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词汇 wash
释义 washUK:*'wash': /ˈwɒʃ/; 'Wash': /wɒʃ/US:/wɑʃ, wɔʃ/US:'wash', 'Wash': (wosh, wôsh)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 wash [sth] vtr (clean)洗;冲Don't forget to wash your hands.不要忘记洗手。usage: used as a transitive verbIf you wash something, you clean it with water and usually with soap or detergent.He got a job washing dishes in a pizza parlour.She washes and irons their clothes.You can wash a part of your body.First wash your hands.She combed her hair and washed her face. wash n (act of washing)清洗;清洁;洗漱I find a wash helps me wake up in the mornings.我觉得晨起洗漱能帮我清醒。 wash vi (oneself)洗;洗脸I'd like to wash before dinner.我想在晚餐前梳洗一下。 其他翻译 wash n (clothes to be washed)该洗的衣服;待洗的衣服Your shirt's in the wash.你的衬衣在待洗的衣服里。 wash n (clean clothes)洗好的衣物She hung the wash on the line.她将洗好的衣物挂在晾衣绳上。 wash n (lapping of waves) (波浪等)拍击,冲击They had to protect the house from the wash of the sea.他们必须保护房子免受海水的冲击。 wash n (sound of lapping water)(波浪的)冲击声;拍击声;拍岸声We sat back and listened to the wash of the river on the rocks.我们坐回来,倾听河水拍击岩石的声音。 wash n (act of doing laundry)洗衣服; (衣物)清洗A wash will get this muddy rugby kit clean.My new T-shirt faded after just a couple of washes.这件沾泥的橄榄球球衣洗一洗就干净了。我的新T恤没洗几次就脱色了。 wash n (wake of boat) (船桨等激起的)水流,波浪Wash from a speedboat can create waves that endanger other boats. wash n (art: thin layer of color) (艺术)薄涂层,薄层The artist laid down a wash of yellow watercolor.艺术家画上了薄薄的一层黄色的水彩。 the Wash n UK (English estuary) (英国海湾)沃什湾Our house in Norfolk looks out over the Wash. wash vi (clean: dishes) (餐具等)清洗,刷洗You can wash and I'll dry. wash vi (do laundry)洗衣服On Mondays I wash, iron, mop and tidy up.周一的时候,我会洗衣服、熨烫、墩地以及整理房间。 wash [sth] from [sth] vtr (remove)将...上的...洗掉;洗去...上的...Soap will wash the ink from your fingers. wash [sth] vtr (lap at: shore) (波浪等)拍打, 拍击The Mediterranean washes the shores of southern France. wash [sth] vtr (launder: clothes) (衣服)洗, 洗涤These jeans need to be washed. 动词短语 wash [sth] away, wash away [sth] vtr phrasal sep (remove by cleaning with water)洗去;洗净Saliva helps wash bacteria away from the teeth.口水能帮助洗去牙齿上的细菌。 wash [sth] down, wash down [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (food: accompany with a drink)伴着饮料吃下I need some milk to wash down these cookies. wash [sth] down, wash down [sth] vtr phrasal sep (clean thoroughly)冲洗Wash down the cutting board with hot water and plenty of soap to kill the bacteria.Since the water restrictions have gone into effect we will no longer be able to wash down the sidewalks on a daily basis. wash off vi phrasal (be removed by water)洗掉;洗净The dirt washes off easily. wash [sth] out vtr phrasal sep figurative (make faded)清洗,清洁,洗掉;被冲走,冲垮;洗得褪色All that sunshine washed out my hair.阳光将我的发色冲淡。 wash over [sth] vtr phrasal insep (water: cover)冲过, 流过, 溢过 wash over [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (have little impact on)影响甚微 wash up vi phrasal (be brought to shore by the tide)被冲上岸The driftwood was washed up on the beach.那块浮木被冲上了海岸。 wash [sth] up, wash up [sth] vtr phrasal sep UK (clean: dishes)洗(餐具)Scrambled eggs make the pan hard to wash up.炒过鸡蛋的平底锅很难清洗。 wash up vi phrasal UK (clean dishes)洗碗;洗餐具After I cooked dinner, I had to wash up.做完晚餐后,我还得洗碗。 wash up vi phrasal US (wash face and hands)洗脸和手;洗漱Go and wash up for dinner.去洗脸洗手,准备吃晚饭了。 wash up vi phrasal figurative (to wear out, become ineffective)筋疲力尽; (事业等)结束,完蛋;江郎才尽He was a top sportsman but now he's totally washed up.他曾是一名顶尖的运动员,不过现在他的职业生涯彻底结束了。 复合形式: body wash n (cleansing product)沐浴露My boyfriend bought me some orchid-scented body wash for my birthday. car wash n (facility: vehicle cleaning)洗车场;洗车处My car is so dirty that I must take it to the car wash. do the dishes, wash the dishes (US), do the washing-up, wash up (UK) v expr informal (wash plates, etc.)洗碗I'll cook for both of us if you promise to do the dishes afterwards. Our dinner guests offered to do the washing-up.如果你保证饭后洗碗,我就为咱们俩做饭。来用晚餐的客人提请洗碗。 egg wash n (pastry coating) (涂刷糕点表面)蛋液 flatwork, flat wash n (ironing: sheets, tablecloths, etc.) (床单、桌布)烫平;烫平整 hand wash, handwash n (liquid soap)洗手液 hand-wash [sth], handwash [sth] vtr (wash by hand)手洗;用手洗 machine-wash vtr (clean with washing machine)机洗 mouthwash n (mouth-cleansing product)漱口水;洗口药水Peter brushed his teeth and used mouthwash. wash ashore vi + adv (be brought to shore by tide)冲到岸上;冲上岸 wash [sth] ashore vtr + adv (bring to shore)将...冲上岸;把...冲到岸上 wash bag, also UK: sponge bag n (bag for toiletries)洗漱包 wash house, washhouse n historical (building where clothes are washed) (历史用语)洗衣厂 wash [sth] off, wash off [sth] vtr + adv (remove with water)冲走;洗去I ran my trainers under the tap to wash off the mud. wash [sth] off [sth/sb] vtr + prep (remove with water)洗去;洗掉Mark washed the chocolate off his daughter's face. wash [sth] out vtr + adv (dirt: remove)洗掉Do you think we'll be able to wash that ink stain out?你认为我们能把那个墨水印洗掉吗? wash [sth] out of [sth] v expr (dirt: remove from [sth])洗掉…的…I washed the soup stain out of the tablecloth.我将桌布上的汤渍洗掉了。 wash [sth] out vtr + adv (clean inside)清洗,清洁,洗掉;被冲走,冲垮;洗得褪色When she was naughty, her mother would wash her mouth out with soap and water.她捣蛋时,她妈妈会用肥皂和水清洗她的嘴。 wash your hands of [sth] v expr figurative (end involvement with [sth])从...中金盆洗手;退出 wash-and-wear adj (garment: no ironing)免烫的




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