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词汇 upgrade
释义 upgradeUK:* verb: /ˌʌpˈgreɪd/, noun: /ˈʌpgreɪd/US:/n. ˈʌpˌgreɪd; adj., adv. ˈʌpˈgreɪd; v. ʌpˈgreɪd, ˈʌpˌgreɪd/US:(n. up′grād′; adj., adv. up′grād′; v. up grād′, up′grād′)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 upgrade [sth] vtr (install newer software) (计算机)安装升级软件,升级(软件)Glenn is upgrading his operating system.格伦正在升级操作系统。 upgrade [sb] vtr (promote to next level)升…的职;晋升;提拔The board decided to upgrade Elizabeth to manager.董事会决定提拔伊丽莎白,让她做经理。 upgrade [sb] to [sth] vtr (better seat, hotel, etc.) (入住的酒店房型,机舱座位级别等)为某人升级成; (机舱座位升级)为某人升舱至The airline company upgraded Dan to business class.航空公司为丹升舱至商务舱。 upgrade vi (acquire newer software) (计算机软件)升级,更新换代This software is really out of date; you need to upgrade, if you want to stay competitive.这个软件已经非常过时了,如果想要保持竞争性,你就得升级。 upgrade n (act of upgrading) (品级等)提升,提高The council hoped the upgrade of the public transport system would lead to more people using it, instead of cars.委员会希望随着公共交通系统的品级提升,将会有更多人使用它而非使用汽车。 upgrade n (computing: newer software) (计算机软件)升级Now we've completed the upgrade of our software, we shouldn't have a problem opening files anymore.现在我们已经完成了软件的升级,打开文件时不应该再碰到任何问题了。 upgrade n (promotion to next level)升级;提高级别;提高档次Agatha is hoping for an upgrade at her next performance review.阿加莎正期盼着能在下一次绩效考核中获得一次升级。 upgrade n (better seat, hotel, etc.)提高(乘客、旅客、酒店住客等的)待遇; (指酒店、航班等的升级)升...We were really lucky on our holiday; we got an upgrade to a luxury suite.我们这次度假非常走运,酒店房型升到了豪华套间。 其他翻译 upgrade n (new mobile phone) (手机)升级,升级换代Some mobile phone contracts include a free yearly upgrade.一些手机套餐包含一年一次的免费升级换代。 upgrade [sth] vtr (increase rating of)提高…的级别The government has upgraded the terror threat level from low to moderate. upgrade vtr (improve, modernize) (系统等)升级We plan to upgrade all our company's systems to bring them more in line with the needs of today's customers.我们计划升级公司所有的系统,让它们与时俱进,更符合当今客户的需求。 upgrade vtr (raise the quality of [sth])提高,提升;提高…的质量Since they've had that new teacher, all the children in this class have upgraded their English skills.自从他们换了新老师,班上所有孩子的英语水平都提升了。 upgrade [sth] vtr (mobile phone: get newer model) (手机)升级,对…进行升级换代Some people upgrade their phone every time a new model comes out, others keep the same phone for years.有些人每次新机型一面世就会对自己的手机进行升级换代,其他人则会同一部手机使用多年。




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