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词汇 up
释义 upUK:*/ˈʌp/US:(up)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 be up vi + adj informal (risen from bed)起床Is Mom up yet? No, she's still sleeping.你妈妈起床了吗?不,她还在睡觉。 up adj informal (price, etc.: increased) (价格等)上涨的,提高的The stock market is up right now.目前股市正在上涨。 up adj informal (about to take turn)该上场的;准备好的I'm the reserve player, so if one of our team gets injured, I'm up!我是替补队员,所以只要我们队有人受伤,就该我上场! up adv (on a higher level)在高处The restrooms are up at the top of the staircase.卫生间在上面楼梯尽头处。 up adv (to higher volume) (音量)加大,增高Ben had his music up too loud and the neighbors complained.本把音乐调得太大声,周围邻居都怨声不迭。 up adv informal (sports: ahead) (体育运动)在前面,领先,胜过The team is up one-nil over its opponent.这个队以一比零领先对手。
 up adv (above horizon)升起来;在地平线之上Is the sun up yet?太阳升起来了吗? up adv informal (more, higher)多于…地;超过…地The prices are three Euros and up.价格为三欧元,有时超过三欧元。 up adv (at higher point)在高处地He is now up in the bi-plane, and can now see the valley below.他现在在复翼飞机里,在高处将山谷尽收眼底。 up prep (elevated, above)在…上面;在…高处The cat was up a tree.那只猫在一直棵树上面。 up prep (to higher part)朝更高处去;往上If you go a little way up the hill, you will get a better view.如果你朝山的更高处去一点,你就能有更开阔的视野。usage: ‘up’Up can be a preposition. You usually use it to show that someone or something moves towards a higher place or position.I carried my suitcase up the stairs behind her.The heat goes straight up the chimney.Up can also be an adverb. It is often used in phrasal verbs to show that someone or something moves towards a higher place or position.The coffee was sent up from the kitchen below.Bill put up his hand.You also use up as an adverb to show that someone or something is in a high place.He was up in his bedroom.They live in a house up in the hills. up prep (further along)那头;那边;远端We live just up the street我们就住在街那边。 其他翻译 up adj informal (related to upward direction) (非正式用语)向上的,向上方的Use the up escalator; it's quicker than the stairs.乘坐向上的扶梯,比走楼梯快。 up adj informal (constructed) (建筑物等)建成的,建造的,建造中的The building has been up for three months. up adj US (tide: in) (潮水等)上涨的The tide will be up soon. up adj (inland)内陆的We are going from the coast, up to Nottingham in the middle of England.我们将从海岸出发,朝内陆进发,到英格兰中部的诺丁汉去。 up adj (to the north)往北的;朝北的They are up in New York.他们朝北进发,去纽约。 up adj (expired, finished)耗尽的;过期的;失效的Sarah's contract will be up at the end of the year, so she's looking for a new job.莎拉的合同年底就到期了,她正在寻找新工作。 up adv (to [sb])到;给Send the report up so the boss can read it. up adv (to higher value) (工资、价格等)向上,上调Jeff's salary is up ten thousand a year to forty thousand dollars.杰夫的年薪上调10000,进而达到了40000美元。 up adv informal (to higher brightness) (亮度、对比度)由低到高,更高Make sure the contrast is up on your screen.确保调高你屏幕的对比度。 up adv (in contact with)及时了解Since I stopped reading a daily newspaper, I'm no longer up on events.自从我不再看日报,我就再也不能及时了解各种事件了。 up adv US (sports: tied) (体育运动)平,双方皆为…地The score was six up at the end.最终比分是6平。 up n informal (upward slope) (非正式用语)上坡The bike path is fun, with lots of ups and downs.这条自行车道很有意思,充满了上坡与下坡。 ups npl (positive experiences)积极体验;良好经历Our marriage isn't perfect, but we've experienced more ups than downs over the years. up and do [sth] v expr (do [sth] unexpectedly)突然起身做With that, the old man upped and left the room.One day, the cat upped and ran away. up [sth] vtr slang (increase) (俚语)增加, 提高The band upped the number of shows in their tour.这个乐队增加了巡回演出的场数。 动词短语 act up vi phrasal UK, informal (child: misbehave)捣蛋;调皮Why do children always wait to be in public to act up?为什么孩子们总是要等到公共场合才捣蛋? act up vi phrasal informal (machine: malfunction) (机器)出毛病,运转失灵The TV is acting up, but I think it's just a loose wire.这台电视机出毛病了,不过我认为,可能只是哪根电线松了导致的。 act up vi phrasal UK (stand in for [sb] more senior)暂替;顶替Lily was asked to act up for the six months that her manager would be away. add up vi phrasal (do sums)把数字加起来The children are learning to add up.孩子们正在学习加法。 add up to [sth] vi phrasal + prep (total)加起来总和是The opposite sides of a die add up to seven.骰子对边加起来为七。 add [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (calculate total)把…加起来When you add up the numbers in this column, you should get 500.把这列数字加起来,总和应为500。 add up vi phrasal figurative, informal (make sense) (多用于否定句)有道理,说得通备注: often used in the negativeThe two different accounts of the same event don't add up.同一事件不同说法,讲不通。 add up to [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (indicate, lead to)意味着;等同于The evidence adds up to a clear attempt to steal the goods.证据显示确实有人企图偷窃货物。 add up vi phrasal (accumulate gradually)逐渐积累;逐步积累The stresses of everyday life can add up and leave you feeling overwhelmed.日复一日的压力能够逐渐积累,然后让你感到不堪重负。 amp [sth] up, amp up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (increase the power of)提升;放大;增强 ante up vi phrasal (pay)支付;付Ante up, you must pay your fair share. ante [sth] up vtr phrasal sep US (poker: contribute to betting pot)下注I had to ante up $100 just to stay in the game. back [sth] up, back up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (computing: make copies)备份备注: The single-word form is used when the term is or modifies a noun.It is advisable to back up all the files on your computer regularly, in case of breakdown.建议定期备份电脑上的所有文件,以防发生故障。 back [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (support) (某人的说法,某人的话)证实Go ahead and tell the boss just what happened; I'll back you up on it.去吧,直接告诉老板发生了什么事,我会支持你的。 back [sth] up, back up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (confirm: fact, argument)支持The accused man insisted that his wife would back up his story and give him an alibi.被告坚称他的妻子会证实他所述的事件经过,为他提供不在场证明。 back [sth] up, back up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (vehicle: reverse) (车辆: 倒退行驶)倒It's difficult to back up a truck when a trailer is attached.带拖车的卡车很难倒车。 back up vi phrasal (move in reverse)倒车A loud beeping alerts other road users when the lorry is backing up.卡车倒车时,响亮的哔哔声提醒着路上的其他人。 back up vi phrasal (water: accumulate) (水)积聚Water has backed up into the toilet and the flush won't work.污水返回并积聚在马桶内,冲水装置完全不起作用。 ball [sth] up, ball up [sth] (US), balls [sth] up, balls up [sth] (UK) vtr phrasal sep slang (do [sth] badly) (俚语)把…搞得一团糟备注: In the UK, 'balls up' may be offensive to some.I've really balled up my computer this time; I'll have to call tech support. ball [sth] up, ball up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (shape into a ball)成球;揉成团 bang [sb] up vtr phrasal sep UK, slang (put in prison)把…关进监狱He got banged up for robbing the local liquor store. bang [sth] up vtr phrasal sep US, slang (damage)撞坏I really banged up the car when I hit that moose. beam [sb/sth] up, beam up [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (science fiction: transport) (科幻)传送… bear up vi phrasal (endure [sth] difficult)承担She is bearing up well despite the pressure she is under. bear up vi phrasal (remain strong in adversity) (指在困难中)挺住,撑住,保持振作 beat [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (assault)痛打;暴打A group of youths beat Henry up.一群年轻人暴打了亨利一顿。 beef [sth] up, beef up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (make stronger, augment)增强;加强The Indian spices beef up this vegetarian dish.那种印度香料增强了这道素食菜品的风味。 beef up vi phrasal informal, figurative (build muscle)练出肌肉;增长肌肉The coach told the young football player to beef up in the gym.教练告诉那名年轻球员去健身房练练肌肉。 belt up vi phrasal informal (fasten seatbelt)系上安全带Make sure you belt up when you get in the car. belt up vi phrasal figurative, slang (stop talking)安静Tanya shouted at her brother to belt up. bid up vi phrasal (bidding higher)竞出高价;抬价;哄抬价格 bid [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (bidding higher on [sth])为...竞出高价;为...抬价;哄抬…的价格Simon bid his own lot up to make as much as possible on it. big [sb] up vtr phrasal sep slang (express admiration)向…致敬 big [sth] up vtr phrasal sep slang (exaggerate greatness)夸大… bind [sth] up, bind up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (bandage securely)包扎You should bind up that wound to stop the bleeding. bind [sth] up, bind up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (wrap with string, etc.)捆绑好Bind up the package with string. blaze up vi phrasal UK, informal (light cigarette, cigar, etc.)燃烧 block [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (obstruct)阻塞;挡住;阻挡He had blocked up the exit so we couldn't leave.他堵住了出口,所以我们无法离开。 blow up vi phrasal (explode)爆炸;被炸飞I watched the Hindenburg blow up.我看到了兴登堡爆炸。usage: ‘blow up’However, if someone destroys a building with a bomb, don't say that they ‘explode’ the building. You say that they blow it up.He was going to blow the place up. blow [sth] up, blow up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (detonate)引爆;炸掉,爆破They blew up the enemy's ammunition dump.他们爆破了敌方的军火库。 blow [sth] up, blow up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (inflate)给...充气Karen blew up the airbed for her guests.凯伦为她客人的充气床充了气。 blow [sth] up, blow up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (photograph: enlarge) (照片)放大Small photos may have to be blown up if they are not identifiable.如果无法识别的话,小照片可能需要被放大。 blow up vi phrasal figurative, informal (get angry)发脾气;发作She blew up when I told her about the car.当我告诉她车子的事情时,她大发脾气。 board [sth] up, board up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (cover temporarily with panels)用木板封住…They boarded up the windows before the hurricane arrived. boil [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (cook)煮This weekend, we'll boil up a big pot of crawfish. boil up vi phrasal figurative (intensify)进入危急关头,加剧Tension along the border boiled up to a full-blown war.他们之间的关系迅速变得紧张起来,最后以暴力收尾。 boil up vi phrasal informal, figurative (feel hot)太热了, 热死了I'm boiling up here. Can't you open a window? bolster [sb] up, bolster up [sb] vtr phrasal sep figurative (support [sb])支持;辅助 bone up vi phrasal slang (revise knowledge)复习;临阵磨枪You've got just three days left before the exam; time to bone up! bone up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep slang (revise knowledge of)复习;温习If you're going to be that picky, I'd better bone up on basic grammar. bone up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep slang (learn about) (考试前)突击背诵,突击学习,为…临阵磨枪The students boned up on psychology terms before the exam. book [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (reserve fully)已订满There was no room at the hotel; they were completely booked up for the summer. boot [sth] up, boot up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (switch on: computer) (电脑)启动 boot up vi phrasal (computer: start)启动 bottle [sth] up, bottle up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (repress: feelings, energy)抑制,压制,克制;压抑It is not emotionally or physically healthy to bottle up one's emotions.压抑个人情感无论是之于心理上还是生理上,都是不健康的。box [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (pack)将…装箱brace up vi phrasal (ready yourself)使自己做好准备break up vi phrasal (disintegrate)碎裂;粉碎;分解Rock gradually breaks up into sand.岩石最终都会分解成沙子。break up vi phrasal informal (couple: separate) (夫妻)关系破裂,分手,离异The couple broke up after a three-year relationship.那对情侣交往了三年后分手了。break up with [sb] vtr phrasal insep (separate)与…分开;与…崩了I think you need to break up with your boyfriend.我认为你应该跟你男朋友分手。break up vi phrasal informal (school: finish) (学校)放假,学期结束School breaks up next week for the summer holidays.学校下周就会开始放暑假。break [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (cause to separate)使破裂;使分手;使分手She blamed his mother's constant interference for breaking up their marriage.她指责他妈妈不断干涉来使他们的婚姻破裂。break [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (fight: intervene)制止(打架);将(打架者)分开The head teacher stepped in and broke up the fight between the two boys.班主任介入并将打架的两个男孩子分开。break [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (crumble)粉碎;使…成碎片Break the biscuits up into small pieces and put them in a food processor.把饼干弄成小碎片,并将碎片放到食物调理机里面。break up vi phrasal (phone sound: lose quality)通话声音断断续续You're breaking up, so I'll call you back later.brew up [sth], brew [sth] up vtr phrasal insep (make: tea, beer)酿造brew up [sth], brew [sth] up vtr phrasal insep figurative (create)创造brew up vi phrasal UK, informal (make tea or coffee)沏茶;泡咖啡brew up vi phrasal military slang (burst into flames) (军事俚语)爆炸着火brick [sth] up, brick up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (close off with a wall)用砖围砌brighten up vi phrasal informal (weather: improve, get sunnier)放晴The weather was cloudy in the morning, but it has brightened up now.早晨是多云天气,但是现在天亮起来了。brighten [sth] up, brighten up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (make cheerfully attractive)使...明亮起来;使...明快Some colourful curtains and cushion covers will brighten this room up.brighten [sth] up, brighten up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (make more cheerful)让...愉快起来;让...高兴起来That wonderful news has brightened up my week.brighten up vi phrasal figurative (become more cheerful)使快活起来My day brightened up when a letter arrived from my son.当收到儿子的来信,我的一天都快乐起来。bring [sth] back up vtr phrasal sep (topic: raise again)再次提出bring [sth] back up vtr phrasal sep informal (food: vomit)呕吐bring [sth] up, bring up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (raise: a subject)提出(某个话题)以讨论It is not a good idea to bring up politics with my family.最好不要和我的家人讨论政治话题。bring [sb] up, bring up [sb] vtr phrasal sep (raise: a child)抚养;将…养大成人The couple adopted the child and brought him up.那对夫妇收养了那个孩子,并将他养大成人。usage: ‘bring up’When you bring up children, you look you look after them throughout their childhood, as their parent or guardian.Tony was brought up in a working-class family.When my parents died, my grandparents brought me up.bring [sth] up, bring up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (vomit)呕吐The baby is ill and keeps bringing up her food.宝宝生病了,不停地呕吐。bring [sb] up, bring up [sb] vtr phrasal sep (bring before a court)起诉;对...提起诉讼brisk [sth] up, brisk up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (make livelier or faster)使变轻快;使变活跃The company has lowered its shipping rates in order to brisk up trade.为让生意更加兴旺,公司降低了运费。brush up vi phrasal informal, figurative (revise, refresh knowledge)重新温习以提高My spoken French is quite good, but I would like to brush up a bit.我的法语口语很好,但我想再复习一下。brush up [sth], brush [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (refresh knowledge, skill)温习; (生疏的技能和知识等)重新拾起Gary wants to brush up his Spanish before going to Madrid.盖理想在去马德里之前温习一下西班牙语。brush up on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (refresh knowledge of [sth]) (已生疏的知识、技能)温习,重新拾起Janice joined the course to brush up on her maths skills.珍妮丝参加这门课程是为了重新拾起她的数学知识。buck up vi phrasal informal (become more cheerful)振奋;打起精神;抖擞精神Buck up, you'll have another chance tomorrow!buck [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (make more cheerful)使…振奋buckle up vi phrasal informal (fasten: shoe, seatbelt, etc.) (安全带等)扣紧,扎紧Don't forget to buckle up before you start driving.在开车前别忘了扣紧安全带。buckle up vi phrasal informal (bend over: in or with pain) (疼得)弯下腰The patient buckled up in pain; the doctor said she suspected appendicitis.病人痛得直不起腰来,医生说她怀疑是阑尾炎。buddy up vi phrasal US, informal (become friendly)讨好,巴结;逢迎Dan and Mike buddied up when they were both studying law at Harvard.buddy up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep US, informal (become friendly with)与...成为朋友buddy up vi phrasal mainly US, informal (work together)合作;一起工作The teacher instructed the children to buddy up to answer the quiz.老师指导孩子们一起合作来完成小测验。buddy up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep mainly US, informal (work together with)与...共事;与...一起工作buddy up to vtr phrasal insep US, informal (curry favor of, befriend)对...友好;亲近budge up, budge over vi phrasal informal (move to make space for [sb])挤挤;挤一挤If you two budge up, I'll be able to sit on the sofa too.bugger [sth] up, bugger up [sth] vtr phrasal sep UK, slang, vulgar (bungle)把...搞糟build [sth] up, build up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (business, etc.: develop)逐步扩大;逐步发展壮大Johnson gradually built up his business empire.约翰逊逐渐建立起他的商业帝国。build [sth] up, build up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (muscles, physique: develop) (体质,肌肉)增强Jason does weight training to build up his arm muscles.杰森做负重训练来强化手臂肌肉。build [sth] up, build up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (confidence: strengthen) (信心等)使逐渐增强The victory will help the team to build up its confidence.这场胜利将有助于球队建立信心。build up vi phrasal figurative, informal (feeling: mount) (情感)逐渐累积Excitement was building up as the runners lined up for the race.当赛跑者列队准备比赛时,人们变得,越来越兴奋。build up vi phrasal (accumulate)积聚, 增加Traffic is building up around the scene of the crash.车祸现场附近的车辆越来越多。build up to [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (work gradually towards [sth])逐渐达到The race was building up to an exciting finish.比赛即将迎来令人激动的最终时刻。bulk up vi phrasal (gain weight, put on muscle)增重,体重增加;长肌肉The bodybuilder bulked up by eating huge quantities of carbs.bump [sth] up, bump up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (increase)增加;提高The hotels always bump up their prices during the holiday weekend.bump [sth] up, bump up [sth] vtr phrasal sep US, informal (move to a higher position)提高(名次等)This win bumped the team up into third place in the league.bunch up vi phrasal (gather into tight group)聚拢;挤作一团The cyclists had bunched up as they approached a sharp bend in the road.bunch up vi phrasal (fabric: gather into folds) (布料)缩紧,收缩The dress didn't fit Sophie because it bunched up at the back.bundle [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (wrap together)捆扎The man bundled up my fish and chips in newspaper.那个人用报纸将我的炸鱼和薯条包了起来。bundle up vi phrasal slang (dress warmly)使穿暖It is best to bundle up before going out into cold weather.bung up [sth], bung [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (seal with a stopper)堵住,塞住burn up vi phrasal US, slang, figurative (have a high fever)发高烧When Cathy felt her son's forehead, he was burning up.凯茜摸了儿子的额头,发现他在发烧。burn [sb] up vtr phrasal sep US, slang, figurative (make [sb] very angry)使(某人)大怒It burns me up to see that man making my mum cry.见到那个男人让我妈妈哭,这让我很生气。;burn up vi phrasal US, slang, figurative (be very angry)大怒;暴怒bust [sth] up vtr phrasal sep US, slang, figurative (end)终结Seems like I have to bust up a fight between those kids every day.bust up vi phrasal US, slang, figurative (couple: separate, split)分手,一拍两散; (多指恋爱或婚姻关系)吹了butter [sb] up, butter up [sb] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (flatter, sweet-talk) (比喻,非正式用语)阿谀奉承,拍…的马屁He tried to butter up his boss in hopes of getting an extra day off. Stop trying to butter me up and just tell me what you want.他试着拍老板的马屁,以期能多放一天假。别再阿谀奉承了,直接告诉我你想要什么。button [sth] up, button up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (fasten buttons) (纽扣)扣紧;扣上Button up your jacket; it's cold outside.button up vi phrasal (clothing: be fastened)扣住;扣紧This jacket buttons up on the right.button up about [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative, slang (keep silent)不做声;对某事保持沉默You'd better button up about the missing cookies.你最好对饼干失踪这件事默不作声。buy [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (purchase all of [sth])全部买下We bought up all the store's balloons for the [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (phone)给…打电话备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a noun.Let's call her up and check the plans.我们打电话给她,确认一下计划。call [sb] up vtr phrasal sep usu passive (military: enlist) (军队)征召,召集Conscripts were called up for military service according to their birthdates.义务兵根据出生日期被征召入伍。can up vtr phrasal sep (preserve in a jar, etc.)在罐中储存起来They canned up a lot of the berries for later use.carve [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (cut into pieces)把…切成块,切开备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a nouncarve [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (divide)瓜分,分割After the war, the victors carved the defeated nations up into new administrative regions.carve [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative, slang (drive fast along: road)在…飞速行驶He enjoys carving up the road in his flashy sports car.carve [sb] up vtr phrasal sep figurative, slang (injure with knife)砍伤某人carve [sb] up, cut [sb] up vtr phrasal sep UK, figurative, slang (swerve in front of another vehicle) (用车辆)强超挡道,别...的车备注: 指车辆行驶中被后方车辆强行超车并占据车道cash up vi phrasal (cashier: count final takings) (出纳)结算cast up [sth], cast [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (ocean: wash [sth] ashore) (海洋: 某物)把…冲上岸cast up [sth], cast [sth] up vtr phrasal sep dated (add up: numbers) (数字)把…加起来cast up vi phrasal US (vomit)呕吐;吐cast up to [sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, regional (reproach [sb] with [sth])责怪Jock cast up to Mary that she was to blame for their situation.乔克责备玛丽,说她应该为他们的处境负责。cast up vi phrasal UK, regional (show up unexpectedly)出乎意料地露面catch up vi phrasal (go as fast)追上,赶上Mira slowed down so that her younger sister could catch up.米拉放慢速度,以便她妹妹能追上。catch up with [sb/sth], also US: catch up to [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (go as fast as)追上;赶上I walk faster than he does, so I wait at each corner for him to catch up with me.我走得比他快,所以我在每个转角都会等他赶上来。catch up with [sb], also US: catch up to [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (join, reach)追上, 赶上You go on ahead; I'll catch up with you as soon as I've finished my work here.你先走,我一完成这里的工作就去找你。catch [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (join, reach)赶上;找到Start walking and I'll catch you up; I need to fetch my coat first.你先走,我会赶上你的。我得先去拿下外套。catch up vi phrasal figurative, informal (compensate for time lost)赶做,补做I missed a week of work, and now I have to catch up.我耽误了一周的工作,现在得补上。catch up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative, informal (compensate for time lost)赶上;赶完Audrey sighed when she saw that she had to catch up on a huge pile of work.看到自己必须赶完一大堆工作时候,奥黛丽叹了口气。catch up with [sb], also US: catch up to [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative, informal (repay: with [sth] bad) (过去造成的问题带来麻烦)找上Finally, his unhealthy habits caught up with him and he became very sick.最后,他那些不健康的坏习惯来找他麻烦了:他病得非常严重。catch up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (apprehend: criminal)逮捕The cops finally caught up with the shoplifter outside the stock exchange.警察最终在证券交易所外抓住了那个商店扒手。catch up vi phrasal figurative, informal (exchange news)叙旧My friends and I like to catch up over a coffee once a month.我和朋友们喜欢每月喝一次咖啡叙叙旧。catch up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative, informal (exchange news)了解某人的最新情况It was a pleasure to catch up with everyone at the family reunion.在家庭聚会上与大家交流近况令人感到愉快。catch up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative, informal (get up to date)了解…的最新情况I phoned my brother to catch up on the latest news back home.我给哥哥打电话,以了解家里面的最新情况。chalk up [sth], chalk [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (achieve [sth])得到,取得Fangio chalked up many victories in motor racing.chalk up [sth], chalk [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (write [sth] in chalk)用粉笔写下, 用粉笔记下chalk up [sth], chalk [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (rub chalk on: billiard cue) (台球)磨杆备注: 在台球游戏中,为防止球杆击球时打滑,常用一种含有石灰粉的小块打磨球杆顶端,称为磨杆chalk [sth] up to [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (attribute, ascribe [sth] to [sth])将...归咎于;将...归因于Don accidentally ran a red light; he chalked it up to tiredness.change up vi phrasal (vehicle: shift to higher gear) (车辆)加速,开快When the car goes faster you need to change up to prevent the engine revving excessively.charge up [sth], charge [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (renew battery power of)给…充电It is so annoying that I have to charge up my cordless drill every twenty minutes if I want it to work [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (check, assist progress)追查;追踪Those books should have arrived yesterday; could you please chase the order?这些书昨天就应该到了。你能帮我查询一下订单进度吗?chase [sb] up vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (find [sb])找到chat [sb] up vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (try to seduce [sb])与异性搭讪, 调情When he goes to restaurants, he always tries to chat up the waitresses.每当他去餐厅时,他总是设法与女服务员搭讪。check up vi phrasal (verify [sth])核对;核实备注: A hyphen or single-word form is used when the term is a noun.check up on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (observe progress)校对;检查;检查When it's very hot, remember to check up on your elderly neighbors every couple of hours.cheer [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (make happier)使…高兴;使…兴奋;使…振奋Here's a plate of chocolate ice cream to cheer you up.这里有一盘巧克力冰淇淋,可以让你高兴起来。cheer up vi phrasal (become happier)高兴起来;振奋Mrs. Mills cheered up when the tea and cake were served.当茶和蛋糕端上前时,米尔斯太太立马高兴起来。chew [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (grind with teeth)咀嚼…;嚼…chew [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (use rapidly)很快地消耗…Using 4G chews up the battery life of your phone.choke up vi phrasal (be emotional, unable to speak)因感情激动而说不出话来chop [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (cut into small pieces)剁碎Chop up the onions and add them to the pan.chub up vi phrasal slang ([sb]: get fatter)变胖;发福chuck up vi phrasal slang (vomit)呕吐clam up vi phrasal slang (be unable to speak)(被询问时)缄口不言;拒不开口Once he realizes everyone is listening to him, he will clam up.class [sth] up, class up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (make more stylish)使...更时髦;提升时尚度clean up vi phrasal (make things clean)清扫;打扫干净We have to clean up before the guests arrive.客人到之前,我们必须要打扫干净。clean [sb/sth] up, clean up [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep (remove dirt)清洁;把…清洗干净Clean up your face and change your clothes before dinner.先去把脸清洗干净,再换套衣服,然后再吃晚饭。clean up vi phrasal figurative, slang (win, make: lot of money)发财;赚大钱He really cleaned up at the poker table.他真的在牌桌上赚了大钱。clean up vi phrasal figurative, slang (stop abusing drugs)停止吸毒;戒毒Ralph promised to clean up and be a better husband.拉尔夫保证要戒毒,然后做个好丈夫。clean [sth] up, clean up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, slang (rid of undesirable things)清扫;清除(不良现象);整顿The governor vowed to clean up the state and put an end to the trafficking rings.州长发誓要整顿这个州,还要终结贩毒团伙。;clear [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (make tidy)整理;清洁;清扫Maria told the children to clear their toys up when they'd finished playing with them.玛利亚让孩子们玩儿完玩具后要整理好它们。clear [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (clarify)消除(嫌疑等);澄清;说清楚I was hoping that you could clear something up for me.我有件事想请你澄清一下。clear up vi phrasal (ailment: get better) (病情)好转,痊愈The doctor told me the rash would clear up in about six weeks.医生告诉我红疹会在大约六周内痊愈。clear up vi phrasal (weather: improve) (天气)放晴,变好The weather soon cleared up and the sun came out.天气很快就变好了,太阳也出来了。clock up [sth], clock [sth] up vtr phrasal insep mainly UK (get to a large number of)达到…clog [sth] up, clog up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (block)堵塞Pouring melted fat down the drain will clog up the pipes. The rush hour clogs up the freeway.将溶解的油脂倒入下水道会堵塞管道。上下班高峰导致高速公路堵塞。clog up vi phrasal (become blocked)被堵塞;堵住If you put the cooking grease down the drain, the pipe will clog up.close up vi phrasal (shop: shut)关店He closed up and counted the day's takings.他关了店,数了数当天的收入。close up vi phrasal (wound: heal) (伤口)闭合,合上,愈合The wound will gradually close up over time.随着时间的推移,伤口会逐渐愈合。close [sth] up, close up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (shut)关闭;关上Nina closed up the shop and went home.尼娜关了店,然后回家。clue [sb] in, also UK: clue [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (inform)给…讲解,告诉Eleanor had no idea why everyone in the office was cheering, so she asked Jane to clue her in.clue [sb] in on [sth], also UK: clue [sb] up on [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (inform)告诉某人某事Can you clue me in on what's going on?clutter [sth] up, clutter up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (fill untidily)凌乱地堆放着Please take your belongings with you. You don't need to clutter up my car.cock [sth] up, cock up [sth] vtr phrasal sep UK, slang (botch [sth])把…弄得一团糟cock up vi phrasal UK, slang (fail, botch [sth])搞糟;一团糟collect [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (objects: pick up)捡起,拾取She collected up the toys that the children had left scattered around the room.come up vi phrasal figurative (topic: be raised, mentioned) (观点等)被提出The senator knew that questions about his campaign would come up.这位参议员早就知道人们会提出有关他竞选活动的问题。come up vi phrasal figurative (problem: occur, appear) (问题)出现,发生I'm afraid a problem has come up, so I won't be at the meeting this afternoon.可能出了问题了,所以我将无法参加今天下午的会议。come up vi phrasal (rise)上升,升起,升高We sat on the beach and watched the sun come up over the water.我们坐在沙滩上,看着太阳从水面上升起。come up vi phrasal (rise in the hierarchy)地位升高He started in the mail room but he came up through the ranks to become the CEO of the company.他从邮件收发室做起,一步步晋升为这家公司的首席执行官。come up vi phrasal (approach [sb])走近;走过来She came up and introduced herself to me.她走过来向我作了自我介绍。come up to [sb] vi phrasal + prep (approach [sb])接近某人He came up to me in the street and tried to bum a dollar.他从街上向我走来,想讨要一块钱。come up against [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (encounter: opposition, obstacle)遭到…的反对The work is behind schedule because we came up against some unexpected problems.我们遇到了一些意想不到的问题,因此工作延期了。come up against [sb] vi phrasal + prep (compete with [sb])遇到;面对Davies will come up against last year's champion in the semi-final of the competition.戴维斯将在大赛的半决赛中对阵去年的冠军。come up short vi phrasal + adj informal (disappoint)无计可施的come up to [sth] vi phrasal + prep (reach as high as)变得跟…一样高,到…的高度Don't worry if you can't swim; the water will only come up to your knees.即便不会游泳也不用担心,那里的水只会到你的膝盖那么高。come up to [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (meet: standards, expectations) (标准、要求等)达到;达成No matter what he did, he wasn't able to come up to his father's expectations.无论做什么,他都无法达到父亲的预期。come up with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (devise, invent) (非正式用语)设计出,发明出;想出I'll have to come up with a plan.我得想出一个计划。come up with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (deliver, produce)送抵,交付Will you be able to come up with the cash by the end of the month?你能在月底交付那笔现金吗?conjure [sth/sb] up, conjure up [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep (magic: make appear) (魔法)变出,召唤出The audience yawned as the magician conjured up yet another rabbit from the hat.当魔术师从帽子里又变出一只兔子时,观众都打哈欠了。conjure [sth] up, conjure up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (evoke)引起;唤起;勾起The movie conjures up the excitement of being a teenager in 1960s London.这部电影让人想起20世纪60年代伦敦青少年的欢乐时光。conjure [sth] up, conjure up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (produce) (比喻)制造;取得Despite being outplayed in every way, the team still managed to conjure up enough goals to win the match.尽管在各方面都处于劣势,但这只球队还是想方设法取得足够多的进球来赢得比赛。conjure [sth] up, conjure up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (invent)捏造,假造,创造She conjured up several excuses, but none of them was credible.她编造了几个借口,但没有一个是可信的。connect up [sth], connect [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (link or join together)相连;连接;接通I'm having trouble connecting up my new speakers.connect up vi phrasal (meet, make contact)联系,来往Let's connect up for lunch someday.cook [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (devise, invent) (非正式用语)编造,捏造,虚构,找借口Let's cook up a plan.cook [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (cook in improvised way) (非正式用语)快速烹制Come on over, I'll cook up some fried [sb] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (confine) (比喻)困住Mary's parents coop her up in the house too much.cough up vi phrasal figurative, slang (pay debt) (比喻,俚语)付欠款,付钱We had a bet and you lost - so cough up!cough [sth] up, cough up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, slang (pay: debt) (比喻还债)支付Stan finally coughed up the money he owed us.cough [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (expel from throat)咳出She coughed up the fish bone which she had swallowed by accident.cover [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (put a covering over)遮盖;遮住Please cover up the leftover food so we can eat it later.She tried to cover up her bruise with make-up.请盖好剩菜剩饭以便我们之后食用。 // 她试图通过化妆来遮住淤青。cover up vi phrasal figurative (hide the truth)掩盖真相,掩盖事实Although Sheila refused to help Gary commit the robbery, she did help him cover up afterwards.虽然席拉拒绝协助盖里实施抢劫,不过之后她确实帮他掩盖了犯罪事实。cover [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (truth: hide) (真相)掩盖The candidate tried to cover up his affair with a woman.竞选者试图掩盖他和一位女性的婚外情。cover up for [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (hide [sb]'s guilt)包庇;掩盖(错误)Her co-workers tried to cover up for her many mistakes.她的同事试图包庇她的多次过失。cover up vi phrasal (wear full clothing)穿能完全遮盖身体的衣服Visitors must cover up if they want to enter the church.如果想要进入那座教堂,访客们就需要穿能完全遮盖身体的衣服。cozy up (US), cosy up (UK) vi phrasal informal (get comfortable)温暖舒适地依偎在一起They cosied up on the sofa to watch a movie.cozy up with [sb] (US), cosy up with [sb] (UK) vtr phrasal insep informal (snuggle)与…依偎在一起cozy up to [sb] (US), cosy up to [sb] (UK) vtr phrasal insep figurative, informal (ingratiate yourself)讨好;巴结He's trying to get a promotion and has been cosying up to the boss.cozy up (US), cosy up (UK) vi phrasal figurative, informal (get intimate)亲密;亲热It looks like Mike and Susan have really been cosying up lately!crack up vi phrasal figurative, slang (laugh)捧腹大笑,失声大笑,笑得合不拢嘴备注: A hyphen or single-word form is used when the term is a noun.It was so funny I cracked up.实在太搞笑了,我笑得合不拢嘴。crack [sb] up vtr phrasal sep figurative, slang (make laugh)使…捧腹大笑;让...笑出眼泪The joke he told really cracked me up.他讲的笑话让我捧腹大笑。crack up vi phrasal figurative, slang (have mental breakdown)精神崩溃,精神失控I haven't slept for days, I'm close to cracking up.我已经很多天没合过眼,快要精神崩溃了。crank [sth] up, crank up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (start by turning a handle)转动手柄启动,转动曲柄起动Can you believe people once had to crank up cars before they would start?crank [sth] up, crank up [sth] vtr phrasal sep slang, figurative (intensify, increase) (俚语,比喻)加快;增加They will never win the match if their offense doesn't crank up the pressure a bit.creep up vi phrasal (approach stealthily)悄悄走近;蹑手蹑脚地走上前来;偷偷摸摸走近When Gary crept up and tapped me on the shoulder, I jumped.加里从我身后悄悄溜过来,拍了拍我的肩膀,下了我一大跳。creep up vi phrasal informal, figurative (increase gradually)逐渐增长;逐渐上涨House prices have crept up by several thousand since we bought our home.自我们买房以来,房价不知不觉已上涨几千元了。creep up on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (approach stealthily)悄悄接近,偷偷上前She startled her sister by creeping up on her and shouting "Boo!"creep up on [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative (fact, situation: arrive unforeseen) (不可预知的情况)渐渐地到来, 不知不觉地到来You had better start working now; don't let the deadline creep up on you.crop up vi phrasal informal (appear suddenly)发生,显现;被提到备注: often used in the continuous after "keep", "start"Problems started cropping up when we installed the new software.当我们安装好那个新的软件时,问题就开始显现出来了。crumble [sth] up, crumble up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (break into tiny pieces)将...捏碎;将...撕碎cuddle up vi phrasal informal (snuggle near, nestle) (非正式用语)抱在一起;靠在一起;缩成一团Timmy cuddled up next to his father while they watched television. My kitten likes to cuddle up on my lap.提米跟他爸爸靠在一起看电视。我的猫喜欢在我膝盖上缩成一团。cuddle up with [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (snuggle next to)抱着;拥着Nancy cuddled up with her favorite doll and fell asleep.cue [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (stage lights, music: prepare) (舞台应用的灯光、音乐、装置等)准备好curl up vi phrasal (make yourself cozy)让自己舒适On a winter's evening, I like to curl up in front of the fire with a good book.在寒冷冬季的夜晚,我喜欢坐在火炉前,准备一本好书,让自己舒舒服服的。curl up vi phrasal (fold self into a ball)蜷缩成球The hedgehog curled up into a ball.那只刺猬蜷缩成了一个球。curl up vi phrasal (turn upwards at the edge)向上翘,往上卷The leaves of the plant went brown and began to curl up.这植物的叶子开始呈棕色,叶边也开始往上卷了。;cut [sth] up, cut up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (chop, slice)切开,切碎You have to cut up the chicken into smaller pieces if you want to feed everybody.如果想让每个人吃到,你必须把鸡肉切成小块。cut [sb] up vtr phrasal sep UK (driver, vehicle: move suddenly in front) (开车时)强行超过某人;强行超车A blue Mondeo cut me up as I was approaching the roundabout.当我接近环岛时,一辆蓝色的蒙迪欧超了我的车。cut up vi phrasal US, figurative, slang (make jokes) (非正式用语)耍活宝,开玩笑Danny is always getting into trouble for cutting up in class.cut up about [sth] vi phrasal + prep US, figurative, slang (make jokes about)拿…开玩笑The girls were cutting up about their embarrassing parents.dam [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (block flow)筑坝蓄水We need to dam up the river to prevent a flood.dam [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (feelings: repress) (情感)压抑;郁积dial [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (phone)致电;给...拨电话备注: hyphen used when term is an adj or a noundig [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (unearth, remove from the ground)掘出,挖出They dug up the body to get a DNA sample.他们挖出尸骸,提取DNA样本。dig [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (uncover, reveal: a secret)揭露出The tabloids are constantly trying to dig up embarrassing facts about celebrities.八卦小报总是试图揭露出名人的尴尬事实。dish [sth] up, dish up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (provide) (比喻)提供;给出If you dish up the same old excuses, it is no wonder nobody believes you any up [sth] vtr phrasal insep (serve a meal) (食品)端上, 提供When I visit my mom, she always insists on dishing up a large plate of spaghetti for me.divide [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (apportion)分配The thieves divided up the proceeds of the robbery before fleeing the country.divide up vi phrasal (split into parts)划分;分割In order to better learn this material, we are going to divide up into groups of three and practice.为了更好的学习这份材料,我们打算三人一组进行练习。divvy [sth] up, divvy up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (divide, share out)瓜分;分发How will we divvy up the spoils?do [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (redecorate) (非正式用语)修缮, 修饰Mike is doing up the house in order to sell it.为了卖掉房子,迈克正在进行修缮。do [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (zipper, buttons: fasten) (非正式用语)扣上, 系紧Do up your buttons; it's freezing outside.把扣子扣上,外面特别冷。do [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (garment: fasten) (衣服)扣好,系好Come on honey, let grandma do up your coat.快点,亲爱的,让奶奶帮你扣好大衣。doll [sb] up vtr phrasal sep slang (adorn, make more glamorous) (俚语)打扮漂亮It's not right to doll children up for beauty pageants.打扮儿童,送他们去参加选美,这种做法不合适。dope up vi phrasal (take banned drugs)注射毒品double up vi phrasal (bend forward in pain)(痛得)弯下腰double up vi phrasal (bend forward in laughter)笑弯腰double up vi phrasal (share with [sb])挤在一起;同住一屋;合睡一床There were not enough books for everyone in the class, so we had to double up.drag [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (old subject: raise again)旧话重提;重新提起(令人不快的往事)Did you have to drag up her infidelity?drag [sb] up vtr phrasal sep figurative, slang (child: rear badly)把…胡乱带大draw [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (draft, plan out)草拟;拟订It is desirable that any important legal documents be drawn up by a qualified solicitor.我们希望由合格律师起草任何重要法律文件。draw [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (pull forward)把…拉近;拉Draw up a chair and I'll show you my holiday pictures.拉把椅子过来,我给你看我的度假照片。draw [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (pull upwards)把…向上抬;把…向上拉She drew her knees up to her chest and lay there in a foetal position.她将膝盖贴在胸前,似胎儿一样躺在那里。draw up vi phrasal (car: arrive, stop) (汽车)开到...来;停在Two cars drew up outside the house.两辆汽车开到了房子外面。draw up vi phrasal (arrive: by car)抵达They drew up at the premiere in a stretch limousine.他们乘坐加长豪华轿车到达首映现场。dream [sth] up, dream up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (invent: [sth] outlandish)凭空设想;空想How did you ever dream up a silly idea like that?dredge [sth] up, dredge up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (uncover: facts, information) (比喻)揭露,发掘,挖出Try to dredge up something from his past that we can use against him.dredge [sth] up, dredge up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (mention: [sth] unpleasant) (比喻,指不愉快的事)提及;重提I wish you wouldn't dredge up the past every time we have an argument.dress up vi phrasal (in evening wear)穿上晚礼服The actress loves dressing up for film premieres.那位女演员喜欢穿上晚礼服出席电影的首映礼。dress up vi phrasal (in formal clothes)盛装打扮;穿上正式服装For those not wanting to dress up, the restaurant has a casual dress code.对于那些不想要穿正式服装的,那家餐厅允许着日常服装。dress up as [sth/sb] vi phrasal (in costume)打扮成;装扮成My son likes to dress up as a pirate.我儿子喜欢打扮成海盗的样子。dress [sb] up, dress up [sb] vtr phrasal sep (clothe stylishly)打扮;装扮Lisa dressed her daughter up in a pretty dress.丽萨用一条漂亮的裙子来打扮女儿。dress [sth] up, dress up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (embellish, enhance)修饰;添枝加叶地加工The film director dressed up the story to make the characters more appealing to the audience.电影导演对故事进行修饰来让角色更吸引观众。drill up vi phrasal (computing: go to higher data level) (计算机)向上钻取drill up through [sth] vi phrasal + prep (computing: go through higher data levels) (计算机)通过...向上钻取drink up vi phrasal (finish beverage)喝完;喝光;一饮而尽Drink up, we have to go!drink [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (beverage: finish)喝光;喝完Drink up your juice - it's time to up vi phrasal (arrive in a vehicle)驱车来到I was surprised to see him drive up in a flashy sportscar.他开了一辆炫酷的跑车前来,让我颇为惊讶。drive [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (price: cause to rise) (价格)使…上涨,抬高…Demand for housing is driving house prices up.对住房的需求正在推动房价上涨。drum up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (obtain or produce)引起;鼓吹;鼓动The company ran lots of TV commercials to drum up interest in their product.那家公司投放了大量的电视广告来引起顾客对产品的兴趣。dry up vi phrasal (liquid: dry completely) (液体)干涸, 干透During a drought, streams may dry up completely.在干旱期,溪水可能会完全干涸。dry up vi phrasal figurative, informal (disappear) (比喻)枯竭, 耗尽At one point in the banking crisis, the supply of funds to industry almost dried up completely.在银行业遭遇危机的某个时刻,对工业的资金供应几乎完全枯竭了。dry up vi phrasal figurative, slang (forget speech) (比喻)忘记要说什么;忘记台词When the moment came for him to speak his lines, the actor dried up completely.轮到他说台词的时候,这个演员完全说不出话来了。dry up vi phrasal figurative, slang (stop talking)住口;住嘴He's ranting again. I wish he'd just dry up!他又在咆哮了。我真希望他闭嘴!duff [sb] up, duff up [sb] vtr phrasal sep UK, slang (beat up)痛打;狠揍Give me your pocket money or I'll duff you up!dummy up vi phrasal US, informal (be quiet, refuse to speak)三缄其口;拒不吐口dummy [sth] up, dummy up [sth] vtr phrasal sep US, informal (create a model of [sth], falsify)伪造;假造earth [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (cover with earth)把…用土埋起来It's time to earth up the potatoes.ease off, ease up vi phrasal informal (be less severe)缓和;减轻You're very tough on your son. Why don't you ease off a little?ease up on [sb] vtr phrasal insep (treat less harshly)对某人放松要求;对某人没有过去严厉You may find if you ease up a bit on the child she will behave up vi phrasal informal (finish meal)吃完;吃完饭If you eat up, we'll have more time to play.如果你吃完了,我们就能有更多玩儿的时间。eat [sth] up, eat up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (consume food completely)吃光;把…全吃完If you eat up all your vegetables, you can have dessert.如果你吃光了蔬菜,你就能吃甜点。eat [sth] up, eat up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (consume in great quantities)(大量)消耗That new printer eats up our paper supplies at an alarming rate.那台新的打印机以惊人的速度消耗着我们的储备纸张。eat [sth] up, eat up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (enjoy)很享受;为…感到高兴Everyone was praising him for a job well done and he was eating it up.所有人都在赞扬他工作做得很好,他也很享受。eat [sth] up, eat up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (believe)完全相信;全盘接受He lied about everything but he was so charming about it that she ate it up.他满嘴谎话,却因为把谎言说得迷人动听,她就全盘接受了。end up vi phrasal informal (arrive somewhere)以…结束,以…告终;死亡I hoped by taking the metro I would end up in central Paris.我希望乘地铁就能到达巴黎市中心。end up vi phrasal informal (become)最后变成;到头来会If we keep going this way, we'll end up totally lost.如果继续这样走下去,我们最后会完全迷失方向。end up with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (have eventually)最终落得…下场;最后居然I would never have gone skydiving if I'd known I was going to end up with a broken leg.要是我知道最后会摔断一条腿,我就不会去跳伞了。even [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (make balanced, fair)使…平衡even up vi phrasal (balance out)拉平;扯平face up to [sth] vi phrasal + prep colloquial (acknowledge: [sth] unpleasant)正视You need to face up to reality, and deal with the matter swiftly.你需要正视事实,并且迅速处理问题。face up to [sb] vi phrasal + prep colloquial (confront)面对,直面If you face up to bullies, they usually leave you alone afterwards.如果你直面霸凌者,往往事后他们就不来招惹你了。fatten [sth] up, fatten up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (feed animal for slaughter)养肥The farmer fattened up the pig and sold it at the local market.fatten [sth] up, fatten up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (increase depth of sound) (声音)使...浑厚;增加...厚度The engineers fattened up the sound of the track in the studio.feed [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (fatten: an animal)养肥(动物);供给(动物)食物They would feed up their cattle before sending them for slaughter.在将牛群送去屠宰之前,他们会先将牛群养肥。feel [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (fondle sexually) (非正式用语)(两性间的)抚摸,爱抚;猥亵She accused the man of trying to feel her up.她控告那名男子猥亵。fess up, 'fess up vi phrasal slang, abbreviation (confess)坦白;坦诚招供fess up to [sth], 'fess up to [sth] vi phrasal + prep slang, abbreviation (admit)承认fetch up vi phrasal UK, informal (arrive, end up somewhere) (某地)到了,抵达The cargo from the wrecked ship fetched up on the beach.figure [sth] up, figure up [sth] vtr phrasal sep US (calculate)计算;算出Figure up the total cost for the trip, and I'll pay you back.fill [sth] up, fill up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (make full) (汽油等)装满,加满; (水,淤泥等)塞满,积满Fill up your cup before they stop serving tea.在他们停止上茶之前,把你的杯子装满。fill [sth] up, fill up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (petrol tank: fill) (油箱)加满Alison filled up the petrol tank.艾莉森给油箱加满油。fill up vi phrasal UK, figurative, informal (become teary-eyed)泪汪汪的;热泪盈眶的Craig started filling up when someone mentioned his late wife.当有人提到自己的亡妻,克雷格就会变得热泪盈眶。finish [sth] up, finish up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (complete)彻底完成;彻底结束I have to finish up my homework before going to the mall.finish [sth] up, finish up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (eat all of)吃完;吃光You have to finish up your vegetables before having dessert.finish up vi phrasal informal (complete [sth])完成;结束Let's finish up and go home.finish up vi phrasal UK, informal (arrive)最终来到;最后来到fire up [sth], fire [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (start ignition of)点火, 点燃I pressed the starter button, fired up the engine, and took off into a cloudless blue sky.我按下启动按钮,发动引擎,飞向那万里无云的蓝天。fire up [sb], fire [sb] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (excite, enthuse)煽动, 激发, 使情绪高昂The inspirational speech fired up the audience.鼓舞人心的演讲激发了听众的激情。fire up [sth], fire [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (stimulate)使...兴奋;使...激动A walk through the forest on a chill day fires up my senses.在寒冷的日子里步行穿过森林让我感到兴奋。fire up [sth], fire [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (start: computer system, etc.) (电脑)启动, 打开Lucie fired up her computer and clicked on the email icon.露西打开了电脑,点击了电子邮件图标。firm up vi phrasal (person, muscles: get in shape)练出肌肉Steve has started going to the gym to firm up.firm [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (make toned)使(肌肉)变结实You really need to firm up your muscles.firm [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (details: confirm)确定;敲定(合同的细节)The managing director is keen to firm the contract [sth] up vtr phrasal sep US (from the water)捞起fish [sth] up vtr phrasal sep US, figurative (dubious information)搜寻;捞取(信息等)I'll see if I can fish up any ideas for my next [sb] up vtr phrasal sep UK, slang (cause to be blamed for a crime)硬给…冠以…的罪名He was not guilty, the police fitted him up.fix up [sth], fix [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (repair, restore)修理, 修补, 翻新We'll fix up the living room with new curtains and a new rug. She fixed up her house in order to sell it.我们将用新窗帘和地毯来翻新起居室。为了卖房子,她将其修整了一番。fix [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (pair romantically)为某人找约会对象,给某人介绍对象;给...牵红线Stop trying to fix me up; I'm happy being single.不要再给我介绍对象了,我一个人很开心。flare up vi phrasal (flame: blaze)突然燃烧起来,骤燃The fire flared up after fire fighters thought it was extinguished.消防队员以为火势已被扑灭,但随即又骤燃起来。flare up vi phrasal figurative (condition: erupt, worsen) (病情等)突发,突然恶化The shingles disease can flare up later in life for those who had chicken pox as a child.对于小时候生过水痘的人来说,他们在以后的日子里可能会突发带状疱疹。flare up vi phrasal (skin: develop a rash)起疹子;起皮疹My skin flares up if I eat onions.如果我吃了洋葱,皮肤会起疹子。flare up vi phrasal figurative (violence trouble: erupt) (暴力行为)爆发Violence has flared up in the disputed territory.争议地区内发生了暴力事件。flare up, flare out vi phrasal figurative (get angry)突然发怒He has such a bad temper that he flares up easily.他的脾气很差,很容易就发脾气。fluff [sth] up, fluff up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (make appear fuller)使…蓬松fog up vi phrasal (window, mirror: be steamed up) (窗户、镜子)起雾When I get into my car on a cold morning, the windows always fog up.fog [sth] up, fog up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (window, mirror: cover with steam) (窗户、镜子)使…起雾fold [sth] up, fold up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (make smaller by creasing) (如纸张等)将…折起来Roger folded up the piece of paper and put it in his pocket.罗杰将那张纸折起来,放进了口袋里。fold [sth] up, fold up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (collapse for portability) (折叠桌等)将…折叠起来,把…折叠起来Fold up the table and put it in the truck, please.请把那张桌子折叠起来放进卡车。fold up vi phrasal (collapse, flatten)折叠起来The chair folds up for easy storage.这把椅子可以折叠起来,以便存放。fold up vi phrasal US, figurative, informal (break down)崩溃;情绪失控Jim folded up when the prosecutor discredited his story.当检察官质疑自己的陈述时,吉姆情绪失控了。follow up vi phrasal (take next step)接着;随后;下一步The young gymnast performed a dive roll, and did a cartwheel to follow up.那名年轻的体操选手在一个俯冲翻滚后接了一个侧手翻。follow up on [sth] vtr phrasal insep (investigate)对…进行进一步调查;追查The detective followed up on the lead.侦探对这则线索进行进一步调查。foul [sth] up, foul up [sth] vtr phrasal sep slang (bungle)弄糟;搞坏;搞砸You have completely fouled up our business presentation.frame [sth] up, frame up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (create a frame for)给…装上框free [sth/sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (make [sth] available) (非正式用语)腾出来,空出来The rental company said all their cars were reserved, but they might be able to free up a sedan in the afternoon.租车公司说所有车都被预定了,不过他们可能在下午能腾出一辆轿车来。freeze up vi phrasal figurative (computer, engine: stop functioning) (电脑)停止运行, 死机In the middle of the job, the computer froze up and I had to reboot; fortunately I had a back-up of my work.工作到了一半时,电脑死机了,我不得不重启电脑。但幸运的是,我备份了工作。freeze up vi phrasal figurative (actor: have stage-fright) (人)因为害怕恐惧等而僵住, 因为怯场而呆住When he first walked onto the stage, he froze up and couldn't say a word.freshen up vi phrasal (have a quick wash)(很快地)梳洗一番Let's go back to the hotel to freshen up before dinner.freshen [sth] up, freshen up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (refresh)使...焕然一新;翻新fry [sth] up, fry up [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (cook by frying)把…热一下,煎一下;f*** [sth] up vtr phrasal sep vulgar, offensive, slang (spoil)损坏;毁坏,破坏;毁掉备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a nounI wish my parents would stop f***ing up my life!我希望父母不要再破坏我的人生了。f*** [sth] up vtr phrasal sep vulgar, offensive, slang (do badly)瞎弄;搞糟;搞砸She f***ed up the exam.她这次考试搞砸了。f*** [sb] up vtr phrasal sep vulgar, offensive, slang (damage psychologically)使精神崩溃Dan's experiences during the war had f***ed him up.丹参加战争的经历使自己精神崩溃了。f*** up vi phrasal vulgar, offensive, slang (make mistake)犯错误;弄错I'm sorry. I f***ed up.我很抱歉,我犯错误了。fuel up vi phrasal US, slang, figurative (eat, nourish oneself)吃东西, 补充能量You need to fuel up for the big day ahead of you, so you'd better finish your breakfast.fuel up vi phrasal US, slang (fill fuel tank on vehicle)补充燃料;给...加油The explosion was caused by the fashion models, who were smoking while fueling up their car.fur up vi phrasal UK, informal (kettle, etc.: form deposits) (壶等)生垢The kettle was furred up and needed descaling.gang up vi phrasal informal (work as group)联合起来(工作);联手The opposition parties ganged up to block the government's plans.gang up vi phrasal informal (oppose as group)联合起来(反击);联手(反击)You can't win an argument with those two: they gang up every time.gang up on [sb] vtr phrasal insep informal (attack as group)联合起来对付, 结伙对付Every time the teacher makes a mistake, the students gang up on her to point it out.老师每次犯了错,学生们就会联合起来指出她的错误。gas up vi phrasal US, informal (fill a vehicle's petrol tank) (给车)加汽油,加油Tom stopped at the gas station to gas up.gas [sth] up, gas up [sth] vtr phrasal sep US, informal (vehicle: fill tank with petrol)给...加汽油,给…加油; (马来西亚,新加坡)为(汽车)添油,为(汽车)打油Anne gassed her car up on her way to work.gear up for [sth] vi phrasal + prep (put on clothing, kit)为…换上行头The players were starting to gear up for the big game.参赛选手们已经开始为大赛换上行头。gear up for [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative, informal (mentally: get ready)为…做好心理准备I'm trying to gear up for my final exams on Monday.我正试着为周一的期末考试做好心理准备。gear up vi phrasal (vehicle: put in higher gear) (汽车)换高速挡The driver geared up and pressed down on the accelerator as hard as he could.驾驶员换高速挡,然后用尽全力踩油门。gear up to do [sth] vi phrasal figurative, informal (increase work rate)提高效率以做某事This business needs to gear up to beat our competitors.这项业务需要提高效率以打败我们的竞争对手。gen up vi phrasal UK, informal (become informed about [sth])了解;补习;做功课My boyfriend's mum loves gardening, which I didn't know anything about, so I genned up before I met her.gen up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep UK, informal (become informed about)了解;补习;做功课get up vi phrasal (rise: in morning)起床I had to get up early today for a meeting at 7:00 AM.我今天得早起,上午7点有个会。get up vi phrasal (stand)站起来Don't just sit there and watch; get up and help me!别光坐在那儿看,快起来帮我!get [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (rouse, waken)叫醒;唤醒It's his mother who gets him up every morning and his father who puts him to bed.每天早上叫他起床的是他妈妈,哄他睡觉的是他爸爸。get [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (summon: courage, etc.) (勇气)鼓起; (力气)使出I couldn't quite get up the courage to ask him on a date.我没能鼓足勇气约他出去。get [sb] up vtr phrasal sep slang (make [sb] ejaculate)使某人射精get up to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (do: [sth] mischievous) (常指不好的事情)做,干Katie has locked her bedroom door; what's she getting up to in there?凯蒂锁了卧室的门。她在里面干什么呢?ginger [sth] up, ginger up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (make livelier or more exciting)使…活跃起来,使…更有活力Let's ginger up the office party by hiring a professional entertainer to host it.give [sth] up, give up doing [sth] vtr phrasal sep (stop trying)放弃;舍弃;不再努力I gave up trying to get them to believe me.我不再尝试让他们来相信我。give [sth] up, give up doing [sth] vtr phrasal sep UK (habit, addiction: quit)放弃;舍弃It'll be hard, but I'm going to try giving up chocolate for Lent.这很难,但我还是尝试为了大斋节戒掉巧克力。give up vi phrasal (surrender)投降I give up - you're far better than me at this game!我认输,这个游戏你比我厉害多了!give up vi phrasal informal (stop guessing)不猜了OK, I give up. What's the answer?好了,我不猜了。答案是什么?give up on [sb] vi phrasal + prep (abandon: [sb])对…失去信心;对...不抱希望Don't give up on me! I just need a little more encouragement.不要对我失去信心!我只是需要更多一点的鼓励。give up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (abandon: a cause)放弃做某事You should never give up on your dreams.你永远都不应放弃你的梦想。glam up vi phrasal slang (dress glamorously) (俚语)打扮漂亮;好好打扮一番go up vi phrasal (rise)上升The balloon went up into the air.气球升至空中。go up vi phrasal (increase)上涨;增长She was very pleased when the price of her shares went up by 20 per cent overnight!她的股票价格一夜之间上涨了20%,她感到非常高兴!go up vi phrasal (be built)建起;兴建起The builder confirmed that the front wall will go up before the side walls.建筑商确认正面墙比侧面墙先建。go up vi phrasal figurative, informal (go up in flames: burn, explode)爆炸;起火;燃烧起来A fire started in the kitchen and the house went up.厨房起火,整个房子都烧着了。gobble [sth] up, gobble up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (eat hungrily)狼吞虎咽;大口地吃The way he gobbled up all that food, you would think he hadn't eaten for days.gobble [sth] up, gobble up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (use up rapidly)吞耗;吞噬The main problem with the program is that it gobbles up memory by the megabyte.goof [sth] up, goof up [sth] vtr phrasal sep US, slang (bungle)犯错误备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a noun.goof up vi phrasal US, slang (make a mistake)弄错grass [sb] up, grass up [sb] vtr phrasal sep UK, slang (inform on)告发…grind [sth] up, grind up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (make into powder)把…磨成粉gross [sb] up, gross up [sb] vtr phrasal sep (pay employee back for taxes paid)给…缴税补偿grow up vi phrasal (become adult or mature) (本义)成长,长大I grew up in a village in Southern England. As a child, Kenny wanted to be a policeman when he grew up.我在英格兰南部的一个村庄长大。肯尼还是个孩子的时候,想长大以后成为一名警察。usage: ‘grow’When children or young animals grow, they become bigger or taller. The past tense of grow is grew. The -ed participle is grown.The doctor will check that the baby is growing normally.The plant grew to a height of over 1 metre.Has he grown any taller?grow up vi phrasal figurative (assume adult responsibility) (比喻)长大成人;担起责任I wish my brother would grow up and get a place of his own.我希望哥哥能够担起责任,有个自己的家。gum [sth] up, gum up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (ruin [sth])搞乱,搞砸Hallie really gummed this whole project up when she decided to give the boss our plan before we had a chance to revise it.我们还没来得急修改,海莉就决定把计划上交给老板,她真的把整个项目都搞砸了。gum up vi phrasal (become sticky, stuck)发粘;粘住The paint was left out and after a day it started to gum up.gum [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (cause [sth] not to operate properly)使...出乱子;弄糟Orange juice has gummed up the toy's gears.橙汁弄坏了玩具的齿轮。hack [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (cut up, chop)劈;剁The cook hacked up the meat into several pieces.hack [sth] up vtr phrasal sep slang (bring up by coughing)把…咳出来I'm so glad I've never smoked after seeing what he's just hacked up.hack [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (computing: modify quickly) (计算机)快速建立,快速修改ham [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (be ridiculous, draw attention)夸张地表演;过火地表现hang up vi phrasal (replace phone receiver)挂机;挂断It is very rude to hang up in the middle of a telephone conversation.突然中途挂电话是一种非常粗鲁的行为。hang [sth] up, hang up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (suspend from a high place)挂起The children hung up their coats at the back of the classroom.孩子们将自己的外套挂在教室后面。hang [sth] up, hang up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, US (delay, impede) (非正式用语)耽搁,延误The car accident near the highway off-ramp hung up traffic for several hours.高速公路匝道口附近的车祸使整个交通耽搁了数小时。hang up on [sb] vi phrasal + prep (end phone call)挂断…的电话haul [sb] up, haul up [sb] vtr phrasal sep (call [sb] to account)要求…作出解释have [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal, usually passive (law: make [sb] appear at trial)使…出庭受审head [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (lead)领导,领头,领队Rick was chosen to head up the band, perhaps because he played the drums so well.也许是因为里克鼓打得很好,因此他被选为乐队领队。heal up vi phrasal (wound: be mended) (伤口)愈合,痊愈heap [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (form into pile)聚积;累积;堆积heat [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (food: warm through) (食物)加热I'll heat up your dinner whenever you get home.只要你一回家,我就给你热晚餐。heat up vi phrasal (become hot)变热;变暖The house heated up during the day.这栋房子白天时会变热。heat up vi phrasal informal, figurative (intensify) (比喻)变得激烈The discussion heated up once it turned to religion.当涉及宗教时,讨论立马就变得激烈起来。heave [sth] up, heave up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (vomit food)呕吐;吐出hike [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (clothing: pull up) (将身上所穿衣物等)向上挪动, 向上拉动Peter told his son to hike up his pants before they went into the restaurant.彼得告诉他儿子在进饭店前把裤子提一提高。hike [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (prices, interest rates) (物价、利率)飞涨, 提高The banks hiked the interest rates up.银行提高了利率。hike up vi phrasal (clothing: rise up) (衣服)拉起,提起,卷起Mike always bought the more expensive underwear because the cheap brand always hiked up uncomfortably.迈克总是买较贵的内衣,因为便宜的牌子总会往上卷,很不舒服。hike [sth] up, hike up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (raise or lift quickly)向上移, 向上升She was such a flirt, always hiking up her dress whenever a handsome man would walk by.hike [sth] up, hike up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (prices, interest rates) (价格等)涨,上涨;上调,调高The store just hiked up its prices by 20%, due to increasing costs.hit up vi phrasal slang (shoot up, inject drugs)注射毒品The addicts in the alley were hitting up.小巷里瘾君子在注射毒品。hit [sb] up vtr phrasal sep slang (contact)联系I'm looking for a room to rent; if anyone knows of anything, hit me up.我要租一间房,如果任何人有相关消息,请联系我。hit [sb] up vtr phrasal sep slang (approach for money)联系...以获取财物Dave is always hitting his friends up when he's short on cash.戴夫缺钱的时候总是去找他的朋友。hitch [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (animal: fasten, harness) (指牲畜)将...套在车上,给...套上车具hoke [sth] up vtr phrasal sep US, slang (make deceptively impressive) (俚语)编造;为...添油加醋The politician hoked his speech up with phony statistics.hold [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (support)支持;支撑The pillar is holding up the roof.柱子支撑着屋顶。hold [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (keep waiting)耽搁;使停顿;延迟Aren't you ready yet? You're holding us all up!你还没准备好吗?我们都被你耽误了!hold [sth] up, hold up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (delay)延误;耽搁A hailstorm held up the start of the football match.一场冰雹让足球开赛推迟了。hold up vi phrasal (endure, maintain under pressure)支持住;承受得住;撑得住How are you holding up with all the work?你如何承受所有的工作?hold [sth/sb] up, hold [sth/sb] up vtr phrasal sep (rob at gunpoint)持枪抢劫Two masked men tried to hold up a bank, but police arrived and arrested them.两个戴面具的人企图持枪抢劫一家银行,但警察赶来后便将他们逮捕了。hole up vi phrasal slang (take shelter, hide)藏起来, 躲起来The bears will hole up in their caves until spring. We'd better hole up here before moving on tomorrow night.春天到来前,熊都会躲在洞里。我们最好躲在这里,明晚再前进。hook [sth/sb] up, hook [sb/sth] up vtr phrasal sep (connect, attach)连接;接通The nurse hooked the patient up to a machine to monitor his heart rate.护士将病人与一台机器上连接来监测他的心率。hook [sth/sb] up to [sth], hook [sb/sth] up to [sth] vtr phrasal sep (connect, attach)将…连接到I had to hire an expert to hook up my computer to the office network.我需要请一位专家将我的电脑连上办公室的网络。hook up vi phrasal figurative, slang (form a connection)结识;相识My wife and I first hooked up when we were in high school.我和妻子在高中时第一次相识。hook up vi phrasal figurative, slang (engage in sexual activity)勾搭上,勾搭上床I wouldn't say Charlie and I are dating, but we have hooked up a few times.我并不认为查尔斯与我正在交往,我们只是发生几次关系。hook up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative, slang (become friends)跟…结交hook up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative, slang (make contact)联系上;与...取得联系hook up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative, slang (engage in sexual activity with)与...过夜;与...发生性关系hook [sb] up with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (put [sb] in touch with a person or group)让...与...建立联系;让...与...交流;hop [sth] up, hop up [sth] vtr phrasal sep US (improve [sth], increase power)改进;改善He acquired his skills in bodywork while hopping up his car in high school.hop [sb] up, hop up [sb] vtr phrasal sep US (excite)使…兴奋;使…激动hop [sb] up, hop up [sb] vtr phrasal sep US (stimulate with drugs)用药物使…兴奋hot up vi phrasal UK, slang, figurative (become more exciting)变得更激烈,变得更激动人心We're into the final week of the election campaign. Things are about to hot up around here.hunt up [sb/sth], hunt [sth/sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (find [sb/sth])搜寻;寻找Steve hunted up some wood to put on the fire.hurry up vi phrasal (go faster)快点If you don't hurry up, we're going to be late.如果你不快点的话,我们就要迟到了。hurry [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (rush [sb])催某人赶快;让某人赶快You'd better hurry Mike up because otherwise we'll miss our flight.你最好去催麦克赶快,不然我们要误机。hush [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (suppress mention of [sth])保密;隐瞒hype [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (get excited)使…兴奋hype [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (promote enthusiastically)宣传…ice over, ice up vi phrasal (freeze on surface)(表面)结冰的In winter the river generally ices over for two months or up vi phrasal (become covered or blocked with ice)表面被冰覆盖;结冰The lake usually begins to ice up in January.jack [sth] up, jack up [sth] vtr phrasal sep literal (raise)用千斤顶托起When you have to change a tire, you must first jack up the car until the wheel is off the ground.jack [sth] up, jack up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (increase) (比喻价格等)提高, 涨, 抬高Some restaurants jack up the price of cold drinks during spells of hot weather.jam [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (block, overload)堵塞For some reason, this type of paper always jams the photocopier up.jam up vi phrasal informal (become stuck or blocked)(被)堵塞The printer has jammed up again.jazz [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (make more exciting)使…变得更生动有趣一些Mary decided to jazz up the room with some pictures.jerk up vi phrasal (rise abruptly)猛地向上拉jerk [sth] up vtr phrasal sep UK (raise abruptly)把…猛地向上拉jerk up vi phrasal UK,figurative (masturbate to orgasm)手淫达到高潮join [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (connect)连接;联结join up vi phrasal (enrol, register)入伍;登记The gym is offering a special to get new clients to join up.juice [sth] up, juice up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (make more exciting)使人喝醉;增加活力;增加活力Roger has juiced up the website with more content.jumble [sth] up, jumble up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (mix up) (非正式用语)混淆keep up vi phrasal (go as fast)跟上He walked so fast that I could barely keep up.他走得太快,我快要跟不上了。keep up vi phrasal figurative (perform as well) (表现)赶上,不落后Real Madrid are in such good form that the other teams are struggling to keep up.皇家马德里状态如此之好,其他球队都很难跟上。keep up vi phrasal figurative (stay informed)了解最新信息Technology moves too fast these days for me to keep up.如今科技发展太快,我都无法及时更新。keep up vi phrasal figurative (not fall behind)赶上;不落后The course is very intensive, and some students are having difficulties in keeping up.这门课强度很大,有些学生很难跟上进度。keep [sth] up, keep up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (maintain, continue)使…保持良好状态;保养Rita still keeps her gardening up even though she's in her eighties.虽然丽塔已经八十多岁了,但她仍坚持保养花草。keep [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (prevent [sb] from sleeping)使…睡不着The baby's crying kept her parents up all night.婴儿的哭声让她的父母整晚都无法入睡。keep up with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (go as fast)跟上…的步伐The old woman struggled to keep up with her agile young granddaughter.那位老妇人努力跟上她敏捷的小孙女。keep up with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (stay informed) (潮流、形势等)跟上Are you keeping up with all the news from Copenhagen?你能始终了解哥本哈根的所有新闻吗?keep up with [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative (perform as well) (某人)跟上Stella is failing to keep up with her classmates in maths.斯特拉无法跟上同班同学的学习数学的进度。keep up with [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (not fall behind)跟上;不在…方面落后It's hard to keep up with my studies when I have to work at the restaurant every evening.If you don't keep up with your loan repayments, your home may be repossessed.每天晚上我都必须去餐馆打工,这样我很难保持学习不落后。//如果你无法保持按时偿还贷款,你的家可能会被收回。keep up with [sb] vtr phrasal insep (stay in contact with [sb])跟…保持联系Even though we rarely see one another these days, I try to keep up with my cousins via postcards and emails.即使我们现在很少见面,我还是尽可能通过明信片和电子邮件与表兄妹保持联系。key [sb] up, key up [sb] vtr phrasal sep (excite)使…激动;使…兴奋kick up [sth], kick [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (lift or stir up with one's foot)踢起,扬起。I ran along the beach kicking up the sand as I went.我沿着海滩奔跑,一路扬起沙尘。kick up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, slang (instigate, provoke)引起,激起He kicked up a fuss because the driver wouldn't let him on the bus.由于驾驶员不让他上公交车,他便开始大吵大闹,引起了骚乱。kiss up vi phrasal figurative, slang (be obsequious)奉承; (口语)拍马屁I can't stand Kate; she's always kissing up at work.kiss up to [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative, slang (be obsequious towards)拍马屁;讨好;巴结You can kiss up to your boss but you're still not guaranteed a pay rise.knock [sb] up vtr phrasal sep often passive, slang (make pregnant) (俚语)使怀孕,使受孕Her boyfriend knocked her up when she was 16, which put an end to her dreams of being an actress.knock [sth] up vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (make or put together hurriedly)草草制作;匆忙制作knock [sb] up vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (call on) (非正式用语)敲门叫醒Knock me up next time you're passing and we'll have a coffee together.Knock me up when you've finished work.knock up vi phrasal informal, UK (tennis: practise before game) (网球)赛前练习,赛前试打lace [sth] up, lace up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (tighten, close up with laces)用带子绑紧;束紧land up vi phrasal informal (end up, finish)最后处于…;以…而结束备注: Followed by a prepositionIf you continue to arrive late for work, you will land up without a job!lap [sth] up, lap up [sth], lick [sth] up, lick up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (drink by licking)舔饮The dog thirstily lapped up the water from its water bowl.;lap [sth] up, lap up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (take in eagerly) (比喻)欣然接受He keeps flattering her, and she is lapping it up.lather [sb/sth] up vtr phrasal sep (cover with lather)给…涂上泡沫lawyer up vi phrasal (get a lawyer)请律师lay [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal, often passive (confine to bed) (非正式用语)使卧床不起A bad dose of flu can lay you up for several days.lay [sth] up vtr phrasal sep US (store for future use)储备;储藏;贮藏We need to lay up plenty of firewood for the winter.lay [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (vessel: put in dock) (船只)泊靠,系泊lay up vi phrasal (golf: make conservative shot) (高尔夫球)保守打,脱困打备注: 指为了避免前方遇到障碍,如水面等,而采取的一种安全打法,将球打至一个更有利的位置lead up to [sth] vi phrasal + prep (events: come before)作为…的先导;引起The days leading up to the wedding were so busy, with many details to finalise.lead up to [sth] vi phrasal + prep (events: culminate in)导致;致使In court, the police officer recounted the events leading up to the defendant's arrest.lead up to [sth] vi phrasal + prep (introduce: a subject) (话题等)引入,导入The speaker led up to the topic by telling the audience about some of the historical background.Tessa kept beating about the bush and her brothers wondered what she was leading up to.let up vi phrasal (ease off, lessen)减轻;减弱The heavy rain let up after four hours of incessant downpour.大雨在连续下了四个小时后停了。let up vi phrasal (stop, cease)停止Emily is always moaning about her boyfriend—she never lets up!艾米丽总是抱怨她的男朋友,她从未停歇过!level up vi phrasal informal (computer game: reach next stage) (电脑游戏)升级light up vi phrasal figurative (brighten with joy)面露喜色;显得很高兴Her face lit up when she heard that her father was returning.当听到爸爸回来了,她面露喜色。light up vi phrasal (become brighter)变得明亮Give it a moment and the room will light up.等一会儿,房间就会变得明亮。light [sth] up, light up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (brighten) (比喻)照亮I love you - you light up my,你照亮了我的生活。light up vi phrasal informal (light a cigarette)点燃When she pulled out a cigarette and lit up, several people left the room.她点起一根烟后,房间里的几个人离开了。light up [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (cigarette: apply flame)点燃Rob lit up a cigarette.罗伯点燃了一根烟。lighten up vi phrasal informal, figurative (be less serious) (非正式用语)心情变得轻松起来;高兴起来He should lighten up and not take work so seriously. Lighten up, the situation is not as bad as you think it is!limber up vi phrasal (become supple, warm up before exercise)热身It is important to limber up before taking exercise to avoid straining your muscles.limber [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (make supple or ready for action)使身体变柔软灵活;热身The baseball pitcher limbered up his arm before the game.line up vtr phrasal sep (arrange in a row)使排成一排The teacher lined up all her students before taking them out to recess.老师将所有学生排成一排后,带去外面放松。line [sth] up, line up [sth] and [sth] vtr phrasal sep (align)对齐;使...成一条直线Please line up the pictures on the wall so they are all straight.请将墙上的照片对齐,呈一条直线。line up vi phrasal (be aligned)对齐Tomorrow, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars will line up in the evening sky.明天,木星、土星和火星将在夜空中排成一线。line up with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (be aligned with [sth])与…对齐;与…成一条直线The two holes did not line up with each other, so I could not insert the bolt.这两个孔没有对齐,所以我无法插入插销。line up vi phrasal (form a queue)排成一排People lined up in front of the box office to buy tickets for the show.人们在售票处前排队买演出票。line [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (schedule, arrange) (比喻)排队等候I've lined up a lot of activities for us this week.这周,我为我们安排了很多活动。link up vi phrasal informal, figurative (people: get in contact)将(人)联系到一起The website provides an opportunity for like-minded business people to link up to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (be as good as)达到…标准;不辜负She made every effort to live up to her ideals.她尽一切努力来达到自己的理想。liven [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (make more lively)使气氛活跃起来The organist plays the hymns too slowly. She needs to liven things up.liven [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (make more energetic)使精神振作I know you're feeling tired. Hopefully this jog will liven you up.liven up vi phrasal (become more lively)活跃;活泼;活泼This party is so boring! It needs to liven up or I'm leaving!load [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (charge, fill)装载;加载We loaded up the car and set off for the beach.load [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (put: [sth] to be transported)装好;装载I have to help load up the luggage for our camping trip.lock [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (imprison)将…锁起来They locked him up in a cell that was barely large enough to move around in.他们将他关押在一个几乎能走动的牢房里。lock [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (sentence to jail)将…关进监狱The judge should lock up the murderer and throw the key away!法官应该将杀人犯关进监狱,判处无期徒刑。lock [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (object: keep safe)锁好;锁上The custodian locked up the school at the end of the day to prevent vandals from entering.一天结束后,管理人员锁好了学校的大门,以防破坏公物者入内。lock up vi phrasal (premises: secure)锁门The last person to leave should lock up.最后离开的人要锁门。look up vi phrasal (lift your gaze)抬眼看;仰视If you want to feel tiny, look up and see the stars at night.如果你想要渺小的感觉,在晚上抬头看看星星。look [sth/sb] up vtr phrasal sep (seek information)查有关…的信息If you don't know who Ada Lovelace was, look her up online.如果你不知道Ada Lovelace是谁,可以上网查一下。look [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (word: find meaning)查阅;查找If I don't understand a word, I look it up in the dictionary.如果我不懂一个词的意思,我就去查字典。look [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (try to contact)尝试联系Look me up the next time you're in town.你下次在镇上的时候来看看我。look up vi phrasal figurative, informal (situation: improve) (情况)改善,好转I've been through a tough time this past year, but things are starting to look up.过去一年我经历了一段艰难时光,但现在开始好转了。look up to [sb] vtr phrasal insep (admire and respect [sb])敬爱;尊敬;崇敬Ideally, children should look up to their parents.理想情况下,孩子们应该敬爱自己的父母。loom up vi phrasal (rise ominously)耸现,耸立loosen [sth] up, loosen up [sth] vtr phrasal sep literal (make [sth] loose)把...弄送;使...变松Roy loosened up his tie and undid the top button of his shirt.loosen [sb] up, loosen up [sb] vtr phrasal sep informal (make [sb] more relaxed, less vigilant)使...松懈;使...放松Oliver is quite shy, but a glass of wine usually loosens him up.loosen up vi phrasal literal (become more loose)变松;松开I ran the jar under the hot tap to get the lid to loosen up.loosen up vi phrasal informal (become more relaxed)放松;不再拘束After two drinks, he started to loosen up and enjoy himself a bit.loosen up vi phrasal (exercise: warm up)热身Ruth shook out her arms and legs to loosen up after her run.louse [sth] up, louse up [sth] vtr phrasal sep slang (botch, ruin) (俚语)搞砸;搅黄Nathan loused up his grades when he forgot his homework.The new guy's loused up this project; I'll have to redo it.;make [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (invent, imagine)编造;虚构You should be a writer, you make up such interesting stories.你真该去当个作家,你能编造出如此有趣的故事。make [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (assemble, put together)将…组装到一起The Red Cross made up emergency kits for the earthquake victims.红十字协会为救援地震受灾群众将急救药包组装到一起。make [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (comprise)构成;组成The cast was made up of amateurs.演员阵容是由业余选手构成的。make up vi phrasal informal (be reconciled)和好;重归于好We had an argument, but later we kissed and made up.我们吵了架,不过之后我们亲吻彼此并重归于好。make up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (be reconciled)与…和好;与…重归于好I haven't made up with Alex yet after yesterday's fight.昨天吵架之后,我还没有和艾利克斯和好。make up for [sth] vtr phrasal insep (compensate)补偿;弥补She made up for being rude to me yesterday by inviting me out for coffee.她邀请我出去喝咖啡,为昨天对我的无礼进行补偿。make up for [sth] vtr phrasal insep (counter, outweigh)弥补He'll never be able to make up for his lack of natural ability.他永远都无法弥补他本能的缺失。make up to [sb] vtr phrasal insep US, informal (fawn)巴结;讨好;奉承That guy makes me sick; he's always making up to the boss.mark [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (increase price)提价;抬价Hotels mark up their prices whenever there is a national holiday.每到全国性假期,酒店的价格就会上涨。mark [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (text: indicate changes)标记;修改Please mark up your document to indicate bold, italic, or underlined.请在文件上标出粗体、斜体或下划线。marry up vi phrasal (fit together, match)匹配,相符marry [sth] up, marry up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (join, connect)使…结合,使…联合,和…会和marry up vi phrasal (marry [sb] from higher class)和更高阶层结婚,攀高枝mash up [sth], mash [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (mix music samples) (音乐,非正式用语)混搭;混音mash up [sth], mash [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (crush, reduce to a pulp)捣碎,捣烂I'm going to mash up a banana to give to baby Alex.mask up vi phrasal (wear a hygienic face covering)戴口罩;佩戴口罩match up vi phrasal (be similar)和…类似;和…相似It can be hard for partners to get along when their political views don't match up.政治观点不同时,合作伙伴很难相处。match up with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (be similar to)与...相似The computer will check to see if anyone's interests match up with yours.电脑会查询是否有人与你的兴趣相似。match up vi phrasal UK, figurative, informal (be as good)比得上备注: Often used in questions or where there is doubt.My mother's chicken soup was the best; mine can never match up.我妈做的鸡汤最棒,我做的怎么都比不上。match up to [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep UK, figurative, informal (be as good as)比得上;和…一样好Sadly, the reality of modelling did not match up to Tracy's dreams.遗憾的是,真实的模特职涯与特雷西的梦想千差万别。measure up vi phrasal figurative (be adequate)符合标准;达到要求He will never measure up; we might as well go ahead and fire him now.measure up to [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (match, be equal to)达到…的要求;符合…的标准Rodgers has proved that he is capable of measuring up to the demands of the job.measure [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (calculate dimensions of)度量;测量Go ahead and measure up the next ten boards to be cut.measure [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (calculate size: for clothing) (为裁剪或购买衣服)给…量尺寸The dress designer was measuring Brenda up.measure [sb] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (assess, scrutinize)评估;估量Colin knew about the vacant position and was aware that his boss was measuring him up vi phrasal informal (get together informally, socialize)偶然碰到;见面,聚会I wish I could see my friends more often, but it's hard to find a time when we can all meet up.我希望能经常见我的朋友,但是很难找到一个我们都有空的时候聚会。meet up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (see socially) (通过安排)与某人会面I'll meet up with you again tonight.今晚我会再与你会面。mess [sth] up, mess up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (make untidy)弄乱The wind messed up the neat piles of papers, scattering them all over the room.风把整齐堆叠的文件吹乱了,在房间里散落一地。mess [sth] up, mess up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (spoil, botch)把...搞砸,把...弄糟This is important, so try not to mess it up.这件事很重要,所以尽量不要搞砸。mess up vi phrasal figurative, slang (make serious mistake)搞砸,弄糟This is your last chance, so don't mess up!这是你最后的机会,别搞砸了!mess [sb] up, mess up [sb] vtr phrasal sep figurative, slang (cause emotional problems)使…的情绪出问题The death of Charlotte's boyfriend really messed her up.男友的死使夏洛特的情绪大出问题。mist up vi phrasal (be covered with condensation)蒙上雾气,蒙上水汽,结雾mix up [sth], mix [sth] up, mix up [sth] and [sth] vtr phrasal sep (mistake)弄错;搞混My grandfather is always mixing up his words.我爷爷总是弄错要用的词语。mix [sth] up with [sth] vtr phrasal sep (mistake, confuse) (事)将…与…搞混A lot of people mix up the meaning of 'imply' with the meaning of 'infer'.许多人将“暗示”与“推断”的意思搞混。mix [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (make disorderly)把…搞乱;弄乱Please don't mix up my chess pieces.请不要把我的象棋子搞乱。mix [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (concoct) (调制饮料)搅拌,搅匀;混合调制I'm going to mix up some strawberry milkshakes.我要去混合调制一些草莓奶昔。mock [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (create a model of)仿制,仿造;模仿,模拟;制作…的实体模型I can mock up a model of that program in just a few hours, but the real product will take months to finish.我能在短短几个小时内模拟出这个程序的模型,但真正的产品需要几个月才能完成。mop up vi phrasal (clean floors)拖地;擦地The villagers are still mopping up after their homes were flooded yesterday evening.mop up vi phrasal slang, figurative (handle consequences)处理残局;收拾残局You're always causing trouble and it's always me who has to come in and mop up after you.mop [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (clean up)清理;打扫I'll mop up the milk you spilled.mop [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (wipe up)擦干;拖干Serve with plenty of bread to mop up the gravy.mop [sth] up vtr phrasal sep slang, figurative (handle consequences) (俚语)做扫尾工作;给...擦屁股First they will have to mop up the mess created by the outgoing administration.mop [sth] up vtr phrasal sep slang, figurative (defeat) (俚语)彻底击败;击溃;大败Allied troops were still trying to mop up resistance in the south of the country.mount up vi phrasal (accumulate)增加;累积起来move up vi phrasal (be promoted)获得晋升Sarah moved up and is now a sales manager.莎拉升职了,现在是销售经理。move up vi phrasal informal (shift across to make room for [sb])挪动When Paul arrived, we all had to move up to make room for him on the sofa.保罗来的时候,我们都得搬走,为他腾出沙发上的空间。muck [sth] up, muck up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (make dirty)搞脏,弄脏;搞乱muck [sth] up, muck up [sth] vtr phrasal sep UK, slang (plans: spoil, complicate)搞砸;把...搞糟muck [sth] up, muck up [sth] vtr phrasal sep UK, slang (botch, fail)弄坏,弄脏,把…搞得乱七八糟I need to stop before I muck up the whole thing.;muddle [sth] up vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (mix things up)混淆,弄混,搞乱muddle [sth] up vtr phrasal sep UK, informal, figurative (ideas: confuse, mix up) (想法)弄错,混淆,搞错mug [sth] up, mug up [sth] vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (study)攻读;学习;研究mush [sth] up, mush up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (turn [sth] into mash or puree)把…弄烂,把…搅成泥I never get taken to restaurants because I have a habit of mushing all my food up.muss [sth] up vtr phrasal sep US (make messy, untidy)搞乱;弄脏muster up [sth], muster [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (build up: energy, courage)鼓足;鼓起muster up [sth/sb], muster [sth/sb] up vtr phrasal sep (gather up: people, supplies, etc.)聚集;汇集muster up [sth], muster [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (make: a meal) (指饭菜)做出,制作;烹饪We've got some onions, a tin of chickpeas, and a tin of tomatoes. I think I can manage to muster something up using that.neaten [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (make [sth] tidy)整理;收拾干净neaten [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (make [sb] presentable)梳洗整齐nose up vi phrasal (airplane, etc.)抬头;升起nose up [sth], nose [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (airplane, etc.)使升起notch up [sth], notch [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (make score marks to count)赢得;获得;达成notch up [sth], notch [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (accumulate)达到;积累offer [sth/sb] up vtr phrasal sep (present as a sacrifice)奉献给(上帝)Agamemnon offered up his daughter as a sacrifice to up vi phrasal (flower: unfold, unfurl) (鲜花等)开放, 绽放This flower bud opens up in the morning and then closes up again in the evening.这个花苞早上开放,在晚上就再次闭合了。open up vi phrasal informal (open a door for [sb] to enter) (本义,非正式用法)开门Open up! Police!开门!警察!open up vi phrasal figurative (share your feelings)敞开胸怀,畅谈,谈心She opened up and told me all about her troublesome marriage.她敞开心门,把所有关于她那令人烦恼的婚姻情况都告诉了我。open [sth] up, open up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (make more accessible)开放;放开The school has opened up its swimming pool to the wider community.那所学校将泳池向更多人开放。order up [sth/sb], order [sth/sb] up vtr phrasal sep (military: call [sth/sb] to duty) (军队)命令上战场order up [sth], order [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (government: have [sth] provided)提供;供应order up [sth], order [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (hotel: room service)点菜;叫餐order up [sb] vtr phrasal insep (move in a card game)让...加入own up vi phrasal informal (confess to [sth])承认错误My brother broke my mom's favorite lamp and refused to own up to it.我弟弟弄坏了妈妈最喜欢的灯,并且拒不承认错误。pack up vi phrasal (tidy away)收起;收好It is getting dark, so the workmen are packing up for the day.天越来越黑了,工人们正在收拾。pack [sth] up, pack up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (tidy away)将…收好;整理The campers packed up their tents and went home.露营者把帐篷收起来,回家去了。pack [sth] up, pack up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (package ready for posting) (供邮寄)打包Helen packed up the gift and took it to the post office.海伦将礼物包装好,送去邮局。pack up vi phrasal UK, slang (machine: stop working)出故障, 坏了The washing machine's packed up so I am having to wash all my clothes by up vi phrasal (computing: move up a screen) (计算机)向上翻页pair up [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep (find a match for [sb] or [sth])牵线;牵线搭桥;配对pair up vi phrasal (join in pairs, couples)结对;成对;两人一组pass up [sth], pass [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (forgo, deny oneself)放弃(机会等)Val simply couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend the summer in the South of France.瓦尔就是不能放弃去法国南部度过夏日的机会。paste up [sth], paste [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (stick to a wall or board)把…粘上; (印刷)拼版Paste up the wallpaper with paste made from water and flour.patch [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (mend: clothing, tear)临时修补There are no more mice in the house since I patched up the hole in the wall.patch [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (person: treat injury)仓促地包扎(或处理)伤口Don't worry, the doctors will patch you up in no up vi phrasal informal (pay an amount owed) (非正式用语)付清,还清You've owed me that money for over a month. It's time to pay up.那笔钱你已经欠了我一个多月了,是时候还清了。pen [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (enclose in a pen, fenced area)把…关起来Cattle are penned up outside the slaughterhouse.pep up, pep [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (make more exciting or lively) (非正式用语)给...加料I add chilli oil to my food to pep it up when it tastes a bit bland.perk up vi phrasal informal (become more alert, lively) (非正式用语)重新振作Lucy perked up after drinking a cup of coffee.露西喝了一杯咖啡后就精神抖擞。perk [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (enliven, cheer) (非正式用语)使…重新振作When I'm feeling sad, a pretty song always perks me up.当我伤心的时候,一首悦耳的歌总能让我振作起来。perk up vi phrasal (rise quickly)快速抬起来The dog's head perked up.那条狗的脑袋快速地抬了起来。perk [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (cause to rise quickly)快速抬起…来The dog perked its head up.那条狗快速地抬起脑袋来。phone [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (call on the telephone) (非正式用语)给…电话,打电话给I'm going to phone up directory enquiries to get the number for the cinema.phony [sth] up, phony up [sth], phoney [sth] up, phoney up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (fake)伪造;假冒The crooked lawyer phonied up a document to present in court.那位不诚实的律师伪造了一份文件呈交法庭。pick [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (collect in vehicle)开车接…I'll pick up the kids from school today.我今天开车去学校接孩子。pick [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (fetch)去拿;去取Could you pick up my prescription on your way past the chemist?你经过药店的时候能帮我拿一下处方药吗?pick [sth/sb] up vtr phrasal sep (grasp, lift)拿起;提起I picked up the book which had fallen onto the floor.我捡起掉在地上的书。pick [sb] up vtr phrasal sep figurative, slang (seduce)勾引…;与…搭讪Lisa picked some guy up in a bar last night.昨晚丽莎在酒吧勾搭了一个男人。pick up vi phrasal informal (improve) (非正式用语)恢复;好转We hope that sales will pick up next month.我们希望下个月销售会好转。pick up vi phrasal informal (answer phone call)接电话I let the phone ring for ages but he didn't pick up.我让电话响了很久,但他没有接。pick [sth] up, pick up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (acquire: a habit, mannerism) (习惯,言谈举止)学到,养成Maria was worried that her son was picking up some bad habits from the other boys at school.玛丽亚担心她的儿子在学校里从其他男孩身上学到一些不好的习惯。pick [sth] up, pick up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (learn: a language, skill) (语言,技能)学会My brother is so good at languages, he picked up French in a week.我兄弟很擅长语言,他一周就学会了法语。pick [sth] up, pick up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (learn over time, bit by bit)逐渐学会;一点一点地学会Andy picked up his cookery skills while working in his father's restaurant.安迪在他父亲的餐馆打工时逐渐学会了烹饪技术。pick [sth] up, pick up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (detect)检测到;发现The security scanner picked up something strange.The dogs picked up the scent of the deer.安检仪检测到可疑的物品。pick up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (detect)注意到,发现;重新回到(已提到过的要点)I made an error in my calculations, but nobody picked up on it.我的计算中有一处错误,不过没有人注意到。pick up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (talk about: [sth] mentioned)重新谈到(已提到过的要点)Denise picked up on Laura's comment about working mothers.丹妮丝重新谈到劳拉关于要上班的母亲的评论。pile up vi phrasal informal (accumulate) (非正式用语)积累While his wife was gone, Sam let the dishes pile up in the sink.萨姆妻子不在时,他将碗碟都堆放在水槽里。pile [sth] up, pile up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (place on top of one another)堆积;堆叠The toddler piled up the blocks.那个小孩将积木堆叠起来。pile [sth] up, pile up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (accumulate) (非正式用语)积累;积聚My boss is piling up the projects and I don't know when I'll have time to finish them all.我老板将项目都堆积起来,我不知道什么时候才能全部做完。play up vi phrasal UK, informal (child: misbehave) (孩子)惹麻烦,制造麻烦; (孩子)不守规矩The children got bored on the long journey and started playing up.孩子们厌倦了长途跋涉,开始不守规矩了。play up vi phrasal informal (appliance: malfunction) (机器)出故障,出毛病The washing machine suddenly started playing up.洗衣机突然出故障了。play [sth] up, play up [sth] vtr phrasal sep US, informal (draw attention to [sth])引起对…的注意;强调,突出;渲染,夸大…的重要性She always used heavy eyeliner to play up her blue eyes.她总是化很重的眼妆来突出她的那双蓝色眼眸。plow [sth] up (US), plough [sth] up (UK) vtr phrasal sep (turn soil of a field)用犁把(土)翻起来pluck up vi phrasal (get brave, stoic)振作精神;鼓起勇气pluck up [sth], pluck [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (courage, nerve: summon) (指勇气、精神等)鼓起,打起pluck up [sth], pluck [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (pull out, uproot)拔出;揪出plug [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (hole: block, stopper) (使泄露停止)堵住;塞住plump [sth] up, plump up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (pillow, etc.: make plump) (枕头等)把…弄蓬松Before I get into bed, I always plump up the pillows.plump up vi phrasal (grow rounder, fatter)变丰满point [sth] up, point up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (draw attention to, accentuate)强调polish [sth] up, polish up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (clean to a shine)擦亮, 擦光I'm going to polish my headlights up so they'll look sleek.polish up [sth], polish [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (improve)提高, 改善, 润色He handed his essay to the teacher for him to polish it up.pony up vi phrasal slang (pay money owed) (俚语)付账,付款,付钱pop up vi phrasal informal (spring up suddenly)突然弹出, 突然冒出Lots of second-hand shops have suddenly started to pop up in my town.我居住的城镇突然冒出很多二手商店。pop up vi phrasal figurative, informal (emerge)出现, 浮现, 显现You never know what's going to pop up when you're talking to crazy Fred.你永远不知道和疯狂的弗雷德聊天时会突然跳出些什么。pop up vi phrasal (computing: appear on screen) (计算机)弹出As I was reading the article, an ad popped up and obscured the text.我在阅读那篇文章时,突然弹出一则广告遮住了文字。posh [sb/sth] up, posh up [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep UK, informal (make more elegant) (物)使…更高雅; (人)使…更优雅post [sth] up, post up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (display: a notice, etc.) (通知、公告等)张贴;公布;贴出The manager posted up the team selection in the changing room an hour before the game.power [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (electronic device: switch on)给…通电;启动power up vi phrasal (electronic device: be switched on) (电脑)启动, 开启power [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (machinery, etc.: switch on)给...通电power up vi phrasal (machinery, etc.: be switched on)通电power [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (electronic device: charge)给...充电power up vi phrasal (electronic device: be charging)充电pretty [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (improve appearance of)打扮;使漂亮"We need to pretty you up," said her sister, "before Tom takes you to the dance!"pretty [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (adorn, embellish)美化, 装点Your first draft isn't bad, but I think we can pretty it up a bit more.prick up vi phrasal (ears: react to sound) (指耳朵听到声音后)立起来了;竖起来了My ears pricked up when I heard someone mention my name.prick up vi phrasal (become more erect)站起来了;直起来了;立起来了The plants leaves were drooping, but they soon pricked up when Karen watered it.prop [sth/sb] up vtr phrasal sep (support, steady)支撑,撑起;支持,扶持She propped up her book to keep her hands free for knitting.她把书撑起来,以腾出手来织毛衣。pucker up vi phrasal informal (purse your lips to kiss [sb]) (亲吻某人)嘟嘴, 嘟起嘴Pucker up and give me a big kiss!puff up vi phrasal (inflate, fill with air)膨胀Rice puffs up when it is heated by itself.puff up vi phrasal (swell)肿起;肿胀His whole leg puffed up after the snake bit him.puff up vi phrasal figurative (swell with pride or arrogance)自我膨胀;趾高气扬Clive puffed up with pride when his son received the award.puke up vi phrasal slang (vomit) (俚语)呕吐puke up, puke [sth] up vtr phrasal sep slang (vomit) (俚语)吐出;呕吐出pull up vi phrasal (vehicle: stop) (车辆)停下,停止,停住备注: A hyphen or single-word form is used when the term is or modifies an adjectiveThe taxi pulled up to the curb, and the woman got out.出租车停在路边,那个女人下了车。pull up vi phrasal (pilot: raise aircraft) (飞行员)升空The plane was losing altitude when suddenly the pilot pulled up.飞机正在下降的同时,飞行员突然拉升。pull [sb] up vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (reprimand)责难, 责备Whenever I use bad grammar, my English teacher pulls me up.我每次用错语法,我英语老师都会责备我。pull [sth] up, pull up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (draw [sth] nearer)把...拉过来;将...移近pump [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (inflate)打气Marilyn is pumping up her bike tyre.玛丽莲在给自行车轮胎打气。pump [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (volume: increase)增加The DJ pumped up the music and people flooded onto the dancefloor.DJ开大音乐,人们纷纷涌入舞池。pump [sb/sth] up, pump up [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, slang (cause excitement)推动, 促进, 提振;给…打气The cheerleaders did a great job of pumping up the crowd.拉拉队员在调动观众情绪方面做得很好。punch [sth] up, punch up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (use keys to enter data)用按键输入The shopkeeper punched up the price on the till.put [sth] up, put up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (mount on wall)张贴;支起He put a picture up for visitors to see.I need to put up some new shelves in the kitchen.他挂了一幅画供参观者欣赏。//我需要在厨房里安装一些新架子。put [sth] up, put up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (price: increase) (价格)抬高We've been forced to put up our prices to cover the costs of raw materials.我们被迫提高价格来弥补原材料的成本。put [sth] up, put up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (raise)举起Put your hand up if you know the answer.知道答案的请举手。put [sth] up, put up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (erect)搭起;竖立起The scouts put up their tent as soon as they arrived at the campsite.That building firm is putting up a new block of flats near the river.侦察兵们一到营地就支起了帐篷。//那家建筑公司正在河滨盖一幢新的公寓楼。put [sb] up, put up [sb] vtr phrasal sep informal (accommodate: [sb])为…提供住宿, 供给…住宿We would be happy to put you up when you next come to London.你下次来伦敦的时候,我们很乐意为你提供住宿。put [sth] up, put up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (sum: contribute) (金额)出资,提供Charlotte's parents put up £1,000 towards her travelling expenses.夏洛特的父母为她提供了1000英镑的旅行费。put up at [sth] vi phrasal + prep (stay, be accommodated at)住在;在…投宿We put up at a lovely hotel just outside of town.我们在城外一家精美的宾馆里住了下来。put [sb] up to [sth] vtr phrasal sep (persuade [sb] to do [sth])唆使某人做某事;怂恿某人做某事Rick was questioned by police but would not reveal who put him up to the crime.里克遭到警方的审问,不过就是不透露出唆使他犯罪的元凶。queue up vi phrasal informal, UK (wait in line)排队等候You'll have to queue up and wait your turn like everybody else.rack [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (accumulate)添草料;累积得分;累计Canada racked up fourteen gold medals in the Winter Olympics. I travel for business so I rack up a lot of frequent flier miles.加拿大在冬季奥运会上累计获得14枚金牌。我经常商务出差,所以累计了很多常旅客飞行里程。raise [sth/sb] up vtr phrasal sep (lift, hold aloft)提起;举起A kid asked me to raise him up so he could see the parade better.一个小孩让我举起他,好让他更清楚地看到游行队伍。rake [sth] up, rake up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (clear with a rake)用耙子聚拢, 耙在一起It's a lot of work raking up fallen leaves at this time of year.rake [sth] up, rake up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (bring to notice: [sth] from the past)重新提起, 重翻…旧账He seems to enjoy raking up old family scandals.ramp up vi phrasal (effort, pace, etc.: intensify)加大, 增强With just two weeks left until the election, the pace of campaigning is ramping up.距离大选仅剩两周时间,竞选活动都在加快脚步。ramp up vi phrasal (intensify activity)加强;提升;促进The teams are ramping up for the new season.各队正在备战新赛季。ramp [sth] up, ramp up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (increase, intensify)加强;提升The company hopes to boost sales by ramping up its advertising.这家公司希望加大广告力度来促进销售。ratchet [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (increase, intensify)增加;变强The candidates ratcheted up their campaigns in the final week.This is an excellent thriller; the author really knows how to ratchet up the tension.离选举还有最后一周,候选人们加大了游说力度。这部惊悚电影非常好,编剧非常擅长营造紧张气氛。ratchet up vi phrasal (increase by increments)逐渐增多;逐步增加reach up vi phrasal (extend one's arm upwards)向上伸出手臂read up vi phrasal (study, research)攻读;研读;钻研We will read up on the history of Holland before visiting up on [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (research)研究;查找...的信息I like to read up on a subject before expressing an opinion.render [sth] up vtr phrasal sep literary (yield)交出,让出,吐露Anne and George explored the secret passage, hoping it would render up its up vi phrasal informal (take time to recover)(使)充分休息After climbing that mountain, I had to rest up for three days! After his accident, he needed a few days to rest up and regain his strength.rev up vi phrasal informal (engine, etc.)加速The motorcyclist revved up before the light turned green.rev [sth] up, rev up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (engine, etc.) (引擎等)加速, 加快转速Is it necessary to rev up your engine quite so loudly?rev [sth] up, rev up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (make more active, improve)使...活跃rid [sth] up, rid up [sth], redd [sth] up, redd up [sth] vtr phrasal sep US, regional, dated (clean, clear)清扫;清理It's Don's turn to rid up the dishes.ride up vi phrasal (clothing: move upwards) (指衣服)滑上去, 缩上去, 往上缩This short skirt rides up when I sit down.ring [sb] up, ring up [sb] vtr phrasal sep informal (call on the telephone)给…打电话;打电话给Please ring up Patty tonight, and invite her to our party.今晚请给帕蒂打电话,并邀请她来参加我们的派对。ring up [sth], ring [sth] up vtr phrasal sep US, informal (enter price on cash register)把…记入现金记录机;把…敲入收银机Although it was clearly marked $9.95, the clerk mistakenly rang up $19.95.尽管明确地标着9.95美元,不过店员却错误地把金额19.95美元敲入收银机。rip [sth] up, rip up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (tear to pieces)把…撕碎The guards ripped up his passport in front of him.警卫当着他的面,把他的护照撕碎了。rise up against [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (revolt, protest)起义反抗;造反The oppressed people will rise up against their autocratic government.受压迫的民众起义反抗专制的政府。roll [sth] up, roll up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (wind into a scroll)卷起He rolled up the certificates and kept them in a safe place.他将证书卷起来,放到安全的地方。roll up vi phrasal (curl at edge)卷起来This sheet of paper won't stay flat. The edges keep rolling up.这张纸放不平,边缘一直卷起来。roll up vi phrasal informal, figurative (arrive)到达,出现;登场Just then, he rolled up in a shiny new car.正当那时,他开着一辆崭新的车出现了。roll up to [sth], roll up at [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal, figurative (arrive somewhere)到达;出现在The drivers rolled up to the starting line and waited for the race to begin.车手们汇集在起跑线上,等待比赛开始。roll up vi phrasal informal (make a cigarette)卷烟He finished rolling up and asked me for a light.他卷好香烟,向我借了火。rough [sb] up, rough up [sb] vtr phrasal sep informal (beat up)胖揍;痛殴A gang of youths roughed him up.rough up [sb], rough [sb] up (US), rough [sb] (UK) vtr phrasal sep informal (sports: abuse a player) (体育运动中)粗暴对待, 凶狠应对Go in there and rough up their best player, but don't get any fouls called on you.rough [sth] up, rough up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (make rough)把...弄粗糙;使...变粗糙Rough up the surface of the wood before you paint it.round [sth] up, round up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (animals: herd) (指动物)使聚拢,驱拢; (指动物)赶到一起The sheep have scattered, so we must round them up again.羊群散开了,所以我们必须再一次把它们聚拢。round [sth/sb] up, round up [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep figurative (people: bring together) (指人群)集合,召集If we want to play football we must first round up some players.如果想要踢足球,我们首先得召集一些球员。round [sth] up to [sth] vtr phrasal sep (express as next whole number)将…取整为Round the answer up to the nearest 10.将答案取整为10。rub [sth] up, rub up [sth] vtr phrasal sep mainly UK, dated, rare (refresh memory, revise [sth])忆起;回顾Charles decided to rub up his dance steps before the up vi phrasal (approach at a run)跑上前来The man ran up and asked me if I needed any help.那个人跑过来问我是否需要帮助。run up to [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (run to [sth/sb] and stop)跑向;奔向The boys ran up to the front of the church.男孩子们跑向教堂前面。run [sth] up, run up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (incur bill) (账单等)积欠Shawna ran up a huge phone bill last month.肖娜积欠了一大笔上个月的话费。run [sth] up, run up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (make larger, increase)使...快速上涨;令…迅速增加The sudden shortage ran up the prices of butter and cheese.突发的短缺使黄油跟奶酪的价格快速上涨。run up against [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (face: challenges)面对...的挑战;遭遇了The explorers ran up against some serious problems when the weather suddenly worsened.rush up vi phrasal (come over in a hurry)冲过来She rushed up to me and grabbed my hand.rustle [sth] up, rustle up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (food: prepare quickly)急急忙忙弄好;赶快弄好It was difficult, but Linda was able to rustle up dinner for the unexpected guests.saddle up [sth], saddle [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (horse: put a saddle on) (马)给...上鞍She saddled up her horse and rode up vi phrasal informal (put money aside)攒钱;存钱Jane and I are saving up to get married.简和我正在存钱准备结婚。save up for [sth] vi phrasal + prep (put money aside for)为…存钱;为…攒钱I am trying to save up for a new car.我在设法存钱买一辆新车。save [sth] up, save up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (accumulate [sth])积攒, 积累Have you been saving all that work up for me?你把所有的工作都留给我吗?scale up [sth], scale [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (increase, upsize)按比例增加Now that the business is turning a profit, it is time to scale up operations.现在企业开始盈利,是时候扩大经营规模了。;scare [sth] up, scare up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (gather)凑合Things are a bit quiet at the moment, so I'm trying to think of ways to scare up more business.scramble up [sth], scramble [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (mix up)把…搅混起来;把…混合The teacher scrambled the words up and asked the children to put them in the correct order.scrape [sth] together, scrape together [sth], scrape [sth] up, scrape up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (struggle to gather [sth])勉强凑齐If we had only scraped together a little more money, we'd be living in our dream house.Jim and Emily managed to scrape up the deposit for the flat they wanted.screw [sth] up, screw up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (twist)扭曲The kids screwed up their faces when I suggested they tidy their rooms.当我让孩子们整理房间的时候,他们朝我做鬼脸。screw up vi phrasal informal (make an error, do [sth] incorrectly)做错事I was counting on him to do the calculations correctly, but he screwed up.我指望他能计算正确,但他却搞砸了。screw [sth] up, screw up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (do badly)犯大错We've only got one chance so don't screw this up.我们只有一次机会,所以不要搞砸了。screw [sth] up, screw up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (ruin or spoil)搞糟, 弄糟I've totally screwed up this soup by putting too much salt in it.我在汤里放了太多盐,把它完全毁了。scroll up vi phrasal (move cursor up the screen) (在电脑屏幕上)向上移动(以便阅读)You need to scroll up to the top of the screen to access the main menu bar.scrub up vi phrasal (wash before performing surgery) (指做手术前)仔细清洗;仔细清理The doctor scrubbed up before going into the operating theatre.scrub up vi phrasal figurative, humorous, slang (make yourself look presentable)打扮;收拾自己;装扮备注: Commonly followed by an adverbJanet was surprised by how nice Tom looked once he had dressed for the ball; he scrubbed up nicely.scrunch [sth] up, scrunch up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (crumple)揉皱;把…弄皱;把…揉成一团The writer scrunched the paper up and started over from scratch.作者把纸张揉成一团并从头开写。seal [sth] up, seal up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (make water- or air-tight)密封When making preserves it is important to seal up the jars to prevent air getting in and contaminating the fruit.seal [sth] up, seal up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (enclose, shut away)把…封起来The ancient Egyptians sealed up the tombs of the Pharaohs along with the goods they would need in the next [sth] up, search up [sth] vtr phrasal sep colloquial (look [sth] up online)上网搜索seize up vi phrasal (freeze, become immobile)卡住;停顿When I opened the website the screen seized up and I had to reboot the computer.send [sth/sb] up, send up [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (mock, parody)取笑, 嘲弄In 1962 and 63, the programme "That was the week that was" would send up politicians on BBC television.serve [sth] up, serve up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (dish up, distribute: food)端上...的饭菜;备了...的饭菜Helen served up a delicious meal of chicken and roast potatoes.set [sb] up, set up [sb] vtr phrasal sep informal (incriminate falsely)陷害He's really paranoid and always thinks people are trying to set him up.他真的很偏执,总觉得别人想陷害他。set [sth] up, set up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (arrange)摆放;布置Helen set up the chairs in a semi-circle.海伦将椅子摆放成半圆形。set [sth] up, set up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (organize)组织;安排Can we set up a meeting for 8 November?我们能在11月8日安排一次会议吗?set [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (two people: get together)安排…见面George and Lisa met when mutual friends set them up.乔治和丽萨的见面是两人的共同好友安排的。set [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (computing: configure) (计算机)设置The Tech Support engineer set up my new computer.那位技术支持工程师设置了我的新电脑。settle up vi phrasal informal (pay a bill) (非正式用语)结账If you lend me the money now, I'll settle up with you next [sth] up, sew up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (stitch together)将…缝补起来;将…缝合在一起I need to sew up this hole in my [sth/sb] up, sew up [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep (wound, patient: stitch)给(病人)缝合伤口;将(伤口)缝合起来The surgeon finished the operation and sewed the patient [sth] up, sew up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (deal: conclude)达成(协议)We had to drop the price to sew up the [sth] up, sex up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (make more exciting)向...里添油加醋;大肆渲染The newspaper sexed up the story in order to make it more interesting for their [sb] up, sex up [sb] vtr phrasal sep (arouse sexually)挑逗;激起...的性欲Here are some tips on how to sex a woman up.shack up vi phrasal slang (start cohabiting)未婚同居Edward and Daisy shacked up as soon as they could afford an apartment.shack up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep slang (start cohabiting with)与某人未婚同居Nina shacked up with Henry twenty years ago and, although they've never married, they're still together.shake [sth] up, shake up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (mix by shaking)摇匀You must shake up the medicine before drinking it.喝药前,你必须把它摇匀。shake [sb] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (shock, upset)使震惊, 使不安The news that her husband had lost his job shook Leah up.丈夫失业的消息让利亚震惊不已。shake [sth] up, shake up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (reorganize, reform)改组, 整顿Members of the new party say they aim to shake up the political system.新党成员表示,他们的目标是改革政治体制。shape up vi phrasal informal (get fit)变健康;改良健康状况Going to the gym regularly helped Alice shape up for the marathon.有规律地去健身房健身,帮助爱丽丝改良健康状况以应对马拉松。shape up vi phrasal informal, figurative (improve performance)改进表现Hey boys! Better shape up or you'll be shipping out.小伙子们!最好改进表现,不然就会被淘汰。shape up vi phrasal informal, figurative (develop)进展(良好)Our sales are shaping up nicely: we'll soon be showing a profit again.我们的销售情况进展良好,我们很快就又能创收了。sharpen up vi phrasal figurative (improve skills or performance)提高技能,进步Robert needs to sharpen up if he's going to pass his exams.sharpen [sth] up, sharpen up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (hone, refine)将...加强,将...改善Molly is speaking at a conference next month and needs to sharpen up her public speaking skills.shoot up vi phrasal slang (inject drugs intravenously) (俚语)注射毒品The marks on his arm indicated he shot up frequently.他手臂上的痕迹表明他经常注射毒品。shoot [sth] up, shoot up [sth] vtr phrasal sep US, slang (riddle with bullets)开枪扫射The killer threatened to shoot up the place if anyone approached him.凶手威胁说,如果有人靠近他,就在这个地方开枪扫射。shore [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (support)支撑The miners used props to shore up the sides of the tunnel.矿工们用支柱支撑矿道两侧。shore [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (stop [sth] failing)支持The new minister needs to shore up the government's policy on benefit cuts.新部长需要支持政府出台的削减福利的政策。show up vi phrasal informal (arrive, be present)出现,露面;暴露,显露;使…难堪,给…丢脸We were supposed to meet for tea at 5 o'clock, but she didn't show up.我们约好5点见面喝茶,但她没有露面。show up vi phrasal (be visible)显现出来;让人看见Sometimes a tumor does not show up on an x-ray.有时肿瘤无法在x光片上显现。show [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (make visible, obvious)使显现出来;使突显This picture really shows up Caroline's beautiful features.这张照片很好地凸显了卡罗琳的美貌。show [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (embarrass, expose)使难堪;使尴尬Joan's husband got drunk and showed her up in front of the other guests.琼的丈夫喝醉了,让她在其他客人面前显得很尴尬。show [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (surpass [sb])超越;超过This is my sister's first time playing tennis and she's beating me; she is really showing me up.这是我姐妹第一次打网球,她打败了我,她真得让我很丢脸。shrivel up vi phrasal (dry and shrink)枯萎;干枯A cut flower left in the hot sun will quickly shrivel up.Grapes shrivel up into raisins.shrivel up vi phrasal figurative (funding: cease) (资金等)枯竭During the economic crisis, government aid for the arts tends to shrivel up.shut up vi phrasal slang (stop speaking)闭嘴;住口I wish he'd shut up and listen sometimes.我希望他有时能住嘴听我说。shut [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (make [sb] stop speaking)使…闭嘴;使…住口The dog kept barking, so Mick gave him a biscuit to shut him up.狗不停地叫,所以米克给了他一块饼干来,让他住口。shut up vi phrasal (close premises)关门;停业The club owners shut up because of complaints about the noise at all hours of the night.夜总会老板们都停业了,因为人们抱怨整晚噪音太大。shut [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (close: premises)关闭;关上…的门窗Patel was shutting the shop up when the two men attacked him.帕特尔正在关门时,两名男子袭击了他。sign up vi phrasal (enrol, register)注册;报名参加It's time to sign up for the volleyball team. Practice starts next week.是报名参加排球队的时候了。训练从下周就开始了。sign up for [sth] vi phrasal + prep (enrol, register)注册;报名参加Have you signed up for the French translation course next spring?你注册了明年春季的法语翻译课程么?sign up for [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal, figurative (consent)签字同意;签名同意More than 120 patients signed up for the clinical trial.超过120名病人签字同意参与临床实验。silt up vi phrasal (become filled with silt) (泥沙)淤积,淤塞It took about 50 years for the harbour to silt up.sit up vi phrasal (rise into seated position)坐起来备注: A hyphen or single-word form is used when the term is a nounWhen her mother entered the room, the girl sat up.当自己妈妈进房间时,那个女孩坐了起来。sit up vi phrasal figurative (become alert) (比喻)打起精神The announcement made me sit up and take notice.那则通知让我打起精神,开始记笔记。size [sth/sb] up vtr phrasal sep (assess, estimate)估计;估量Before a fight, I size the other man up to determine if I can beat him.拳击比赛前,我先估量一下对手,看能不能打败他。size [sth/sb] up vtr phrasal sep (person: measure)打量;量The assistant sized Liz up and brought her a selection of jeans to try on.那名店员打量了一下丽斯的尺寸,给她拿来一条牛仔裤来试穿。skill up vi phrasal informal (increase one's competence or expertise)技能升级slice [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (cut into thin pieces)切片;切成薄片Slice up the onion but add the olives whole.slip up vi phrasal (slide and fall)脚下一滑;失脚备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a nounJames was coming down the stairs when he slipped up and fell.詹姆斯在下楼的时候脚下一滑摔倒了。slip up vi phrasal figurative, informal (make a mistake)疏忽;疏漏;出错Sorry, I slipped up when I calculated how much I owe you.抱歉,我在计算欠你多少钱时出错了。slow [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (make slower, hinder)使…慢下来, 使放慢smarten up vi phrasal (improve appearance)打扮起来;装饰整齐You'll need to smarten up before you go for the interview.smarten [sth/sb] up vtr phrasal sep (make neater, tidier)将…弄得更整洁;将…打扮得更齐整My mother-in-law's coming to dinner so I need to smarten the house up a bit.smash [sth] up, smash up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (destroy, break into pieces)砸坏;弄碎He smashed up his car in an accident on the highway.snap [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (rush to obtain)抢先获得;抢购;哄抢The tickets were snapped up the morning they were put on sale.那些票在开售的当天早晨就被哄抢一空。snarl up vi phrasal (get tangled)缠结;混乱The cables snarled up in the wind.电线在风中都缠在一起snarl [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (make tangled)使…缠结;使…混乱I snarled up my headphones when I took them out of my backpack.我将耳机从背包里取出的时候,我把它们缠在了一起。sneak up vi phrasal (approach stealthily)悄悄来临;偷偷溜上前I snuck up behind him whilst he was reading.snuggle up vi phrasal (cuddle or huddle together)依偎在一起They snuggled up on the sofa to watch a film.The lovers snuggled up to keep warm.soak [sth] up, soak up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (absorb: liquid) (指液体)吸收,吸入,吸取You can use a sponge to soak up water.你可以用一块海绵来吸水。soak [sth] up, soak up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (take in: information, experience) (比喻知识、信息等)吸收;学习;了解; (比喻知识、信息等)摄取Children pay attention to more than we realize, soaking up everything around them.孩子们的注意力比我们所想的更为集中,吸收着周围的一切信息。sober up vi phrasal (recover from being drunk) (酒后)清醒;酒醒You need to sober up before you drive.sober up vi phrasal figurative (become more realistic)清醒起来;现实起来I sobered up when my girlfriend told me that if I didn't change, she would leave me.sober [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (help recover from drunkenness) (指醉酒后)让...清醒,让...醒酒Peter's friends made him drink lots of coffee in an attempt to sober him up.soften [sb] up, soften up [sb] vtr phrasal sep (make more favorable to you) (指人的态度等)软化;使...柔和;使...心软;讨好The teenager did all the housework in an attempt to soften her parents up so they'd let her go to the party.sop up, sop [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (absorb)吸干;擦干She sopped up the last of her soup with some bread.soup up [sth], soup [sth] up vtr phrasal sep slang (enhance: an engine, etc.) (俚语)加强…,加大(马力)The car had been souped up with twin exhaust pipes and a fancy spoiler.speak up vi phrasal informal (talk more loudly)响亮地说;大声点说Please speak up. I can't hear you!请大声点说。我听不见你!speak up vi phrasal informal, figurative (express an opinion)公开表达看法I always hated to speak up in class, so I got poor grades for oral participation.我一直很讨厌在班上公开表达看法,所以我的口头参与成绩得分很低。speak up for [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (defend)发言支持;为…辩护My big brother spoke up for our sister when Mom was scolding her.speed [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (cause to move more quickly)加快…的速度Could you please speed it up a bit? There are people waiting behind you.能请你加快些速度么?你后面还有很多人等着呢。speed up vi phrasal (go faster)加速;加快速度;快点Speed up, or we'll never get to the church on time.快点,不然我们就不能准时到教堂了。spice [sth] up, spice up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (make more exciting)使…更兴奋They brought some vodka to spice up the evening.spit [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (produce by spitting)咳出;咯出He was spitting up blood so I called the doctor.spit up vi phrasal informal (vomit)吐出, 呕吐出Put this cloth on your shoulder in case the baby spits up.split up vi phrasal informal (couple: separate) (夫妻)离婚; (恋人)分手My parents split up when I was a child but they stayed friends.我还是个孩子的时候,我的父母就离婚了,但他们保持朋友关系。split up vi phrasal informal (group: disband) (小组、组合)解散When the Beatles split up I cried my eyes out.甲壳虫乐队解散时,我的眼睛哭红了。split [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (share out)分配;分割The thieves decided to split up the money equally among themselves.小偷们决定把钱均分。spring up vi phrasal (start to grow) (植物)迅速生长,发芽; (人)迅速发育,长高长壮Seedlings spring up at the beginning of the growing season. Grandpa always says we've sprung up since the last time he saw us.幼苗在生长季初期发芽。爷爷总是说,自从上次一别之后我们又长高长壮了。spring up vi phrasal (arise suddenly)迅速涌现The people sprang up in protest at the increase in the price of bread.人们迅速涌现加入到抗议面包价格上涨的大军中。sprout up vi phrasal (plant: begin to grow) (植物)发芽, 生长My beans have sprouted up after only a few days because it was warm.sprout up vi phrasal figurative (child: grow taller)发育, 长个子My son has really sprouted up since he hit his teens.sprout up vi phrasal figurative (appear) (比喻)迅速出现,如雨后春笋般涌现As we get closer to the election, signs will sprout up on every street corner.spruce [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (smarten)把…弄整洁, 把…打扮得整洁漂亮A new, trendy pair of shoes can really spruce up last year's fashion.square [sth] up, square up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (angles: make straight)将...摆正;将...弄直square [sth] up, square up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (settle a bill) (非正式用语)结清账目,结账,付清账Can you pay the bill? I'll square it up with you later.square up vi phrasal (prepare to fight) (指为了打架)摆好架势,摩拳擦掌The boxers squared up and the opening bell sounded.square up to [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (prepare to fight [sb/sth]) (指为了打架)对...摆好架势,对...摩拳擦掌The wrestler squared up to his opponent.square up to [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (prepare to solve a problem) (指解决问题)正视squish up vi phrasal informal (move close together)挤在一起;相互靠近The team was told to squish up so everyone would fit in the picture, but you can see how uncomfortable they are.stack up vi phrasal figurative, informal (accumulate)积累;累积Jeff's problems started to stack up following the loss of his job.杰夫失业后,他的问题开始越积越多。stack up vi phrasal figurative, slang (make sense)有道理, 说得通No matter how you looked at it, the numbers simply didn't stack up.不管你怎么看,这些数字都无法解释得通。stand [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (fail to meet for date)失约,爽约; (指失约)放鸽子We were supposed to meet outside the restaurant but he stood me up.我们本来约好在餐馆外见面的,不过他放了我鸽子。stand up against [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (oppose actively)站出来反对We must stand up against racism.stand up against [sth] vtr phrasal insep (withstand: wear, stress)经得住;耐得住Concrete construction is used in the tropics because it will stand up against hurricanes and insects.stand up to [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (confront)对抗;抵抗;反抗Kate stood up to the bully by telling her loudly to stop.凯特反抗那个恶霸,大声叫她停下来。stand up to [sth] vtr phrasal insep (withstand: wear, stress)经久耐用;经得起They ran many trials to ensure the fabric would stand up to the extreme weather conditions.他们做了许多测试以确保这种织物能经得起极端气候条件。start [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (machine: switch on) (电脑等)启动; (引擎等)起动Start up your computer and log in to the network.启动你的计算机并登录到网络。start [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (business: open, form) (公司等)创立,成立Melissa has started up a business from her home.梅丽莎在家里开始做生意。start [sth] up, start [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (project: initiate) (工程、项目等)开工, 动工, 开创, 开始The village had no cricket club, so Mike decided to start one up.这个村没有板球俱乐部,所以迈克决定开办一个。start up vi phrasal (new business: begin operating)开业A new company is starting up in the area and they want to recruit local people.这个地区新开了一家公司,他们想要雇佣当地人。start up again vi phrasal + adv (recommence)重新开始After ten minutes, the motor started up again.stay up vi phrasal (not go to bed)不睡觉;熬夜We stayed up the whole night talking to each other. The children stayed up late as a special treat to watch an important football match.我们聊了一整晚。作为特别奖励,我们允许孩子们熬夜观看一场重要的足球赛。steam up vi phrasal (become obscured by vapour)布满蒸汽;蒙上水汽It was so hot in the room that my glasses steamed up.steam [sb] up vtr phrasal sep slang, figurative (anger, annoy)惹...发怒step [sth] up, step up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (increase)增加;加快As demand grew for its environmentally friendly products, the business had to step up production. I had to step up my training regime as the day of the race approached.随着比赛临近,我必须增加训练量。随着对其环保产品需求的上涨,该公司不得不加快生产。step up vi phrasal (present yourself, volunteer) (比喻自愿做某事)站出来;自告奋勇The chairman asked for a volunteer and Andrew stepped up.主席需要一名志愿者,安德鲁站了出来。stick [sb/sth] up, stick up [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (carry out armed robbery on) (俚语)持枪抢劫A gang stuck up that bank over there last week.上周,有一伙歹徒持枪抢劫了那家银行。stick up for [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (defend, support) (非正式用语)维护,保护,支持,为…辩护When the bullies came around, he stuck up for his little sister.stink [sth] up, stink up [sth] vtr phrasal sep US, slang (make a place smell bad)使发臭The garbage was stinking up the yard.stir up [sth], stir [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (provoke, incite)激起;搅起;煽动起The protest was a device to stir up public interest in the issue. Her bombastic speech was guaranteed to stir up raw emotions.这次抗议行为是为了要激起民众对该问题的兴趣。她夸饰的言论是为了激起人们的原始情感。stitch [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (sew a wound) (伤口)缝合The doctor stitched up my cut in no time.stitch [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (sew [sb]'s wounds) (指伤口)给...缝合,给...缝针stitch [sb] up vtr phrasal sep UK, figurative, informal (swindle)欺诈When he didn't turn up with the goods I knew I'd been stitched up.stock up vi phrasal (buy a lot of [sth] for future use)储备;备足We're low on batteries and canned goods; it would be a good idea to stock up before the storm.我们的电池和罐装食物都不多了,最好去储备点以备风暴来袭。stop [sth] up, stop up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (plug)塞住;堵塞The sailors worked desperately to stop up the leak in the side of the [sth] up, store up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (save, keep in reserve)储存;储备;贮藏straighten up vi phrasal (stand straighter)站直;挺直Straighten up! Pull your shoulders back and pull your stomach in.straighten [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (tidy)整理;收拾整齐I straighten up the house whenever company is coming.straighten up vi phrasal informal, figurative (improve behaviour)改正;改过自新You'd better straighten up before your father gets home!strap [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (bandage, bind)包扎,捆扎The nurse strapped the wound up.strike up [sth] vtr phrasal insep (initiate)开始(建立友情等)During our visit to Africa I struck up a friendship with our guide.在我们去非洲访问的期间,我和导游建立了友谊。strike up [sth] vtr phrasal insep (begin to play: music) (演奏音乐等)开始The orchestra struck up a cheerful waltz.管弦乐队开始演奏一支欢快的圆舞曲。string [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (hang as punishment)吊死The angry mob yelled, "String him up!"string [sth] up, string up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (hang as decoration)将…吊起来做装饰Every Christmas, we string up the lights outside the house.stuff up vi phrasal UK, AU, slang (mess up)搞砸了;搞糟了I was trying to make things better, but I only made them worse; I stuffed up.stuff [sth] up vtr phrasal sep UK, AU, slang (ruin, mess up)破坏;让...告吹;让...告吹This dreadful weather has certainly stuffed our plans for the weekend up.stump up [sth] vtr phrasal insep UK, informal (pay: cash for [sth])为…支付现金If he wants me to book him a ticket for the concert he had better stump up the cash first.stump up vi phrasal UK, informal (pay for [sth])掏腰包, 付钱Hey you owe me £10; stump up!suck up vi phrasal figurative, slang (be obsequious, fawn)奉承;拍马屁I can't stand Kate; she's always sucking up.我受不了凯特,她老是拍马屁。suck up to [sb] vi phrasal + prep figurative, slang (be obsequious to [sb])奉承;巴结The man sucks up to his boss because he wants a raise.那人巴结他的老板,因为他想要加薪。suit up vi phrasal (put on uniform)穿上全套制服The forensics team suited up before entering the crime scene.进入案发现场前,法医队全体都穿上了全套制服。sum [sth] up, sum up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (summarize)概括;总结I would like to sum up my position by saying I'm right and you're wrong. To sum up the situation, we're in big trouble!我的立场概括来说就是:我是对的,你错了。将情形总结一下就是:我们有大麻烦了!sum up vi phrasal (give a summary)概括一下;总而言之;总结The speaker was coming to the end of her talk and began summing up.演讲者进入到了演说的结尾部分,开始进行总结了。summon [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (call to action)鼓舞, 振作summon [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (courage, etc.: gather) (勇气)鼓起She finally summoned up the courage to tell her boss that he was wrong.summon [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (call to mind, evoke)唤起, 使想起, 使浮现swallow [sth] up, swallow up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative (envelop completely)吞并,侵吞,吞没;用尽,花光The jungle vines completely swallowed up the temple ruins.swell up vi phrasal (become enlarged)膨胀;肿起My hands swelled up after I took the medication.swell up vi phrasal figurative, informal (be very proud) (比喻,非正式用语)自我膨胀,自满Just look at him swell up when somebody asks him about his girlfriend.swot up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep UK, informal (study [sth] hard) (尤指考试前)刻苦学习Ron needs to swot up on the Tudor period if he wants to do better in his next history test.take [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (start: hobby) (兴趣爱好)开始培养He took up woodworking after inheriting his grandfather's tools.继承祖父的工具后,他开始从事木工工作。take up [sth], take up [sth] vtr phrasal insep (accept: offer, challenge)接受They took up the company's offer to pay for additional training.他们接受了公司提供额外培训费用的提议。take [sth] up, take up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (use: time, resources)占用;占去That project will take up most of your time.那个项目将占用你的大部分时间。take [sth] up, take up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (occupy: space, room)占用;占据The double bed takes up most of the space in our hotel room.take up with [sb] vi phrasal + prep informal (become friendly with)和某人交往;和某人密切来往He's taken up with a very undesirable crowd, and I fear they will lead him astray.他结交了一群不良分子,我担心他们会把他带坏。talk up vi phrasal informal (speak more loudly)大声说话talk [sth] up vtr phrasal insep informal (promote)大肆宣传tally up vi phrasal (calculate total)结算;总计;合计All the sales were concluded; now the business partners just needed to tally up.tally [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (add up, calculate total of)加;加上The judges will now tally up the scores.tangle [sth] up, tangle up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (make knotted or intertwined)使缠在一起I tangled up the wool to annoy my mother.tangle up vi phrasal (become knotted or intertwined)缠在一起The wires tangled up all the time.tank up vi phrasal informal (refuel)灌满一油箱的油tank [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (refuel: a vehicle)给…加满一油箱的油tank up vi phrasal slang (get drunk)喝醉tape [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (apply adhesive tape)用胶带粘住,用胶带缠住Joan taped up the parcel, ready to go in the post.tart [sb] up vtr phrasal sep slang (make more glamorous)将…打扮得花里胡哨Tom's wife tarted him up, with new clothes and freshly styled hair, before they went out.tart [sth] up vtr phrasal sep slang (decorate, make fancy)将…装饰得华丽The young couple bought a house, tarted it up, and sold it for a up vi phrasal (join forces)协作,联手;合力The two councils have teamed up to launch a joint investment plan.这两个委员会已经联手推出一项共同投资计划。team up with [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (join forces with)与…联手, 与…合力The US teamed up with Britain to defeat Germany in World War II.美国与英国联手在二战中击败了德国。tear [sth] up, tear up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (rip to pieces)撕碎I'm going to tear up the letter you wrote me.我要撕碎你写给我的信。tear up vi phrasal informal (become teary-eyed)泪眼朦胧;流泪;热泪盈眶If he sings a sad song, I'm going to tear up for sure.如果他唱一首悲伤的歌,我一定会流泪的。think [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (invent, devise)发明出;想出Hey Jane, I just thought up a solution to your problem!嘿,简!我刚想出你那个问题的解决方案了!throw up vi phrasal informal (vomit)呕吐I always have to throw up after drinking too much.每次喝多,我都会吐。throw [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (eject by vomiting)吐出;呕吐When I'm sick, I throw everything up.我生病的时候,吃什么吐什么。throw [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (build)建起The builder threw up the house in less than two months.建造师们不到两个月就建起了那栋房屋。throw up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (generate, produce)产生,发生Our new computer system has thrown up a few problems.我们的新电脑系统已经出了好几个问题。tidy up vi phrasal (put things in order)整理好;打扫I want to tidy up before the guests arrive.我想在客人到来前整理好。tidy [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (organize, put in order)把…整理好It took me three hours to tidy that room up.我花了三小时才把那间屋子整理好。tidy up after [sb] vtr phrasal insep (clear up mess made by: [sb] else)收拾某人制造的脏乱tie [sth/sb] up, tie up [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep (fasten or secure with rope)用绳子将…捆好备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a noun.Joe wrapped the package and tied it up with string.乔将包裹包起来并用绳子捆好。tie [sth/sb] up, tie up [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep figurative, often passive (keep occupied)将…占住;使无法分身Julia declined the meeting as it would have tied her up for three hours.茱莉亚拒绝了见面,因为这会占用她三个小时的时间。tie [sth] up, tie up [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep figurative (end, bring to a conclusion)完成The writer struggled to tie up his complex story.作者想尽办法来完结他复杂的故事。tighten [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (fasten more securely)将...固定好The knot was coming undone, so Linda tightened it up.tighten [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (make stricter, more restricting)使更严厉, 使更严格We need to tighten up the rules, so this can never happen again.tighten up vi phrasal (become more taut or tense)绷紧;拉紧The rope tightened up as Peter gathered in the slack.tip [sth] up, tip up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (overturn, cause to topple)推翻tog [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (dress, clothe) (非正式用语)打扮;装扮tone up [sth], tone [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (muscles: make more defined)使肌肉轮廓鲜明I don't really need to lose weight, I just need to tone up my abs.tone up vi phrasal (become more muscular)使更健壮Let's go tone up at the gym.tool up vi phrasal (prepare)准备就绪top [sth] up, top up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal (refill, replenish)充值,储值;注满,再加满,灌满I need to top up my mobile phone because I'm nearly out of credit.因为手机马上要欠费了,所以我需要给它充值。toss up vi phrasal (throw a coin to decide)掷硬币决定tot [sth] up, tot up [sth] vtr phrasal sep UK (add, find total of)合计total [sth] up, total up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (calculate combined amount of)计算总数;总计After adding the price of the house, the interest, and the escrow, the bank finally totalled up the mortgage payment for the applicant.touch up [sb], touch [sb] up vtr phrasal sep slang (grope sexually)爱抚She found her boyfriend at the bar touching up another girl.touch [sth] up, touch up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (improve by making minor changes)润色I touched up my English paper right before turning it in.toughen up vi phrasal informal ([sb]: be resilient)变得更坚韧I'll have to toughen up if I don't want to go home crying every day.toughen up vi phrasal informal ([sb]: get stricter)变严厉, 更为严厉We're going to have to toughen up around here. We've been far too lenient.toughen [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal ([sb]: make resilient)使更坚韧He tried to prepare his children for life by toughening them up.toughen [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal ([sth]: make stricter)严抓;使...更严格We are going to toughen up the rules. No more goofing off!trade up vi phrasal (exchange [sth] for [sth] of higher value)交易;交换备注: 特指用低价品换高价品trade [sth] up, trade up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (exchange for [sth] of higher value) (指用价低之物换进价高之物)用...交换;用...交易trick up vi phrasal informal (put on special clothes)打扮;装扮trip up vi phrasal (stumble, fall)绊倒,使摔倒;使犯错Sheila tripped up and injured her hip while running to catch a bus.希拉跑着去赶上公交车,不慎绊倒伤了臀部。trip up vi phrasal figurative, informal (make a mistake)绊倒,使摔倒;使犯错Many foreign students of English trip up on prepositions.许多学习英语的外国学生会在介词上犯错。;trip [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (cause to stumble, fall)绊倒,使摔倒;使犯错He stuck his leg out as I walked past to trip me up.我走过时,他伸出腿来绊倒我。trip [sb] up vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (cause to make a mistake)使…犯错Double negatives usually trip me up.我通常会在双重否定上犯错。trip [sb] up vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (try to catch out)使…露出马脚The detectives interviewed the husband and wife separately, hoping to trip one of them up on some aspect of their alibi.侦探们分别询问了丈夫和妻子,希望他们其中一人在不在场证明的某些方面露出马脚。true [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (make level, align)摆正;调整;校准The wall is five degrees out of line; we have to true it up.trump [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (fabricate: charges)编造;捏造Joe was released from jail when his lawyer proved that the charges against him were trumped up.tune up vi phrasal (musical instrument: adjust pitch) (乐器)调音,定弦备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a nounThere is something exciting about hearing an orchestra tune up just before a performance.tune [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (musical instrument: adjust pitch) (乐器)给...调音,为...定弦Dave was tuning his guitar up.tune [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (vehicle, engine: adjust) (车辆、发动机)调试,对...进行调整My friend the mechanic tuned my car up for me.tune up vi phrasal (prepare to sing) (乐器)调音,定弦The choir was tuning up in preparation for the concert.turn up vi phrasal (arrive, be present)到场;到达;到达I didn't expect him to turn up at my party as he wasn't invited.No telling when he'd turn up, he was never on time.我没想到他会在我的派对上出现,我并没有邀请。/ /不知道他什么时候来,他从来没有准时过。turn up vi phrasal (be found)被发现Don't worry about your glasses: they'll turn up.I often lose my keys but they usually turn up somewhere in the kitchen.不用担心你的眼镜,你会找到的。//我经常丢钥匙,但通常我都会在厨房的某个角落找到。type [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (document: type quickly) (指用键盘)快速打出;快速录入;快速写出Harry quickly typed up a rough draft of his presentation script.use [sth] up, use up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (consume completely, exhaust)用光;耗尽I used up nearly everything in the refrigerator for this meal. Mary used up all my gas and didn't refill the tank.为了做这顿饭,我几乎用光了冰箱里所有东西。玛丽用光了我的汽油,也没有重新去加油。vamp [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal (improve, make more exciting)使...更好看I need to vamp up my look - maybe get some brighter lipstick and a new hairstyle.vamp [sth] up vtr phrasal sep US, slang (invent: an excuse, etc.) (借口等)编造You'd better vamp up a good excuse for not being at the meeting.wad up, wad [sth] up vtr phrasal sep US (paper, fabric: roll up)揉成一团;卷成一团Wad up the bedclothes and leave them by the washer.wait up vi phrasal informal (stay awake until [sb] arrives home) (非正式用语)熬夜等候He's 23 years old; you need not wait up for him anymore.wake up vi phrasal (awake from sleep)醒来I wake up every day at six o'clock.我每天早上6点醒。wake up to [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (become aware of)有所察觉;开始了解After seeing the note in his pocket, Marsha woke up to the fact that her husband was having an affair.发现口袋里的纸条后,玛莎察觉到她丈夫有了婚外情。wake up [sb] vtr phrasal sep (awaken from sleep)把…叫醒;弄醒He woke me up to tell me I was snoring.他叫醒我,跟我说我在打鼾。walk up vi phrasal (approach on foot)走向A stranger walked up and asked me the way to the beach.一名陌生人走向我,向我询问去海滩的路。wall up [sth], wall [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (close off [sth])封住,封锁,封闭The house's new owners walled up the old fireplace.warm up vi phrasal (get warmer)变热,使暖和备注: A hyphen is used when the term is or modifies a noun.Let's go inside and warm up; we've been out here too long.我们在外面呆的太久了,让我们进去暖和暖和吧。warm up vi phrasal (do preparatory exercise)做热身活动Let's warm up a little before we start running.开始跑步前,让我们做热身运动。warm [sth/sb] up vtr phrasal sep (make warmer)使变热,使暖和I lit a fire to warm up the house.我点燃了火炉来使房子暖和起来。warm [sth] up, warm up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (heat, reheat)加热Sally warmed up a piece of pie for dessert.萨利加热了一块派作为甜点。warm [sb] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (audience: prepare for main act) (正式演出前)暖场,将(观众)情绪调动起来The comic warmed up the audience with jokes and silly pranks.这部喜剧通过笑话和一些愚蠢的恶作剧来暖场。warm up to [sth] (US), warm to [sth] (UK) vtr phrasal insep (become more in favour of)适应;逐渐喜欢上;慢慢习惯warm up to [sb] (US), warm to [sb] (UK) vtr phrasal insep (come to like better)慢慢喜欢上wash up vi phrasal (be brought to shore by the tide)被冲上岸The driftwood was washed up on the beach.那块浮木被冲上了海岸。wash [sth] up, wash up [sth] vtr phrasal sep UK (clean: dishes)洗(餐具)Scrambled eggs make the pan hard to wash up.炒过鸡蛋的平底锅很难清洗。wash up vi phrasal UK (clean dishes)洗碗;洗餐具After I cooked dinner, I had to wash up.做完晚餐后,我还得洗碗。wash up vi phrasal US (wash face and hands)洗脸和手;洗漱Go and wash up for dinner.去洗脸洗手,准备吃晚饭了。wash up vi phrasal figurative (to wear out, become ineffective)筋疲力尽; (事业等)结束,完蛋;江郎才尽He was a top sportsman but now he's totally washed up.他曾是一名顶尖的运动员,不过现在他的职业生涯彻底结束了。weigh [sth] up, weigh up [sth] and [sth] vtr phrasal sep (compare)权衡In making my decision, I had to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages.做决定时,我不得不权衡利弊。weigh [sth/sb] up vtr phrasal sep (assess, evaluate)估量The boxer weighed up his opponent.那名拳击手估量了他的对手。well up vi phrasal (liquid: spring forth)涌出,喷出The little girl dug a hole in the sand and watched the water well up in it.小女孩在沙子里挖了一个洞,看着水涌出来。well up vi phrasal (tears: spring up) (眼泪等)涌上来Tears welled up in Tina's eyes when she heard the news.蒂娜听到这个消息后,泪水涌上了眼睛。well up vi phrasal informal (person: emit tears, weep) (人)流眼泪,眼泪涌出Joanna welled up when she thought about her father.乔安娜想起父亲的时候,流下了眼泪。whip [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (generate, stir up)煽动, 激起The tabloids are whipping up a fuss about immigration.小报在移民问题上煽动情绪。whip [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (produce rapidly or ingeniously)迅速或巧妙地做出Elizabeth whipped up a costume for the fancy dress party out of a few pieces of old material she had in a drawer.伊丽莎白从抽屉里取出几块旧布料,迅速做了一套化装舞会的服装。whip [sth] up vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (food: cook or prepare rapidly) (饭菜)很快做出,很快准备好You just sit there and I'll whip up some breakfast for us.你就坐在那里,我来准备一点早餐。wind [sth] up, wind up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (power by turning)上You have to use a special key to wind the clock up.你必须用一把特殊的钥匙给钟上发条。wind [sth] up, wind up [sth] vtr phrasal sep informal, figurative (end)终结, 结束It's time for lunch - I wish they'd wind up this boring meeting!该吃午饭了,我希望他们能结束这个无聊的会议!wind up vi phrasal informal (become)以…告终If we don't stop and ask for directions, we're going to wind up completely lost!如果我们没有停下来问路,我们会完全迷路的!wind [sb] up, wind up [sb] vtr phrasal sep UK, figurative, slang (annoy [sb])使发怒Don't do that; you know it winds me up!不要那么做,你知道这让我很生气!wind [sb] up, wind up [sb] vtr phrasal sep UK, figurative, slang (tease [sb])戏弄, 开...的玩笑Don't listen to Eric; he's winding you up.别听埃里克的,他在戏弄你。;wind up vi phrasal (baseball: prepare to pitch) (棒球)准备投球The pitcher winds up, then throws the ball.wire [sth] up, wire up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (connect to cables)给…接通电源I didn't know how to wire up the speakers.wire [sb] up vtr phrasal sep informal (attach a listening device to)给...安窃听器The police wired up their undercover officer before his meeting with the drug dealer.wire [sth] up, wire up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (connect: equipment) (机器或设备等)给...接线,给...连线;组装;安装wise up vi phrasal US, informal (become aware)认识到, 知道Wise up and stop acting like such a fool.wise up to [sth] vtr phrasal insep US, informal (realise)意识到;认识到I hope you wise up to his tricks before you get hurt.wise [sb] up (to [sth]) vtr phrasal sep US, informal (make aware)令...认识到;令...意识到work [sb] up, work up [sb] vtr phrasal sep (annoy or excite)激起;激发The politician's speech worked the crowd up.The boss was worked up because I was five minutes late.那位政客的演说激起了群众的热情。//老板因为我迟到了五分钟而发怒。work [sth] up, work up [sth] vtr phrasal insep (produce, generate)引起;产生I'm so unfit that I work up a sweat just walking down to the corner.我仅仅走到街角的时候就出汗了,这样很不健康。work [sth] up, work up [sth] vtr phrasal insep (prepare)精心制作;详细制定Susan will try to work up a sketch by Friday.苏珊将在周五前制作一份草案。work [sth] up, work up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (develop [sth])发展The artist worked up his drawing by adding greater [sb] up, work up [sb] vtr phrasal sep (medicine: do diagnostic procedures) (医学)诊断The doctor worked the patient up thoroughly in her attempts to find the source of the problem.医生对病人进行了全面彻底的诊断,力图找到问题的源头。work up to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (gather courage)鼓起勇气I'm still working up to asking her out on a date.wrap [sth] up, wrap up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (cover, envelop)包住;包裹住I'll wrap it up securely and put it in the post to you.我会把它包好,然后寄给你。wrap [sth] up, wrap up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (gift-wrap, turn into a parcel) (用美丽的纸张及缎带等)包装I have to wrap up the birthday presents.我得把生日礼物包装好。wrap [sth] up, wrap up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (complete, summarize)圆满结束;顺利完成Let's wrap the meeting up - I have a plane to catch.让我们结束会议吧,我要去赶飞机。wrap up vi phrasal figurative, informal (dress in warm clothing)穿得暖和Wrap up if you're going outside – you don't want to catch a cold.如果你要出去,穿得暖和点,你可不想感冒。wrap up warm, wrap up warmly vi phrasal + adv informal (dress in warm clothing)穿暖和点write [sth] up, write up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (write out in full)详细描写;详细记述Please write up your notes from the classroom observation.请将课堂观察的笔记写下来。write [sth] up, write up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (write a critique of)写...评论Jessica writes up movies for her school newspaper.杰西卡为校报撰写电影评论。write [sb] up, write up [sb] vtr phrasal sep US (record misbehaviour)记录…的不良行为One more infraction and I will have to write you up.再来一次,我就得给你记过。zhuzh up vtr phrasal sep informal (make [sth] more exciting)让...更有趣;使....更具魅力zip [sth] up, zip up [sth] (UK), zipper [sth] up, zipper up [sth] (US) vtr phrasal sep (close with a zip fastener)拉上;用拉链扣上Zip up your jacket! 复合形式: add, add up vi (do sums) (数学)做加法I learned how to add when I was in first grade.我一年级时学习如何做加法。 all sewn up, all sewed up adv figurative (assured)一切都在掌控之中;一切都安排好The party planner has the details of the big birthday celebration all sewn up. all shook up adj US, slang (shaken, very upset) (俚语)心烦意乱The criminal was all shook up because he knew the police would find him. apply makeup, apply make-up vtr + n (put on cosmetics)抹化妆品;化妆I don't have the time to apply makeup, so it's lucky I have nice skin! backed up, backed-up adj (pipe, etc.: blocked) (管子等)堵塞了,堵了The plumbing was backed up because of excess hair in the drain. backing up n (computing: making copies) (计算机)备份The software performs the backing up of data. backing up n (vehicle: reversing)倒车The reverse lights warn people of the backing up of the vehicle. backing up n (water: collecting)积水The backing up of water in the lake caused the flood. backup, back-up n (support)后援When the policeman realized he couldn't handle the situation alone, he called for backup.当那名警员认识到他无法单独处理该情况时,他请求了支援。 backup, back-up n (duplicate copy)备用品;替补品;备份This is a backup; the original copy is in the filing cabinet.这是备份,原件在文件柜内。 backup, back-up n (accumulation)一堆There is a backup of paperwork that we need to file by the end of the day.我们还有一堆书面工作需要在当天结束前提交。 backup, back-up n informal (traffic jam) (交通)阻塞There is a backup on the interstate just north of the city.城正北的州际公路处出现交通阻塞。 backup, back-up n as adj (alternative)备用的;备用I'm going to keep my old laptop as a backup computer just in case my new one breaks down.我打算把我的旧笔记本作为备用,以防新电脑坏了。 backup copy, back-up copy n (data: duplicate)备份It's a good idea to make a backup copy of important documents. backup light, back-up light (US), reversing light (UK) n usually plural (light when vehicle moves backward)倒车灯 balled up, balled-up adj (formed into a ball shape)握起来的;攥成球的Clive struck Sam with a balled up fist. balled up, balled-up adj US, informal (confused)困惑的;迷惑的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun balls-up n UK, slang, vulgar (mess, poor job)一团糟,一塌糊涂 bang-up adj slang (excellent)极好的,极棒的Congratulations, you did a bang-up job on that project! bank [sth] up, bank up [sth] vtr + adv (make pile of [sth])堆…;堆积… bark up the wrong tree v expr figurative (follow a mistaken idea)做错了原因;怪错了人备注: Often used in continuous tenses. be barking up the wrong tree v expr figurative, informal (be mistaken)找错对象了;搞错了 be fired with enthusiasm, be fired up with enthusiasm expr (feel very enthusiastic)充满热情;热力四射 be measured up v expr (be fitted for clothes)量好尺寸You'll be measured up by a tailor when you have a custom tweed jacket made. be stood up v expr informal (be abandoned on date)被放鸽子,被爽约After an hour waiting in the restaurant, he realised he'd been stood up. be wound up v expr (xxx) 没有提供翻译 beat yourself up v expr figurative, informal (feel guilty or bad)自责;自怨自艾It was just an honest mistake, so you shouldn't beat yourself up about it.这只是一个无心之过,所以你不用太过自责。 beat-up adj US, slang (vehicle: in poor condition) (车辆)破旧的,破损的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.Rick drives a beat-up pickup truck.里克开着一辆破旧的皮卡。 beat up on yourself v expr US, informal (feel guilty or bad)自责;责怪自己 beat-up car n US, slang (car in poor condition)破车;破旧不堪的汽车I love my beat-up car, even though it´s covered in dents and scratches. beaten-up adj informal (car, etc.: battered from use)破烂的;破旧的 beefed-up adj (improved, increased, strengthened)加强的,增强的;加大的 bid up n (increase in bid)提高竞价 big up interj slang (admiration)太棒了 black, black up vtr (blacken)使…变黑;把…染黑;把…抹黑The soldiers blacked their faces before the mission. blown up, blown-up adj informal (image: enlarged)放大的The blown-up pictures were grainier than the originals.放大的图像比起原版噪点更多了。 blown up, blown-up adj informal (thing: by explosion)被轰炸的;被炸毁的The town was a mess of blown-up buildings and rubble. blown up adj informal (person: by explosion)被炸死的He is one of several politicians blown up last year by terrorists. blown up, blown-up adj informal (balloon, etc.: inflated)吹足气的,吹起来的;充过气的,打足气的Pass me a blown-up balloon and I'll make you an animal. blowup (US), blow-up adj informal (inflatable)可充气的We inflated the blow-up beach ball and tossed it in the water.我们为沙滩球充了气并掷入水中。 blowup (US), blow-up (UK) n informal (enlarged image)放大的照片The gallery is displaying several blowups of famous images.那家画廊正在展出几幅放大的名画。 blowup (US), blow-up (UK) n informal (angry outburst)大发雷霆;发脾气Yesterday there was a huge blowup between the strikers and the administration.昨天,罢工者与管理层之间发生了激烈的争吵。 boarded, boarded up, boarded-up adj (window, etc.: covered with wooden boards) (窗户等)用木板盖住的,用木板遮住的备注: The hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun bob, bob along, bob up and down vi used in compounds (move up and down: on water) (水面上)上下摆动,上下晃动The toy boat bobbed along on the surface of the lake. bob up vi + adv (appear from underwater)迅速浮出水面 boning up n informal (revision, studying)突击学习,恶补I think my geography could use a little boning up, I wasn't sure exactly where Haiti is. booze it up v expr informal (drink a lot of alcohol)嗜酒成习;酒鬼booze-up n informal, UK (alcoholic drinking session)狂饮作乐的聚会Fancy a booze-up with the lads tonight?botch [sth] up vtr + adv informal (bungle, do badly)把...搞坏;将...弄坏botch-up n informal ([sth] done badly)搞坏;弄坏bottled-up adj figurative, informal (repressed, not expressed)受压抑的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounBottled-up feelings can have a negative effect on your mental health.bottom-up adj (hierarchical: working upwards) (等级制度)自下而上的bottom-up adj (design, programming approach: strategic) (设计、编程等)逆向的,反推的Bottoms up! interj (Cheers!)干杯bound up, bound-up adj (body part: bandaged)包扎起来的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.The footballer limped off the pitch, clutching his bound-up leg.Break it up! interj slang (stop fighting) (非正式用语)别打了You can't fight in this bar. Break it up or I'll call the police and they'll break it up for you.breaking up n informal, figurative (couple: separation)分离;分开breaking up n (disintegration)破裂The breaking up of ice shelves has been blamed on global warming.breakup, break-up n (romantic separation) (情侣)分手He's been renting an apartment downtown since the breakup.breakup, break-up n (political fragmentation) (政治)关系破裂The breakup of the Soviet Union began in the early 1990s.brew-up n UK, informal (making tea)沏茶,泡茶We stopped work for a brew-up.bring up the rear v expr (follow)殿后;走在后面I'll blaze a trail through the jungle. You bring up the rear.bring [sb] up to date v expr (give [sb] the most recent information)告诉...最新消息;给...最新消息Alice brought me up to date with all her news.broken-up adj (in pieces)打碎的,破碎的;捏碎的Sara used broken-up cookies as a topping for her cake.她将捏碎的饼干洒在蛋糕上做装饰。broken up adj figurative, slang (upset, hurt) (比喻,俚语)心碎的,伤心的She felt broken up because she lost her puppy.broken up, broken-up adj slang (no longer a couple)分手的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounAfter a two-year stormy relationship, Mary and Bob are finally broken up for good.brush up [sth], brush [sth] up vtr (improve [sth]'s appearance)润色,改善,改观Shaun took advantage of the time he spent unemployed by brushing up his CV.肖恩利用他失业的那段时期来完善他的简历。brushup (US), brush-up (UK) n (refreshing or renewing)复习,重温I think my Italian is in need of a brush-up before we go to Florence.我觉得我们去佛罗伦萨之前,我需要温习一下意大利语。brushup n US (minor repair)润色The curator gave the collection a final brushup before putting it on display.在展出这些收藏品之前,策展人对其进行了最后的修整。brush-up n UK (cleaning or grooming)梳妆打扮Tanya gave herself a quick brush-up before meeting the boss.坦尼娅在见老板前快速地梳妆打扮了一番。brushup (US), brush-up (UK) n as adj (relating to rehearsals)回顾的,复习的The cast gathered for a brushup rehearsal before the evening show.在晚上演出前,演员们聚在一起进行了一次彩排。brush up against [sth/sb] v expr (touch)轻触;擦碰;触碰I brushed up against him just as he was leaving.bubble up vi + adv (move up in bubbles)冒泡bubble up vi + adv figurative (feelings, ideas: develop) (想法)酝酿; (感情)增进buck up your ideas, buck your ideas up v expr informal (work harder)小心谨慎;提高警惕buckle up, buckle up with laughter v expr informal (bend over: with laughter) (笑得)弯下腰We all buckled up with laughter when Jack told the joke about the penguin.杰克讲了企鹅的笑话后,我们都笑到直不起腰。build [sth] up, build up [sth] vtr + adv (construct) (墙等)筑,砌,把…建筑得更高大They built up the wall using bricks made from local stone.他们用本地石料制成的砖砌成了这堵墙。buildup, build-up, buildup of [sth], build-up of [sth] n (gradual increase)逐渐增多Lack of exercise leads to a gradual build-up of fat in the body.buildup, build-up, buildup to [sth], build-up to [sth] n figurative (gradual approach to an event)造势;造势活动I'll be watching the build-up to the big game on the sports channel.buildup, build-up n (accumulation)逐步增长;积累You can use a razor blade to remove the buildup of soot.built-up, built up adj (developed, urbanized)高楼林立的;建筑物密集的;城市化的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.I can remember when all this was farmland – look how built up it is now!The speed limit is 30 miles per hour in built-up areas.我还依然记得这一片都是农田的样子——而现在却是高楼林立!//在城区最高时速不得超过30英里每小时。built-up area n (area with a lot of buildings)建筑物密集地区The park provides a green space in the built-up area of the city.bunged up, bunged-up adj UK, informal (nose: congested)塞住的;堵住的备注: A hyphen is used if the adjective comes before the noun.bunged up, bunged-up adj UK, informal (person: with congested nose)鼻塞的;鼻子堵住的bunged up, bunged-up adj UK, informal (person: constipated)便秘的buoy [sth], buoy [sth] up vtr (keep afloat)使浮起;使漂浮备注: Usually followed by "up."The vessel is buoyed up by airbags that surround it.那艘船靠围绕四周的空气袋浮在水面上。buoy [sb] up, buoy up [sb] vtr + adv figurative (morally support [sb])鼓励buoy [sth] up, buoy up [sth] vtr + adv figurative (prices, etc., bolster, raise) (价格)提高…的价格buoy [sb/sth] up, buoy up [sb/sth] vtr + adv literal (cause to float)使…浮起;burning up adj figurative, informal (with fever)发烧的I felt Samantha's forehead: she was burning up.bust-up n slang, figurative (friends: disagreement) (朋友之间)闹翻,翻脸备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a nounMarie's not talking to Sarah, they've had a bust-up.bust-up n slang, figurative (couple: separation)离异,分手His hard drinking caused the bust up between those two.butt up against [sth] v expr (be adjacent to)边缘与...相接;与...前后接连The decorative moulding butts up against the door.buttoned-up adj (clothing: with buttons fastened)纽扣式的;带纽扣的buttoned-up adj figurative, informal (person: reserved, repressed)沉默寡言的;深沉的call-up n informal (military: order to report) (军事)征召令50,000 reserves got the call-up to join the campaign.50,000后备人员受到征召参战。call-up n (sports: summons to play)征调, 入选The player was thrilled to receive the call-up to play for his national team.carton [sth], carton [sth] up vtr (pack into a carton)把…装箱;用纸盒装Carton the eggs securely, please.carve-up n informal (act of dividing [sth] up)分割;瓜分carve-up n UK, figurative, slang (result-fixing) (多指比赛结果)刻意安排,有意安排Sure, they won the match, but the whole thing was a carve-up.carved-up adj (meat, fruit, etc.: sliced) (水果、肉类等)切片的carved-up adj figurative (land, area: divided)被瓜分的carved-up adj slang (person: cut, disfigured) (俚语)被毁容的carved up adj US, figurative, slang (emotionally wounded)受伤的, 伤心的I'm all carved up inside when I think about how our relationship ended.cast [sth] up vtr + adv (gaze, eyes: look upward)向上看catch [sb] up v expr informal (update [sb])使...跟上;让...赶上catch [sb] up on [sth] v expr informal (update [sb] on [sth])让...赶上;使...跟上catch-up n informal (meeting to get up-to-date)聊聊近况I haven't seen you for ages; we'll have to have a proper catch-up soon.catch-up n informal (attempt to match, compete)追赶The cyclist's catch-up ultimately failed, and he finished third in the race.catch-up adj informal (aimed at matching, competing) (比赛中)追赶的;赶上的Inflation is rising fast, so the company intends to give its employees a catch-up pay caught up in [sth] v expr (be engrossed in [sth])全神贯注于,沉迷于My mother was caught up in her book and didn't notice what we were caught up in [sth] v expr (find oneself involved in [sth])卷入Unwittingly, he had got caught up in a corruption scandal inside the company he was working for.chain [sth] up, chain up [sth] vtr + adv (secure with a chain)锁住...chain [sb/sth] up, chain up [sb/sth] vtr + adv (restrain with a chain)拴住...chain up vi + adv US (vehicle: snow chains)装上雪地链;装上防滑链chain-up adj US (for snow chains)上防滑链的This highway provides a chain-up area, so drivers can stop and put their snow chains on.change-up n (baseball: slower pitch) (棒球)变速球The pitcher's change-up came across home plate 20 miles per hour slower than his fastball.charge up [sth] vi + prep (hills, stairs: run up) (小山、楼梯等)跑上去,冲上去The infantry charged up the hill to meet the attack.步兵冲上山头应击来敌。chat-up line n UK, informal ([sth] said to seduce)搭讪的话;挑逗的话The boy tried to gain the girl's attention with his chat-up lines.check-up, checkup n (routine medical examination)常规体检;例行身体检查My company insists I have a check-up once a year.我的公司坚持让我每年做一次常规体检。checkup, check-up n (routine medical exam)健康体检I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, but don't worry--it's just a regular checkup.Cheer up! interj (don't be sad)高兴点;别难过Cheer up! Losing a race isn't the end of the world.别难过!输掉一场比赛没什么大不了的。chin up interj figurative, informal (encouragement) (非正式用语)振作起来;坚持住Chin up – it'll soon be over!chin-up, chinup n often plural (exercise with horizontal bar) (锻炼方式)引体向上Can you do a chin-up?Lara does chinups every day.choke up on [sth] v expr (baseball bat: hold higher up) (棒球)握短棒,前握棒choked up adj informal (speechless with emotion)哽咽的clamber up [sth] vi + prep (ascend by climbing)攀登clamber up vi + adv (climb upwards)爬上clean checkup, clean check-up n US (confirmation of good health)身体检查结果良好He was worried by a chest pain but the cardiologist gave him a clean checkup.clean up your act v expr informal (behave properly)改邪归正;洗心革面;cleaning-up n (act of clearing a mess)清理,打扫cleanup, clean-up n (getting rid of dirt, mess)清洁;清理;清扫The kids' clean-up of the room left a lot to be desired.孩子们对这间屋子的清扫留下了很多不足之处。cleanup, clean-up n as adj (to get rid of dirt, mess)清洁;清理;清扫After the festival, the cleanup operation took two days.节日过后,清洁工作进行了整整两天。climb up [sth] vi + prep (scale, ascend)爬上The cat climbed up the tree.那只猫爬上了那棵树。climb up vi + adv (ascend, rise)升起Smoke from the chimney climbed up into the sky.从烟囱里冒出的烟,向着天空袅袅升起。clogged up, clogged-up adj (nose: congested) (鼻子)堵塞的clogged up, clogged-up adj (pipe: blocked) (管道)堵住的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounclose-up, also US: closeup n (film shot: up close) (电影镜头: 近距离拍摄)特写镜头The actress said that she was ready for her close-up.那位女演员说她已准备好拍摄特写镜头。close-up, close shot, also US: closeup n (photo: taken up close)特写照片In the closeup, she is smiling self-consciously at the photographer.在特写照片中,她正不自觉地对着摄影师微笑。close-up, also US: closeup adj (intimate, detailed)详尽的;近距离的The book provides a close-up insight into the film star's life.这本书从近距离展现了这位电影明星的生活。close-up, also US: closeup adj (very near)特写的;离得非常近的The photographer is taking some close-up shots of the fashion model.摄影师正在给时装模特拍一些特写照片。close up, close-up, up close adv (from very near)很近地;临近地Matt moved close up so he could get a better view of the painting.马特走近一点,以便能更清楚地观摩画作。close-up view n ([sth] seen from very near)特写视角;特写镜头clued in, clued-in, also UK: clued up, clued-up adj (well-informed)所知甚多的;消息灵通的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.clued in on [sth], also UK: clued up on [sth] expr (well-informed about)对…所知甚多cockup, cock-up n UK, slang (mess, failure)错误;一团糟come up for air v expr (rise to water's surface)浮上水面吸口气He had to come up for air after being underwater for two minutes.come up for air v expr figurative (take a break)休息片刻We worked straight through for 24 hours without even a break to come up for air.come up trumps v expr UK, informal (succeed, do well)做得很好Coming right up! interj (agreeing to bring [sb] [sth])马上就来!"I'll have the salad." "Coming right up!"coming up adj (TV show, item: on next)即将到来的;即将播出的Coming up: the news and weather in your area.下面即将播出您的本地新闻和天气预报。count [sth] up, count up [sth] vi + adv (add, total)算出…的总数The teacher counted up the scripts she had collected at the end of the exam.老师算出了自己在考试结束后收到的试卷总数。count [sb] up, count up [sb] vi + adv (add, total)算出…的总数,数出…的总数The tour guide counted up the tourists as they got back on the bus.游客们回到车上后,导游数出了人头总数。count up to [sth], count to [sth] v expr (recite numbers)合计;数到I can count up to ten in Chinese.coverup (US), cover-up (UK) n figurative, informal (attempt to hide [sth])掩盖;掩饰Taylor criticized the government report for being a cover-up.coverup (US), cover-up (UK) n (clothing: loose outer garment)宽松的罩袍Women must wear a cover-up over their swimsuits.coverup (US), cover-up (UK) n as adj (that conceals)掩盖;掩饰crackup, crack-up n figurative, slang (mental breakdown)精神崩溃Robert hasn't worked since his crackup two years ago.自两年前精神崩溃后,罗伯特就没有工作过。be all it's cracked up to be, be what it's cracked up to be v expr (be as good as claimed)并没有所说的那么好;徒有虚名;名不副实备注: Often used in the negative.That film's not all it's cracked up to be; I didn't enjoy it at all!crackup, crack-up n US (collision, crash)碰撞,相撞crackup, crack-up n (alliance, agreement: breakdown) (联盟、协议)破裂,结束crease up vi UK, informal (laugh)大笑crease [sb] up vtr UK, informal (make [sb] laugh)把...逗笑;让...发笑;curled up, curled-up adj (edge, corner: rolled up)卷曲起来的The edges of the old book were all curled up.curled up, curled-up adj (sitting cosily)蜷着身子的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounHe found the dog all curled up and cozy in his bed.cut up, cut-up adj (chopped into pieces) (本义)切成碎块的,切碎的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun or is itself a nounThe collage is made from cut-up newspaper.这幅拼贴画是由剪下的报纸拼接而成的。cut up adj UK, figurative, slang (upset) (俚语)难过的,悲伤的,伤心的,心碎的He's really cut up that you dumped him.cut-up n US, informal ([sb] who jokes) (非正式用语)耍活宝的人,出洋相的人He's such a cut-up, you can't take anything he says seriously.他就是喜欢开玩笑,不要把他说的任何话当真。cut up about [sth] expr figurative, slang (upset)因为…而伤心;因为…而难过Iris is really cut up about not being invited to her son's wedding.没有获邀参加他儿子的婚礼,伊瑞丝非常伤心。cutup, cut-up n US, informal (practical joker)恶作剧的人;开玩笑的人detergent, dish detergent (US), washing-up liquid (UK) n (soap for washing dishes)洗涤剂;洗衣粉;洗洁精This detergent is good for cleaning greasy pans.dial-up adj (internet: via phone)拨号上网的, 拨号的My parents still have a dial-up connection – it's so slow I can't stand using it!我父母用的还是拨号上网,网速太慢,我简直受不了!dial-up n (internet: via phone)拨号上网digging up n (excavation)挖掘;发掘The digging up of the recently discovered ruins will take years.要发掘近期找到的遗址,需要好几年时间。digging up n figurative (discovery)发现, 查明dish soap, dishwashing liquid, dishwashing soap (US), washing-up liquid (UK) n (detergent for cleaning dishes)洗洁精;洗碗剂We've almost run out of dish the dishes, wash the dishes (US), do the washing-up, wash up (UK) v expr informal (wash plates, etc.)洗碗I'll cook for both of us if you promise to do the dishes afterwards. Our dinner guests offered to do the washing-up.如果你保证饭后洗碗,我就为咱们俩做饭。来用晚餐的客人提请洗碗。doll yourself up vtr + refl slang (adorn, make more glamorous)打扮;扮靓done up, dolled up adj slang (made more glamorous) (俚语)打扮漂亮的, 梳妆打扮好的And where exactly do you think you're going, all done up like that?你打扮得这么漂亮要到哪儿去?done up adj informal (clothing: fastened) (非正式用语)扣紧的You complain about being cold, but your coat's not even properly done up.double bass, upright bass, stand-up bass n (large stringed instrument)低音提琴I've played the double bass since I was 14 years old.double up with laughter v expr (bend forward in laughter)笑得直不起腰double up with laughter v expr figurative (laugh very hard)笑弯了腰,狂笑,大笑double up with pain v expr (bend forward in sudden pain)痛苦地弯下腰Each time the cramp returned he would scream and double up with pain.draw up a formal document v expr (write official paper)起草正式文件The lawyers are drawing up a formal document detailing my divorce settlement.律师正在起草正式文件,详述我的离婚协议。draw up a plan vi (devise a way to proceed)草拟计划dredge [sth] up, dredge up [sth] vtr + adv (remove: from water)挖掘,疏浚The body was dredged up by local fishermen.dressup, dress up, dress-up (US), dressing up (UK) n (children: putting on costumes) (儿童)乔装打扮的游戏My daughters often play dress-up with my old clothes.我的女儿们经常用我的旧衣服来玩儿乔装打扮的游戏。dress-up adj US (occasion: formal) (场合)须穿盛装的备注: A hyphen is used when the term is or modifies a noun.Marty bought a smart suit to wear at the dress-up dinner.为了那场须穿盛装出席的晚宴,马蒂买了一套好看的西装。dressed to the nines, dressed up to the nines adj informal (dressed formally or elegantly) (习惯表达)盛装的Everyone was dressed to the nines at the inauguration ball.dressed up adj (in evening wear)穿上晚礼服的;精心装扮的Sally's date cancelled, so she was all dressed up with nowhere to go.dressed up adj (in formal clothes)穿上正装的Daniel was dressed up for his job interview.dressed up adj (in costume, disguise)装扮成…的Helen was dressed up for her role in the film.dressed up in [sth] expr (in costume, disguised)穿上...制服,装扮上Charles is dressed up in a clown's outfit.dressed up like [sb] expr (in costume, disguised as)装扮成…的Mandy was dressed up like a witch for Halloween.dried up, dried-up adj (desiccated, shriveled)枯萎的;风干的;干巴的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounA raisin is a dried-up grape.They capped the dried-up oil well so no one will fall [sb] up the wall v expr informal, figurative (irritate [sb])使…大怒drive-up window n (for customers in cars)免下车服务窗;驾车者服务窗Dry up! interj figurative, slang (stop talking!) (俚语)住嘴Oh, dry up! I'm tired of your constant complaining.哦,不要说了!我厌倦了你没完没了的抱怨。duded-up adj US, informal (spruced up, smart)打扮讲究的;盛装打扮的dust-up, also UK: dustup n slang (fight)争吵,吵闹Eat up! interj informal (finish your meal)吃干净;吃光Eat up! We have a long march ahead of us.吃干净!我们还要走很远的路呢。end up vi (arrive, find yourself)结果却是;最终却是;以…告终We were trying to get to Brighton, but we ended up in Hastings.end up doing [sth] v expr (eventually have to do)最终;到头来Julia turned Larry down, so he ended up going to the prom by himself.茱莉亚拒绝了拉里,最后他只能自己一个人去参加了舞会。end up on the scrap heap v expr informal, figurative (be discarded)被废弃;被作为废物抛弃end up on the scrap heap of history v expr informal, figurative (be forgotten)被扫进历史的垃圾堆;被历史遗忘His well-intentioned efforts have ended up on the scrap heap of history.face up adv (facing upwards)面朝上;正面朝上Start the game by drawing a card from the pack and placing it face up on the table.游戏开始时,从一堆牌中抽出一张牌,将其面朝上放在桌上。fed up, fed-up adj informal (weary, exasperated)厌倦的;厌烦的;受够了的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounYou look fed up. What's wrong?你看起来很厌烦。怎么了?fed up with [sth], fed up of [sth] expr informal (weary, exasperated)厌烦;对…感到厌倦;受够了Audrey was fed up with the bad weather.Fed up of being sent from one office to another, Joan lost her temper.奥黛丽厌倦了恶劣的天气。//受够了被安排从一个办公室换到另一个办公室,琼发火了。fed up, fed-up adj informal (expressing exasperation)恼怒的;厌倦的Megan gave a fed-up sigh.梅根厌倦地叹了口气。be fed up to the back teeth of doing [sth], be sick to the back teeth of doing [sth] v expr figurative, informal (be exasperated by [sth] repeated)烦透了;失望透顶备注: also "with doing sth"She said angrily that she was fed up to the back teeth of hearing us bicker.feel up to [sth], feel up to doing [sth] v expr (have health, energy for [sth])感觉有精力…;感觉有力气…I'm so tired that I don't even feel up to going to the party.fill [sth] up with [sth], fill up [sth] with [sth] v expr (make full of)用…倒满;把…倒满Brendan filled up my glass with wine.布兰登给我满上了酒。fill up with gas (US), fill up with petrol (UK) v expr informal (petrol tank: fill)加满油Make sure you fill up with petrol before we get to the motorway.fill-up n (act of filling to top)加满,装满,注满备注: Especially used for putting gasoline in a car.Jill took the car to the gas station for a fill-up.fired up adj figurative, informal (enthusiastic, excited)激动起来的;兴奋的Stuart gave his team a pep-talk, and they came out of it all fired up.fired up about [sth], fired up for [sth] adj + prep figurative, informal (enthusiastic about [sth])因...而兴奋;为了...而激动After an hour's practice on the tennis court, Isabel felt fired up for the tournament.firm, firm up vi (become firm)使变结实;使变瓷实This cheesecake will firm overnight if you leave it in the refrigerator.如果你将芝士蛋糕放在冰箱里过夜就会变硬。firm up the details v expr informal (confirm, decide)确定;敲定(合同等)细节The two sides are meeting to firm up the details of the n UK, slang (false charge)诬告,构陷fix [sb] up with [sb], fix up [sb] and [sb] v expr informal (pair romantically)安排…和…约会,给…和…做媒;把…和…撮合在一起Joan is trying to fix me up with one of her single friends.琼正试着撮合我和她的一个单身朋友。flareup, flare-up n (attack or outburst of a disease) (疾病)爆发,突然发作I have my eczema mostly under control, but I do still get flare-ups every once and awhile.我的湿疹基本上控制住了,但还是会时不时地复发。flareup, flare-up n (outburst of emotion, violence) (指情绪、暴力等)爆发,突然发作There have been several flare-ups of violence along the border this week.本周,边境发生了数起暴力事件。flash up vi + adv (appear on screen)闪现flash [sth] up vtr + adv (point light in upward direction)向上照亮Ginny flashed the torch up at the ceiling to reveal a large spider.flash [sth] up [sth] vtr + adv (point light in direction of [sth])将...照向fogged-up adj (glasses, window: covered in steam) (眼镜)起雾的foldup, fold-up adj (collapsible by folding)折叠的When my son comes to stay, he sleeps on a fold-up bed.foldup, fold-up n (bed, etc., collapsible by folding)折叠床;折叠椅;可折叠用品follow [sth] up by doing [sth], follow up [sth] by doing [sth] v expr (make further communication)对…采取后续行动;进一步沟通John followed up his interview by sending a thank-you note.约翰通过发送一封感谢信来作为对他面试采取的后续行动。follow [sth] up with [sth], follow up [sth] with [sth] v expr (make further communication)用...补充;用...进一步强化The lawyer followed her argument up with evidence.律师用证据进一步强化她的证词。follow-up n (further communication)后续行动;后续沟通Ryan received a follow-up from the salesman.瑞恩从推销员那里收到了后续沟通。follow-up n (news item: further information)后续消息;后续信息follow-up n (doctor's visit) (医生)随访Ron had to go to the doctor for a follow-up.罗恩不得不去医生那里进行随访。follow-up n (product: successor)后续产品follow-up adj (visit, call: further)后续的Tom sent a follow-up message to Jim.汤姆给吉姆发送了一条后续的信息。follow-up inspection n (additional examination)跟踪检查;进一步审查Before closing on the house, we need to do a final follow-up inspection.在房子成交前,我们需要做最后的进一步检查。follow-up investigation n (supplementary police enquiry)后续调查;增补调查follow-up materials npl (resources: supplement learning)增补材料;补充材料follow-up question n (additional enquiry)后续问题;附加问题foul-up n slang (mistake, blunder)混乱, 差错frame-up, also UK: fit-up n figurative (plot to incriminate [sb] innocent)诬陷;栽赃陷害The boy said it was a frame-up, and that his sister had eaten the cookies.He was the victim of a frame-up: the police had planted evidence in his car.freeze-up n US, informal (lakes, ponds: freezing over) (湖泊、池塘)结冰,冻结freeze-up n US, informal (period of freezing weather)寒冻季节;冰冻期freshen yourself up v expr (have a quick wash)迅速梳洗;梳妆打扮I'm just going to freshen myself up before we go out to dinner.from the ground up expr figurative (from the beginning)从头开始from the neck up adv informal (mentally, psychologically)心理上From the neck up she's fine, but she has a lot of medical problems.from the neck up adv (with your mind, with thought)用脑子,靠脑子If you would do a little more work from the neck up, you would not have to sweat so hard.;fry-up n UK, informal (meal: fried egg, sausage, etc.)煎鸡蛋;煎火腿f*** [sth] up for [sb] v expr vulgar, offensive, slang (spoil)把…的…毁掉Bob felt bad about f***ing the holiday up for everyone else by becoming ill.鲍勃为自己生病而把其他所有人的假期都毁掉了一事感到抱歉。f***-up n vulgar, offensive, slang (useless person, failure)失败的人;糟糕的人;没用的人My brother is such a f***-up; he never does anything right.我的哥哥是个没用的人,他从没有把事情做对过。f***-up n vulgar, offensive, slang (mess, failure) (俚语)搞砸;糟糕;失败I made a complete f***-up of my French exam; I couldn't answer a single question.法语考试完全被我搞砸了,我一道题都没有回答出来。f***ed up adj vulgar, offensive, slang (ruined, botched) (俚语,粗俗用语)糟糕的,毁了的I loaned her my bicycle and when she returned it, it was completely f***ed up.我把自行车借给了她,但当她还回来的时候,车子完全毁了。f***ed up, f***ed-up adj vulgar, offensive, slang (inappropriate, wrong) (俚语,粗俗用语)错误的,不恰当的,一塌糊涂的That was a really f***ed-up thing you did.你做的那件事真是不恰当。f***ed up, f***ed-up adj vulgar, offensive, slang (psychologically damaged) (俚语,粗俗用语)精神混乱的,心理不正常的,神经病的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounI'm not getting involved with a f***ed-up guy like that again!我可不会再和那样的神经病在一起了!full up adj informal (completely full) (非正式用语)充满的,装满的further up adv (higher)更高地;更向上地The house we're looking for is further up the street.gather [sth] up vtr + adv (collect)收集到一起;汇总;聚拢Gather up all the toys and put them in their correct place.gather up the courage, gather the courage v expr (be brave enough)鼓起勇气I would ask her to dance if I could gather up the courage.gather up courage to do [sth], gather up the courage to do [sth], gather the courage to do [sth] v expr (be brave enough to do [sth])鼓起勇气做某事Jane is gathering up the courage to ask her boss for a pay rise.gear up to do [sth] v expr figurative, informal (mentally: get ready)做好心理准备做某事Palmer is gearing up to play in the Denver Broncos' season opener vs. the Indianapolis Colts.帕尔默正在做好心理准备去参加丹佛野马队对战印第安纳波利斯小马队的赛季首场。gen [sb] up on [sth] v expr UK, informal (brief [sb] about [sth])帮助某人了解;帮助某人补习get a leg up v expr figurative, informal (gain an advantage)获得优势get beaten up, be beaten up v expr informal (be physically assaulted) (非正式用语)挨打,挨揍From his black eye and bloody nose, everyone knew he'd gotten beaten up in the fight.get it up v expr vulgar, slang (have an erection) (俚语,粗俗,指男性生殖器)硬起来get out of bed on the wrong side, get up on the wrong side of the bed v expr figurative, informal (be irritable)今天脾气不好;今日心情不佳get right back up v expr informal, figurative (recover quickly)振作起来; (比喻义)站起来get [sb] up in [sth] v expr slang (dress [sb])给…穿My dad hates wearing a suit, but we got him up in one for the wedding.我爸讨厌穿西装,但为了参加婚礼,我们给他穿了一套。get yourself up v expr informal (dress for an effect)装扮, 打扮备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a nounJo got herself up for the party.乔打扮好去参加派对。get yourself up in [sth] v expr (dress in fancy clothes)穿She got herself up in a gold sequinned dress and heavy make-up.她穿了一件金色亮片连衣裙并且化了浓妆。getup (US), get-up (UK) n slang (clothing)服装;衣服;穿戴She looks awful in that get-up!她穿那套衣服看起来太丑了!get up on [sth] vi + prep (move onto [sth], as a stage)进入;开始An audience member got up on the stage and grabbed the singer's microphone.一名观众进入舞台,夺走了歌手的话筒。get up and go, get-up-and-go n slang (energy, motivation)干劲;进取心Alan has plenty of get up and go, and is always busy with some new project.get up early v expr (rise at early hour)起床早I have a conference this Saturday, so I will have to get up early for it.get up [sb]'s nose v expr UK, informal (annoy [sb])惹恼;使…生气get wound up v expr figurative, slang (become annoyed)变得恼怒的;被激怒的Jason gets very wound up whenever I mention the incident.get your back up v expr informal (be offended, annoyed)生气;恼怒get [sb]'s back up v expr informal (offend, annoy)惹...生气get [sb]'s dander up v expr figurative, informal (make [sb] angry)生气,怒火,怒气Cruelty to animals really gets my dander up.对动物的残忍行为非常让我生气。get your hopes up v expr informal (be optimistic)令人鼓起希望;令人乐观起来Don't get your hopes up: our chances of winning are slim.get your Irish up v expr US, informal, potentially offensive (get angry)火气上来;开始冒火giddy up!, gee up!, hup! interj (to a horse: go) (对马说)驾,走What are you waiting for, Silver? Giddy up!give [sb] a heads-up, give [sb] a heads up, give a heads-up to [sb], give a heads up to [sb] v expr informal (inform, warn [sb])提前通知;警告give [sb] a leg up, give a leg up to [sb] v expr (lift [sb])帮忙将某人抬起来;帮忙托举某人give [sb] a leg up, give a leg up to [sb] v expr figurative, informal (give [sb] an advantage)给某人优势;帮某人获得优势Give it up! interj (stop trying)放弃吧!Helen is never going to date you--give it up!give it up v expr (stop trying)放弃That's never going to work; I'd give it up, if I were you.give [sb] up for adoption v expr (give up custody of child)放弃…的抚养权,让人领养Because of her difficult financial situation, Alexis gave up her son for adoption.give up hope v expr (be pessimistic)放弃希望;悲观绝望When looking for a job, the key is not to give up hope.give up hope of [sth] v expr (be resigned)放弃对…的希望The team never gave up hope of victory.give up hope of doing [sth] v expr (be resigned)放弃做…的希望The couple had given up hope of having a child.give up on doing [sth] v expr (abandon: an effort)放弃I gave up on trying to find a good example.我放弃寻找一个好的例证。give up the ghost v expr (die)过世;去世give up the ghost v expr figurative (stop functioning)停止运行;不再运转My old printer has finally given up the ghost.give-up n ([sth] conceded)让出,退让give-up n (business: shared commission) (证券等)让与交易备注: 主经纪商介入执行经纪商和客户之间,成为交易双方的交易对手。主经纪商与执行经纪商的交易称为让与交易。give-up n (business: part of a shared commission)让与交易中的一方glance up vi + adv (look briefly upwards)朝上看一眼;往上瞥一眼The soccer player glanced up before crossing the ball into the penalty area.这名足球运动员在将球传到禁区前眼睛往上瞥了一下。go belly up, go belly-up v expr slang, figurative (fail, go wrong)垮掉; (口语)完蛋If it weren't for the bail-outs several large banks would have gone belly up.go up in flames v expr (be burned)被烧掉;被烧毁He watched in despair as his house went up in flames.go up in flames v expr figurative (hopes, plans: fail)破灭Jane's plans to buy an apartment went up in flames when she lost her job.go up in smoke v expr (burn)烧毁, 烧尽When I tried to make dinner I accidentally started a fire and the house went up in smoke.我准备做饭时,不小心着了火,房子化为了灰烬。go up in smoke v expr figurative (go to waste)化为云烟, 化为灰烬When the business went bankrupt twenty years of hard work went up in smoke.这家企业破产后,二十年的辛勤劳动都化为乌有。go up to [sb/sth] v expr (approach, accost)靠近;接近Don't be shy, just go up to him and say hi!go up to [sth] v expr (reach as high as)上升至;长及I want some boots that go up to my knees.goof-up n US, slang (mistake)错误gross up, gross-up n (payment from employer for taxes)返计还原;税款补足ground up, ground-up adj (minced or pulverized)被磨碎的;被碾碎的Garam masala is made from ground-up spices and is used in making curries.Grow up! interj (stop acting childishly)别那么幼稚了!Grow up and start acting your age!别那么幼稚了,瞧瞧你都多大了!grown-up, also US: grownup n informal (adult person)成年人;大人It's a movie for grown-ups; it's certainly not for children.Not now, sweetie; the grownups are talking.这是给成人看的电影,少儿不宜。大人说话呢,宝贝,你等等。grown-up, grown up, also US: grownup adj informal (adult, mature)成熟的;成年的;成人的Cindy has three grownup children.辛迪有三个已成年的孩子。grown-up adj informal (suitable for adults)适合成人的;面向成人的Go to your room Maggie; this is a grown-up conversation.grown-up, grown up adj informal (like an adult)像成人般的;如大人一样的The little girl thought it was very grown-up to wear lipstick.grown-up, grown up adv informal (like an adult)像大人一样;如成年人The young girl tried to act grown-up to impress her parents' friends.grub [sth] up, grub up [sth], grub [sth] out, grub out [sth] vtr + adv (dig from the ground)掘出;挖出grub up v expr US, slang (eat)吃东西Jim went home to grub up.gum up the works v expr figurative, informal (spoil everything)搞砸;搅黄gummed-up adj informal (stuck together)被粘住的;糊住的Hay fever can lead to gummed-up eyelids.花粉热会导致眼睑被分泌物粘住。gussied up, gussied-up adj US, informal (dressed in a showy way)精心打扮的;打扮得花枝招展的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounWhy are you all gussied up; is there a party?gussy up vtr US, informal (decorate, embellish) (非正式用语)装饰, 修饰, 粉饰, 把…打扮得漂漂亮亮ham, ham it up vi informal (overact)表演过火;夸张过头Fred decided to ham his act up a bit when the audience didn't react.当观众没什么反应时,弗雷德决定表演地夸张一点。ham it up vi informal (overact, perform in an exaggerated way) (非正式用语)演得过火The kid was really hamming it up, and the crowd loved it.Hands up interj (used to invite a show of hands)举起手来hang it up v expr slang (quit, resign) (俚语)退出;辞职hang up your boots v expr figurative, informal (retire)退役;退休hang up your boots v expr figurative, informal (stop doing an activity)金盆洗手;不再做某事hang-up n informal (psychological complex) (精神上的)烦忧,烦扰I've got a hang-up about the size of my hips.hang-up n US, informal (impediment)造成延误的问题We've run into a bit of a hang-up and need more time to finish.hard up, hard-up adj informal (poor)穷困;穷苦备注: hyphen used when term is before a nounI'm not exactly hard up, but I still don't like to waste money.我不是很穷,但我还是不喜欢乱花钱。hard up, hard-up adj slang (desperate for sex)欲火中烧的;饥渴的Go on a date with John? No thanks, I'm not that hard up!和约翰约会?不,谢谢了,我没那么饥渴!have a leg up on [sb] v expr figurative, informal (have an advantage: over [sb])比…有优势She's got a leg up on most of the kids in the team, as her dad's a professional player.have an ace up your sleeve v expr figurative, informal (have a secret advantage) (比喻)藏着一张王牌;藏着大招have had it up to here v expr figurative, informal (be exasperated)受够了have had it up to here with [sth/sb], be up to here with [sth/sb] v expr figurative, informal (be exasperated)对...受够了;对...很反感I've had it up to here with all your excuses!have [sth] lined up v expr informal (have scheduled)计划好的;做好安排The weekend's almost here! What have you got lined up?have [sth] lined up for [sth] v expr informal (scheduled for a time)为...安排了...We have three events lined up for next week.have [sth] up your sleeve v expr informal, figurative (keep secretly)秘密拥有;隐藏hawk [sth] up, hawk up [sth] vtr + adv (phlegm, etc.: clear from throat) (痰)咳出heads-up, heads up n informal (warning, notice)警告;警示Mike gave the gossiping office workers the heads up that the boss was coming in so that they could look busy.heads-up, heads up n informal (helpful pointer)提醒I just wanted to give you a heads-up that your favorite store is having a big sale this week.heave [sth] up, heave up [sth] vtr + adv (hoist, raise with difficulty)用力举起;费力抬起help [sb] up vtr + adv (assist in standing up)把某人扶起来;帮助某人站起来I was so weak that the nurse had to help me [sb] up vtr + adv (assist in climbing)帮助某人往上攀爬The steps of the tower were steep, so we had to help the kids up, but the climb was worth the view from the top.高塔的阶梯很陡,所以我们得帮孩子们往上爬,但见到塔顶的美景,所有的努力都是值得的。het up adj regional (upset, indignant)愤怒的het up adj regional (enthusiastic)兴奋的high up adv (in a high place)在高处Keep all medicines high up so that children cannot reach them.high-up n US, informal ([sb] in position of power)掌权者;权贵I'm not sure what Maria's job is, exactly, but she's a high-up in the legal system.我不确定玛利亚具体是做什么工作,但是她应该是法律系统的掌权者。higher up, higher-up adj (placed, located higher)更高的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounhigher up adv (at a higher point)更高higher-up n informal (person in authority)高层人物,大人物,要员hit [sb] up, hit [sb] up for [sth] v expr slang (approach for: money) (钱财)向...索取Watch out for Ralph, he's always hitting people up for money.小心拉尔夫,他总是向人讨钱。hitch [sth] up vtr + adv (pull higher; clothing, suspender)拉起备注: 坐时把膝部裤管稍向上拉He hitched up his socks and pants.hitch [sth] up to [sth] v expr (animal: fasten to [sth]) (牲畜)把...套在车上He hitched his horse up to the post and went into the saloon for some whiskey.hold a mirror up to [sth] v expr figurative (reveal [sth] as it truly is)用镜子映照;揭开...的本色be left holding the bag, end up holding the bag (US), be left holding the baby (UK) v expr figurative, informal (bear the blame)背黑锅hold-ups npl UK (type of stockings)大腿袜;长筒袜Hold-ups keep your legs cooler than tights in the summer.夏天,长筒袜比紧身裤让腿更凉快。hold your head high, hold your head up high v expr figurative (be proud) (表示自信和骄傲)昂首挺胸;扬起头Even though our team lost, they played well, so they can hold their heads up high.holdup, also UK: hold-up n informal (robbery at gunpoint)持枪抢劫Apparently, there was a holdup at the bank last week.很明显,上周银行发生了一起持枪抢劫案。holdup, also UK: hold-up n informal (cause of a delay)耽搁,阻碍;交通堵塞You're two hours late, what was the holdup?;hookup, also UK: hook-up n informal, figurative (casual sexual encounter)随意性行为Hookups are common among college students.随意的性行为在大学生中很常见。hookup, also UK: hook-up n (connection, link)连接The cable man installed a new hookup in my bedroom so I can watch TV while I'm in bed.有线电视安装员在我的卧室装了一个新的连接装置,这样我就能躺在床上看电视了。hookup, also UK: hook-up n informal, figurative (alliance)联盟A cross-party hookup seems the best way to resolve this problem.hopped up adj slang (person: excited) (俚语)兴奋的;激动的hopped up adj slang (person: high on drugs) (俚语)嗑药的;吸毒的hopped up adj slang (engine: altered to have extra power) (俚语,指引擎)加速的;加力的;加强的huddle up vi + adv (draw together)挤在一起;依偎在一起It was a cold night and the campers huddled up around the fire.huddle up vi + adv (draw limbs close to body)缩成一团;蜷缩起来The little girl huddled up under the duvet and cried herself to sleep.huddled up, huddled-up adj (close together)挤成一团的;偎依在一起的The three puppies were huddled up in the armchair.三只小狗在扶手椅中依偎在一起。huddled up, huddled-up adj (limbs drawn close to body)身体缩成一团的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounhung up, hung-up adj informal (person: anxious)焦虑的;担忧的David finds it hard to relax and have fun; he's too hung up.大卫发现很难放松和玩闹,他太焦虑了。hung up, hung-up adj informal (person: neurotic) (非正式用语)过度敏感的;有心理问题的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.I was hung up as a teenager because I was shorter than all my friends.十几岁的时候,因为比我所有的朋友都矮,我变得很敏感。hung up about [sth] expr informal, figurative (neurotic about [sth])对...过于敏感的Don't get hung up about your appearance - you look fine!不要太在意你的外表,你看起来很好!hung up on [sth] expr figurative, slang (preoccupied)全神贯注于某事;纠结于某事There's no need to get hung up on details - I just want a general overview of the situation.没必要纠结于细节,我只想了解一下大致情况。hung up on [sb] expr figurative, slang (infatuated)迷恋某人She's still hung up on him after all these years.多年过去了,她仍对他念念不忘。hung-up adj informal (delayed)延迟的We were hung up for a while at the airport due to adverse weather conditions.Hurry up! interj (go faster)快点!;抓紧!Hurry up! I haven't got all day!抓紧!我可没有一整天的工夫!hush up vi + adv informal (be silent, say nothing)别吭气;别出声hush [sb] up vtr + adv informal (make [sb] silent)让...缄默;让...沉默hush up interj informal (stop talking)噤声;完全没有声息Hush up and watch the movie!hype [sb] up vtr + prep (inject with a stimulant)给...注射Jon hyped himself up on meth and got arrested.乔恩给自己注射冰毒,随后被捕。if something crops up, if anything crops up expr (should [sth] unexpected arise)如果突然发生某事;如有突发情况I plan to come to the party, but will let you know if something crops up to prevent me the lead-up to [sth] expr (in the period before)在...之前This change was reflected in the opinion polls conducted in the lead up to the election.It's up to you. interj informal (it is your decision)由你来定;你说了算We can get Mexican or Chinese food tonight - it's up to you.jacked up on v expr (stimulated by)因…而激动;因...受到刺激We were so jacked up on caffeine we had no trouble staying awake during the test.jazzed-up adj informal (made more exciting)变得更为生动有趣的I'm impressed by the company's jazzed-up website.joined-up adj (cohesive, coordinated)协调的joined-up adj (writing: linked) (写作)连笔的jumble [sth] up with [sth], jumble up [sth] with [sth] v expr informal (mix up) (非正式用语)将…与…混淆jumble up [sth] and [sth] v expr (mix up)把…和…混合在一起jump up vi + adv (leap to one's feet)跳起来;一跃而起He jumped up and seized me by the hand.jump up and down v expr (bounce)上下跳,跳动If you jump up and down on the spot for one minute, you will probably end up out of breath.jump up and down v expr informal, figurative (be very excited)非常兴奋;欣喜若狂;暴跳如雷You should have seen her; she was jumping up and down with excitement.jumped-up adj UK, informal (pompous)自大的;浮夸的keep a leg up v expr figurative, informal (stay ahead)保持领先keep it up v expr informal (maintain at same pace or level) (非正式用语)保持原有水平,不懈怠You got straight A's this term - keep it up! Good work, Alan - keep it up!这学期你得了全A,请保持!艾伦,干得好,保持住!keep up the good work v expr (expressing approval)继续好好干My teacher told me to keep up the good work after I scored 100% in the exam.keep [sb] up to date v expr (inform regularly)使…了解最新消息;使…跟上时代We'll keep you up to date with the latest business news.keep [sth] up to date v expr (update)使…保持更新It's important to keep your business website up to date.keep up to date v expr (stay informed)了解最新消息;跟上时代I read Vogue magazine to keep up to date with all the latest fashions.Keep your chin up. interj informal, figurative (encouragement: Be courageous!)别灰心。;不要气馁。Keep your chin up – I'm sure you'll find a solution to the problem.keep your end up, hold your end up v expr figurative, informal (perform your part adequately)负起你那份责任;做好你分内的事keep [sb]'s spirits up v expr (help [sb] stay cheerful)振作精神;保持乐观积极keyed up, keyed-up adj figurative, informal (tense, nervous)紧张的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounkick up your heels v expr figurative, informal (have a good time) (工作、劳作后)轻松愉快一会儿kiss and make up v expr informal, figurative (be reconciled)和好;言归于好The pair kissed and made up after a nine-year feud.knock-up n informal, UK (tennis: pre-game practice) (网球)赛前练习,赛前试打备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a nounknocked up, knocked-up adj vulgar, slang (woman: pregnant)被搞大肚子It seemed like everyone I knew was pregnant that summer; there were knocked-up women everywhere!knocked up, knocked-up adj US (thing: damaged)受损的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounWhen my package arrived, it was so knocked up that it looked like it had been run over by a car.lace-up adj (having laces)有蕾丝的lace-ups npl (shoes with laces)系带鞋laid up adj informal (ill in bed) (非正式用语)因病卧床的I was laid up with flu all week and couldn't go to work.laid up adj (put aside, saved for later)储备起来的I have a big pile of firewood laid up for the winter.;lash-up n UK ([sth] makeshift or improvised)临时替代, 权宜之计laugh up your sleeve, also US: laugh in your sleeve v expr (be secretly amused)窃笑;偷笑lay-up, layup n (basketball shot) (篮球)上篮The two points from the last lay-up helped them win the game.lay-up, layup n (journey: break) (旅程中)暂停,休息lay-up, layup n (manufacturing process)铺层;叠合lay-up, layup n (layers of laminated material)夹板铺叠lead [sb] down the garden path, lead [sb] up the garden path v expr informal, figurative (deceive)欺骗;某人;使某人上当I never suspected he was just leading me down the garden path.lead-up n (preceding events, action)先导阶段The politician made promises in the lead-up to the election that he failed to keep once he came to power.这位政客在竞选的先导阶段作出了承诺,但他执政后却无法兑现。leading up to prep (preceding)通往;一路通向leading up to prep (preparatory to)作为…的准备leap up vi + adv (jump to your feet)一跃而起When I saw the young mother leap up, I looked to see why.leap up vi + adj (spring, jump)跳起来;弹起来leg up n (physical boost upward)抬腿leg up n figurative (help, advantage)优势,上风;一臂之力let up on [sth] v expr (stop doing [sth])停止The strikers have stated that they will not be letting up on their campaign of action.罢工者声称他们不会停止他们的行动。let up on [sb] v expr (stop making difficulties for [sb])对…宽松The boss has just given Charlie another pile of work; she never lets up on him.老板又给了查理一大堆工作,她从未让他空下来过。let up about [sth] v expr (subject: stop talking about)停止谈论Matt was late home on Friday night and his wife still hasn't let up about it.马特周五晚上很晚才回家,他妻子到现在还没完没了说起。let-up n (easing off, lessening)减弱;减轻;缓和There has been no let-up in the rain since yesterday.从昨天起雨就没停过。letting up n (act of relenting)减弱;减缓letting up n (stopping or pause)停止;暂停It has been raining all day and shows no sign of letting up.letup, let-up n informal (respite, relief) (非正式用语)中止,停止,减缓;减弱It's been raining without letup for weeks.lift [sth] up vtr + adv (raise)抬起;提起;举起If you lift up the boxes and hand them to me, I'll put them in the attic.把那几个盒子举起来递给我,我把它们放到阁楼里去。light [sth] up, light up [sth] vtr + adv (illuminate)照亮The dim lamp hardly lights up the room.那盏昏暗的台灯几乎不能将房间照亮。line [sth] up with [sth], line up [sth] with [sth] v expr (align)将…与…对齐;使…与…成一条直线When using the cutter, line your paper up with the guideline.使用裁刀时,将纸与参考线对齐。lined up adj (arranged in a line)排成队的;排成一排的All my action figures are lined up on the top lined up for [sth] expr informal (set aside, ready)为...准备好;为...预备着Those funds are lined up for emergencies.lineup, line-up n (suspects: identity parade)(警察要见证人指出谁为嫌疑犯而让数人排成的)行列The store owner identified his assailant in a police lineup.lineup, line-up n (acts billed for a show) (娱乐业)(电影院﹑ 剧场等的)节目单,节目安排There is a great line-up for this year's festival, including many famous stars.lineup, line-up n (schedule of events)计划或事情的次序;项目安排The festival's lineup will be published this week.lineup, line-up n (sport: participants) (体育)参加者The fans objected to the team's lineup; it was missing the best player!link [sth] up vtr + adv (connect)将…连接起来The Laos-Thai bridge links up the two up [sth] and [sth] v expr (connect: two things together)将…与…连接起来link [sth] up with [sth], link [sth] up to [sth] v expr (connect: two things)将…与…连接起来;将…连接到…上We were able to link the computer up to a huge TV screen.linkup, link-up n (connection, contact)连接;联系;会合A linkup between the college and a local company has led to several students gaining work experience.listen up interj informal (pay attention, listen) (非正式用语)听好了,仔细听,听清楚了Listen up, class, I'm going to explain our next activity.lit up adj (illuminated)被照亮的Erika enjoys walking along the lit up streets of the city at Christmas.艾丽卡喜欢沿着圣诞节时被照亮的街道散步。live it up v expr slang (lead hedonistic life)尽情享乐;尽情挥霍Live it up while you are still young and it up v expr slang (celebrate extravagantly)狂欢;狂欢庆祝It's all right to live it up once in a while; a few beers won't hurt up to [sb]'s expectations, live up to expectations v expr (be as good as anticipated)不负所望;满足期望I fear I will never live up to my parents' up to your billing v expr figurative (be as good as expected)不负期待Let's hope their new player lives up to his billing and scores a few goals!load [sth] up with [sth] v expr (fill with [sth] to be transported)向...上装载...;往...装...I loaded up the shopping cart with groceries.lockup, lock-up n UK, informal (storage facility) (非正式用语)储物室,储藏室lockup, lock-up n informal (jail) (非正式用语)监狱,拘留所look [sb] up and down v expr (examine, scrutinize [sb])打量;上下打量looking up adj informal, figurative (starting to improve) (非正式用语,比喻)开始好转的,开始改善的loved-up adj UK, slang (high on amphetamines) (因服用安非他明)兴奋的loved-up adj UK, slang (in love)热恋的lube [sb] up vtr + adv informal (apply sexual lubricant to)给…涂抹性爱润滑剂lube [sth] up, lube up [sth] vtr + adv informal (oil, grease: a machine) (机器)给…上油;lump up vi + adv (get lumpy)结块;凝结成块Tim forgot to stir the roux and it began to lump up in the pan.made up, made-up adj (invented, imaginary)编造的;虚构的备注: A hyphen is used when the term precedes the noun.Don't give me a made-up story. I want to know the truth.别给我编造故事。我想要知道真相。made-up adj (wearing cosmetics)化妆的;上妆的She's so heavily made-up, you can't tell what she really looks like.她的妆太浓了,根本看不出来她原本长什么样子。made-up adj (mind: decided)决定的A meeting was held to discuss the plans, but most people arrived with already made-up minds.开这会为了讨论计划,但大多数人来之前都已打定主意。made up of [sth] expr (comprising)由…组成A computer is made up of many high-tech components.一台电脑是由许多高科技组件组成的。made up adj UK, regional, informal (pleased)高兴的;开心的It's great that you could come. I'm made up!很高兴你能来。我太开心了!made up about [sth], made up with [sth] expr UK, regional, informal (pleased)为…高兴;因为…开心I'm made up about my new car!我因为有了新车开心。make it up to [sb] v expr informal (make amends)弥补所受的伤害等George wanted to make it up to Andrea for being so bad-tempered towards her earlier.make up for lost time v expr (compensate for past inaction)弥补失去的时间Her father made up for lost time by buying her lots of presents.make up your mind v expr informal (decide)下定决心;决定Are you coming with me or not? Make up your mind!你到底跟不跟我来?快决定!make-up artist n ([sb]: applies performers' cosmetics)化妆师make-up bag n (pouch for cosmetics)化妆品包make-up sex n (sex after argument) (指吵架后发生性行为)和解做爱My husband and I argue quite a lot, but the make-up sex is so great it makes it worthwhile!makeup, also UK: make-up n (cosmetics)化妆品;化妆She carries every kind of makeup in her handbag.她的手袋里装满了各种化妆品。makeup, also UK: make-up n (constitution, composition)组成;构造The makeup of the committee should reflect its membership.委员会的组成应该反映其成员结构。makeup artist, make-up artist n (cosmetics applier)化妆师;美容师The makeup artist completely changed her looks for the remover, make-up remover n (for removing cosmetics)卸妆液;卸妆油I use a makeup remover every night before going to bed.I take off mascara and lipstick with makeup remover.making up n informal (reconciliation) (非正式用语)讲和,和好The best thing about our fights is the making up afterwards.mark [sth] up vtr + adv US (scratch, mar)弄脏The children had marked up the walls with crayon.孩子们用蜡笔涂墙。markup, mark-up n (price increase)加价;涨价The dealer added a 5% markup to the car.markup, mark-up n (printing instructions)标示Lindsay printed the final document without markups.mashup, mash-up n figurative, informal (music: mixture of styles) (音乐风格的)混编备注: A hyphen or single-word form is used when the term is a nounmash-up, mashup n figurative, informal (music video: composite of clips) (音乐视频)混搭;混合John thinks he is a video whiz, but he made a terrible mashup of Elton John and Bob Dylan videos.mashup, mash-up n figurative, informal (mixture, combination)混合;组合match [sth] up, match up [sth] and [sth] v expr (pair)使…配对;使…和…成对I don't mind washing and ironing, but I hate matching up all the socks.我不介意洗熨,但我讨厌配对所有的袜子。match [sth] up with [sth], match up [sth] with [sth] v expr (pair with: [sth])使...与...配对;匹配...和The students were asked to match up the French words with their meanings.学生需要将法语单词与意思进行配对。match [sb] up with [sb], match up [sb] with [sb] v expr (pair romantically: with [sb])撮合…和…;让...与...相亲My mother keeps trying to match me up with her friend's nephew.我母亲一直想撮合我和她朋友的侄子。matchup, match-up n (pairing)配对measure [sb] up for [sth] v expr (calculate size: for clothing) (为裁剪或购买衣服)为…给…量尺寸The tailor measured him up for a new suit.mess up [sb]'s hair, mess [sb]'s hair up v expr informal (make [sb]'s hair untidy)弄乱某人的头发Don't mess up my hair - I've only just come from the hairdressers!mess-up n informal (mistake, blunder)混乱;一团糟There was a mess-up with our hotel booking and we had to find somewhere else to stay.messed up, messed-up adj slang (person: psychologically damaged)心灵受到严重打击的,精神崩溃的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.Dan came back from the war totally messed up; he hasn't been the same since.在战场上,丹受到了严重的精神打击,自打回来后就像完全变了个人。messed up, messed-up adj slang (person: injured)身受重伤的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.She was badly messed up when we found her after her fall from the rocks.她从石头上摔了下来。当我们发现她的时候,她已深受重伤。messed up, messed-up adj slang (body part: injured) (身体部位)受伤的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.Donny's legs are messed up from a motorbike crash three years ago.唐尼的腿因三年前的一次摩托车事故而受伤。messed up, messed-up adj slang (thing: damaged) (俚语)受损的;受伤的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.The picture frame is messed up. I think it's broken.这位运动员因膝部受伤而退出了比赛。messed up, messed-up adj slang (wrong)不对的;糟糕的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.Oedipus killed his father and married his mother; that's messed up!俄狄浦斯杀了他的父亲,取了他的母亲,真的太乱了!mix it up v expr slang (argue, fight)打起来,扭打起来;争执起来,争吵起来The hockey teams really mixed it up last night; some of the boys went home with fewer teeth.昨晚,两支曲棍球队打起来了。好多男孩缺着牙齿回家。mix it up v expr US, slang (actively compete)加把劲;更积极地竞争Our basketball team isn't doing very well; I wish they would mix it up a little.我们的篮球队表现不佳,我希望他们加把劲。mix it up v expr informal (vary things)更多样化The band like to mix it up a bit to keep things interesting.乐队喜欢做混音,让音乐呈现多样化。mix it up with [sb] v expr US, slang (argue, fight)与…大打出手,与…扭打在一起;与…争执不休John really mixed it up with Joe; now both of them are in the hospital.mix up [sb] and [sb], mix up [sb] with [sb] v expr (identities: confuse) (人)将…错认为,将…与…搞混I always mix up Scarlett Johansson and Amber Heard; to me they look really alike!我总是将斯嘉丽·约翰逊与艾梅柏·希尔德搞混,就我而言她们长得实在太像了!mix-up n informal (confusion)混淆;搞混The nurse administered heparin instead of Coumadin, a fatal mix-up.护士使用了肝素而非香豆素,真是致命的混淆。mixed up, mixed-up adj (jumbled, garbled)混合的;弄混的I dropped my notes and now they are all mixed up.mixed up, mixed-up adj figurative, informal (person: confused)搞不清的;困惑不解的;糊涂的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounThe experience left me feeling very mixed up.She is a very mixed-up kid.那次经历让我困惑不解。// 她是个非常糊涂的孩子。get mixed up with [sb/sth] v expr informal (become involved with)掺合进,牵涉进;与...有牵连Brad got mixed up with the wrong crowd in his teenage years and ended up dropping out of school with no mixed up with [sb/sth] v expr informal (be involved with)与...混在一起;与...有牵连Don is mixed up with some very dubious people; I think they might be involved in organized crime.get [sth/sb] mixed up with [sth/sb] v expr (confuse two people or things)搞混;弄混My husband is hopeless at recognizing celebrities—he always manages to get Ed Sheeran mixed up with Prince Harry.mock-up, mockup n (practice model)模型;模拟The mock-up shows how the text and images will be laid out in the published book.这个模本展示了出版书籍的文字和图像排版。mopping-up n figurative (military: act of mopping up) (军事)肃清残敌mopping-up adj figurative (handling consequences)扫尾的,收尾的;收场的The government swung into mopping-up mode following the leaks.mopping-up adj figurative (military: killing remaining enemy) (军事)扫荡的;muck-up n UK, slang (blunder, [sth] botched)一塌糊涂,一团糟mug up on [sth] v expr UK, informal (study)攻读;学习;研究nosh-up n UK, slang (big meal)大餐not give up v expr (persevere)不放弃John got tired in the middle of the race, but he did not give up.not hold up v expr figurative, informal (fail to withstand close examination)经不起检验的When the experts performed their tests on the crude counterfeit money, it did not hold up.not hold up v expr informal (fail to withstand use)撑不住;经不住not stand up v expr figurative (not withstand scrutiny, etc.) (检验等)经受不起David's lies won't stand up in court.not up to prep informal (not fit enough for)没有达到;不能胜任He tried hard, but he was not up to the challenge.Your performance is not up to the standards we are looking for.notch up [sth], notch [sth] up vi + adv (increase)增加;增强The discovery of another dead body in chapter 2 serves to notch up the tension.notch up vi + adv (increase slightly)稍有增加;稍有增强;爬升了The temperature has finally notched up a few degrees, now that spring is here.[sb]'s number is up expr figurative, informal ([sb] is about to die)气数已尽;命数已定nuzzle vtr (snuggle up)依偎着;紧靠在The little boy nuzzled against his mother's neck.on the up and up, on the up adv UK, informal (increasingly successful)日渐成功;稳步上升on the up and up adv US, informal (legitimate, not illegal)合法be one up, be one-up v expr informal (have an advantage)领先的,有优势的be one up on [sb], be one-up on [sb] v expr informal (have an advantage over [sb])比...有优势get one up, get one-up v expr informal (obtain an advantage)胜过get one up on [sb], get one-up on [sb] v expr informal (obtain an advantage over [sb])获得比...更高的优势one up [sb], one-up [sb] vtr informal (outdo)胜出;胜过open a can of worms, open up a can of worms v expr figurative, informal (create controversy, problems)自找麻烦Laura opened a can of worms when she mentioned Oliver's [sth] up to [sb] v expr figurative (extend to include)对…打开,对…开放Email was opened up to the public in the early 1990s.opening up n (making more inclusive)开拓,开放opening up n figurative (sharing one's feelings) (比喻)敞开胸怀Order up! interj (restaurant: when food is ready)上菜!own up to [sth] v expr (confess responsibility for)承认,坦白Nobody owned up to the theft, so the teacher gave the whole class a detention.pace up and down v expr (walk back and forth)来回踱步pack [sth] up again v expr (return [sth] to container)将…重新打好包packing up adj UK, slang (starting to malfunction)开始出故障的,开始出问题的paid-up adj (who has paid fees)付费的;已付的George is a paid-up member of the club.乔治是该俱乐部付费的会员。paste-up, pasteup n (document prepared for printing)拼版,拼贴版样paste-up, pasteup n as adj (involving a paste-up)拼版的,拼贴版样的patch things up, patch it up (with [sb]) v expr informal, figurative (be reconciled)讲和;修好My friend and I had a fight, but we've patched things up now.pent up, pent-up adj (person, animal: confined)被关起来的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounWhen it rains, the children are pent up in the house all day.pent up, pent-up adj (emotion, energy: repressed) (情绪、精力)压抑的,压制的Pent-up emotions can be harmful to mental health.Dogs are taken outside and allowed to release their pent-up energy.pent up, pent-up adj (held in, restrained)被抑制的;被压抑的There was a lot of pent-up demand for new cars when the economy improved and people were buying cars again.pick it up v expr informal (move, work, etc., at a faster rate)动作快点;快些做We'll never finish this job by Thursday at this rate; we need to pick it up.pick up speed v expr (get faster)加快速度;加速pick up the phone v expr (answer phone call)接电话Fiona picked up the phone and began talking to someone on the other end.pick up the pieces v expr figurative (deal with aftermath)收拾残局,重整旗鼓After her husband's death, she had to pick up the pieces the best she could.pick up the torch v expr figurative (take over)接过接力棒,继续前人的事业Mozart picked up the torch passed to him from Haydn, and elevated classical music to new heights.pick-me-up n informal ([sth] that makes you feel better)提神物;兴奋剂When I need a little pick-me-up, I eat one of my favorite candy bars.pickup, pick-up n US (small open-backed truck)皮卡;轻便货车The man gave us a ride in the back of his pickup.那位男子让我们坐到他皮卡的后车厢里载了我们一程。pickup line, pick-up line n informal ([sth] said to seduce)搭讪用语"Do you come here often?" is not a very original pickup line, to say the least.pickup truck, pick-up truck, pickup, pick-up n (small open-back truck)敞蓬小型载货卡车;轻型货车;皮卡My new pickup truck is painted bright yellow.pileup, pile-up n informal (crash involving many vehicles) (非正式用语)连环相撞,连环撞车Traffic was stopped because of the pileup on the highway.pileup, pile-up n informal (accumulation) (非正式用语)累积,堆积Bob felt overwhelmed by the pileup of documents on his [sth] up, pin up [sth] vtr + adv (tack to a wall or board)钉住The teacher pinned up the pictures on the bulletin board for everyone to see.pinup, pin-up n (poster of glamorous woman)美女海报;美女装饰画pinup, pin-up n informal (attractive female celebrity) (如女明星等)迷人性感的女人,美艳女子,海报女郎pinup girl, pin-up girl n informal (glamour model) (非正式用语)性感女郎;海报女郎That fellow has his bedroom wall plastered with magazine pin-up girls.pinup girl, pin-up girl n informal (attractive female celebrity)海报女郎pipe up vi informal (speak, give one's opinion)发话;说话;发表意见If you thought he was wrong, you should have piped up and said so!play catch-up vtr + n informal (get updated)了解最近情况Julia wanted to play catch-up and find out what had happened while she had been catch-up vtr + n informal (do work missed due to illness)赶工;补上没有做的工作I had to play catch-up after being away from work on sick leave.playing up adj UK, informal (not functioning)有问题的,出故障的playing up adj UK, informal (child: misbehaving) (儿童)调皮的,胡闹的,不乖的pluck up the courage v expr (be brave enough to do [sth])鼓起勇气I want to ask him on a date, but I haven't been able to pluck up the courage.pluck up courage to do [sth], pluck up the courage to do [sth] v expr (be brave enough to do [sth])鼓起勇气做某事Tina plucked up the courage to tell her parents that she was pregnant.plugged up, plugged-up adj informal (blocked)被堵住的;被堵塞的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounMy ears were all plugged up.pop-up, popup n (internet advertisement)弹出式广告I hate all the annoying pop-ups on this news site.pop-up, popup n (internet window) (互联网)弹出窗口A pop-up appeared asking me to enter my password.弹出窗口,要求我输入密码。pop-up adj (book, card: opens in 3D) ((书、卡片等)用立体形式打开的)弹出的My young daughter loves pop-up books of classic fairy tales.pop-up adj (shop, restaurant, etc.: temporary)快闪的There's a pop-up jeans store in the city center.pop-up book n (book: illustrations open out)立体书prick up your ears v expr (react to sound, raise ears)竖起耳朵The dog pricked up his ears when he heard Nancy's voice.prick up your ears v expr figurative (become attentive)集中注意力; (形容注意)竖起耳朵Thelma pricked up her ears when she heard her name mentioned by someone on the other side of the room.psyched up, psyched-up adj informal (psychologically prepared) (非正式用语)做好心理准备的,精神上准备好的I'm completely psyched up for the exam now.psyched up, psyched-up adj informal (overexcited) (非正式用语)过于激动的,过分紧张的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounThe kids were all psyched up and running around like lunatics.puffed up, puffed-up adj informal (swollen)肿起的;肿胀的Her puffed-up face is the result of all the medication she is taking.puffed up, puffed-up adj figurative, pejorative, informal (self-important)自我膨胀的;趾高气扬的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounI really do not need some puffed-up bureaucrat telling me what I can and cannot do.pull [sb] up on [sth], pull [sb] up for [sth] v expr figurative, informal (reprimand for [sth])因为…训斥;因为…责备Ruth pulled her son up on his bad language.露丝因他的儿子讲了脏话而训斥他。pull up stakes v expr figurative (leave)离开;搬家pull your socks up, pull up your socks v expr figurative, informal (make an effort)加油努力,振作起来You need to pull your socks up at school if you're going to get good grades in your exams.pull-up, pullup n usually plural (gym exercise)引体向上Pull-ups are good for building up your arm muscles.pull-up n (nappy pants: type of diaper)尿布拉拉裤pull-up, pullup n as adj (used for pull-up exercises)引体向上的There is a pull-up bar in the park.公园里有锻炼引体向上的横杆。pull-up adj (diaper: can be pulled up) (尿布)裤式的, 套穿的punch-up n UK, informal (fist fight)拳打,徒手打斗The two men had a punch-up.push [sth] up, push up [sth] vtr + adv (thrust, press upwards)把...推上去This bra pushes up your bust.这款文胸提升了你的胸部。push [sth] up, push up [sth] vtr + adv figurative (price, bid: force to rise) (价格等)抬高,推升The town's popularity as a tourist destination has pushed up house prices.这个城镇成为知名旅游景点,推高了房价。push up daisies, push up the daisies, also US: push daisies v expr figurative (be dead and buried)长眠地下备注: Usually used in the continuous.push up the bidding v expr (force amounts bid to increase)(拍卖时)抬高出价A couple of rival private collectors pushed the bidding up to ridiculous levels.push-up (US), press-up (UK) n usually plural (arm exercise)俯卧撑The fitness instructor asked the class to do 20 push-ups.健身教练要求班级学员做20个俯卧撑。push-up adj (underwear: lifts the breasts) (胸罩)聚拢型的;上托的;提升型的push-up bra n (woman's undergarment)上托型文胸pushing daisies (US), pushing up daisies (UK) adj informal, figurative, euphemism (dead and buried)坟头长草,入土为安I want to live to be 80 years old, not to be pushing daisies by age 70.put on makeup, put on make-up v expr (apply cosmetics)化妆While driving is not a good time to put on makeup.put up a fight v expr (struggle)进行斗争;顽强抵抗;奋起战斗My daughter was so tired that she didn't even put up a fight when it was time for her nap.He put up a good fight but the other man was stronger.put [sb/sth] up for adoption v expr disapproving (child, pet) (含贬义)找人收养;将...送给别人收养The teenage girl gave birth to a baby boy, but immediately put him up for adoption.When the puppies were 8 weeks old, we put them up for adoption.put [sth] up for auction v expr (offer for sale at auction)把…交付拍卖;将…拿出来拍卖We put our house up for auction, but we didn't get nearly as much as we'd hoped for.put up for hire v expr (make available to rent)将…招贴出去以招租Owners can put their caravans up for hire on the website.put [sth] up for rent v expr (make available to lease, hire)将…张贴出去以招租I don't know whether to sell my house or put it up for rent.put [sth] up for sale v expr (offer for purchase)将…出售He put his house up for sale because it had become too small for his family.put up the money v expr informal (make a financial offer) (非正式用语)提供资金,拨款,出钱I was ready to put up the money, but the seller withdrew at the last minute.put up with [sb/sth] v expr informal (tolerate)忍耐;忍受I will not put up with your whining any more. Go to bed this minute!我再也忍受不了你的满腹牢骚了。现在就给我去睡觉!put your feet up v expr informal (relax)搁起腿休息,翘起腿休息After work, Maurice loved to just put his feet up and watch TV in his easy chair.put-up job n informal (scam, con)阴谋;诓骗;诈骗;骗局quit smoking (US), give up smoking, stop smoking (UK) v expr (give up cigarettes)戒烟ramped-up adj (increased, intensified)加强的,增加的rare, rare up vi US, regional, dated (animal: get up on hind legs) (动物,旧语)用后腿站立ratchet [sth] up vtr + prep figurative (increase [sth])使…逐步提高,使…逐渐加剧This is an excellent thriller; the author really knows how to ratchet up the tension.这本惊险小说写得非常好;作者真的知道如何逐步加剧紧张气氛。rave-up n UK, slang (wild party)疯狂欢闹的派对,锐舞派对rave-up n slang (loud pop music)锐舞派对的音乐,吵闹的流行音乐re-up vi (re-enlist)重新入伍,再次入伍re-up [sb] vtr (re-enrol, re-employ)重新招收;重新雇用rear up v expr (horse: rise on hind legs) (指马用后腿)站立,直立redd [sth] up vtr dialect (tidy)整理remove your make-up v expr (wipe off cosmetics)卸妆You should always remove your make-up before you go to bed or you will get spots.ride, ride up vi (clothing: shift upwards) (衣服下摆)往上缩(垮在臀部)His pants tend to ride on his hips.他的裤子要垮到屁股上了。ride up [sth] vi + prep (clothing: move up on) (指衣物)沿...往上滑,顺...往上缩That jumper is far too small for you - it's riding up your back!rig [sth] up vtr + adv informal (set up: [sth] makeshift)临时搭建We rigged up a tent out of a bedspread and camped in the back yard.get riled up v expr informal (become irritated, angry)被惹火;被激怒;生气Our dog Fido gets all riled up whenever a cat passes by. There's no need to get riled up - I was just kidding!每次有猫经过,我们的狗费多就会非常生气。不必这么生气,我只是开玩笑罢了!be riled up v expr informal (be irritated, angry)被激怒;被惹恼rise up vi + adv (move upwards)向上移动;上涨;站起;抬起The morning sun sweetly convinces the flowers to rise up and greet it.花儿抬起头来,迎接朝阳甜蜜的爱抚。rising up adj (moving upwards)向上的;上涨的rising up adj figurative (people: revolting, protesting)起来反抗的;起义的;造反的Roll up! interj dated (Come and see!)快来看!The stallholder called out, "Roll up! Roll up! All ladies' shoes now half price!"摊贩大声喊道:“快来看啊!快来看啊!所有女鞋现在半价!”roll up your sleeves v expr (sleeves: push, fold up)撸起袖子I rolled up my sleeves so that they wouldn't get stained with paint.roll up your sleeves v expr figurative (prepare for work) (比喻)撸起袖子准备大干一场It's time to roll up my sleeves and get to work on my income tax returns.roll-up adj (can be rolled up)卷轴式;可卷起的Andrea takes a roll-up mat to her yoga class.roll-up n UK, informal (cigarette)手卷烟Jon smokes roll-ups because they are cheaper than manufactured cigarettes.roll-up n AU, informal (crowd at a gathering)聚集在一起的人群roll-up adj (investment fund)滚动投资;滚动兼并rolled-up adj (papers: wound into a scroll) (纸张)成卷轴的He put the rolled-up poster in his bag.rolled-up adj (sleeves: turned up) (衣袖等)卷起的Martin was wearing a check shirt with rolled-up sleeves.root [sth] up, root up [sth] vtr + adv (dig [sth] up at roots)根除;彻底清除rounded-up adj (expressed as next whole number)四舍五入的I calculated my total expenses and entered the rounded-up figure into the box.roundup, also UK: round-up n (cattle drive)聚拢牲口The cowboy was in the middle of a roundup when it started to rain.roundup, also UK: round-up n (summary)综述The family watched the sports roundup on the evening news.roundup, also UK: round-up n (gathering up)召集;聚合The police's roundup of suspects didn't result in an arrest.rub [sb] the wrong way, rub [sb] up the wrong way v expr figurative, informal (irritate)激怒;使...生气My colleague's habit of whistling as he works rubs me up the wrong way.rub-up n mainly UK, informal (polishing)抛光;擦亮That brass could do with a rub-up.rub-up n mainly UK, dated, rare (review)温习;复习My Italian could do with a rub-up before I go to Rome next [sth] up [sth] vtr + prep (flag, banner: raise on pole) (旗帜、横幅等)将…挂上;将…升到…上The Boy Scouts are running the flag up the pole.男童子军正在将旗帜升到旗杆顶上。run-up n (preceding period)事件的前奏曲;序幕Restaurants make a large part of their annual profit in the run-up to n (time of preparation)准备阶段In the run-up to the World Cup, football fans all over the world become crazy with n (aircraft: prior to take-off) (飞机)引擎加速The plane began to make its run-up to take-off.runner-up, plural: runners-up n (competitor: 2nd place) (竞赛中的)亚军,第二名Linda won the school's talent contest and her friend Amy was the runner-up.runner-up, plural: runners-up n (competitor: placed, but not first) (竞赛中的)非冠军的获奖者He finished the marathon in third place, as second runner-up.他在马拉松比赛中获得第三名,是第二位没有获得冠军的获奖者。scale up [sth], scale [sth] up vtr + adv (increase in size)增大scaling up n (enlargement)增加;增大;scoop [sth/sb] up vtr + adv (lift, pick up)铲起Dog owners should scoop up their dog's mess and put it in the bin.狗主人应该把狗的粪便捡起来,扔进垃圾箱。scrape up [sth], scrape [sth] up vtr + adv (pick up using [sth] sharp, flat)拾起,捡起;铲起备注: 尤指尖锐或扁平的物体The gardener used a trowel to scrape up the dog mess he had found on the lawn.screw [sth] up, screw up [sth] vtr + adv (crumple into ball)把…揉成一团;把…团成一团Marilyn screwed up the piece of paper and threw it in the bin.玛丽琳把那张纸揉成一团,然后将它扔进了垃圾筐。screw-up, also US: screwup n US, slang (mistake, blunder)错误,错There was a screw-up at the restaurant and we were charged too much on the bill.screw-up, also US: screwup n US, slang (person who habitually makes mistakes)犯错误的人I have always been such a screw-up; I can't even hold down a job!screwed up, screwed-up adj (paper: crumpled) (纸)被揉成一团的There was a screwed-up sheet of paper on the floor.screwed up, screwed-up adj figurative, slang (person: troubled) (人)烦恼困扰的,心乱如麻的You're so screwed up that you can't tell right from wrong.screwed up, screwed-up adj figurative, slang (body part: injured) (身体部位)受伤的,被弄伤的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounI fell off my bike yesterday and now my leg's so screwed up I can hardly walk.send-up n informal (parody)嘲弄性的模仿;滑稽模仿sent up adj informal (parodied)被戏仿的,被滑稽模仿的set [sth] up, set up [sth] vtr + adv (establish)建立;创立;设立They set the new store up on Maple Street.他们在枫树街开了一家新店。set [sth] up, set up [sth] vtr + adv (assemble)拼装;装配;组装I bought my son a swing set and had to set it up in the yard yesterday.我给儿子买了一套秋千,昨天不得不把它架在院子里。set [sb] up with [sb], set up [sb] with [sb] v expr (get [sb] together with [sb])把...介绍给, 给...和...说媒, 给...和...牵红线Ed's sister tried to set him up with one of her friends, but they didn't hit it off.艾德的姐妹尝试为他与自己的一位朋友说媒,但是他们之间合不来。set [sb] up with [sth] v expr mainly US, informal (pay for drinks)替...付…的钱That generous woman set us all up with drinks last night.昨晚,那位大方的女士请我们大家喝酒。set up camp v expr (establish campsite)扎营;搭帐篷set up shop v expr (open a business)开设店铺Linda's set up shop doing sewing repairs and dressmaking.setting-up n (assembling [sth])组装,装配The setting-up of the table was difficult.setting-up n (establishing business) (公司)开办,成立Roger needed his dad's help with the setting-up of the company.setup, also UK: set-up n (arrangement)安排;布置You've got a great setup here for working from home.你家中办公室的布置非常好。setup, also UK: set-up n (gathered equipment) (舞台)设备;器具We left our setup on stage for tomorrow night's concert.我们把设备留在了舞台上,方便明天晚上开音乐会。setup, also UK: set-up n informal (hoax, trap)圈套;陷阱They invited you there as a set-up to rob your house.他们把你邀请到那里,是要设下陷阱,抢劫你的住处。setup, also UK: set-up n (computing: installation) (计算机)设置Double-click on the icon to start the setup.双击图标,启动设置。setup, also UK: set-up n (art: arrangement of objects) (艺术)物品摆放;陈设I'm going to paint a simple still life set-up with a vase of flowers and a table cloth.我要画一幅简单的静物摆放画——一个插满花的花瓶和一块桌布。sexed-up adj disapproving, slang (made more sexually attractive)更性感的,更具性吸引力的shake-up n figurative (radical reorganization)改组;重组;重大调整Fifty employees were made redundant as part of a shake-up of the company.为公司重组,有五十名员工被解雇。shin up [sth] vi + prep (climb up)爬到...上The burglar got over the wall by shinning up a lamppost.shin up vi + adv (climb up [sth])向上爬I saw the burglar grab the drainpipe and start shinning up.shinny up [sth] vi + prep (climb)爬上He skillfully shinnied up the tree and picked a mango.shook up adj US, slang (shaken, upset)使震惊The car hit her fender, so she was a little shook up, but not hurt.shoot up vi + adv (size, quantity: increase)迅速增长;猛增Buy as much as you can now, because in the summer prices will shoot up!现在尽可能买多点,因为夏天的价格会上涨!shoot up vi + adv informal (child: get taller) (儿童长高)迅速成长He was small until his teens, when all of a sudden he shot up.十多岁前,他个子很小,突然间就长高了。shoot-'em-up n (film: involves shooting)枪战片shoot-'em-up adj (film: involves shooting)枪战片的shoot-'em-up n (video game: involves shooting)枪战游戏shoot-'em-up adj (video game: involves shooting)枪战游戏的shooting up n slang (injecting heroin)注射毒品The junkie's shooting up became difficult, because of a lack of healthy veins.shove over, shove up vi + adv informal (move aside, make room)移开,挪开shovel [sth] up, shovel up [sth] vtr + adv (collect or scoop)铲起Workers had to spend weeks shovelling up the tar that had been washed onto the beach.shrivel, shrivel up vi (shrink, dry up)枯萎;皱缩The fruit shriveled in the hot sun.shriveled up (US), shrivelled up (UK), shriveled-up (US), shrivelled-up (UK) adj (dried and wrinkled)枯萎的The shriveled-up leaf crumbled to dust in her fingers.shut the f*** up interj vulgar, offensive, slang (stop talking) (俚语,粗俗,具有侮辱性)闭上你的鸟嘴Shut the f*** up! I don't want to hear another word from you!shut the f*** up expr vulgar, offensive, slang (stop talking)闭嘴I wish your sister would shut the f*** up!Shut the hell up interj offensive (Be quiet, stop talking)闭嘴Shut up! interj impolite, slang (stop speaking)闭嘴!住口!少废话!Shut up! - what you're saying makes no sense.Oh, just shut up.You have absolutely nothing to say in this matter.闭嘴!你说的话没有任何意义。//好吧,闭上嘴。//在这件事上你根本没有什么可说的。Shut up! interj slang (disbelief: no way!)不可能!Shut up! Sandra can't possibly want to marry that awful man!开玩笑!桑德拉不可能想嫁给那个糟糕的男人!sidle up to [sb/sth] v expr (move furtively)悄悄的走;侧身而行The cowboy sidled up to the bar and ordered a whiskey.sign [sb] up vtr + adv (enrol [sb])给…注册;为…报名They signed their children up at the local swimming pool.他们给孩子们注册了当地的游泳池。sign [sb] up for [sth] v expr (enrol [sb] for [sth])为…报名参加The mother signed her kids up for summer camp.母亲为孩子们报名参加夏令营。sign [sb] up to do [sth] v expr (enrol [sb] to do [sth])为某人报名做某事Amanda signed her mother up to do a six-week computer course for beginners.阿曼达为母亲报名参加一个为期六个月的电脑初学者课程。sign up to do [sth] v expr informal, figurative (agree to do [sth])同意做某事Brian signed up to take part in a sponsored bike ride for charity.布莱恩同意参加为慈善机构赞助的自行车骑行。signed-up adj (member: registered)报了名的;报名参加的sit-up, situp n (type of physical exercise)仰卧起坐We had to do fifty sit-ups every afternoon during our training.每天下午训练时,我们都要做50个仰卧起坐。size [sth/sb] up for [sth] v expr (measure for clothing) (为穿衣)给...测量尺寸,估计...大小The tailor sized Morris up for his wedding suit.裁缝测量了莫里斯的尺寸来为他定制结婚礼服。skin up vi UK, slang (marijuana cigarette)制作大麻香烟slap-up adj UK, informal (meal: hearty)丰盛的slip, slip up vi figurative (make a mistake) (比喻)失足,犯错,失误He did a good job, but slipped in a couple of cases.他做得不错,不过有几处失误了。slip-up n informal (mistake)疏漏;差错A slip-up in defence allowed Soldado to score the winning goal.防守上的一点疏漏使索尔达多成功射入制胜一球。slope up vi + adv (incline upwards)向上倾斜smash-up (UK), smashup (US) n informal (road accident, wreck) (非正式用语)(车辆)相撞,撞车The traffic was bad because of the smash-up on the highway.snatch [sth] up, snatch up [sth] vtr + adv (grab)夺取;抢到Karen snatched up her keys from the table and ran out of the door.sneak up on [sb/sth] v expr (approach stealthily)偷偷地接近sneak up on [sb] v expr figurative (arrive unexpectedly)不期而至The deadline for the paper will sneak up on students who haven't read the syllabus.sneak up on [sb] v expr figurative (be unexpectedly successful)出其不意地That movie sneaked up on everyone; no one expected it to be so popular.snowed up, snowed-up adj US (covered or sealed by snow)被雪盖住的;被雪封住的;被雪掩埋的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounsnuggle up to [sb] v expr (curl up close to)依偎着;紧贴着Little Bess snuggles up to her favorite teddy bear when she naps.soap [sth] up vtr + adv (create suds on [sth])给...擦肥皂;让...起泡soar up vi + adv (move upwards rapidly)快速上升;飞升The hot-air balloon soared up into the sky.something's up expr (something is amiss)有事要发生了souped-up adj informal (car: modified, enhanced)改装过的;马力增强了的souped-up adj informal (made more elaborate)变得更吸引人的;变得更花俏的souped-up adj informal (greatly improved)得到大大提升的;得到极大改善的Speak up! interj (talk more loudly)大声点!Speak up! No one can hear you!speedup, speed-up n informal (acceleration) (非正式用语)加速,提速,加快speedup, speed-up n informal (business: increase in production rate)提速spew, spew up vi informal (vomit) (非正式用语)呕吐The drunk college student spewed in the bushes.spiff [sth/sb] up, spiff up [sb/sth] vtr + prep US, informal (make attractive)使...有吸引力;装扮;打扮spit-up rag (US), spit-up cloth (US), burp cloth (UK) n (to catch baby's vomit)拍嗝巾;口水巾split [sth] up vtr + adv (divide into portions)将…分成几份I´m going to split up this pizza into four slices.我会将这个披萨分成四份。split-up n (separation of a couple) (夫妻)离婚; (恋人)分手The couple's split-up was on the front page of all the celebrity gossip magazines.split-up n (disbanding of a group) (团体)解散Following their split-up, the Beatles went on to forge solo careers.split-up n (division into portions)化整为零split-up n (business: restructuring) (商业重组)拆分,分拆sponge [sth] up, sponge up [sth] vtr + adv (liquid: absorb)用海绵吸Trevor sponged up the spilt milk with a piece of kitchen roll.spruce yourself up v expr (make yourself neat)把自己打扮整齐;把自己打扮漂亮Josh spruced himself up before going to dinner with his girlfriend.spruce up vi + adv (make oneself neat)把自己打扮得漂亮整洁;装扮自己Glenn was sprucing up in front of the mirror.spruced up, spruced-up adj informal (made smarter in appearance)打扮得整洁漂亮的;整齐漂亮的;打扮起来的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounI like Simon's spruced-up look; those trousers are much smarter than the jeans he used to wear.The new curtains make this room look really spruced up.我喜欢打扮起来的西蒙,那条裤子比以前他穿的牛仔裤得体多了。//新窗帘让这个房间看起来非常整洁漂亮。square up to do [sth] v expr (prepare to do [sth])准备好;做好...的准备stack [sth] up vtr + adv (arrange in a pile)将…堆起来I stacked up all the books on my table.我将所有的书都堆在桌子上。stand up vi + adv (rise to your feet)站起来;起立When I was at school we had to stand up each time a teacher entered the classroom.Please stand up to greet the President.我读书的时候,每当老师走进教室时,我们都必须起立。 // 请起立,迎接总统。stand [sth] up vtr + adv (place upright)使站立,扶起I knocked the vase over and had to stand it up again.我把花瓶撞倒了,必须再把它扶起来。stand up and be counted v expr figurative (express opinion)站出来表明立场Don't just sit there complaining to your friends – stand up and be counted! Those that had the courage to stand up and be counted were arrested.stand up for [sb] v expr figurative (defend [sb])支持;拥护Johnston was a hero who stood up for his fellow captors without regard for his own safety.约翰斯顿是一个英雄,他不顾自身安危,为与他一同被捕的同伴挺身而出。stand up for [sth] v expr figurative (advocate [sth])捍卫;维护Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for the rights of African Americans.马丁·路德·金捍卫了非裔美国人的权利。stand up for yourself v expr (defend yourself)捍卫自己,维护自己的权利Suzie has to learn to stand up for herself.stand-up, standup n informal (comedy: live joketelling)单口相声;单口喜剧备注: A hyphen or single-word form is used when the term is or modifies a nounSteve Martin was known for his stand-up before he started appearing in movies.Jo started her career doing standup in bars.stand-up, standup adj (telling jokes live)说单口相声的;说单口喜剧的The comedian performed a hilarious stand-up show.stand-up comedian n (performer: tells jokes)喜剧演员;谐星;单口相声演员stand-up comedy n (telling jokes to an audience)单口喜剧;单口相声standing up adj (on one's feet, upright)直立的;站立的standing up adj (erect, upright)竖立的;直立的;矗立的start [sth] up again v expr (machine: reactivate)重新启动;重启;重新发动;重新激活startup, also UK: start-up n (computing: switching on) (计算机)启动You should check which programs run automatically at startup.startup, also UK: start-up n (machine: activation) (机械)开动;启动The machine makes an odd sound on startup.startup, startup company, also UK: start-up, start-up company n (new business)新兴公司;新创企业;初创公司Kirsten quit her job at a software company to join a startup.Most start-up businesses fail within the first two years.startup, also UK: start-up n as adj (relating to starting)起动阶段;起动阶段的The entrepreneurs arranged a meeting with the bank to secure their startup capital.startup business (US), start-up business (UK) n as adj (new business) (企业或工程)起始阶段的,启动时期的startup costs (US), start-up costs (UK) npl (for a new business)启动成本;开业成本stay up late vi (not go to bed as early as usual)熬夜He never allows his son to stay up late if he has school the following day.I stayed up late to watch the World Cup game.steamed up, steamed-up adj (obscured by vapor)被蒸汽遮住的,被水汽蒙上的,被水蒸气笼罩的Janice couldn't see very well through her steamed-up glasses.珍妮斯的眼镜被水汽蒙上,看不清楚东西。steamed up, steamed-up adj figurative, informal (angry, excited) (比喻)生气的,激动的,兴奋的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounBoy, he's really steamed up over not getting a raise!step up n (increase in status)提高(身份、地位等);升级;晋级That promotion was really a step-up for you.那次升职真的提高了你的地位。step up the pace v expr (increase speed)加快速度stick-up, also US: stickup n informal (armed robbery)持枪抢劫stir up trouble v expr informal (provoke discontent or disagreement)挑起事端;惹起麻烦The motorcycle gang roared into town, determined to stir up trouble.Gossips must repeat rumors just to stir up trouble.stitch-up n UK, figurative, informal (dishonest manipulation of a situation)操纵局势;陷害I don't know how my ID card turned up at the scene of the crime. I was nowhere near the place. This is a stitch-up!stock up on [sth] v expr (buy a lot of)存储;备货straight up adv (directly upwards)径直向上地If you look straight up in the August night sky, you should see the constellation Orion. The firework shot straight up in the air and exploded in a blaze of sparks.如果你径直向上地看八月的夜空,你应该能看到猎户座。烟花径直向上地蹿入天空随后便炸开了花。straight up, straight-up adj slang (alcohol: no ice or water) (俚语,指酒)纯的,不掺水的,不加冰块的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.This is a straight-up drink made with tequila.这是用龙舌兰酒调制的纯酒精饮料。straight up adv slang (alcohol: without ice or water) (俚语,指酒)不掺水地,不加冰块地This cocktail is served straight up.这种鸡尾酒是不掺水的。straight up adj slang (honest, trustworthy) (俚语)正直的,可靠的That preacher's as straight up as they come.那位传教士十分正直可靠。straight up adv slang (honestly) (俚语)诚实地,直爽地Tell me straight up, does this dress make me look fat?诚实地告诉我,这件裙子我穿着显胖么?strike up a conversation v expr (start talking to [sb])开始交谈;开始攀谈stroll up vi + adv (approach casually)漫步;闲逛I strolled up to the policeman and asked for directions.strung up adj slang, figurative (tense, anxious) (俚语,比喻)紧张不安的stuck-up, stuck up adj pejorative, informal (snobbish)自大的;自以为是的;自命不凡的She was really stuck up: she thought she was better than everyone else.stuffed up, stuffed-up adj informal (sinuses, nose: congested) (俚语,指鼻孔等)堵塞的;堵住的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounI've had an awful cold and I still have a stuffed-up nose.suck it up v expr slang, figurative (resign yourself to [sth])忍着;忍着点I know you don't want to sit next to her, but you'll just have to suck it up and try to make conversation!suck [sth] up vtr + adv (ingest by sucking) (水、饮料等)吸,吸出You can use a straw to suck up the water.你可以用吸管吸水。suck [sth] up vtr + adv (draw upwards)吸起Vacuum cleaners suck up the dust particles from carpets and other surfaces.吸尘器会吸走地毯和其他表面的灰尘颗粒。suck-up n mainly US, figurative, pejorative, slang (obsequious person)奉承者, 溜须拍马者Jill thinks if she's a suck-up, the teacher will give her better grades.吉尔觉得如果她是个马屁精,老师会给她更好的分数。summing-up, plural: summings-up n (concluding synopsis)总括性陈述sunny side up, sunny-side up adv (fried egg: runny yolk) (煎蛋)只煎一面地For breakfast I had toast, bacon and two eggs sunny side up.sunny-side up adj (eggs: fried on just one side) (煎蛋)只煎一面的sunup, sun up, sun-up n (dawn, sunrise)日出;清晨swarm up [sth] vi + adv (climb quickly)快速爬上The sailor swarmed up the ship's rigging.sweep [sth] up vtr + adv (clean with a broom, brush)清扫If you are going to allow dogs in the house you need to sweep up the dog hair.sweep up vi + adv (clean using a broom, brush)清扫Once she had finished cooking, Polly swept up.swept-up adj (hair: styled high on head) (头发)朝头顶梳起的Swept-up hairstyles are all the rage this season.swept-up adj (cleared using a broom or brush)清扫的;清扫到一起的There were piles of swept-up leaves in the garden.swipe up vi + adv (drag finger up screen) (触屏)上滑;用手指上滑take [sth] up, take up [sth] vtr + adv (raise: hem, etc.) (下摆等)调高If the skirt is too long, I can take it up for you.如果裙摆太长,我可以帮你调高。take [sb] up on [sth] v expr (accept offer of)接受你关于…的提议You'll do the work for just £20? Great - I'll take you up on that offer!只要20英镑,你就愿意做这份工作?太好了,我接受你的提议!take-up n mainly UK (rates of acceptance)接受率There are concerns that take-up of university places will decline once fees are increased.Take-up of the company's promotional offer was slow.人们担心,一旦学费上涨,大学入学人数将会下降。//人们对这家公司的促销活动反响不大。take up arms v expr (prepare for war)拿起武器After Pearl Harbor, many American men and women were ready to take up arms.take up residence v expr (move in, start living in a place)定居;居住Clarence finally took up residence in Denver, where he was very happy.take up residency v expr (start a work placement)开始作住院实习医take up the cause v expr (embrace an idea, purpose) (想法、目的)接受;接纳take up the cudgels v expr figurative (express support: for [sb] or [sth])捍卫;支持take up the gauntlet v expr figurative (accept a challenge)接受挑战take-up n (action of taking up)接受,录取The take-up of flu vaccinations was higher this winter than the last.今年冬季接种流感疫苗的人数比起去年更多。take-up n as adj (relating to a take-up)接受的,录取的tangled up, tangled-up adj (entwined)缠绕在一起的;交缠的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounThe computer cables under my desk are tangled up.我桌子下面的电脑线全都缠绕在一起。tangled up in [sth] adj + prep figurative, informal (implicated)陷在...中;被卷入...The principal is tangled up in a dispute with the teachers.tanked up adj figurative, informal (drunk)喝醉的;醉酒的tart yourself up v expr slang (make yourself more glamorous)浓妆艳抹Daphne spent an hour tarting herself up before going out.tear up the rulebook v expr figurative (go against the rules)打破规则;违反规则tense up vi + adv (person: become anxious) (人)紧张起来, 变得紧张Helen tensed up as the doctor approached with her results.tense up vi + adv (muscle: become taut or clenched) (肌肉)绷紧,变得紧绷Rick could feel his neck muscles tensing up, as he became more and more stressed.theatrical makeup, theatrical make-up n (cosmetics worn by stage performer)舞台化妆Unlike normal makeup, theatrical makeup exaggerates the contours of the face.thought up adj informal (devised, invented) (非正式用语)设计出的,发明的throw-up n US, informal (vomit)呕吐Every parent of a new baby has had throw-up on their shoulder at some point.throw up your hands expr figurative (be in despair)感到绝望;绝望地放弃thumbs up, thumbs-up n (hand gesture: approval) (表示赞成或满意)竖起大拇指I started pulling on the rope as soon as I saw Lisa's thumbs up.一看到丽莎竖起大拇指,我就开始拉绳子。thumbs up, thumbs-up n (internet: sign of approval)点赞;点击大拇指图标If you've enjoyed this video, please give my channel a thumbs-up.如果你喜欢本期视频,请给我的频道点个赞。thumbs up, thumbs-up n figurative, informal (approval)批准;认可The business plan was given the thumbs up by the company manager.这个商业计划得到了公司经理的认可。tidying up n (reordering, making neater)整理好Is this your idea of tidying up? - it looks worse than it did before!tie up loose ends v expr figurative (resolve a situation)扫尾,收拾残局tie-up n US (traffic hold-up)拥堵;阻塞There's a tie-up on Highway 40.40号高速公路堵车了。tightening up n (fastening more securely)系紧,栓紧tightening up n (making firmer)使变得更紧,使绷得更紧tightening up n figurative (becoming stricter)更加严格Time up, Time's up interj (end of allotted time)时间到了!tip-up adj UK (designed to tilt)自动上翻的tip-up n mainly US (ice-fishing: signaling device)小红旗tog [sb] up in [sth] v expr informal (dress, clothe) (非正式用语)让某人穿上tog yourself up, get togged up v expr informal (dress up) (非正式用语)打扮自己toil up [sth] vi + prep (struggle up slope)艰难地往…上爬;艰难地爬上The hikers toiled up the hill.徒步者们艰难地往山上爬。tool up for [sth] v expr (prepare for [sth])为...做好准备top-up n (refill) (饮料等)重新斟满的一杯Can you give me a top-up of wine, please?top-up n as adj (in addition)额外的;附加的Rita asked the bank for a top-up voucher n (prepaid token or card for mobile phone)充值券;充值卡torn up, torn-up adj (ripped to pieces)被撕碎的备注: A hyphen is used when the term precedes the noun.Fragments of the torn-up letter fluttered in the wind.torn up, torn-up adj (emotionally upset)心碎的备注: A hyphen is used when the term precedes the noun.I'm torn up because my boss won't increase my salary.toss-up, tossup n informal (coin throw: decides [sth])抛硬币Before almost every sporting match there's a toss-up between the two teams.toss-up, tossup n figurative, informal (choice: between two things) (非正式用语)二选一It's a toss-up between going to the mall and going to the pool; what do you want to do?toss-up, tossup n figurative, informal (fifty-fifty chance)百分之五十的机会,均等机会Who is going to win this election is still a toss-up.谁都有一半的几率赢得本次选战。touch-up n (minor changes to improve [sth])微调;润色;稍微修饰After a quick touch-up to her lipstick, Jennifer was ready to [sth] up for [sth], trade up [sth] for [sth] v expr (exchange: for [sth] of higher value)以...换...;以...与...交易备注: 特指用低价品换高价品trade-up n (exchange for upgraded version of [sth])升级换购;trumped-up adj (fabricated, made-up)编造的truss [sth/sb] up, truss up [sth/sb] vtr + adv (tie up securely)缚紧,捆牢truss [sth] up, truss up [sth] vtr + adv (tie poultry for roasting) (烤鸡等)绑卷trussed-up, trussed up adj (poultry: tied up for cooking) (家禽)在烹饪前捆起来的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.trussed-up, trussed up adj (person: bound, tied-up) (人)捆起来的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.trussed-up, trussed up adj (person: dressed up) (人)盛装打扮的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.tucked up adj (secured by sheets)盖好被子的The children were safely tucked up in bed.tune-up n (adjustment of a motor, etc.)检修维护发动机The engine is running perfectly after the mechanic's tune-up.tuneup, tune-up n (adjustments made to improve efficiency)调试;调整;调节(以达到最佳性能)tuneup, tune-up n informal (preparatory practice or warm-up) (非正式用语)准备活动,热身运动turn [sth] up, turn up [sth] vtr + adv (increase output, volume) (音量等)开大,调高;调大We turned the TV up to drown the noise of our neighbours arguing.我们将电视的音量调大来盖过邻居的争吵声。turn-up n UK, usually plural (hem of pants: cuff)卷起裤边Turn-ups are too casual for the office.卷边裤对办公来说太随意了。turn-up n UK, informal (surprise)意想不到的事What a turn-up it was when Dave burst in shouting "Stop the wedding!"谁都没有想到,戴夫会突然喊道:“停止婚礼!”a turn up for the books n ([sth] surprising)意想不到的事情;意料之外的事turn your nose up v expr figurative (show disgust, disdain)嗤之以鼻;不屑一顾turn up your nose at [sth], turn your nose up at [sth] v expr figurative (show disgust, disdain for)对...嗤之以鼻;对...不屑一顾turned-up adj (sleeve, etc.: rolled or folded) (袖子等)挽起的,卷起的This jacket has turned-up sleeves.two-up, swy n Aus (gambling game) (澳大利亚:赌博游戏)双好tying up n (fastening with rope, string etc)系;捆绑Bob finished the tying up of the parcel.tying up n (bringing to a conclusion)敲定;决定The tying up of the deal required several meetings.tying up n (keeping occupied)紧张;占用The war led to the tying up of resources for military purposes.up a tree adv informal, figurative (stuck, in a difficult predicament) (非正式用语,比喻)处于困境,进退两难up against prep (in competition with)面对;面临(困难)Tomorrow you'll be up against the toughest team in the league.up against prep (difficulty: confronted by)面对;面临(困难)We're up against some serious problems, but I think we can finish the job anyway.up ahead adv (at some distance in front of you)前面;前方up and about adj informal (recovered from illness) (病人)起床走动的He's been up and about for almost a week now.up and about adj informal (not in bed)起床的;起床活动的Shawn is an early-riser and is usually up and about by 6:30.up and around adj informal (recovered from illness) (病人)起床走动Hey! It's great to see you up and around so quickly after your surgery!up and coming, up-and-coming adj (starting to have success)有希望(成功)的;大有前途的备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the nounThe Answering Machine are an up-and-coming British band.up and down adj figurative (fluctuating)上上下下的;起起伏伏的Over the last two weeks, Tania's internet connection has been up and down; sometimes it works, but more often it doesn't.The weather has been really up and down lately; snow one day and blue skies and sunshine the next.up and running adj (active, in operation)已正常运行的;已开始运行的up by [sth] prep (increased: by amount)增加了,上升了up close adv (at close range)近距离地;靠近地up close and personal adv (face to face, intimately) (比喻义)近距离地;亲密地up for [sth] prep (due for: renewal, etc.)将要...;就要...He is up for promotion in the spring.到了春天,他将升职。up for [sth] prep informal (keen, willing)愿意...;乐意..We are going to a party. Are you up for it?我们去参加聚会。 你去吗?up for doing [sth] expr informal (keen, willing to do)乐意做某事;有兴趣做某事I asked Tracey if she was up for coming with me on the trip.up for consideration adj informal (being considered)在考虑中的;提起以考虑的The next topic up for consideration is the new bridge.up for debate adj (open to discussion)有待讨论;有待商榷The future of Britain's nuclear weapons system is up for debate.up for discussion adj (open to debate)提出来讨论The subject of you going to the party is not up for discussion.up for discussion adj (to be discussed)准备要讨论的The question will be up for discussion at our next meeting.up for grabs adj informal (available)待价而沽;供人争夺I don't want this bag of chips any more - it's up for grabs.up for grabs adj informal, figurative (available)可得的;可争取的;待人获取的The championship title is up for grabs at this final race of the season.up for it expr UK, slang (sexually available)愿意接受性爱Mark made a pass at Jennifer because he thought she was up for it.up for it expr informal (willing to do [sth])愿意做up for negotiation adj (open to debate)可以讨论的;可以商讨的In a divorce settlement, everything is up for negotiation.up front adv (at the front, to the fore)在前面The taxi driver does not allow passengers to sit up front next to him.up front adv informal (paid, payable: in advance)预付地;提前支付地You can pay upfront, or by monthly instalments.up front adv informal (in advance, first)提前地;预先地I wish you'd told me up front that you were expecting me to pay for your meal as well as mine.up front, up-front, upfront adj US, informal (prominent)显眼的, 明显的The store manager asked the staff to move the display to a more upfront position.商店经理让工作人员将显示屏放到最显眼的位置。up in arms adj figurative, informal (offended, outraged) (比喻,非正式用语)生气的,极力反对的,抗议的They were up in arms because somebody had been stealing things from houses in their neighborhood.up in the air expr informal, figurative (uncertain)未定,悬而未决;非常激动,非常兴奋,十分气恼We may spend Christmas in Paris or Rome; our plans are still up in the air.up north adv informal (in the north of the country) (非正式用语)向北方,在北部,北上up on [sth] prep slang (aware of, up-to-date on [sth])了解…的最新动态My sister is really up on the latest fashions.up on [sth] prep US, informal (confident about [sth])对...有信心;相信...I'm up on this stock.up on [sth] prep informal (informed about [sth])了解;知道;知情She is up on the news from Europe.up s*** creek expr vulgar, figurative, slang (in trouble)陷入麻烦, 窘迫They were heading up s*** creek, acting like fools in front of the boss.up s*** creek without a paddle expr vulgar, figurative, slang (in trouble) (粗鲁,俚语)陷入大麻烦;惹上大事up the creek adv figurative, slang (in or into trouble) (俚语)陷入麻烦地,窘困地up the duff expr UK, AU, slang (pregnant)怀孕的up the spout expr slang (pregnant) (俚语)大肚子;怀孕I hear Jenny's up the spout; apparently she's due in May.up there adv (at place away from and above speaker)上面;上方up till, up 'til prep informal (until)直到;到…为止be up to [sth] v expr informal (be capable of)有能力做到…的;能胜任…的Are you sure you are up to this job?你确定你能胜任这份工作了吗?be up to doing [sth] v expr informal (be capable of doing)能够;有能力Alice should apply for the manager's job; I think she is up to running the department.爱丽丝应该申请经理的工作,我认为她有能力管理这个部门。be up to [sth] v expr (be fit enough for)有能力做某事;能胜任;做得了某事We can go for a walk after lunch, if you think you are up to it.午饭后我们可以出去散散步,如果你觉得自己可以的话。be up to doing [sth] v expr (be fit enough to do)能胜任I can run 5K, but I'm not yet up to running a marathon.我可以跑5千米,但还没到能跑马拉松的程度。be up to [sth] v expr informal (be busy with)忙于;从事;干某事What have you been up to since I last saw you?自从我们上次见面后你都忙些什么呢?be up to [sth] v expr informal (be doing: [sth] suspicious)在搞什么名堂;在干什么The shopkeeper asked the mischievous little boy what he was up to.店主问那个顽皮的小男孩在干什么。be up to [sth] v expr informal (be scheming)在谋划;在密谋I don't know what he's planning, but he's definitely up to something!我不知道他要做什么,但他肯定在筹划什么!be up to [sb] adv + prep (be [sb]'s choice)取决于某人;在于某人; (指做决定、选择等)看某人的I don't care where we eat – it's up to you.我随便去哪里吃饭都可以——看你怎么选吧。be up to [sb] to do [sth] adv + prep (be [sb]'s responsibility)由…来…;由…负责…It's up to you to decide where we go tonight.由你决定今晚我们去哪里。up to adv + prep (until, as far as)直到The water was up to my waist and as I can't swim, I panicked.up to [sth] adv + prep (to a maximum of)最多The judge warned the prisoner that he could be facing up to ten years in jail.法官警告囚犯,他可能面临最多十年的监禁。up to [sth] adv + prep (to a higher level) (更高水平)升至,达至We took the elevator up to the tenth floor.up to a point adv (to a limited extent)在一定程度上I liked the film, up to a point, but the gratuitous violence spoiled it for me.up to date, up-to-date adj (current, modern)现代的;先进的;最新的备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the nounIs your operating system up to date?你的操作系统是最新的么?up to date, up-to-date adj (person: informed)最新的;随时更新的;消息灵通的Jen was always up to date on her celebrity gossip.对于名人的小道传闻珍总是消息灵通。be up to no good v expr (be busy doing [sth] bad)不怀好意;没干好事When he has that look on his face, I know he's up to no good.一看他的神情我就知道,他肯定没干好事。up to now adv (thus far, to this point in time)到目前为止;迄今为止Up to now, I have been successful in my career. No news up to now.到目前为止,没有新消息。迄今为止,我的事业都很成功。up to par expr (satisfactory)令人满意的up to par with [sth/sb] expr (at the same level as)与...标准一致;合乎...的标准up to scratch adj informal, figurative (meets expected standard)达到标准的;符合要求的I didn't get the job as a tour guide because my spoken Spanish wasn't up to scratch.up to snuff adj slang (acceptably good) (俚语)符合标准的His work's always up to snuff.up to speed expr (know the current situation)了解最新情况up to standard adj (acceptably good)合格的;符合标准的up to the job adj informal (capable)胜任工作Many people believe that our manager isn't up to the job.up to the mark adj (acceptably good)符合要求的;达到标准的My teacher told me that my work wasn't up to the mark.up to the minute, up-to-the-minute adj (extremely current)最新的;最新式的备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the nounThis TV network claims to provide the most up-to-the-minute news.up to the present adv (until now)直到现在;至今I've worked for six weeks but haven't been paid up to the present.up to the time of prep (before or until the era of)截止…时间为止;到…为止up to this time adv (until now)到此刻为止;到目前为止;到现在为止up to this time adv (until a specified point in the past)到那时;到(过去的)某个时间为止up until prep (in the time before)到…为止Up until today this has never been a problem.up your alley, right up your alley (US), up your street, right up your street (UK) expr slang (the sort of thing you like)正适合你That new film looks as though it'll be up your alley. You're going to love this new club: it's right up your alley!Up yours! interj slang, vulgar (expressing contempt or anger)去你的!up-and-down adj (moving up and down)上下起伏的up-and-under n (rugby move) (英式橄榄球)过顶高球up-close adj (intimate, close-up)极其靠近的,距离很近的up-selling, upselling n (persuading a customer to spend more)向上销售;追加销售备注: 指试图说明顾客购买更多或更贵的产品up-tempo n (music: fast beat) (音乐)快节奏的up-tempo adj (music: fast beat) (音乐)快节奏的upfront, up-front, up front adj (payment: made in advance)提前支付的When she takes on a commission, the artist insists on an upfront payment of £50.当接受委托时,这位艺术家坚持要预付50英镑。upfront, up-front, up front adj figurative, informal (honest, frank)坦诚的;坦率的upmarket, up-market adj (area, etc.: expensive)高价位的;价高的;贵的The Sullivans lived in an upmarket area of the city.upmarket, up-market adj (luxury, posh)高档的;高级的These handmade chocolates are an upmarket product.upmarket, up-market adv (towards great exclusivity)高档消费地;高档地They were once known for their low prices, but now they are trying to move upmarket.That neighbourhood has really gone upmarket since we visited it last.upsell [sth], up-sell [sth] vtr (sell [sth] extra)增销used up, used-up adj (supply: exhausted)用完的;用尽的;消耗完的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.The flour was used up last night when we made bread.used-up, used up adj (thing: consumed)用完了的,用光了的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.used-up, used up adj (person: physically exhausted)精疲力尽的,疲惫不堪的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.used-up, used up adj (person: emotionally exhausted)身心俱疲的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.used-up, used up adj (person: useless from overwork, etc.) (人)耗尽的,掏空的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.verbal slip-up n informal (mistake in speaking)言语失误,失言The politician has apologized for a verbal slip-up that he says was not meant to offend.Wait up! interj (Wait for me!)等等;等我一下wake [sb] up to v expr figurative (make aware of)使…意识到He woke her up to the joys of yoga.他让她发现了瑜伽的乐趣。wake-up n (being awakened)被唤醒The hotel guests had a sudden wake-up at 3 a.m. when the fire alarm went off.凌晨3点火灾警报响起时,酒店客人突然惊醒了。wake-up n (act of waking up)醒来;睡醒The smoke alarm was responsible for Jeff's sudden wake-up in the middle of the night.杰夫半夜突然惊醒是因为烟雾报警器响了。wake-up n AU, informal (mentally sharp person)思维敏捷的人You won't manage to get one over on Alf; he's a wake-up.你不可能骗到阿尔夫的,他可是个思维敏捷的人。wake-up n informal (bird: woodpecker)啄木鸟wake-up call n (phone call to wake [sb])叫醒人的电话;叫醒服务Matthew asked the hotel to send a wake-up call to his room in the morning.wake-up call n figurative (warning)警钟It was a real wake-up call when she realized her daughter was gone.walk up to [sb/sth] v expr (approach on foot)向…走去He walked up to me and told me how much he enjoyed my presentation.walk-up n US (apartment: no elevator)无电梯的公寓walk-up n US (building: no elevator)无电梯的建筑walk-up adj (restaurant: counter service) (餐厅)临街的warm-up n (preparatory exercise)热身运动The ballerina did some warm-ups before beginning her routine.芭蕾舞女在开始日常表演前做了一些热身活动。warm-up act n (performer: before main act)暖场演出warmed-up adj (food: heated up) (指食物)热好了的,加热的I didn't want to cook, so I had warmed-up leftovers.warmed up adj (having completed preparatory exercises)做好热身运动的After a few stretching exercises I was warmed up and ready to run.warming up n (workout: preliminary exercises)热身运动warmup, warm-up n (sport, dancing: preparatory exercises)热身(运动);作(运动前的)准备活动warmup, warm-up n (music, singing: preparatory exercise)暖指;暖嗓washed-up adj (debris: brought to shore)被冲上岸的The children decorated their sandcastle with shells and bits of washed-up seaweed.孩子们用贝壳和一些被冲上岸的海草装点自己的沙堡。washed up, washed-up adj figurative, informal (person: not successful anymore)完蛋;被断送;结束备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounAs he grew older he began to feel increasingly washed up.washing-up n UK (washing dishes)洗涤餐具;洗碗After the big dinner, there was a lot of washing-up to do.washing-up bowl n UK (receptacle for washing dishes)洗碗碟用的浅桶way up adv (high)在高处Way up in the branches of the tree was a blue tit.在高处的树枝上停着一只蓝冠山雀。way up high adv (at a great height)高高地;高高在上地weigh [sth/sb] up against [sth/sb] v expr (compare, contrast)对比…和...Lucy weighed up the job she had been offered in New York against the one in Paris.露西将她在纽约得到的工作和在巴黎得到的工作做对比。well-brought-up, well brought up adj (taught etiquette as child)教养好的;有教养的备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the noun.This private school only accepts well-brought-up children from wealthy families.What are you up to? expr (what are you doing now?)你在干什么?"What are you up to now?" a voice asked Sara when she answered the phone.what's up with [sth/sb] expr slang (what is happening to)出了什么事?I don't know what's up with Jane. This is the first time she hasn't been on time.What's up with that? expr slang (That is unfair, not logical) (俚语,表示不公平或不理解)搞什么啊?;怎么回事?She never does any work and now she's been made our manager. What's up with that?What's up? expr slang (What is wrong?)怎么了?;有什么问题?Sarah looked sad so I asked her "What's up?"What's up? expr slang (What is happening?)过得如何?;近况如何?I haven't seen you for a long time. What's up?whip [sb] in, whip [sb] up vtr + adv (party members: summon)召集;召唤whip [sth] up vtr + adv (thicken with a whisk)搅浓, 把…搅打成糊状It took me a long time to whip the egg whites up into a meringue.我花了很久才把蛋清打成一种蛋白酥。whip [sb] up into a frenzy v expr informal, figurative (enrage, overexcite)激起...至疯狂whip [sb] up into a frenzy of [sth] v expr informal, figurative (enrage, overexcite)激起...至疯狂The politician's speech whipped the crowd up into a frenzy of excitement.whipped-up adj (thickened with a whisk)搅打起泡的Add the whipped-up cream to the mixture.whoop it up v expr (be noisy, have a good time)尽情狂欢;纵情作乐wind up doing [sth] v expr informal (eventually have to do)最终落得;最终沦落到If I don't find a job soon, I may wind up begging on the streets.如果我不尽快找到一份工作,我可能会在街上乞讨。;wind up in [sb]'s pocket, wind up in the pocket of [sb] v expr US, figurative, informal (be controlled) (比喻)落入…的口袋之中winding up n (process of ending [sth])结束;清盘windup, wind-up adj (mechanical)终止,结束;缠绕;内装有发条的My children loved to play with simple wind-up toys.windup, wind-up n UK, slang (practical joke)终止,结束;缠绕;内装有发条的I don't believe this is happening to me. It must be a wind-up!windup, wind-up n UK, slang (irritating situation)惹人气恼的It's a real wind-up when my internet connection keeps cutting out every few minutes.windup, wind-up n (baseball: pitching) (棒球)挥臂投球There's the wind-up for the pitch ... and it's low and outside for ball two.windup, wind-up n informal (conclusion)终止,结束;缠绕;内装有发条的wipe [sth] up, wipe up [sth] vtr (clean up by wiping)擦干;擦掉If you spill red wine on a carpet and don't wipe it up immediately, you'll never get the stain out.Word up! interj slang (expressing agreement)同意!;对!work up a sweat v expr (perspire from activity)出汗work up an appetite v expr (get hungry)勾起食欲work yourself up v expr (become overwrought)过于激动worked up v expr (excited, annoyed)激动;兴奋I've never seen you this worked up before; calm worked up v expr (tense, nervous)紧张;焦虑Why are you so worked up? It's only a spelling test!get worked up v expr informal (be annoyed, excited)被激怒;被惹火The team was playing poorly and the home fans were getting worked up.get [sb] worked up, have [sb] worked up v expr informal (make overexcited, nervous) (非正式用语)让某人过分激动;让某人非常紧张The fast-approaching deadline had Veronica worked up.即将到来的截止日期让维罗妮卡非常紧张。workup, work-up n (medicine: diagnostic procedures)病情的检查The doctor ordered a cardiovascular workup.workup, work-up n (printing: ink smear) (印刷术语)(起楔在印刷物表面造成的)污渍,印品上的污迹workup, work-up n (ship: making seaworthy) (船只等)适航过程The ship will remain in dock until the workup has been completed.workup, work-up n (navy: training period) (海军)训练期The soldiers are in the middle of one of their annual workups to keep them in shape.wound-up adj (coiled) (线圈)卷起来的,盘卷的The device is powered by a wound-up spring.这个装置是由卷曲弹簧驱动。wound up, wound-up adj figurative, slang (person: annoyed)紧张的;恼怒的It was almost time for our trip, and my parents were more and more wound up, checking everything a hundred times a day.快到旅行的时间了,我的父母越来越紧张,每天都要检查所有东西一百遍。wrap [sb] up in cotton wool, wrap [sb] in cotton wool v expr UK, figurative (be overprotective toward [sb])过度保护;娇惯wrap-up, wrapup n (final summary)总结wrap-up, wrapup n (concluding of [sth])结束;收尾wrap-up, wrapup n AU, slang (enthusiastic recommendation)力荐wrap-up, wrapup adj (relating to the end or final summary)总结性的;结尾的wrapped-up adj (package, etc.: in wrapping)包裹着的There are dozens of wrapped-up parcels under the Christmas tree.在圣诞树下有几十个包裹好的的礼品。wrapped up in [sth], wrapped up with [sth] expr figurative, informal (person: preoccupied)一心只想着;全神贯注于某事;对某事心事重重She was very wrapped up in her plans for Christmas.她一心只想着自己圣诞节的计划。wrapped up in [sth] expr (enveloped or packaged in)包装在…内的The candies came wrapped up in cellophane.wrapped up in [sth] expr figurative, informal (preoccupied by)全神贯注于…的I tried to talk to the boss, but he's wrapped up in his own problems.write-up n (written review)报道;评论The paper called earlier because they want to do a write-up on our art gallery!write-up n (finance: increase to book value) (金融)帐面价值的提高wrought-up adj informal (excited, agitated)兴奋的,情绪激动的yuk it up, yuck it up v expr US, informal (have a laugh)尽量笑吧;笑一笑




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