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词汇 warm
释义 warmUK:*/ˈwɔːrm/US:/wɔrm/ ,(wôrm)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 warm adj (not quite hot)温暖的;温和的;温和的The baby likes his milk warm. We've had some lovely warm weather this spring.这婴儿喜欢温牛奶。今年春季我们享受到了温暖宜人的天气。 warm adj (good at retaining warmth)保温的;保暖的This is a warm blanket, not like that thin one.这条毯子暖和,不像那条薄的。 warm adj (affectionate)和蔼可亲的;温和慈爱的;温和友善的I like her warm manner. She really treats us well.我喜欢她的和蔼可亲。她待我们真好。 warm [sth] vtr (heat)加热;加温You should warm the baby's milk before feeding it to him.在给婴儿喂牛奶前,应该先把牛奶加热。 warm [sth/sb] vtr (make warm)使暖和;使温暖I'll warm some leftovers for lunch.我会热一些剩菜剩饭来做午饭。 其他翻译 warm adj (enthusiastic)热情的The host gave the guests a warm welcome.主人热情地欢迎客人。 warm adj (excited)兴奋的;激动的His sensual caresses made her feel warm all over.他情欲的爱抚让她全身兴奋。 warm, getting warm adj (close to the target or secret)接近答案的;就要猜中的It isn't Paul, but you're getting warm. His name does begin with a P. warm adj (of colours: red, orange, yellow) (色彩)暖色的I like orange. Such a warm colour compared to blue.我喜欢橘色,这种与蓝色不同的暖色。 warm adj (scent: recently left) (气味等)新鲜的,强烈的The dog smelled a warm scent and followed it.狗狗嗅到一股强烈的气味,并跟了上去。 warm adj (erotic)色情的;撩人的She had a warm caress and made him feel sexy.她撩人的爱抚,让他“性”致高昂。 the warm n (surrounding warmth)暖和的地方You must be cold! Come into the warm. warm vi (become warm)变得暖和;温暖起来The weary traveler came in to warm by the fire.疲惫不堪的旅人走了进来,火炉让他们变得暖和。 warm [sb] vtr figurative (fill with affection)使感到温暖Her sunny smile warms me each morning. 动词短语 warm down vi phrasal (sports) (运动后)放松;舒展 warm [sth] over, warm over [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (food: reheat) (指食物)再热, 重热They warmed over some food that was left from the night before. warm up vi phrasal (get warmer)变热,使暖和备注: A hyphen is used when the term is or modifies a noun.Let's go inside and warm up; we've been out here too long.我们在外面呆的太久了,让我们进去暖和暖和吧。 warm up vi phrasal (do preparatory exercise)做热身活动Let's warm up a little before we start running.开始跑步前,让我们做热身运动。 warm [sth/sb] up vtr phrasal sep (make warmer)使变热,使暖和I lit a fire to warm up the house.我点燃了火炉来使房子暖和起来。 warm [sth] up, warm up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (heat, reheat)加热Sally warmed up a piece of pie for dessert.萨利加热了一块派作为甜点。 warm [sb] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (audience: prepare for main act) (正式演出前)暖场,将(观众)情绪调动起来The comic warmed up the audience with jokes and silly pranks.这部喜剧通过笑话和一些愚蠢的恶作剧来暖场。 warm up to [sth] (US), warm to [sth] (UK) vtr phrasal insep (become more in favour of)适应;逐渐喜欢上;慢慢习惯 warm up to [sb] (US), warm to [sb] (UK) vtr phrasal insep (come to like better)慢慢喜欢上 wrap up warm, wrap up warmly vi phrasal + adv informal (dress in warm clothing)穿暖和点 复合形式: get warm vi + adj (feel warm again)暖和过来;暖和起来 keep warm vi (retain body heat)保暖;别冻着 warm color (US), warm colour (UK) n (bold color such as red)暖色;暖色调Colin is going to paint the room in warm colours. warm front n (weather) (天气)暖锋 Warm regards expr written (closing: letter, email, etc) (信末)致以良好的祝愿,致以热情的问候 warm spot n (warm place)持久的爱The cat had found itself a warm spot in front of the radiator. warm spot n figurative (affection)持久的爱There's still a warm spot in my heart for my high school sweetheart. warm spring n (naturally-heated water source)温泉There are many spas in Arkansas because of the warm springs there. warm to [sb] vi + prep figurative (person: grow fonder) (对人)开始喜欢,对…变得热情He was cold at first, but he soon warmed to the guests. warm to [sth] vi + prep figurative (idea: become enthusiastic) (对事物、观念等)变得热情,变得感兴趣Don't worry, you'll soon warm to the idea. warm-up n (preparatory exercise)热身运动The ballerina did some warm-ups before beginning her routine.芭蕾舞女在开始日常表演前做了一些热身活动。 warm weather n (mild climate, period of high temperatures)温暖的气候The Sonoran Desert is known for its warm weather during most of the year. warm welcome n (friendly or enthusiastic reception)热烈欢迎 Warm wishes expr written (letter: used to sign off)温馨的祝福 warm-blooded adj (having constant body temperature)恒温的;温血的 warm-hearted, warmhearted adj (kind, generous)热心的,好心的;亲切的,对人友善的The warmhearted and caring woman made me feel welcome in her home when I need a place to stay. warm-up act n (performer: before main act)暖场演出 warmup, warm-up n (sport, dancing: preparatory exercises)热身(运动);作(运动前的)准备活动 warmup, warm-up n (music, singing: preparatory exercise)暖指;暖嗓




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