] vtr (mix or bring together again)将...与...重新结合;使...与...重新组合reconcile [sb] with [sb], reconcile [sb] and [sb] vtr (people with each other)使和好;使和解Bill managed to reconcile his daughter with her husband. Alison was glad she had reconciled the two friends, who had not been on speaking terms for weeks.比尔成功使自己女儿和女婿和好了。艾莉森的两个朋友相互不理睬已经两周了,她很高兴自己能使他们俩和解。reconcile [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (put in agreement)使符合;使一致Martin finds it difficult to reconcile his love for fast cars with his concern for the environment.一面是对高速跑车的喜爱,一面是对自然环境的关心,马丁觉得很矛盾。reconcile [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (tally: accounts)把...与...核对Every month, Gavin reconciles his bank statement with his ledger.嘉文每个月都会将银行对账单与自己的分类账进行核对。be reconciled with [sth], be reconciled to [sth] v expr (accept: a situation)接受reconnect [sth] with [sth], reconnect [sth] to [sth] vtr + prep (link again)再连接;重新接通I'm almost finished reconnecting the sound system to the TV.reconnect with [sb] vi + prep (make contact with [sb] again)再次联系It has been so nice reconnecting with you.reequip [sb/sth] with [sth], re-equip vtr + prep (supply with [sth] again)给...重新配备regard [sb] with esteem v expr (respect)怀着敬意看待The old professor was regarded with esteem by his fellow faculty members.reinfect [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (contaminate again)使...再次感染reinfect [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative (corrupt again)重新腐蚀;再次腐化remonstrate with [sb] vi + prep (protest to)向某人抗议After the recent salary cuts were announced, most of the staff spent the afternoon remonstrating with the boss.replace [sth], replace [sth] with [sth] vtr (substitute)更换;替换;换新I finally replaced my old typewriter with a computer.我终于更换了自己的老打字机,买了一台电脑。replete with [sth] adj + prep (full of)充满的;详尽的The politician gave a speech replete with sentimentality.reproach yourself with [sth] v expr rare (blame yourself for)为某事责备自己;为某事自责That's nothing to reproach yourself with.resonate with [sb] vi + prep figurative (be understood) (想法等)得到应和, 得到共鸣Her ideas resonated well with the audience of academics.resonate with [sth] vi + prep figurative (be filled with)充满The entire book resonates with emotion.resound with [sth] vi + prep (echo with a given sound)回荡着...声音The room resounded with with [sb] vi + prep (belong, reside)在于;归属于The decision rests with you.resupply [sb] with [sth] vtr (provide with [sth])重新给...供给;重新给...提供reunite [sb] with [sb] vtr + prep (bring together again)把…重新拢到一起I helped to reunite my mom with her lost father.reward [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (give in return for [sth] done)用…回报Mrs. Jones rewarded the helpful children with chocolate cupcakes.琼斯太太用巧克力小蛋糕回报孩子们的帮助。ridden with, ridden with [sth] adj + prep (afflicted by: a disease, etc.)满是ridden with, ridden with [sth] adj + prep (full of: [sth] bad)充满;布满riddle [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep often passive (fill: with holes, bullets) (穿孔、伤痕、涂鸦等)把…弄得处处…The police riddled Bonnie and Clyde's car with bullets.警察把邦妮和克莱德的车打得满是弹孔。riddle [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative, often passive (fill: with errors, etc.)充斥;充满The student's essay was riddled with spelling errors.学生的文章中充斥着拼写错误。riddled with [sth] adj + prep (full of: holes, bullets)布满(孔、枪眼)的The gangster's corpse was riddled with bullet holes.riddled with [sth] adj + prep figurative (full of: errors, etc.) (比喻)漏洞百出的;错误百出的The company is riddled with incompetent employees.rife with [sth] adj (full of: [sth] bad)充满…的;充斥着…的The streets here are rife with crime.right with prep informal (in total agreement with or support of) (非正式用语)同意,支持I'm right with you on this question!right with prep (have a favourable relationship with)与…关系不错ring [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (encircle with [sth])把…缠绕起来She ringed the door handle with some Christmas tinsel.ring with [sth] vi + prep (be filled with sound) (声音)充满, 环绕, 响彻, 充满响声The church rang with the sound of music.roar with laughter v expr (laugh loudly)放声大笑;哄堂大笑When the clown fell over, the audience roared with laughter.roll with the punches v expr figurative, informal (learn to survive adversity)逆来顺受;大事化小rub [sb/sth] down with [sth] v expr (rub thoroughly with [sth])用…擦遍rub shoulders with [sb], rub elbows with [sb] v expr informal, figurative (socialize with [sb])与…交往, 与…接触She likes to rub shoulders with important people.saddle [sb] with [sth], saddle [sb] with [sb] vtr + prep figurative, informal, often passive (burden)使担负重担I've been saddled with my little sister all weekend.整个周末,我都使自己的妹妹担负重担。satisfied with [sth] adj + prep (content with [sth])对…满意Rob was satisfied with his grade for the assignment.洛博对自己作业的得分很满意。saturate [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (soak with [sth])浸透;浸湿Saturate the pieces of bread with milk.saturate [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative (fill with [sth])充满;饱和Dan saturated the bucket with soapy water.saturate [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (market: supply fully with [sth]) (市场)使…充斥在The company quickly saturated the market with their new products.score with [sb] vi slang, figurative (have sex) (俚语)做爱, 性交Did you finally score with her last night?scream with laughter v expr (laugh wildly)尖声大笑;高声大笑The audience screamed with laughter at the comedian's joke.笑星的笑话让观众尖声大笑。scrub [sth/sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (rub with [sth] to clean)用...把...擦干净;用...把...抹干净Marc scrubbed his face with a flannel to remove the dirt.马尔克用一块法兰绒布把自己脸上的脏灰擦干净。season [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (spice with [sth])用…给…调味Gwen seasoned the chicken with salt and pepper.格温用盐和胡椒给鸡肉调味。season [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative (enliven [sth] with [sth])加入…使…生动有趣Although the book's topic was grim, it was seasoned with humor.尽管这本书的主题很残酷,不过穿插的幽默使成文生动有趣。see [sth] with your own eyes v expr informal (witness at first hand)用自己的眼睛去看I would never have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.seethe with [sth] vi + prep figurative (be full of anger, rage) (愤怒等)充满;满心Ron seethed with anger when his boss accused him of seized with [sth] adj (have sudden strong feeling of [sth])突然产生;突然感到;忽然想She was seized with a craving for artichokes.她突然感到很想吃菊芋。service [sb] with [sth] vtr (supply)为...供应;为...提供The company serviced them with office supplies.set [sb] up with [sb], set up [sb] with [sb] v expr (get [sb] together with [sb])把...介绍给, 给...和...说媒, 给...和...牵红线Ed's sister tried to set him up with one of her friends, but they didn't hit it off.艾德的姐妹尝试为他与自己的一位朋友说媒,但是他们之间合不来。set [sb] up with [sth] v expr mainly US, informal (pay for drinks)替...付…的钱That generous woman set us all up with drinks last night.昨晚,那位大方的女士请我们大家喝酒。settle accounts with [sb] v expr (pay debts)与…结清账目You need to settle accounts with us before we can deliver a new order.settle accounts with [sb] v expr US, informal (take revenge) (比喻)找…算账,找…清算I'm going to settle accounts with those thugs who beat me up.settle the score with [sb], pay off the score with [sb] v expr figurative (take revenge on [sb])找…算帐;向…报仇Alex dreamed up ways to settle the score with his enemies.The author wrote the scandalous book to settle the score with her one-time friends.settle with [sb] vi + prep (pay [sb] a bill or debt)还...的钱settle with [sb] vi + prep (reach an agreement with [sb])与...达成协议settle with [sb] vi + prep (get your revenge with [sb])向...复仇shake hands with [sb] v expr (greet [sb] by clasping hands)跟…握手It's really a pleasure to shake hands with you at last.终于和你握手了,我非常高兴。share [sth] with [sb/sth] vtr + prep (use [sth] together)跟…共用…,与…合用…Kathy shares the house with her sister.凯茜跟妹妹共用那套房子。share [sth] with [sb/sth] vtr + prep (allow [sb] to use [sth])与…分享…Gary shared the toy with his brother.盖里与弟弟分享那个玩具。sharing with others n (allowing other people a turn to enjoy [sth])与其他人同乐;与其他人共享shine with [sth] vi + prep figurative (face: beam) (因兴奋等)发光,发亮His face will shine with excitement when he opens the gift package.他打开礼物,脸上的表情激动地发光。shirty with [sb] adj + prep UK, informal (irritable with)生...的气;对...不耐烦short with [sb] adj + prep informal (abrupt, curt)简短的,短促的;简略的When I asked him if he could help, he was rather short with me.我问他能不能帮忙,他没多说什么。shot through with [sth] adj + prep (streaked)充满That diamond is shot through with flashes of brilliant light.shot through with [sth] adj + prep figurative (permeated)充满...的, 弥漫着...的The stories are shot through with a wry wit.shower [sb] with [sth] vtr (outpouring) (感情等)向...倾注His fans showered him with love after his latest win.shower [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr (cover with [sth]) (彩色纸屑等)朝…扔;让...如雨般落在The photo showed the bride and groom showered with confetti.shower [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr figurative (bombard: with bullets) (子弹或炮弹等)阵雨般地落在The enemy was showering them with sick with [sth] v expr (feel extreme: worry, anxiety, fear)极为焦虑的;心烦意乱的;极为担心的The boy's mother was sick with worry when he didn't come home.男孩儿没有回家,他母亲极为担心。sit well with [sb], stand well with [sb] v expr colloquial (be accepted)适合;对...的胃口This situation doesn't sit well with me.slather [sth/sb] with [sth], slather [sth/sb] in [sth] vtr + prep (cover thickly)为...涂上厚厚的Next I slather the slices of bread with butter and place them in the hot frying pan.Jane slathered her children in sunscreen.sleep with [sb] vi + prep informal, euphemism (have sex with)和…睡觉;和…做爱;与...发生关系The young man did not want to sleep with anyone until he was married.那位年轻人在婚前不打算与任何人发生关系。sleep with one eye open v expr figurative (stay alert to danger)时刻保持警惕;不敢睡得太熟smear [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (cover with [sth]) (在食物上涂抹酱料等)在…上涂抹…Jeremy smeared the cake with whipped cream and decorated it with strawberries.杰里米在蛋糕上抹上打发后的奶油,然后点缀上草莓。smitten with [sb], smitten over [sb] adj + prep (infatuated with)被…迷住;迷上;对…着迷He was smitten with the beautiful actress.他被那位美丽的女演员迷住了。smooch with [sb] vi + prep informal (kiss romantically)接吻Apparently, Emma was smooching with John in the hallway.smother [sth], smother [sth] with [sth] vtr (a fire) (火)闷熄,压灭When the chip pan caught fire, Peter used a towel to smother the flames.铁锅着火了,彼得用毛巾将火焰扑灭。smother [sb], smother [sb] with [sth] vtr (with love, kisses, etc.) (以致于让人透不过气来)过多地给予Imogen's mother smothered her with attention.母亲的关注让伊莫金感到窒息。smother [sb] with kisses v expr figurative (kiss repeatedly)一通狂亲;亲得让人喘不过气来I just hate it when Aunt Gussie smothers me with kisses!snow [sb] under with [sth] v expr usually passive (overwhelm with work, etc)忙于...的;因为...忙得不可开交Sorry I haven't called; I've been snowed under with work.;socialize with [sb], also UK: socialise with [sb] vi + prep (interact with others)与…社交;与…交际The factory owner never socializes with his workers.soft on [sb], soft with [sb] adj + prep (not strict)对…温和;对…温柔The kids like her because she is soft with them.因为她对孩子们很温柔,所以孩子们也都喜欢她。spatter [sth/sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (splash, sprinkle with: liquid)把某物喷溅到...上; (指液体)将某物洒到...上The baby spattered the wall with soup.婴儿把汤洒在了墙上。speak with [sb] vi + prep (talk to, converse with)和…谈话;与…交谈It is always a pleasure to speak with my grandmother.I would like to speak with you before you go home.speak with [sb] vi + prep (consult)同…商量;向…咨询I would like to speak with my accountant before deciding.speckle [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep often passive (mark with flecks)加斑点;点缀The children speckled the Easter eggs with various colors.spend time with [sb] v expr (be in company of)与…共度时光I love spending time with my family.spiked, spiked with [sth] adj (alcohol added) (指掺有烈酒)掺有…的For lunch Margret ordered a glass of lemonade spiked with with [sth] vi + prep literary (play)玩;玩耍;玩弄How cruel he is, to sport with my emotions in this with rain v expr (rain a few drops)点滴雨水;小雨spray [sth/sb] with [sth] vtr (apply a fine mist to)给…喷涂上…Patrick sprayed the table with polish.帕特里克往桌上喷了点光亮剂。spritz [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (spray with)用...喷...squabble with [sb] vi + prep informal (quarrel, argue with)与…争论;和…争吵Julie was squabbling with her neighbour when I arrived.The children always squabble with each other about using the bicycle first.square, square with [sth] adj (straight, level)水平的;齐平的Is this picture square with the other one?这幅画跟另一幅平齐吗?square [sth] with [sth] vtr informal (reconcile)使一致;使并存He squared his actions with his beliefs.square [sth] with [sb] vtr informal (settle)扯平;互不相欠I won't feel better until I've squared things with my brother.squeal with delight, squeal with joy v expr (shriek happily)高兴地尖叫Wendy squealed with delight when she saw Dan.stab [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr (jab with finger, implement) (向某物)刺, 戳, 扎Oliver stabbed Adrian in the shoulder with his finger to emphasise his point.stack [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (shelves: fill with [sth])将…上堆满…;在…上堆放…Maria was stacking the shelves with tins of beans.玛利亚正在往架子上堆放豆子罐头。stand shoulder to shoulder with vi figurative (unite in solidarity with)与…肩并肩站着; (比喻)与…站在一边,齐心协力The hotel workers' union stood shoulder to shoulder with the restaurant workers' union in the strike.start [sth] off with [sth] v expr informal (begin with)以...开始;在...时首先...I like to start my day off with a three-mile run.start with a clean slate, also UK: start with a clean sheet v expr figurative (be allowed a fresh start)从头开始;改过自新;重新开始stay with [sth/sb] vi + prep (keep up)跟着;赶上The driver stayed with the lead car.stay in touch with [sb] v expr informal (keep in contact)保持联系;保持联络I still stay in touch with my best friend from childhood.我仍和儿时最好的朋友保持联系。stick [sb] with [sth] vtr (lumber: with [sth] disagreeable) (令人不快的东西)把...强加给Harry's friends stuck him with the dinner with [sth] vi + prep (send forth a flow)流出;流淌Her eyes streamed with tears of joy.strew [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep often passive (cover with [sth] scattered)把…布满The parade route was strewn with trash.stricken with [sth] adj + prep figurative (afflicted: with disaster, disease)患病的;被病魔打倒的Half of the village was stricken with the illness.stricken with [sth], stricken by [sth] adj + prep figurative (affected: by panic, grief) (感情上)遭受打击的Stricken with grief, the women wailed and shook their heads.strike a chord (with [sb]) v expr figurative (resonate with [sb]'s feelings)引起共鸣;引起同感His speech struck a chord with unemployed voters.struggle with [sth] vi + prep (find difficult)艰难地进行The student struggled with the grammar lesson.struggle with [sb] vi + prep (grapple physically with)与…搏斗The wrestler struggled with his opponent.stud [sth] with [sth] vtr often passive (ornament or dot with)在…上装饰;在…上装嵌;给...装点上The brooch was studded with diamonds.The sky was studded with stars.studded with [sth] adj + prep figurative (dotted with [sth])点缀着;镶嵌着The night sky was studded with stars.stuff yourself with [sth] v expr informal (eat [sth] greedily)大吃大嚼…,一个劲地吃…It's impolite to stuff yourself with food at a holiday-party buffet.在节日聚会的自助餐上,一个劲地大吃很不礼貌。stuffed with [sth] adj + prep (food: with filling) (食物)在…中填上…馅,将…馅塞入…Brian served us peppers stuffed with mushroom and cheese.布莱恩为我们端上中间填满蘑菇和奶酪的圆椒。stuffed with [sth] adj + prep (padded with [sth]) (抱枕、垫子)填充有(棉花、羽毛等)的The mattress was a sack stuffed with straw.这个床垫就是个填满稻草的大袋子。stuffed with [sth] adj + prep informal, figurative (filled with [sth])塞满…的;填满…的Alison carried a suitcase stuffed with clothes.艾丽森提着一个行李箱,里面装满了衣服。stuffed with [sth] adj + prep informal, figurative (has lots of [sth])充满的The old lady lived in a house stuffed with knick-knacks and trinkets.substitute [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (replace with [sth] else)用…代替;用...替换Since I'm lactose intolerant, I substituted milk with water in the recipe.我有乳糖不耐症,所以我用水代替食谱里的牛奶。suffix [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (add ending to: a word)加词尾;加后缀Generally, you suffix a verb with "-ing" to form a [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (provide with [sth])为…提供They supplied him with the computer hardware.他们为他提供电脑硬件。surcharge [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative (overload)使超载, 使超负荷Dan's boss surcharged him with work.surface [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (cover, coat with [sth])在…上加一层Oliver surfaced the bookcase with a glossy finish.surprise [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (do [sth] nice for [sb])使…感到惊喜;给…惊喜We surprised her with flowers.我们送花给她,让她非常惊喜。be surrounded by [sth], be surrounded with [sth] v expr (be enclosed, encircled by)被…环绕;为…所包围The house was surrounded by fields.swamp [sth/sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (drench with, submerge in)把…浸入…;用…淹没…A wave crashed on the side of the dinghy and swamped it with ice-cold water.海浪打在小艇侧面,冰冷的海水将其淹没。swamp [sb/sth] with [sth] vtr + prep figurative, often passive (overload: with work, etc.) (工作等太多)不堪承受, 无法招架The translator's clients were swamping her with work and she had no time to do anything else.那位翻译的客户给了他许多工作,她忙得几乎没有时间做其他事。swarm with [sth/sb] vi + prep (be overrun with)成群;满是After the window had been open all day, the room was swarming with flies.swat [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (fly, etc.: hit swiftly with [sth])用…拍苍蝇等昆虫Rick swatted a fly with a newspaper.swat [sth/sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (hit swiftly with [sth])用…猛拍Mary swatted Ken with a newspaper.sweeten [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (make sweeter)使...变甜Jess sweetened her coffee with honey.swept away by [sth], swept away with [sth] adj often passive (completely engaged)被迷住了;完全专心于Hilda didn't hear you; she's completely swept away by that novel.switch [sth] with [sth], switch [sth] for [sth] vtr + prep (exchange for [sth])交换;替换They played a prank on me by secretly switching my tea for onion soup.他们捉弄我,偷偷把我的茶换成了洋葱汤。sympathize with [sb], also UK: sympathise with [sb] vi + prep (understand [sb]'s feelings)同情I sympathize with anyone who has experienced the death of a spouse.sympathize with [sth], also UK: sympathise with [sth] vi + prep (cause: agree with, support)赞同;支持More people have begun to sympathize with the strikers' cause.sync [sth] with [sth], synch [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep informal, abbreviation (synchronize with [sth])使…与…同步I'm trying to sync my requests for money with her payday.synchronize [sth] with [sth], also UK: synchronise [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (watch: set to same time) (钟表)将…的时间与…的时间对准Synchronize your watch with mine so we won't be late.synchronize [sth] with [sth], also UK: synchronise [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (make [sth] simultaneous with [sth])使…与…同步The theater synchronized the broadcast of the play with the live performance.synonymous with [sth] adj + prep (similar in meaning to)与...同义的"Image" is synonymous with "picture."synonymous with [sth] adj + prep figurative (associated with)等同于...的;... 的代名词The name Elvis Presley is synonymous with rock 'n' roll.synthesize [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (amalgamate with)综合;合成The artist synthesized classical composition with modern materials.take care with [sth] v expr (be careful)小心;当心;注意Take care with that wedding cake; you don't want to drop it!请小心拿稳那个婚宴蛋糕,你可不想弄掉它!take issue with [sth/sb] v expr (disagree with)在…方面有分歧;向某人提出异议;与某人有分歧She took issue with his claim of innocence.take liberties with [sb] v expr ([sb]: be too familiar)对…举止冒昧;对…态度随便He had only just met her, but started to take liberties with her, touching and caressing her.take liberties with [sth] v expr (change text, content excessively)信手更改;随便更改Some translators take too many liberties with the original texts.take the bitter with the sweet v expr figurative (accept negative things as part of life)甜和苦一起吞下;既能享受也能吃苦Life isn't always easy; you have to take the bitter with the sweet.take the rough with the smooth v expr figurative (accept circumstances)接受现状;是好是坏都能过活take [sth] with a grain of salt (US), take [sth] with a pinch of salt (UK) v expr figurative (be slightly skeptical)半信半疑;不完全相信Steven's known to exaggerate: I'd take anything he says with a grain of salt.taken with [sb/sth] adj + prep (like, be fond of)喜欢He was very taken with her after the dinner with [sb] vi + prep (discuss [sth] with)与…讨论;与…商讨Can I talk with you a minute? I'll talk with my associates and get back to you.我能和你讨论一小会儿吗?我会与同事商讨,然后再回复你。tally with [sth] vi + prep figurative (be consistent with [sth])与…吻合;与…相符That tallies with what I have in the account.那与我证词内容吻合。tamper with [sth] vi + prep (alter or damage)胡乱摆弄Don't tamper with the anti-theft device.别胡乱摆弄防盗装置。tamper with [sth] vi + prep (make unauthorized changes)篡改;擅自改动The project manager reminded everyone not to tamper with the database.项目经理提醒大家不得擅自改动数据库。tamper with [sth] vi + prep (interfere with: evidence, jury)破坏(证据);对…进行不正当的干预Somebody had tampered with the evidence and it could no longer be used.有人破坏了证据,不能再采用了。tar [sb] with the same brush, tar [sb] with the same brush as [sb/sth] v expr (attribute same faults to)一竿子打翻一船人;认为某人(与其他人)是一丘之貉I know he's an awful person, but don't tar me with the same brush just because he's my brother!task [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (assign a task to)给…分配(任务)The lawyer tasked his assistant with the paperwork.那个律师给助手分配了文书工作。task [sb] with doing [sth] v expr (assign a task to)派任务给He was tasked with loading the data onto the computer system.他被派给了将数据载入计算机系统的任务。tax [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (charge)指责He was taxed with neglecting his [sb] with [sb] vtr (people: join in a team)与…组成团队I wish they hadn't teamed me with Rob. He's so slow!teem with [sth] vi + prep (be full of)充满;充斥着The North Atlantic once teemed with cod.On Christmas Eve, the shopping mall was teeming with shoppers.thick with [sth] adj + prep (full of)充满的;布满的The woods were thick with bushes.threatened with [sth] adj + prep (species: endangered) (物种)濒危,濒临…危险The Asiatic lion is threatened with extinction.亚洲狮濒临灭绝。be through with [sth] v expr informal (have had enough of [sth])受够了I'm through with these stupid meetings. Bye!我受够了这些愚蠢的会议。再见!be through with doing [sth] v expr informal (had enough of doing [sth])受够了做I'm through with washing windows. I need a more exciting job!be through with [sb] v expr informal (end relationship with [sb])和…断绝关系After discovering her husband's affair, Monica decided she was through with him.莫妮卡发现自己的丈夫有婚外恋情,认为自己受够了,该离开他了。be through with [sth] adj + prep informal (have finished doing [sth])完成Can you do this photocopying for me? And when you're through with that, let me know and I'll find you something else to do.你能帮我复印吗?另外,等你完成之后记得告诉我,我会给你布置其他任务的。tie [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (attach using string, rope) (用绳子)固定;绑He tied the package with string.他用绳子将包裹绑好。tie [sth] in with [sth] v expr (connect [sth] with [sth])将...与...联系起来;将...与...相连Detectives are trying to tie in the witness accounts and CCTV footage with what they suspect happened.;tie [sth] in with [sth], tie in [sth] with [sth] v expr (coordinate timing of) (指安排时间)将...与...相连,让...与...协调The publishers want to tie in the book launch for the famous poet's biography with the centenary of his death.time to spare, with time to spare expr (time left over from ending early)剩余时间;多余时间tinge [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (tint with)微染;给…着淡色The sunset tinged the sky with pink.tinged with [sth] adj figurative (having a hint of: sadness, irony, etc.)略带….感情的,略带…色彩的Their day together was tinged with sadness, because they knew they would never see one another again.tinker with [sth] vi + prep (play with [sth])摆弄The man was clearly nervous; he kept tinkering with things on his desk.那个男人明显很紧张,不停地摆弄着书桌上的东西。tinker with [sth] vi + prep (try to fix [sth]) (不熟练或马虎地)修补,修理,摆弄以修理Polly tinkered with the old radio until, finally, she got it working again.波莉摆弄着旧收音机,最后终于将它修好了。to be reckoned with expr (powerful, impressive)不可小觑的;强大的This young woman is proving herself to be an athlete to be reckoned begin with expr (first of several things)首先;第一Frank would be a terrible grammar teacher—to begin with, he hates kids; furthermore, he dislikes begin with expr (originally)本来;原先I'm not surprised that Deana quit dance lessons—she didn't like dancing to begin with.To hell with it! interj potentially offensive, slang (expressing anger)让它见鬼去吧!together with [sth] adv + prep (combined with)与…一起,搭配着;连同Tomatoes together with chilis are what give this sauce its flavor.西红柿搭配辣椒赋予了这种酱汁的风味。tongue in cheek, with tongue in cheek expr figurative (ironically)半开玩笑地;说笑地top [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (put a top layer on)加上;盖上The chef topped the pizza with strong cheese.厨师在饼上又加了一层乳酪。topped with [sth] adj + prep (food: with specified topping)上面加...的The waiter brought us a plate of vanilla cupcakes topped with buttercream.topped with [sth] adj + prep (with specified surface)表面是...的All the kitchen counters are topped with zinc.touch base with [sb], touch bases v expr US, figurative, informal (make contact with [sb])接触, 联系, 联络Touch base with me in a few weeks so I can see how the project's coming along.过几周再联系我,我去看看项目的进展情况。toy with [sth] vi + prep (idea: consider)漫不经心地考虑;不太认真地考虑Steve toyed with the idea of giving up his job and travelling around the world.史蒂夫漫不经心地考虑着辞掉工作去周游世界一事。toy with [sb/sth] vi + prep (treat frivolously) (玩弄感情)玩弄Alice said she loved Brian, but she was only toying with his affections.爱丽丝说她爱布莱恩,但其实她只是在玩弄他的感情。toy with [sth] vi + prep (play: with food, etc.)玩弄;摆弄Ian wasn't really eating; he was just toying with his food.伊恩没有好好吃饭,他只是在摆弄着食物。trade with [sb/sth] vi + prep (do business with)和…做生意;与…进行贸易I trade with him from time to time.我时不时地会与他进行贸易往来。trade [sth] with [sb], trade [sth] with [sb] for [sth] vtr + prep informal (exchange or swop [sth] with)与某人交换某物Jack traded the cow with a merchant for a handful of beans.杰克用那头牛与商人交换了一把豆子。transact business with [sb/sth] vtr (have commercial dealings with)与…进行交易;与…洽谈业务;和…做买卖Because of their lending practices, we do not transact business with that bank.transpose [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (switch the order of)换位;移项Transpose all of the sevens with nines.treat [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (medicate using)用…来治疗;用…来处理Headaches are often treated with aspirin.头痛常常用阿司匹林来治疗。treat [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep often passive (show an attitude of)以…来对待某人Your elders deserve to be treated with respect.你应该带着尊重来对待长辈。trifle with [sb/sth] vi + prep informal (treat frivolously)对…举止轻浮随便,玩弄,戏弄I wouldn't trifle with her if I were you. She has a nasty temper.我是你的话,就不会在她面前举止轻浮。要知道,她脾气可坏了。trim [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (decorate)装饰;装修;修饰The family trimmed the Christmas tree with tinsel and baubles.trouble with n informal (problem posed by)(某人/某方面的)问题The trouble with living in the country is that you have to drive everywhere.The trouble with cats is they leave their fur everywhere.trouble yourself with [sth/sb] v expr (bother to attend to)自找…麻烦;给自己带来…麻烦Don't trouble yourself with the details, just read what's unacquainted with [sb] v expr (not know [sb])和某人不熟;不熟悉某人be unacquainted with [sth] v expr (be unfamiliar with)对...不熟悉underlay [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (layer [sth] underneath)铺在…下面The land was underlaid with valuable coal deposits.unfamiliar with [sth] adj + prep ([sb]: not knowledgeable)对…不熟悉的;对…生疏的I'm unfamiliar with the statistical methods you describe.unite with [sb/sth] vi + prep (join forces with)与…联合起来;和…团结起来The Anglican church invited the Methodist church to unite with them for Sunday unpopular with [sb] adj (out of favour with [sb])不受...喜欢的;不得...欢心的Would you ask him for me? I'm a little unpopular with him just now.unprovided with [sth] adj + prep (not equipped with [sth])没有提供...的;没有给予...的;没有配备...的up to par with [sth/sb] expr (at the same level as)与...标准一致;合乎...的标准vest [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep usually passive (endow [sb] with authority)赋予某人;授予某人The judge is vested with the authority to decide on the punishment that a guilty party should receive.vie with [sb] vi + prep (compete with [sb])与某人激烈竞争States vie with each other to attract various industries.vie with [sb] for [sth] v expr (compete)竞争Hundreds of candidates are vying for 30 seats in the assembly.view [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep (regard in some way)认为;看待I view that idea with suspicion.visit with [sb] v expr (spend time with [sb])拜访;看望vote with your feet v expr figurative (show preference by avoiding [sth]) 没有提供翻译 The customers voted with their feet by choosing not to shop elsewhere.walk out with [sb] v expr UK, dated (date)和…谈恋爱The actress was reported to be walking out with a millionaire [sth] to [sth], wed [sth] with [sth] vtr figurative (unite, combine) (把事物连在一起)与…结合This tart weds chocolate with pears to make a delicious dessert.weep for [sth], weep with [sth] vi + prep (shed tears because of)因…流泪;因…哭泣Agnes isn't sad; she is weeping for joy.weight [sb] with [sth] vtr (burden)给...施加...的压力;使…有...的负担Please don't weight me with all your problems.weighted with [sth] adj + prep figurative (burdened)承担着...的;负荷着...的The old lady was weighted with sorrow.well endowed with [sth] adj + prep (having plenty of [sth])有充足的The organization is well endowed with funds for building well in with [sb] v expr UK, informal (have a good relationship with [sb])与...关系好what with prep (considering)因为;考虑到;由于What with the storms and flight delays, he arrived home after midnight.what's up with [sth/sb] expr slang (what is happening to)出了什么事?I don't know what's up with Jane. This is the first time she hasn't been on time.What's up with that? expr slang (That is unfair, not logical) (俚语,表示不公平或不理解)搞什么啊?;怎么回事?She never does any work and now she's been made our manager. What's up with that?coffee with milk (US), white coffee (UK) n (coffee with milk added)加牛奶的咖啡I don't like tea; I prefer white coffee with sugar.wipe the floor with [sb], mop the floor with [sb] v expr figurative, informal (easily defeat)轻松击败;轻松打败with a clear conscience adv (without guilt)问心无愧I resigned immediately and left the office with a clear conscience.with a heavy heart adv (solemnly, sadly)带着沉重的心情With a heavy heart, the woman scattered her father's ashes into the sea.with a start adv (with a surprised jolt or jump)吓一跳地;吃一惊地with a vengeance expr (severely)猛烈地,激烈地with a view to doing [sth] expr (so as to)考虑到, 鉴于;为了, 指望I worked hard with a view to applying to a good university.with all due respect adv (despite my regard for you)无意冒犯With all due respect, I couldn't disagree more.with all my heart adv informal (completely and sincerely)全心全意My darling, I love you with all my heart.with an even hand expr figurative (impartially)公平;不偏不倚He treats everyone with an even hand.with an eye to [sth/sb] expr (in the hope of)为了;目的在于;着眼于She dressed in her best clothes with an eye to making him notice her.with an iron hand adv figurative (severely, strictly)以铁腕政策She runs this department with an iron hand.with bated breath adv (with great anticipation)屏息以待I was waiting with bated breath for the outcome of my job interview.with both hands adv figurative (eagerly) (比喻)全力以赴地When my boss offered me the chance of promotion, I grabbed the opportunity with both hands.with care adv (cautiously, prudently)小心地;慎重地This box contains high explosives - handle with care! The glass ball is fragile, so put it in the box with care.with care adv (lovingly, tenderly)温柔地;体贴地Marvin dusted his butterfly collection with care.with caution adv (prudently)谨慎地;小心地Go ahead and do it but proceed with caution.with child adj dated (pregnant)怀孕的with clean hands adv figurative (innocently)清白地;廉洁地She went into the court room with clean hands.with compliments, with [sb]'s compliments, with the compliments of [sb] adv (free of charge, as a goodwill gesture)作为...谨赠;不吝赞扬with confidence adv (in a self-assured way)自信地It was no surprise that she spoke with confidence on the subject, since she had studied it all her life.with confidence adv (showing trust)信任地You just have to take his advice with confidence.with contempt adv (in a disdainful way)轻蔑地Don't look at me with contempt.with difficulty adv (not easily)困难地The arthritic old man climbed the stairs with difficulty.with distinction adv (in a notable way)以杰出的表现The soldiers served their country with great distinction.with distinction adv (qualification: with high grades)以优异的成绩The top five percent of the class graduates with distinction.with due respect adv (with deserved esteem)恕我直言;冒昧地说一句With due respect I have a different opinion.with ease adv (easily, without difficulty)轻而易举地I found the problem pretty difficult, but the smartest girl in the class solved it with ease.with effort adv (by hard work)努力地;费力地She was able to complete her degree with effort.with emphasis adv (emphatically, applying stress)强调地My teacher wants us to describe living conditions during the civil war, with emphasis on increased starvation.with enthusiasm adv (eagerly)热情地;热烈地Let's try that again, this time with enthusiasm.with feeling adv (sensitively)有细腻感情地with feeling adv (expressively, with enthusiasm)富于激情地Play it again, but this time with feeling.with finesse adv (skilfully, elegantly)有技巧地;巧妙地He completed the stunt with finesse.with flying colors (US), with flying colours (UK) expr figurative (pass: brilliantly, extremely well)出色地;成功地Much to their relief, most of the class passed the exam with flying colors.with great care adv (very cautiously)小心翼翼地Surgeons must perform open heart surgery with great care.The old woman walked with great care on the icy pavement.with great care adv (painstakingly)煞费苦心地He cleaned the room with great care.with gusto adv (enthusiastically)满怀热情地;兴致勃勃地He tucked into his plate of chicken and chips with great gusto.with immediate effect adv (from this very moment)立刻生效;立即有效with impunity adv (unpunished)不受惩罚地;安然无恙地The mob seems to operate with impunity in this city.;with interest adv (plus money owed)带利息You can pay in monthly instalments with interest.with interest adv (showing fascination)饶有兴致地I have been following the news about the scandal with interest.with it, with-it adj slang (alert)警醒的,清醒的;机灵的Brian was tired and didn't feel with it.with it, with-it adj slang (in on the latest fads, ideas)时髦的;前卫的with love expr (affectionately)挚爱地with love expr (used to sign off affectionately) (信件结束语)致以我的爱, 致以良好的祝颂with luck adv (if good fortune prevails)走运的话,幸运的话with much effort adv (by hard work)非常努力地;相当费力地With much effort, he was able to reach the top of the mountain.with one voice adv figurative (unanimously)异口同声;一致地;众口一词地When asked to vote for the resolution, we responded in favor with one voice.with one voice adv figurative (in unison)异口同声;一致地;众口一词地The crowd shouted with one voice, "Long live the king!"with open arms adv figurative (welcomingly)张开双臂(欢迎);热情(欢迎)James greeted me with open arms.with permission adv (with [sb]'s authorization)有许可地;得到许可地I'd like to change how we track our projects, with permission of course.with pleasure adv (gladly, willingly)愉快地;荣幸地;乐意地Thank you. I accept your invitation with pleasure.with pleasure, my pleasure interj (polite reply to request or thanks)不客气,不用谢; (用来回应他人请求)没问题;荣幸之极with precision adv (very carefully)非常精确地With absolute precision, the watch maker easily assembled the old pocket watch.with pride adv (proudly)骄傲地My son has just won a scholarship to Harvard, he said with pride.with reference to [sth], in reference to [sth] expr (regarding)关于;有关With reference to industry, we are hiring more workers this year.with regard to, in regard to, with regards to expr (concerning)关于I am writing to you with regard to your son's behaviour in class.我给您写信,是想谈谈您儿子的课堂表现。with respect adv (respectfully)尊敬地With respect, I think you are wrong in your argument.with respect to [sth] prep (as regards)关于;就…而言With respect to your problems, I'm afraid I can't help at all.就你的问题而言,很遗憾我无能为力。with skill adv (in a dexterous way)灵巧地;熟练地The concert pianist played the piece with skill.with taste adv (in a discerning way)有品位地The room was arranged with taste.with that adv (immediately after that)接下来;紧接着with the aid of [sb/sth] prep (helped by [sb], [sth])在...的帮助下;在...的支持下with the exception of prep (except for, save)除了…以外with the help of [sth/sb] prep (assisted by)在…的帮助之下With the help of a wheelchair, I can get around just fine.with the intention of prep (so as to)抱有...的目的;为了with the naked eye expr (without use of optical aids)用肉眼看Microbes cannot be seen with the naked eye; you need a microscope.with this expr (following this)这样的话;按这样来说with this in mind adv (taking this into consideration)考虑到这一点,出于这种考虑with which prep + pron (with the thing just mentioned)与其;和其with your bare hands adv (without the aid of weapons, tools) (不用工具或武器等)空手with your head held high expr figurative (showing pride in yourself) (表示自信和骄傲)昂着头;扬着头with your permission adv (if you will allow or authorize it)在您的许可之下With your permission, I would also like to say a few words about this.with zip adv informal (with energy and speed)充满能量,充满活力,充满激情The band perform the songs on this live album with with [sb] vi + prep (be a colleague of)与 ... 共事I have worked with Debbie for eight years with [sth/sb] vi + prep (be an employee of)为...效力;任职于I work with the sales with [sb] vi + prep (cooperate with)与...合作;与...协作Please work with your neighbors to lower crime in the with [sth] vi + prep (materials: use)使用…来工作;以…为工具Stefan is a craftsman who works with iron and with [sth] vi + prep (use available tool, information)利用;使用You need to work with the materials you have.worry [sb], worry [sb] with [sth] vtr UK (harass)烦扰;骚扰I have told him to leave me alone, but he is still worrying me with phone [sb], wow [sb] with [sth] vtr slang (amaze)赢得…的喝彩Dan wowed his colleagues with his presentation.丹的演示赢得了同事的喝彩。wrapped up in [sth], wrapped up with [sth] expr figurative, informal (person: preoccupied)一心只想着;全神贯注于某事;对某事心事重重She was very wrapped up in her plans for Christmas.她一心只想着自己圣诞节的计划。wreak havoc on [sth], wreak havoc with [sth] v expr (make chaotic)对…造成严重破坏Hurricanes wreak havoc on coastal areas. The funeral procession wreaked havoc on local traffic.wrestle with [sth] vi + prep figurative (mentally: struggle)绞尽脑汁地处理;与…进行思想斗争We're wrestling with a pretty catastrophic budget shortfall.Paul wrestled with his conscience after he stole the car.我们一直在绞尽脑汁地对付预算严重不足的问题。// 保罗偷车后一直在和自己的良心作斗争。wrestle with [sth] vi + prep figurative (struggle physically with: [sth]) (比喻)与…斗争Jack wrestled with the juice bottle for several minutes, but the cap wouldn't come off.杰克和果汁瓶斗争了好几分钟,可还是没有把盖子拧开。




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