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词汇 join forces
释义 join forces
join forces发音

(同…)联合; 并力; 会师; 合力



to join forces───联合起来

air forces───空军(airforce的复数)


in force───有效的;大批地;大规模地


work forces───n.劳动力,劳动大军;劳动人口;(工厂等在职的)工人总数;职工总数

London forces───伦敦力

ground forces───地面部队

point sources───点声源


Let us join forces to fight them.───让我们联合起来跟他们斗.

Then we headed north to join forces with the Fourth Front Army.───然后我们向北走,去和第四方面军会师.

We'd probably come up with better ideas if we join forces.───如果我们齐心协力就一定能够找出更好的点子来.

American, European and Arab diplomacy should now join forces to mend the Palestinian schism.───美国, 欧洲和阿拉伯国家应在外交方面协同一致,修补巴勒斯坦的分裂.

They cannot join forces to vote her out of office.───他们不能联合起来通过投票表决让她下台。

When a loser join forces with a coward, what can they accomplish?───一个失败的人跟一个失意的人凑在一起, 能干什么?

The two bands join forces for a gig at Madison Square Garden on November 28.───这两支乐队将于11月28日在麦迪逊广场花园联手举行一场演出。

They to join forces with the antis.───他们拒绝与反对派“合作”.

The two nations often have touted their potential to join forces.───两国经常鼓吹双方合作能够带来的巨大潜力.

In control centres of power luxurious comfort and precise information join forces.───驾驶舱是动力控制中心,要求豪华舒适和精准的信息控制兼备.

They refused to join forces with antis.───他们“拒绝”与反对派合作.

They could join forces to buy aluminium cans, as well as raw ingredients such as malt. This is the single biggest cost of each drink they sell.───他们可以集中力量购买铝罐,还有例如麦芽这样的原材料。这是他们每卖一瓶饮料的单个最高成本。

If we join forces, we'll both be better off.───如果我们携手合作, 两家的日子都会比较好过.

The two bands join forces for a gig at the Sheffield Arena on November 28.───11月28日,这两支乐队将携手在谢菲尔德剧场举办一场演唱会。

Why not join forces with Mr Van Rompuy to take on those EU leaders?───那么干吗不和范•龙佩一道与这些欧盟国的领导人角力呢?

Both Intesa and Sanpaolo managed to outmanoeuvre big, predatory shareholders to join forces.───无论是Intesa银行 还是Sanpaolo银行都竭力招徕胃口极大的大股东加盟.

We must join forces in our struggle against aggression.───我们必须在反侵略斗争中联合起来.

Join forces with those who create this matrix.───将力量与创造这矩阵那些人结合一起.

Nearby enemy parties will now join forces against you.───附近的敌人现在各方联合起来对付你.

Science, theology, and philosophy, having no desire to join forces, are approaching a point of merger.───科学 、 神学和哲学, 它们原本互不相容, 现在正趋向于相互融合.

To common people declare publicly join forces of our be of one mind!───向世人昭示我们的齐心合力!

The delay could be resolved by Tuesday, freeing Chrysler to join forces with Fiat.───这种延迟会在周二解决, 让克莱斯勒不受约束加入菲亚特集团.

Firms may join forces to hide their own deteriorating performance.───公司也许会联合起来用兼并的方法来掩瞒它们日趋恶化的市场表现.

Instead, American, European and Arab diplomacy should now join forces to mend the Palestinian schism.───相反, 美国, 欧洲和阿拉伯国家应在外交方面协同一致,修补巴勒斯坦的分裂.

Most important, we to join forces to keep weapons of mass destruction out of terrorist hands.───更重要的是, 我们需要联手防止大规模杀伤性武器落入恐怖分子之手.

They refused to join forces with the antis.───他们拒绝与反对派合作.

Then they headed north to join forces with the Fourth Front Army.───这时他们向北进发,去和第四方面军会师.

Some individual proprietors join forces with others to form chains of independents or cooperatives.───这些小个体业主互相联合起来,构成独立企业或合作企业的联网.

Then they headed north to join forces with us.───这时他们向北进发去和我们会师.

We must join forces in our scientific research.───我们必须在科研工作中联合行动.

If our two companies to join forces we could undercut all our competitors.───如果我们两家公司联合起来的话,我们可以削价同我们的所有竞争对手抢生意.

For the fate of all who live , humanity must join forces with the Horde.───为了这个世界上所有生物的未来, 人族必须同兽族部落联合起来.

If our two companies were to join forces we could undercut all our competitors.───如果我们两家公司联合起来的话,我们可以削价同我们所有的竞争对手抢生意.


The two bands join forces for a gig at the Sheffield Arena on November 28.

  • joint cara
  • joint product
  • jointless track circuit
  • joint efforts
  • joint support
  • joiner biscuit
  • joint effort
  • join dots
  • joined in love
  • joint efforts from
  • jointless design
  • joined hands
  • joiner planner
  • jointly owns
  • joiner ar
  • joinder agreement
  • joint account
  • join forces
  • join us
  • joints ache
  • joining sentences together




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