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词汇 union
释义 unionUK:*/ˈjuːnjən/US:/ˈjunjən/ ,(yo̅o̅n′yən)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 union n (fusion, connection)结合;合并;合而为一;联盟The union of these countries allows them to trade more freely with each other. The union of chocolate and pears makes this dessert truly delicious.这些国家的联盟能让成员国间更自由地进行贸易往来。巧克力和梨子的结合让这道甜点美味至极。 union n (workers')工会;工人组织The employee contacted her union about the unsafe working conditions.该雇员联系了自己的工会,反应了工作条件不安全的情况。 其他翻译 union n (marriage)结合;结婚Marriage is the union of two people who love each other and wish to share their lives. the Union n US (North in Civil War) (南北战争期间)联邦During the American Civil War, the Union was opposed to the Confederacy. the Union n (England and Scotland) (英格兰和苏格兰)联合王国There was a referendum in 2014 to decide whether or not to dissolve the Union. 复合形式: ACLU n initialism (American Civil Liberties Union)美国公民自由联盟 American Civil Liberties Union n (US human rights organization)美国民权同盟;美国民权联盟The American Civil Liberties Union opposes indiscriminate security screening of passengers at airports. civil partnership, civil union n (legal contract between couple)民事伴侣关系It is pure discrimination to say that we can form a civil partnership but we cannot get married. credit union n (finance: cooperative group) (金融)信用合作社 customs union (uniform tariff policy)关税同盟;关税联盟 EU n initialism (European Union) ((European Union 首字母缩略)欧盟Many of the EU's institutions are based in Brussels. European Union n (political union)欧盟Croatia became a member of the European Union in 2013. labor union (US), labour union (UK) n (trade union, syndicate)工会The labor unions were created to protect workers from unfair working conditions. Myanmar, Union of Myanmar n (official name of Burma)缅甸联邦 nonunion, non-union adj (person: not belonging to a labour union) (指人)不属于工会的,未加入工会的 nonunion, non-union adj (not dealing with a labour union)与工会无关的;不涉及工会的 the Soviet Union, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, the Russian Federation n historical (USSR: Soviet Russia)苏联The Soviet Union dissolved at the end of the Cold War. student union n (association of students)学生会The student union voted to boycott the racist professor's classes. student union n (building with facilities for students)学生会的活动场所The student union has a cafeteria, games rooms, and even a pub. TGWU n UK, initialism (Transport and General Workers' Union)交通运输总工会 trade union n (worker's syndicate)工会The trade union has voted to strike on two weekends in March.工会已经投票决定在三月罢工两个周末。 TUC n UK, initialism (Trades Union Congress)英国职工大会 union card n (labour organization's membership card)工会会员证When you join a trade union you will be given a union card. Union Jack, Union flag n UK (United Kingdom national flag) (英国国旗)联合杰克 union label n (marks [sth] made by union members)工会标签 union member n (belongs to a labor group)工会成员Union members are voting on whether to go on strike. union shop n (employees must join union)工人限期加入工会的商店或企业 Western Union n (US money transfer service)西联,西联汇款




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