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词汇 watch
释义 watchUK:*/ˈwɒtʃ/US:/wɑtʃ/ ,(woch)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 watch [sth/sb] vtr (observe)看...He watched the fight in the park.他在公园里看人打架了。usage: ‘watch’When you watch something, you pay attention to it using your eyes, because you are interested in what it is doing, or in what may happen.We watched the sunset.They just stood and watched while she carried all the bags inside. watch [sth/sb] vtr (keep under observation)照顾;照看The nurses are watching the children.护士正在照看孩子。 watch [sth] vtr (view: TV, movie) (电视等)看,观看I can't chat right now; I'm watching a movie.我现在不方便聊天,正在看电影呢。 watch vi (observe)看;观看;观察Frank prefers to watch, not participate.弗兰克喜欢在一边看,不喜欢参与。
 watch n (wristwatch)表;手表My watch says that it is three o'clock.我的手表现在是三点。 watch n (time keeping guard)守卫;守护;守候The private just spent four hours on watch.这名士兵刚刚站了四个小时的岗。
 watch n (time on duty)值班;值班时间My watch is about to start.就快到我的值班时间了。 其他翻译 Watch yourself! interj (be careful)小心!,小心点!Watch yourself! There's a step right in front of you.小心!你前面有阶坎。 watch n (vigil)守夜;值夜The families are keeping watch until the sailors return.家人守夜不眠,直到水手归来。 watch n (close observation)观察;留意The doctors want to keep the patient under watch.医生想要病人留院观察。 watch n (watchman)更夫;巡夜人Shh! The watch is coming!嘘!巡夜人来了! watch vi (keep guard)看守;守卫;守护You must not sleep tonight. You must watch in case of burglars.今晚,你不能睡。你必须做好看守工作,以防窃贼。 watch vi (view TV or a movie)看,观看There was a wildlife documentary on TV last night, but I forgot to watch. watch [sth/sb] vtr (keep under guard)看守;监守The guards have to watch the inmates. watch [sth/sb] vtr (contemplate)注视;凝视Janet is sitting in the park, watching the clouds. watch [sth/sb] vtr (oversee)监视;监管;监督The supervisor is watching our progress. 动词短语 watch for [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (be vigilant for, careful of)留心;密切注意Watch for falling rocks along that road.She appears to be uninjured after her fall but we should watch for any signs of a concussion. watch out vi phrasal (be vigilant or careful)小心;注意;留神When you drive in winter you have to watch out for icy patches.在冬天开车时,你必须注意冰块。 watch out for [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (remain vigilant for, beware of)注意;留心;提防Watch out for pickpockets when you're in a crowd.In this neighborhood you need to watch out for children playing in the street. watch over [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (keep under surveillance)看守;监视;监视Watch over him while I call the police.看好他,我来打电话叫警察。 watch over [sb] vtr phrasal insep (take care of, look out for)照看,照料,照顾;密切关注Watch over the baby while I prepare his bath.帮我看着点孩子,我去放水准备给他洗澡。 复合形式: binge-watch n (watching one TV show for hours)刷剧,追剧 binge-watch [sth] vtr (watch one TV show for hours)大量观看,不停观看 birdwatch, bird-watch vi (observe birds)观鸟,赏鸟 clock watch (striking watch)钟表;报时表 digital watch n (watch displaying time digitally)数字表A digital watch displays the time by numbers rather than by the position of the hands. hate-watch [sth] vtr informal (watch [sth] to mock)恨看;恨剧 keep a close watch on [sb/sth] v expr (monitor [sth], [sb] attentively)严格监督;严密监视;密切注意Parents of teenagers have to keep a close watch on everything they do. keep watch vtr + n (observe, maintain a vigil)站岗;值夜The birdwatchers kept watch so that nobody would steal the eagle's eggs from the nest. keep watch over [sth/sb] v expr (observe, monitor)监视;守卫The lifeguards are keeping watch over the beach.There is a member of medical staff keeping watch over the patient at all times. neighborhood watch (US), neighbourhood watch (UK) n (surveillance program)邻里守望相助项目;邻里监督组织 night watch n (surveillance or guard kept at night)守夜;值夜班I was working as a night watch at the bank when the earthquake struck. on the watch expr (looking and waiting for [sth], [sb])等待;盼望;期待 be on the watch expr (be looking and waiting)等待;盼望;期待 be on the watch for [sth/sb] expr (be looking and waiting for [sth], [sb])等待;盼望;期待 on the watch for [sth/sb] expr (looking for)提放;小心警惕The park ranger was always on the watch for poachers and forest fires. people-watch vi (observe what the public are doing)观察人 pocket watch n (small clock kept in a pocket)怀表My grandfather had a pocket watch that he kept in his waistcoat. smartwatch, smart watch n (with computer functions)智能手表 storm watch n (severe weather monitoring)风暴警戒 watch band n (strap of a wristwatch)手表带I replaced my old watch band with a genuine leather one. watch bracelet n (metal strap of a wristwatch)手表链This watch bracelet is too loose. watch chain n (metal chain of a pocket watch)怀表链 watch closely vi (observe)仔细观察 watch it! interj informal (expressing a threat)当心!留神!Watch it! If you come round here one more time, I'll call the police! watch it! interj informal (be careful!)当心!留神!Watch it! - the pavement's really icy today and you might slip. watch out interj (be careful, beware)小心;注意;留神Watch out! - there's an icy patch up ahead.小心!前方路段有结冰。 watch pocket n dated (small pocket in clothing for a watch) (过时,衣服上的)表袋 watch strap n (band of a wristwatch)表带Cheap watch straps often fall to pieces very quickly. watch television vtr + n (watch TV programmes)看电视 watch TV vtr + n informal, abbreviation (watch television) (watch television的缩略形式)看电视One of my favorite hobbies is watching TV with my family.我最喜欢的爱好之一就是和家人一起看电视。 watch your step v expr (be careful where you tread)注意脚下, 小心脚下You'll need to watch your step when coming back down the mountain. watch your step v expr figurative (be cautious about what you do)要谨慎He's very irritable today so watch your step when you talk to him! watch your waistline v expr (be on a diet, control weight)控制体重;控制食量 watch your weight v expr figurative, informal (try not to get fatter)注意你的体重She loves rich food, so she has to be careful and watch her weight. watchband, watch band, watch strap n (strap of a wristwatch)(手)表带The watchband is available in several different colours. watch list, watchlist n (people: possibly dangerous)潜在危险人物的观察名单 watch list, watchlist n (things to be monitored)监视列表;待观察风险清单The trader keeps a watchlist of possible growth stocks. whale watch n (trip to observe sea mammals)观鲸旅程 whale-watch vi (observe sea mammals)观鲸,赏鲸 wristband, watchband, watch band n (strap of a wristwatch)手表带I need to replace the wristband on my watch because it is broken. wristwatch, wrist-watch, wrist watch n (timepiece worn on the wrist)手表This wristwatch is old, but it is still accurate.




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