time charter───定期租船契约
early career───早期的职业生涯;事业起步期
Empty Quarter───空白之地(阿拉伯半岛上的沙漠RubalKhali的英文名称)
Jimmy Woodser───n.独自饮酒的男子
first quarter───第一个季度;上弦月;[天]上弦
primary cares───初级治疗,初级护理;基层医疗
royal charter───皇家宪章(英国法律)
literary career───文学生涯
It worked for Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.───这招对吉米·卡特和比尔·克林顿来说很有效。
How many words did, say, Jimmy Carter invent?───吉米·卡特创造过几个字?
Jimmy Carter builds houses for the poor.───吉米·卡特为穷人们建房子.
People liked Jimmy Carter.───人们喜欢吉米?卡特.
Since 1974 the only right - handed presidents been Jimmy Carter and the outgoing Bush.───自1974年来用右手写字的总统仅有吉米·卡特和爱外出的布什.
By the middle of 1979, Jimmy Carter was in serious political trouble.───1979年中期,吉米·卡特陷入了严重的政治困境。
The observance was created in 1978 through a joint congressional resolution signed by President Jimmy Carter.───在1978年,由国会联合决议,总统吉米?卡特签署,因而诞生了这个节日.
I am Jimmy Carter. And I am running for president.───“我是吉米?卡特, 我正在竞选总统. ”
Jimmy Carter and vice president Vice President Al Gore were honored after their terms.───吉米卡特和副总统戈尔在他们的任期结束后也受此殊荣.
Reagan won 489 electoral votes to 49 for President Jimmy Carter.───里根以489票对49漂击败吉米·卡特,当选总统.
Jimmy Carter was sworn in as president under his nickname Jimmy.───杰米-卡特用他的昵称“杰米”宣誓就职.
Gerald Ford was voted out of office after two years, and now Jimmy Carter , after four.───吉拉德·福特在任才两年便落选下台, 而吉米·卡特也仅有四年任期.
Jimmy Carter and George Bush also have joined a growing chorus of eminent senior politicians in the quest for reform.
Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter were in office in conditions far removed from those that prevailed at the beginning of the decade.
Former President Jimmy Carter agreed to mediate the peace talks.
When the 1976 election returns were in, Jimmy Carter was found to have won a narrow victory over Gerald Ford.
Jimmy Carter was not from that elite, but he was even more isolated.
Jimmy Carter was often distracted from national security matters by concern over what the maverick Billy might say next.
Jimmy Carter was mastered by it.
Jimmy Carter builds houses for the poor.
But remember Jimmy Carter back in 1976?
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